Homestuck Boyfriend/Girlfrien...

By SoundzGood

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Hello ✨ This is my first boyfriend/girlfriend scenario book and I'm pretty darn happy with how it's going So... More

~When you meet~
~When you hang out~
~Why They Find Out They Like You~
~When They Ask You Out~
~What they like about you; An Interview~
Update 1
Update 2
~When You Touch Their Horns (And a little more...) No lemon~
~The Morning After~
~When They Meet Your Parents~
~When You Meet Their Family~
~When they buy a ring~
~Wedding Morning~
~Wedding Day~
~The End~
~Ending Update~

~You guys spend quality time together ~

5.6K 72 80
By SoundzGood

A/N : I understand that in some scenarios the season might be summer then in the next winter, please just go with it for the sake of fun. I'll have Halloween, Christmas and prehaps Easter specials so don't worry, and yes they are (based upon) Christian celebrations but I am Christian and know little about other religion's festivals, apologizes <3

(Y/N) = Your name

(B/F/N) = Best Friend's Name

(F/N) = Friend's Name

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(F/C) = Favourite Colour

(H/L) = Hair Length

(F/R) = Favourite Restaurant

(F/S) = Favourite Song 

(F/D) = Favourite Drink


It was another chill day at Karkat's hive. You were just in the kitchen, getting some popcorn for your guy's movie date, at home, just the way you liked. Too many people outside or in a movie theater for your liking, and Karkat soon got the memo after you freaked out in the middle of town when he took you out for ice-cream. You were very happy with the little troll, who tried his best to be "manly" around you, even though he ended up looking adorable and like a child trying to act like a grown up- puffed out chest and all.

"Karkles, you're getting the stuff from the microwave, I put it in. Scoot over and make room for me."

He reluctantly got up off the couch, throwing his hands up to heaven as he walked into the kitchen, going on a huge rant, putting Kankri to shame.


You smile, and look over the arm rest of the couch to see him, hands on hips, and his conflicting angry and loving face on.

"Please and thanks. Do you got the little umbrellas? I love those little cute and small...heh" 

Karkat just rolled his eyes and returned moments later, large bowl of popcorn in hand and two glasses of drink for you both. You extended your arms out to him once he put the bowl down, motioning for him to come and cuddle.


You frowned, and waited until halfway through the movie to wrap an arm around your angry boyfriend's torso, and let your head rest on his chest. He didn't protest, nor did he wriggle at all. In fact he had a small smile on his face, and was running a hand through your hair. 


So you had the day off today, for the first time in forever it seemed. It was nice waking up and not having to groan at seeing the clock reading 6:45am for once. Instead, it read 11:17am. Grinning, you stretched and rolled out of bed, stumbling into the bathroom to get a quick shower and brush your teeth etc. Throwing on a cute dress in (F/C), and putting your hair into a simple braid, you texted Aradia to see if she wanted to meet up for brunch. It took a few moments, but she replied with a "I w0uld l0ve t0, meet at (F/R)? 0w0 "

You smiled, and replied with a "Yep, sure! See you soon, ly xoxo". Grabbing your purse and bag, not to mention phone, you left your home and hopped into the small car you owned. It was nothing fancy but it got from point A to point B. At least it wasn't a tacky company car that some people in your city drove in. Turning on the radio, it took you about five minutes to roll up to the venue, and another two to notice Aradia sitting outside, waiting on you. You snuck up on her, and wrapped your arms around her, kissing her cheek, making her blush.

"Hell0 (Y/N). It's nice t0 see y0u 0utside 0f y0ur w0rkplace! We sh0uld g0 0ut m0re..." 

You nodded, taking her hand to lead her inside.

"Well sadly, some of us don't have the pleasure of not having to work, cough Aradia cough. But yeah, I agree, maybe on my next day off we can go see a movie, or go hiking or something!" 

The waiter took us to our table and gave us the menus, before hovering nearby. The food was always good in (F/R), and your ordered the usual, and Aradia got a stack of chocolate waffles and some coffee for brunch. After ordering, we sat talking about everything and anything, giggling loudly, maybe too loudly at times. The meal was lovely, and after you had paid for both, Aradia took you to feed the goats at the farm she liked to hang out at.


 It was Sunday afternoon, and Tavros had called you over to help him with something, just telling to wear something like overalls that you didn't mind getting dirty or something like that, the signal was pretty shit at the time. So you went and put on some denim overalls over a white tee you had, grabbing your old boots that were already pretty messed up anyway and didn't care if they got destroyed today or not. It was nice out, so you walked over to your boyfriend's house, listening to (F/S) on the way, swinging your hands to the beat. Once there, you let yourself in with a key that Tavros gave you earlier that week, for emergancys and things. 

