5 Minute Reads - Anthology

By ShortStory

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This is a collection of short stories written by Wattpadders. It aims to bring a variety of stories of differ... More

The Dream Catcher by fauxpunker
A Vampire in Stare Mestro by rosaimee
Spectrum by RickyPine
Spell Caster by LynnS13
A Little Bit of Soul by TheOrangutan
The Return by WhisperingWater
What Love Is... by ashutoshmoru
Angel's Candy by moudenes
Irish Sea by tristam_james
Not Being Normal by AmandaJuneHagarty
Aunty Merkel by DeborahWalker7
Deadline by CynthiaDagnal-Myron
Jeans Jacket by xPureChances
The Collector by lyttlejoe
Payday by AngusEcrivain
Going Home by theattentivesoul
A Crystal Night by sloanranger
Lesson Learned by cerebral_1
Dumbo by sandydragon1
By Myself by Fikis_Witch.
In Five Minutes By Pheackle
Dead Flowers by Starlestiale
Sweet Poison By Lujayna
The Blizzard by Alan247
Little Brother by cchinu
The Surprise Party by JenFrankel
Iroha by purple_porpoise
Emnabm2 -- A letter to Bennett
sammiscribbles--Dreaming in purple
Prince Charming- cchinu
Melon Collie by iwritevs
Borrowed Time by MelanieBd
Recycling Maniac by Spac3chicken
Second Chances by JenFrankel
The Predator by Flamexxz
Playing with Fire By robertswilson
The Knowing Inside John by robertswilson
Magic and the Sea by royal888
Calling Me Home by robertswilson
So, So Cold... by EternalStarryNight
The Mennonite Man by allianonymous
Darts (For Beginners)by TypicalRobot
It's all in the mind by zaverivishal
Memories by RavenOfDeath__
Badlands: Meaningful Waste by SheaStephanie
The Girl in the Window by anonymous_pizza
Miracles Do Happen by shaurya_jain
Grandma's Farewell by TALawrence
When Carol Sings by struckby_lightning
Human by ThursdayEnds
Complications by ThursdayEnds
Priceless by zaverivishal
Parallax by shadow-wing78
Dear Time by Shehlath
Dexter by ecstaticxsoul
When Hope meets Love by @anupamarc
Valentines Kitchen by @moudenes
Love is a Fool - by @rosaimee
Clay Hands - by @jmwhitmire
Perfect Bait by risingsteps
Masked by ThatOneWariorCatFan
Heart by Sunshinebby
Stolen by _Hells_Bells_
You by ThatOneWarriorCatFan
She by Nyhterides
Mine by hellocheeky
Orange, Black & Blue by JacKardiac
The Race by jordy20th
The Hero Alvaro By SteveWilliamsJr
Virus Z by SilverGrace643
The Apocalypse Rises
Rag Doll
RAVEN by erraticlyme
Autumn by wreathofcicatrices
Good Morning by most_bay
The Present by VeraLoy
Missing Piece by Twistbee
The Waiting Room
Blue Circle
A Day In The Life of Marilyn
The Struggle
The Beginning and the End
It's Only Me
Unavoidable Fate
Breaking China
Summer of '45
A Kiss of Death
Museum Trips
Bright Denizens
Happy Thoughts
I Loved My Girl
Live Mummy
Shadow of Death
The Rise of Her
The Autumn Girl
Heaven On Earth

The Suits by robertswilson

276 19 4
By ShortStory


I first saw the suits on my way to a job interview in the middle of downtown Indianapolis. In broad daylight in an otherwise unassuming, average crowd, two men in suits walked along the sidewalk. Only they weren't men. Not really. They wore matching gray suits, but their bodies were jet black yet blurry, like thick pencil graphite on a page that someone's tried to erase. Their shadowy faces had no eyes, just empty sockets and only the faint impression of other features. When they noticed me staring, they faced my direction a moment and I felt them staring through me, penetrating my being with their eyeless gaze.

