I Love to Hate You (Jian AU)

Por AlwaysLarryxxJian

10.7K 633 292

Kian hates Jc. Jc hates Kian. That's how it's supposed to be. But sometimes things don't turn out the way we... Más

Authors Note and Warning


462 36 21
Por AlwaysLarryxxJian

A/N: thank you to everyone who voted and commented on the last chapter, it kept me motivated :)

The next morning was better.

Lia and Jc went on the bus as usual, unfortunately Kian was there too, but he surprisingly didn't bother Jc which Jc found odd.

He looked tired which could've been why he didn't have the energy to annoy Jc that morning.

Whatever the reason, it was a relief to Jc.

Lia had also been acting weird lately, she was being extra touchy and Jc wasn't complaining just curious.

The whole day overall was going smoothly, thankfully.

But nothing is perfect as they say.

There was two periods left until school ended and usually Jc would wait for school to end before going to the restroom just in case he missed anything, but he really needed to go this time.

Jc raised his hand, patiently waiting for the teacher to call on him.

"Yes Mr.Caylen?" The science teacher called on him, pointing at Jc, an indication for him to speak.

"May I use the restroom?" He asked, his leg going up and down.

The teacher looked kind of shocked that he asked that. Everyone knew missing class was the last thing Jc wanted to do.

But she nodded nevertheless, dismissing Jc to the bathroom.

Jc thanked her then hastily got up from his seat, quietly slipping out of the room.

He rushed to the bathroom, thankfully it wasn't too far away.

Jc's plan was to quickly do his business then get to back to class as soon as possible.

And so no later than a few minutes and Jc was out of the restroom and back toward the classroom.

He placed his hand against the door knob into the class but was interrupted by a sudden breaking of glass.

His head whipped toward the noise and there stood a hooded figure a good distance away from him.

Far enough away to where the person wouldn't notice Jc unless he made a loud noise.

The person was holding a large bat-like object that you could probably find in the gym.

But what concerned Jc the most was that the person had just broken the glass to where the fire alarm was.

Was there a fire? Jc panicked.

"Hey!" Jc shouted out at the person just as they pulled the alarm.

A sudden blaring sound came from the speakers, almost causing Jc to go deaf.

The person in the distance looked up at the speakers than he took off, seemingly in a rush to get out of the hall.

By now Jc was confused and he could tell the students in the classroom were too.

They all started to get up from their seats, but stopped once the intercom came on and told everyone that no fire seemed to be going on.

"We might still need to go outside! We aren't forsure! This isn't a drill boys and girls!" The principle said, trying to remain calm, but failed miserably.

Jc looked back toward where the mysterious hooded person once stood and between his classroom. The teacher seemed to be shouting at the students to settle down.

No one seemed to notice that Jc was outside the classroom yet.

Why wasn't he going back in there?

Right, he was a curious person and he wanted to find the person who pulled the alarm.

Jc hesitated, but ultimately decided to walk toward the broken glass.

He soon realized this wasn't his best idea because seconds later he heard footsteps nearing toward his side of the hallway.

"Don't move!" He heard the familiar voice of the principle scream at him from the far end of the hallway.

Jc was confused as to why they looked so angry.

He was just about to scream back that it was just Jc, but it soon settled in on him that they thought he had pulled the fire alarm.

Oh god, he would be in so much trouble if he couldn't explain all this.

What if no one believed him?

They had too.. right?

Just as the principle started walking quickly toward him, he felt a pull at his arm. He didn't have much time to process what was going on because the next thing he knew he was being dragged by someone and all of a sudden he was running, fast.

Why was he running?

And with who?

The person's grip felt strangely familiar.

"Get back here!" He heard the principle call after them.

Jc finally looked forward to see it was the hooded figure who had started this mess to being with.

Why was he taking him?

Jc felt dazed, he didn't like this.

All the confusion was pulling him down.

But he didn't stop running, not until both of them had barged out of the school and they were on the school's front lawn.

Jc's heart slowed down as the guy released the boys hand.

"What the-" Jc was cut off.

The person pulled off their hood and turned their head toward Jc.

Jc's mouth flung open in shock.

"Yeah before you say anything let me just say, you were the one who interfered with my business this time," Kian looked pissed.

Why was it always Kian?

Kian was honestly the definition of trouble.

Anytime Jc was in some kind of mess, Kian would always be behind it.

"But-but why? Why would you do that you idiot?!" Jc finally found the words he was looking for.

"What? You mean pull the fire alarm?" He asked casually.

"Yes! That's illegal! Meaning you could go to jail!" Jc exclaimed, he was starting to feel outraged.

"I'm pretty sure I know what illegal means," Kian laughed, not caring about what Jc was preaching.

"Now they think it was me!" Jc panicked, looked back at the school's front doors where no one had yet come out of.

"No they don't, I saved your ass before they could identify you," Kian assured, but wanting no words of gratitude from Jc.

Not that Jc was planning to thank him or anything.

"Yeah- wait.. Why?" Jc asked him suspiciously.

Kian looked down at his feet.

"I don't know," Kian told him honestly.

It was true, he didn't know why he did that for Jc. Maybe it was because Kian didn't like people taking his consequences.

Even with how much he hated Jc, he already had Jc blamed for something he did so technically he was making it a little more fair.

Jc seemed to be scared.

"What's your deal dude?" Kian questioned, knitting his eyebrows at the boy.

"What do you mean? We're literally out here- we're supposed to be in class!" Jc paced around the large oak tree that was placed in front of the school.

"Fuck that," Kian rolled his eyes.

Jc shot him a glare. "No! I can't miss class!" Jc proclaimed.