"Hey sweetheart, I'm here! Sorry, I walked and that would explain why I am a little late...and should maybe stop talking now. Heh, hey!" 

You awkwardly stood in the entrance way of Tavros's bungalow. He smiled up to you, going to give you a hug and a peck on the cheek. He held your hand, and had a little paint on his forehead.


Tavros Nitram, so sweet and pure, how did you get this cutie for a boyfriend?


You smiled, and walked to the spare room with him, shaking your head and grabbing the paintbrush.

"No way, I was just thinking about how much fun painting a room would be with you! What colour is this, Texas Beige? Jesus, they just get weirder and weirder!" 

You both laugh, and being to paint, turning on some music so it wasn't too quiet. It was very peaceful, painting with Tavros. He made it ok to not talk, instead to focus on the work in front of you. At least, until he came over to you and wrapped his hands around your waist, earning a surprised "Yeep!" from you.


"No, I just...this is out of character for you is you were really flipping quiet just now. You can keep your arms around me, I don't mind, it's nice..."

You were glowing scarlet, and Tavros wasn't much better, being the exact colour of "Texas Beige".


Sollux was trying his best to get you off of his bed, but sadly you would not move, refusing to in fact. After he bet you by cheating in GTA 5 you had to prove your point of saying 

"I will not move from this spot till you admit that you cheated! I don't care if you manage to throw me out, I will come back inside and sit my ass down right here, once again. Now fess up, pretty boy."

Needless to say, Sollux just laughed at you, and went to go code or something on his laptop, which he was basically married to. He even named the damn thing "Linda". Fucking Linda got more attention than you some days, but in fairness he made up to you with kisses or flowers. Something sappy, that you fell for. All the fucking time. 

It was past an hour, and you had stayed in one spot for so long you could no longer feel your legs, counted how many hexagons were on Sollux's wall facing the bed and were sernaded by the sweet music of his god awful Linda's click clacking, which drove you to the point of insanity. Trying your best to ignore the clicks, you didn't even notice when Sollux left his laptop to come over to you on the bed, and only when his warm hands settled on your hips did you come to.

"Fiine. I cheated, now cuddle with me, it's cold...."

You grinned, and leaned gently back so that you both could enjoy the rest of the afternoon doing nothing but cuddling, seriously, thats all.


It was a the usual Tuesday for you, stuck at the zoo, cleaning out the cages, tending to the felines and making sure the leopards had enough meat after the whole "Starved Leopards Incident of '08". We don't speak of that time, seeing as the animal rights and news stations have only gotten off the zoo's backs in the past few months. The park was pretty empty today, the rain was drizzly and a fog engulfed the African Planes area where you now stood, looking out at the giraffes and zebras. Your thoughts turned to Nepeta, who would love to be with you, and you with her, but sadly she was out of town and you were, well, here. Working, in the rain. Yay....

Sighing, you walked on to the lion's den, where an olive trench coat sheltered a small troll from the rain, her hair was starting to go frizzy and her blue tail was on end, she did not look happy at all, and glared over at you when you began giggling at the sight of your girlfriend.

"Mreow! Not funny (Y/N)! Purlease help me, I hate the rain, AH! Oh, just a rain drop...hehe~"

You smiled, and went over to your little Nepeta, pulling an umbrella out of your huge bag of junk, big enough to cover you both. 

"Cmon, lets get you home before you catch your death of cold...did you have fun out of town with Equius?" 

"Of course, AC and her meowrail had so much fun! AC will tell her mewsprit in the car, where there is heat..."

You smiled and clocked out for the day, spending the evening watching the Lion King with Nepeta.


" Darling, have you seen my sewing box anywhere? I have seemed to misplaced it...oh bother!"

Kanaya's angelic voice rang through your small cottage, traveling from her sewing room to where you sat reading a magazine in the living room, curled up with your hot coco in hand. Sighing, you set down the drink and magazine, knowing how stressed Kanaya could be if the box wasn't found. 

"No sweetie I haven't, want me to look with you? I wasn't doing anything important anyways"

"You are an...what is that human word again....oh yes! Saint, you are a Saint (Y/N)! Lets begin in the kitchen, as I can't see it in here anyway"

You entered the kitchen to where Kanaya was pulling open drawers, a stressed look on her usually smiling face. You squatted down beside her, pulling her hand away from the cupboard drawer, turning her head to face you.