Just as quickly they turned and walked away.

After that I saw them everywhere. At a boy band concert with my daughter. At a friend's wedding on the south side. At the Walmart in Plainfield with my wife. That was the big one. The day they communicated.

God, I wish I'd never seen them.

Sherry pushed the cart alongside the cheap DVD bin and started digging through the selection. I just stood there staring at the suits as they crowded around some woman's cart, staring down inside at something I couldn't quite see. No one else noticed them. Droves of shoppers walked beside them without a moment's hesitation or a second glance. The suits turned to find me watching and that's when I noticed what they'd been staring at in the cart. A little ugly baby stared back at me, a huge blue pacifier moving up and down in its mouth. The woman with the cart looked through them at me like I was some sort of predator then turned her cart around and headed down the aisle.

The suits spread out, watching me from nearly every open vantage point of the electronics section. Oblivious to the rest of the store, their black murky faces were now focused intently on me and I wanted nothing more than to leave.

"Shelly—let's go."

"Hold on, I want to see if they have Army of Darkness." She was leaned over the circular bin, her neckline revealing more than I would normally be comfortable with in public.


Shelly continued to dig through DVDs, setting aside gem after gem of 80s and 90s b-movies in a leaning tower of plastic cases.

Several of the suits slithered around the bin surrounding my wife, still facing me. The closest one put up its finger to the faint slit of its mouth and for the first time ever I heard one utter a sound. "Shhhh..."

Another slid behind Shelly, its shady lips grazing against the back of her neck, arm sliding around her throat, a smoke-like finger drawing a slit from ear to ear as she stood staring at the back of a DVD case unperturbed. The bottom had fallen out from under my feet and all I could do was stand there and watch, sweat building on my brow and hands shaking at my sides. One by one, the suits misted forward lunging just in front of me, turning and oozing around until they were all circling me. Shelly set the DVD she'd been studying back into the bin and looked up at me. "Okay, let's go. They don't have shit anyway."

I nodded, swallowing the fear up in the back of my throat and stepped forward a little too close for comfort in between two suits.

After that, every time I saw them I averted my gaze and minded my own business and every time, they left me alone. But they knew me then. Their dark cloudy faces scrunched up with recognition. Even with no eyes in their sockets, I could see it.

They followed Shelly all the time. My daughter Jessica, too. Followed them and made sure that I saw them. An unspoken reminder of what I stood to lose if I opened my mouth and spoke of what I'd seen.

And I saw a lot. I saw them crowd around little children everywhere I went. Watching their every move like dogs slobbering over meat. Hanging over strollers with the patience of the dead. Scattered among the parents, sons, and daughters at the playground.

The day came when I'd finally seen enough.

A small boy, blond curly hair, blue Transformers T-shirt, and tiny denim blue jeans walked hand in hand with two suits right outside the Play Place inside a Westside McDonald's, his parents arguing over Big Macs and fries. I called out to them, "Hey, your kid is—" The parents turned to follow my pointing finger. I caught a glimpse of the suits just before they disappeared. Their empty sockets burned into me with a terrifying unseen force.

Then they were gone and the parents led their kid back over to the table, already spouting off at each other as the kid kept looking back over his shoulder to find his new friends.

That night I sat in the driveway for almost an hour before I finally built up the courage to go inside. I knew I would find their lifeless bodies lying in there, blood pooled out around them, eyes staring into oblivion. But no one was there.

The clock turned twelve that night and neither Shelly nor Jessica had answered their phones. When twenty-four hours passed, I filed a missing person report with trembling fingers, scratching my signature out in blue ink as the policeman tried to console me. "Most of the time, they show up within a few days. It's probably nothin'."

I knew better. When months came and went then turned into years, I finally gave up the search. I never saw my wife and daughter again.

Nor since that day with the little curly haired boy did I ever see the suits either.

I don't need to see them to know they're there... standing just behind us, watching over our shoulders, lips gently brushing against the back of our necks...


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