"They'll be out here looking for us any second now," Kian informed Jc, still seemingly calm about the situation.

"What? How do you know that?" Jc asked, hoping to receive an answer from Kian.

Kian just ignored his multiple questions, "Five," he began to count.

"What?" Jc was at a higher point of confusion.

"Four," Kian continued to count down.

"Why are you counting?" Jc was starting to feel worried now, for his own life.



"I swear if you have a bomb-" Jc started.

"C'mon," Kian pushed Jc toward the back of the school.


"One," Kian said, gesturing his head toward the school's front entrance.

No later came three teachers barging out on the school's front lawn, neither of which Jc recognized.

"They're looking for us," Kian said to Jc who was staring at the teachers.

"Okay but how'd you know-" Jc began again.

"Why do you ask so many fucking questions?" Kian wondered, his annoyance tolerance toward Jc was sinking lower.

"Because I like to be informed of what's going on," Jc crossed his arms, offended.

"Well you're not gonna be, at least not with me, so I suggest you shut up and just listen to what I say," Kian demanded, looking over Jc's shoulder to see the teachers were getting closer to their hiding spot.

Jc wanted to argue, but he also didn't want to get in trouble. He would do whatever it takes to not get caught.

Even if he didn't do anything, it sure looked like he did.

"We have to get to the parking lot, try not to get spotted," Kian's said, pointing toward the area they would have to be in a few minutes.

"Okay, do we just sneak over there?" Jc questioned, but he had already gotten his answer when Kian took Jc's wrist once more and pulled him forward.

Jc let out a yelp, but eventually composed himself to where Kian let go of him and Jc found that weird tingly sensation was still there.

Just like all the previous times.

He had a terrible feeling it would never go away. It was all just nervousness in Jc's mind. It didn't mean anything, to either of them.

Jc looked back, which was a terrible mistake because he ended up tripping over a rock which ended in Jc falling and screaming out in pain from a tore that he felt in his ankle.

Kian turned back and groaned at the fact that Jc had blown their cover.

"There!" One of the teachers shouted to the others.

"What are you doing? Get up!" Kian rushed as he saw Jc just sat there holding his ankle.

"I can't! My ankle!" Jc cried out, this was the last thing he needed.

"You're so fucking stupid! God- shit-" Kian started spitting out random words, the three teachers were getting closer now, soon they would know who the boys behind the hoax were.

Why couldn't Kian bring himself to just leave Jc there? He was useless to him anyways.

Kian didn't have much choice but to do what he was about to do.

He bent down to be eye level with Jc.

"I just want you to know that I will forever hate you because of this," Kian told him, a sigh escaping him.

"Thanks?" Jc didn't see how this was an appropriate time to express their hatred for each other.

Before Jc knew it, Kian had scooped him up in arms and they were moving once again.

Jc felt weird being carried by Kian, but he had to admit Kian was definitely not playing around at the gym- what was he saying??

Kian ran, Jc's weight slowing him down, but not by much.

"Keep your head down!" Kian told Jc as he looked up at him.

Jc nodded and buried himself in Kian's chest to which Kian's breath hitched.

It was definitely an awkward moment for both of them.

Kian practically threw Jc off him once they had made it to the parking lot.

"Ow!" Jc reminded Kian of his swollen ankle.

"Shut up I need to think," Kian pinched the bridge of his nose in thought.

Kian clapped his hands as soon as an idea had formed in his head.

He sprinted across the parking lot, halting in front of a motorcycle that definitely was not his.

Jc squinted his eyes toward Kian, who was currently doing something to hijack the bike.

A few seconds later and Jc heard the loud sound of the motorcycle starting up. Kian threw one leg over the side of the seat and started it forward.

At first Jc figured Kian had decided to leave him here, but surprisingly he was just turning the corner and bringing the bike closer to Jc.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get on!" Kian laughed once he saw Jc's eyes widen.

Jc managed to stand up on his right leg, "I think I'll pass," he said, starting to hop backwards.

"We don't have time for you to be a pussy, get your ass on the motorcycle before I force you on," Kian threatened.

Jc shook his head repeatedly, he would never get on one of those. Never.

"I'm turning myself in," Jc concluded, about to turn around and walk to the approaching teachers.

"Hell no you're not," Kian laughed, hopping off the bike and collecting Jc's hopping self in his arms.

"What are you doing?! No! I'm not riding on that!" Jc started to scream, but Kian quickly placed his hand over his mouth.

"Shut up!" He whisper-yelled, uncovering his hand from Jc's mouth.

"Fine!" Jc whispered back.

Kian sat Jc down on the back of the motorcycle and climbed back on himself.

"Why couldn't we have taken a car?" Jc groaned.

"Hey princess, you might want to keep your pretty mouth shut and hold on-"

"Wait What?" Jc asked, wanting to remark him for calling him princess, but knowing it wasn't the time.

"Put your hands around my waist," Kian further explained.

"Oh, right," Jc nodded, he really didn't want to do this.

He placed his hands gently on Kian's hips and looked away awkwardly. He made sure to only barely hold on to Kian.

The less they made contact, the better.

Kian rolled his eyes at Jc, and roared the motorcycle to life, starting it off.

Jc looked back at the school, where the teachers stood, screaming at them to come back.

He could honestly not believe he was escaping school right now, on a motorcycle, with Kian Lawley.

The one person he hated with all his being.

This is definitely something Jc would've never even considered doing.

Yet here he was, and he felt something that he had never truly felt before.

He felt free.

A/N: I'm gonna try and get one more update in before school starts back up for me on Monday .

Tell me what you guys thought in the comments x and I'd really appreciate it if you voted for this chapter, it'd mean the world <3

Kisses xoxo -A

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