➳ Supernatural Preferences...

By voidmxrvel

22.8K 951 58

Characters in Preferences: •Sam •Dean •Castiel More

•Being Protective•
•Sexy Butt~Sam•
•Tear In My Heart•
•Cosmic Love~Lucifer•
•Rib Fractures~Winchesters•
•Height Difference•
•Your Song•
•Holding Hands•
•Days Off•
•Slow Dancing•
•Confessing His Feelings•
•When It Rain•
•Marking His Territory•
•How To Shower~Castiel•
•Pillow Talk•
•Die A Happy Man~Sam•
•When You Cry•
•Their Hands•
•Gabey Baby~Archangels•
•Uma Thurman~Dean Winchester•
•How They Comfort You•
•Work Song~Castiel•

•Toddler Care~Angels•

890 37 5
By voidmxrvel

            The doorbell rang after a darkened figure dropped off a box and disappeared. Dean opened the door and looked around to find whoever had rang; he was about to close the door when his foot hit the box. Curiously, he picked it up and brought it inside, finding it heavier than the average package.

            "What the hell is in this thing?" He murmured, "Sam! Bobby! We got mail!"

            "What the hell? I never get mail." Bobby said, wheeling into the room.

            "What's in it?" Sam asked, following Bobby.

            Dean set the box down and opened it up. His face instantly falling, "Aw, what the hell?" He groaned pushing the box over, watching as five toddlers tumbled out.

            "Kids? Who puts kids in a box?"

            "Good question Samsquatch." One said as he stood up and dusted off his oversized shirt, placing his fists on his hips.

            "Gabriel?" Sam questioned.

            "Who else? Now, help me out a bit, would 'ya?" He ordered and started helping the others up while Sam only helped up one.

            "Hold up, Gabe. Who's all here?"

            "Me, Cas, Balthazar, Lucifer and, (Name)."

            "Who's (Name)?" Dean asked.

            "My twin sister." Balthazar spoke up protectively, while dusting off his sister.

            "You have a twin sister?" Dean asked in disbelief.

            "Yeah, he does." A little girl coughed, "And I love my brother."

            "Oh my Dad she speaks!" Gabriel chuckled.

            "Shut it, Gabe." Balthazar growled.

            "So, you got turned into toddlers?" Bobby cut in before it could get violent.

            "Yeah. Whoever did this deserves to be pummeled." Lucifer hissed in anger.

            "Yes!" Balthazar agreed.

            Dean stepped forward and lifted Castiel off the ground, the oversized dress shirt draped over him. He studied the fledgling in his arms before looking down at the others. Castiel stared back at Dean intently while he tried to focus.  He already knew life was about to go to hell with these five around; taking care of a toddler wasn't easy, let alone one that was an angel fledgling.

            "What are you thinking, Dean?" Bobby asked.

            "I'm thinking...someone needs to go on a baby run. That's what I'm thinking. We were unlucky enough that their clothes didn't shrink."

            "Well, take an angel with you then. They're obviously the same size. Just take the girl too, she's a bit smaller." Sam snorted, making it obvious he wouldn't be the one to go.

            "Her name is (Name)!" Balthazar growled

            "Fine, just watch them until I get back." Dean scoffed. He fixed Castiel in his arms and looked at (Name), "Okay munchkin. Forward march. To the front door." He gently pat her lower back and she walked in front of him.

            Dean quickly brought the two fledglings out to the Impala. He lifted them in and strapped the seatbelts around them, hoping it would be enough to keep them in place. He almost felt like a father with two kids of his own but, he quickly pushed that thought aside.

            "We're going car-seat-less. Hang on back there." Dean chuckled as he got into the front and drove off to the store. "Cas? Any idea who might have done this?"

            "None. We were blindfolded. I do not like this small body." The now fledgling answered.

            "Yeah, I'm not really enjoying it either. (Name)? You got any clue?"

            (Name) just shook her head in silence. Dean nodded in acknowledgment and turned his full attention back to the road. Not long after that did they arrive at a Walmart. He took his fledglings from the cart and placed them in a buggie. Pushing the cart into the large store he quickly made his way back into the baby supplied.

            "What do kids need...?" Dean mumbled to himself. He began to pick out random things, throwing them into the cart unhappily. Animals, binkies, blankets, leashes and anything else he thought might help. When he finally came across clothes he stopped the cart.

            "Well...You first Cas." Dean said and lifted him from the cart. "What's going to fit you?" He picked up a tee shirt and held it up to Castiel's upper body along with a pair of jeans to his lower half. "These look about right." Dean carelessly cast them into the buggie, adding numerous more pairs as well as a few things for each of the boys.

            "You however." Dean chuckled to himself before adding a few pairs of khakis and little dress shirts of multiple colors, along with a few bow ties. "Now you." He traded Cas for (Name). "Dresses and skirts? Right?"

            The girl shook her head as Castiel whisper yelled from the cart, "Dean! She doesn't talk a lot! She likes big hoodies, jeans and, tee shirts! Purple and red are her favorite colors. No pink!"

            "You're a life saver Cas. Thanks." Dean picked up more pairs of jeans, only smaller, as well as short sleeved shirts. He looked at the hoodies and found a purple hoodie with red patches that was about two sizes too big. He set (Name) down next to Castiel again before running off momentarily, returning with a light blue dress and hair bow.

            Pushing the cart further along the isle, shoes and socks had made their way into the buggie along with two car seats and sippy cups.

            "Alright. Let's get out of this place." Dean sighed and went to checkout.

            "Sudden adoption?" A young lady giggled as she scanned the items.

            "Yeah, something like that." Dean heaved a chuckle.

            As soon as all the supplies were paid for, he pushed the buggie out to the Impala. Throwing most of the bags in the back, Dean left out the dress and bow, a blue dress shirt, khakis and matching bowtie and, the two car seats.