"Hey, hey, stop and chill for a second. Now, I understand that this sewing box is important, but so are the fifty others. Let's go out and get a coffee or something, take a breather, then come home and search. Stressing over it wont help and we havn't really gone off much since the art museum." you said, stroking Kanaya's hair into place, as she sighed and smiled.

"I suppose you are correct...yes a coffee would be very nice right now. Thank you dear, always having my best interests in mind as usual"

So in a few moments both you and Kanaya had left the cottage to hop on a bus to town. Once there you strolled hand in hand to the little cafe you had grown to love, with it's bright blue outside and white and green inside, it was hard to not love the place. 

"Hey, one coffee and one (F/D) please and thanks- no, i'll pay hun, don't worry. Yeah, thank you!" you smiled at the cashier, handing the money over to them. 

Sitting over at a window table, you and Kanaya relaxed for the hour you spent, not worrying about the sewing box at all, till you got home and found it on the bed in the spare room. Darling Kanaya can be a little silly sometimes too....


It was a cold winter's day outside and you had just awoke to fresh snow not yet stepped on by little feet, and snowflakes gently falling down, making you very excited for the day ahead. You went and grabbed your favourite jumper, in (F/C), jeans that went well with your jumper, Ugg boots and a fluffy parka for outside. You got dressed, and rang Terezi, even though it was fairly early and all, but a day like this could not be wasted and you needed to spend every second together! It's not everyday when snow falls, after all. The phone rang a few times before a tired Terezi answered, clearly unaware of your plan for the day.

"3HHH? (Y/N)? WHY 4R3 YOU C4LLING M3 SO 34RLY? I'M TIR3D...."

"Ha...yeah sorry, but go look outside, now!"


You giggled, making a plan to meet up to go skating with Terezi later on in the day, to which she agreed whole heartly. 

"Right, see you there at twelve! Bye babes~" With that you hung up on Terezi, and made your journey to town to go to the  ice rink. It was fairly big, and not many people were around so that made the experience even better, too many people on the ice is not fun. And there was only teenagers and young adults, so no annoying kids yelling and crying either! You really had lucked out with this one...oh there was Terezi, getting her teal coloured skates on, obviously. You headed over to her, getting on your own skates, then having races around the rink, in which you won a grand total of all of them. Terezi is pretty shit at ice skating...


It was pretty fucking shit outside, but Vriska was determined to make today a day for you both to enjoy, out of the house. Despite you protesting due to the weather, she managed to change your mind after mentioning how she "totally did not borrow tickets from a friend" to go see the most amazing movie EVER! The cinema was showing your (F/M) for today only, and you tried so hard to get some tickets, but they sold out as soon as they were put on sale. Turns out lots of people loved this movie too, who would have guessed, eh? 

"Cmon, i'm paying for popcorn and drinks! 8esides, she was asking for the tickets to 8e taken, just leaving them out in the open like that! Reckless little fish....oh don't gimme that face 8a8e, at least you get to go now! I'll make it up to the guppy l8tr, ok?"

"But Vriska, I thought you left that stealing period behind...." You sigh; "Fine, fine! Give me eight minutes to change, and you better repay whoever you took these from Vriska before the end of the week."

You ran up the stairs to throw on a fandom shirt, mom jeans, converse and quickly put your (h/l) hair into (favourite hairstyle?). Not having much time, you re-did your mascara and lipstick, sighing looking at your appearance in the mirror, before sliding down the banister, scaring Vriska sitting on the end of it. She smiled and took your hand, leading you off to the movie theater, where you snuggled up against her, stealing most of the popcorn but shhhhhh~


You were sitting on Equius's couch as he was out shopping for somethings, he mentioned about robots or something, and just told you to wait. So you did, and made a mean grilled cheese sandwich while waiting on your absent boyfriend. When he finally returned, you had just finished washing up, and had your back to him. 

"Hey sweetie, sorry but I got hungy...AHH!" 

You suddenly felt your feet leaving the solid ground, and were now atop of Equius's very muscular and sweaty shoulder, being carried effortlessly to the workshop, where you were gently set on a clean work bench, the bag of parts clanging down beside you.

"Hell0, (Y/N). I app0l0gise, I sh0uld have let y0u c0me....and n0w I must w0rk, I understand if y0u w0uld prefer t0 leave me right n0w, and return at a...better time..."

Equius was sweating pretty heavy, and you just cupped his cheek in your hand, not helping his sweating at all, with a your head turned sideways, smile on your lips. You simply shook your head, gently pushing him towards the robots, interested in watching him work so carefully and quickly.

