Knowing Noah Trent

By stromburger

79.5K 2.2K 529

" ... I was so certain about everything until I met you ... " More

Author's Note
One - Summer Craze
Two - First Surf of Summer
Three - Getting Pizza
Four - The Party Invite
Five - More Baby Sitting
Six - The Swim
Seven - Pasta Disasters
Eight - Friends
Nine - Birthday Treats
Ten - College Letters
Eleven - The Amethyst Necklace
Twelve - The Morning After
Fourteen - A Time To Try New Things
Fifteen - JJ
Sixteen - Setting The Story Straight
Seventeen - The Dinner
Eighteen - So Close Yet So Far
Nineteen - Repercussions
Twenty - Forgotten Ice Cream
Twenty One - The Graduation-Send-Off Dance
Twenty Two - The After Party
Twenty Three - Food Is Almighty
Twenty Four - Where The Wild Things Are
Twenty Five - The Phone Call
Twenty Six - One Last Hiccup

Thirteen - Monday

2.1K 71 6
By stromburger

Chapter Thirteen

Clara’s POV

On Monday, I went to school feeling like an idiot. I was hoping everyone had forgotten about Saturday night. I was hoping they wouldn't bother me about it. Drew had come into my work yesterday to apologise. I was hesitant at first but he seemed genuine. He didn't come with Noah though and he implied Noah was never going to make an appearance. And through everything, my hopes still dropped at that. I accepted Drew's apology and even agreed to go out with him this coming weekend. As friends that is. I never realised how good he was at sweet talking people into doing things. Because of that, I agreed to go to another party with him. A smaller one, he said. With better people, he insisted. And he'd told me Noah wouldn't be there. So I agreed. 

Walking through the hallways, I was nervous to say the least, so when I saw one of the guys from the party I held my breath. I passed him and nothing happened. He didn't look at me nor acknowledge my existence. I scoffed lightly. After everything, I guess I was still invisible. The day went slowly and there was a lot of talk of the party, just nothing about me to my relief. 

Everything was fine until the end of the day when I was walking to my locker. That was when I saw him. And he saw me. Where he looked at me for a few seconds. Where my breathing caught in anticipation. Noah looked at me. Before looking away and passing me as if he didn't even know me. As if nothing happened on Saturday night. As if we'd never been friends. And in that moment, my heart shattered into a million pieces. Even after everything, it still hurt to see him walk away because deep down, I knew I still had feelings for him. 

+   +   +   +

Saturday rolled around quickly after a week full of nothing but schoolwork. There were two weeks left of school and I still had three exams to take in order to ensure my graduation at the end of the year. I was studying for them quite intensely but studying eventually becomes very boring so I was looking forward to relaxing tonight. I mean, these exams were important because what college would take someone who didn't even graduate despite good results on my other exams? No college would. Despite that, I still wanted a break so I was excited for tonight as opposed to studying.

I visited my brother first and got some dinner before finally going home to get dressed, ready for Drew to pick me up at 8. I had a warm shower and blew dry my hair so it fell in natural waves down my back. I wasn't sure what to wear so I went with what was comfortable - jeans, sneakers and a sweater. I'd always wanted a quirkier style and I had a lot of pieces in my wardrobe that could be passed as that but I'd never had the guts to wear them so they stayed buried in the back. But you never know, like my mum said, summer was the season of surprise after all. 

Drew was right on time so when he knocked on the door, I had just finished getting ready. My mom answered the door and let him in. I could hear them chatting downstairs, dad too, so I raced down quickly. "That's enough mom," I said, interrupting whatever embarrassing thing she was saying. "I'll see you later tonight."

I tugged on Drew's arm and he barely managed a farewell before I was closing the door behind me. 

He grinned at me. "All parents are the same, no need to be embarrassed. And before you ask, tonight's going to be fun, don't worry. I won't let you drink too much though, I still gotta look after you."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a baby and I'm not drinking anyway."

"You're a friend now Clara."

For some reason, I actually trusted Drew. So putting a smile on my face, I followed him to his car.

+   +   +   +

"So you're a Senior at Huntington High?" 

I nodded, a smile on my face as I sipped the cup of beer in my hand. It tasted okay now. It got better after the third one. 

Next to me on one of the seats was Ryan, one of Drew's friends. We'd been talking for a little over half an hour and he was really cool. He'd managed to talk me into having a beer within the first few minutes of meeting. He was good with his words, just like Drew. Well that and the fact he was near gorgeous. I'd been at the party for an hour and I was actually having fun. Drew was right after all, these people were much better than Noah's friends. 


He'd crossed my mind a few times. Of course he had but I'd been quick to shove them away. Out of sight out of mind. 

Ryan chuckled, snapping me out of my thoughts. "If I'm boring you, you just have to say the word. I can leave you to daydream on your own if ya like."

I laughed, slightly embarrassed. "Sorry, I do that a lot. It's fine though, I enjoy your company."

"And I enjoy yours," he replied easily. "Listen, I'm having a little party on Tuesday so come if you want. I know it's a school night but I thought I'd invite you just incase you're feeling daring."

"I'll think about it," I said back. Surprisingly, I was actually contemplating it. 

"Good because it'd be great to see you again."

He smiled his beautiful smile and in that moment I knew I was definitely going to attend his party on Tuesday. "Don't worry," I said. "I'll make sure I'm there."

"Excellent," he replied and we both downed our beers. 

And from then on out, the rest of the night was a blur. 

+   +   +   +

I woke up in the morning with a headache. It wasn't as bad as I initially thought it'd be but it was still there. I grabbed my water bottle and downed half of it in one go before rolling over and going back to sleep.

When I eventually emerged from my room a couple of hours later, it was early afternoon. Mom and Dad raised their eyebrows at me when I came into the kitchen. Mom grinned. "Good night last night?"

I nodded, embarrassed.

"Excellent," she chuckled. "I'm glad you're having some fun honey."

"Me too," I replied, fully serious. "I didn't realise that going out could actually be fine."

Well, as opposed to last week that is.

"I told you so."

I rolled my eyes. "Ha ha. Anyway, I'm going out on Tuesday night if that's okay."

She smiled, as if she was actually excited and just trying to contain it. "As long as you see your brother, do your homework, get some study in and are still on time for school the next day, I don't care what you do."

"Awesome. Thanks," I said as I grabbed a piece of bacon and some pancakes. 

I sat at the breakfast bar and began to eat while mom and dad's looks burned into me. This is what they'd been wanting and I was finally giving it to them. And to be honest, it felt great last night. The alcohol had made me relaxed and happy and confident. Ryan was great company. All of Drew's friends were great company in fact. I actually had a lot of fun. Aside from the headache and slight nausea, I was definitely looking forward to Tuesday. I probably wouldn't drink because it was a school night but it was still going to be heaps of fun if Saturday was anything to go by.

 +   +   +   +

Told you I'd update! Sorry my writing and plot line flow isn't up to it's usual standard but I'm super busy and writing stories isn't really that far up on my priorities. Anyway, I hope you still enjoy it and savour these moments because I probably will disappear again sometime soon lawlz love u

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