            "C'mere you two. We're gonna get you changed and looking spiffy so Sam and Bobby can tell me I did good." Dean laughed and placed the fledglings into the Impala to change them into the new clothing. He installed the car seats and buckled them in before getting in himself and driving off.

            Back home Sam was struggling to wrangle the three, devilish boys. Bobby wasn't much help since he was still wheel chair bond but, he could still yell and hold down and struggling Lucifer in his lap. Sam was chasing Balthazar and Gabriel around the house, trying to stop the small, confetti filled puffs of smoke going off in the air. Just as Sam caught Balthazar, Dean walked in with (Name), Castiel and, a couple of bags.

            ""What is going on in here!?" Dean screeched, displeased at the sight, "Goddamn you five! I leave for an hour and everything goes to shambles!" He set Cas on the ground and moved (Name) from behind his legs, "Angels on the couch. Sam, go sit next to Bobby on the floor." He ordered.

            "I'm not a kid, Dean. You can't-"


            Everyone scrambled for their spots and sat still, all eyes on Dean, awaiting the next order.

            "Now. Bobby, you and Sam are going to dress Lucifer, Gabriel and, Balthazar. I'm going to put away some of the shit I just bought. Afterwards, I'm going to take Lucifer and Gabriel to set up somewhere for them to sleep. Cas, (Name)...you just...stay there. Am I understood?"

            "Yes, Dean." Everyone, excluding Bobby, droned in unison.

            It only took Sam and Bobby ten minutes to change the squirming fledglings out of their oversized shirts and into the fitting clothing. Dean finished putting away all the snacks and toys he had bought and reentered the living room.

            "Gabriel, Lucifer. Come with me...and no funny business. We need to set up your beds." Dean motioned for them to follow him and walked off.

            He led the boys up the stairs into the attic and dropped the bag full of blankets and stuffed animals. "Who goes next to who?"

            "We actually sleep in more of a nest-like pile. However, our natural order goes me, Castiel, Balthazar, (Name), and Lucifer. (Name) won't be separated from Balthazar but Balthazar won't sleep next to me. Castiel refuses to sleep next to Lucifer because of their history together and prefers to stay next to me. (Name) doesn't mind sleeping next to Lucifer, in fact she often clings to him. Then, it's up to Lucifer and me, being the oldest, to keep the rest of them safe." Gabriel explained.

            "So you separate yourselves for their sake?"

            "We are close, but as the oldest and strongest it's our responsibility to protect them and take care of them. We've put together that if we work together we have enough power within these small bodies to create a protective shield around them as we sleep." Lucifer added.

            "That's deep. Gabe?"

            "He's right. It's our job to protect our brothers...and sister." Gabriel agreed, spreading blankets and stuffed animals on the floor with Lucifer.

            "Alright. One more question... (Name)?"

            "What about her? She's not much." Gabriel shied away from the question.

            "She's a lot different than all of you. The polar opposite of Balthazar."

            "She's just in shock. She's much more open and sassy and fun once she gets to know you."

            "Shock? Why? What happened?"

            "She didn't exactly have the greatest of fledglinghood. It wasn't as pleasant as it was for the others and for her to be forced to come back to it and remember. (Name)'s just not ready for this. And Michael happened. Broke one of her wings when she was five months, which really hurts and mentally changes a fledgling. He also was a little bit abusive towards her, hitting her and doing other unspeakable things." Lucifer sighed.

            "You mean Michael...?"

            "Yes. It was awful. I had to save her."

            "Alright." Dean nodded solemnly, "Let's get back to the others."

            Dean headed back downstairs, once again followed by the two fledglings. "Sammy!"

            "Shh...we're watching a movie." Sam responded.

            Dean entered the room and smiled. Balthazar, Castiel and, (Name) were all cuddled together on the floor, watching Mulan with the utmost focus. He sat on the couch next to Sam and watched as Gabe and Lucifer joined the huddle to enjoy the movie. They had finally found a way to keep them all still and quiet. Hopefully, movies would be able to keep their attentions long enough for them to figure all of this out. But that never happens, not for kids, not for hyperactive angels.

            Sam sighed contently as the movie came to an end. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was close to midnight now; after such a long day he was ready to retire. It was surprising that the fledglings had yet to fall asleep after such a long movie, he had been hoping for them to fall asleep during it. Bobby, however, was already snoring in the other room.

            "Okay, it's bed time." Sam sighed, heaving himself off the couch and lifting Gabriel and Lucifer into his arms.

            Dean followed Sam's lead and lifted Castiel and Balthazar. (Name) quietly followed behind the two men as they walked through the hallways.

            "You forgot my sister, you idiot." Balthazar yawned.

            "Don't worry. We'll get her." Sam chided from ahead.

            Up the steps, Sam found a neatly made nest of blankets and scattered stuffed animals. He looked at Dean confused, only to get a shrug in response.

            "They sleep in a nest, just role with it. Order goes Gabe, Cas, Balth, (Name), Luce."

            Sam nodded and helped lay all the boys down in the correct order, he turned to help (Name) into the nest but, found she was nowhere in sight. Dean had already left to go find her now. She was just at the bottom of the steps, so Dean swiftly plucked her off the ground and carried her up, careful to hold her tight because she squirmed.

            "Hey, you know I won't hurt you right?"

            "Yeah...sorry." She murmured sleepily.

            Dean smiled and laid her down between her brothers who were already asleep. Balthazar wrapped a protective arm around his sister and hugged her close as a blue tinted bubble appeared above the fledglings. Sam nudged Dean and broke him from his trance.

            "Let them sleep." Sam yawned and left the attic to go to his room.

            Dean lingered for a short minute before shutting off the light and leaving the attic

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