At one point you got really bored, and climbed onto Equius's shoulders, sitting there comfortably. He chuckled, and ran around the back garden, cantering like a racehorse, gallaping and jumping, leaving you a giggling mess, clutching at your sides.


It was a cloudy day, warm but a little overcast, and dull. You didn't really care though, as you were being carried atop your insanely tall, high and loveable boyfriend's shoulders, taking a walk around a gigantic lake. You could rest your head in his hair, and still Gamzee would not notice. He was happy out with you on his shoulders, taking a casual stroll around the lake. Passers by would stare at you, a few elderly ladies gave dissaproving glances, a middle aged man smiled at you both, he seemed a little odd though, so you made Gamzee walk a little faster, before the guy could come near you both. Still, most people just stared then got on with whatever.

"Gam Gam, lets.....oh! Lets feed those bomb ass ducks! I got bread leftover from lunch. Let me just....hop....on....down!"

You gracefully landed on your ass, with Gamzee laughing down at you, helping you up at this same time, embracing you in a gigantic hug. This was not like him, to laugh at your pain, but then again, you yourself were laughing so it was ok, you guessed.

"LiL mAmA, yOu'Re FuCkInG aMaZiN'. lEtS fEeD tHoSe MoThErFuCkInG qUaCk BeAsTs! WoAh....TrIpPy...."

You smiled, and spent the rest of the afternoon eating bread, throwing bread at the ducks, then getting chased off by some very angry geese, leaving you terrified of birds and Gamzee very confused.


It was stormy as fuck outside, and you were very very very glad to be over at Eridans at this moment in time. Honestly, storms really didn't bother you too much, but getting rained on, and having the chance of catching an unneeded cold, did not appeal to you. So no, you were trying to wait for the storm to blow over and Eridan had disappeared somewhere within his massive hive. You got your butt off the couch, and went on the mad hunt for the missing Ampora.

"Eridan? Hunny, where are you? Seriously....Eridan?!" 

You had just finished searching the kitchen, and basically every part of the first floor in the hive and had yet to even smell that male perfume he wore everywhere. You sighed and climbed the fucking oakwood grand staircase, and made your way into a few more rooms, all Eridan-less obviously because that would be too easy. You entered the last room on this perticular corridor, and heard faint sniffling coming from inside. You smiled, and knocked gently before entering. 

Inside, Eridan was curled up on the couch, rocking himself. He flinched if lightning stuck in the distance, and had violet tears running down his cheeks. He did not look a pretty sight, and you gently made your presence know by coughing. He looked over at you, and motioned for you to come over, terrified by the storm. You nodded, and together, you passed by the storm by cuddling...

Lol yeah just cuddles <3


Feferi was going nuts, just after figuring out that Vriska Serket had taken our tickets to go see some movie that Fef loved with most of her little heart, as the rest was taken up by you, or so she said. She was bickering on the phone with Vriska, backwards and forwards, you caught pieces of

"I promise 8itch! I know, and yeah whatever it was......"


"Least......and then the......OH AND 8ITCH YOU MISSED....."

You knew how mad Feferi was, so you told her to just hang up, and thrust a beach bag into her hand, grinning.

"Ugh, bye beach! Ahem...(Y/N)? A beach day? Shore! Sounds like fun!" Feferi brightened up a lot, grabbing you by the hand to get to the beach ASAP. Once there you changed into whatever swimsuit you had packed, and helped each other put on suncream, as it was very hot outside today. The sand was basically burning your feet, but pretty soon, you were in the water, acting like a five year old. You waded over to Feferi, who was climbed atop a rock, looking like Ariel in that one scene of The Little Mermaid. She smiled down at you, scooting over to make room for you.

"See! Told you, just forget Vriska, and enjoy the ocean"

"Shore...Vriska who? Hahaaa....hey? (Y/N)" Feferi looked over at you, holding your hand.

"Yeah Fef? Whats up?"

Feferi grinned evily and pushed you into the water, then jumped in after you, laughing at the seaweed stuck on your head, and the starfish on your hand. You both messed about, going out for some drinks at the beach bar around evening time. The day was super fun and Feferi honestly forgot about the whole Vriska stuff from earlier.

A/N: I get it, this chapter may not be amazing or nothing, but I am trying my best and stuff <3  So, I hope you guys enjoyed it anyways, and I am sorry about how short and repetitive some of them are, but I am working on about 4 hours of sleep so...? Hehe is starting up in two weeks, so don't expect much updates until I find time. Plus, thank you for 150 reads on the book! Wow, I just hope that more people read it and share and vote <> Welp, thats my rant for the chapter, love you guys and you are worth every second of the day ^_^

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