Love Isn't Always Perfect (Pe...

By VastDelusion

69.8K 1.5K 994

✧Love isn't always perfect, but maybe ours can be perfectly imperfect.✧ A book of oneshots, featuring my two... More

New Neighbors
Morning Cuddles
Smoking Habits
Netflix and Chill (Smut)
Sea Puns
Percy's Birthday
Mission: Date Night With the Best Boyfriend Ever
First Time (Smut)
Nico's Birthday (Smut)
Grocery Shopping
Sexting (Smut)
Video Games
Piano Lessons
Free Time (Smut)
Valentine's Day
Condom Advice
I Drew This :D

Yoga Class

5.2K 140 210
By VastDelusion

"But I don't wanna go to a stupid yoga class!" I told my sister exasperatedly from the backseat of her friend Annabeth's car.

"You need to get out more," Hazel stated. "You're always up in your room, on Tumblr or some website. Besides, one class won't hurt you."

"Yes it will," I argued. "It's for girls."

"No, it's not," Annabeth said from the driver's seat. "Guys do yoga too."

"Yeah, losers who have nothing better to do," I muttered.

"Nico, please, for me?" Hazel gave me her pouty face that I couldn't look at. "Please?"

"No," I replied monotonously, staring out the window.

"Too bad, you're going to anyways."

"But I don't wanna," I whined, throwing back my head against the back of the seat and looking at the ceiling of the car.

"And there he goes again," Piper mumbled to herself in the passenger seat.

Piper and I were on the same boat. Both of us didn't want to go to yoga, it was for sissies and losers, excluding Hazel and Annabeth. She would rather be playing Pokémon GO on her phone, or something, but no, Annabeth wanted her to go, too.

I dug my fingernails into the interior as the car pulled up in the parking lot of the gym. I couldn't help but to let out yet another groan, as everyone else suppressed a sigh. Hazel opened her door and closed it behind her, walking around to my side. I locked the door from the inside, so she couldn't open it. She growled at me.

"Nico, I swear," she said under her breath, after attempting to open the car door. "This can go the easy way or the hard way, and you definitely don't want this going the hard way." I dug my fingernails even more so in my seat as a response, burrowing my back into the seat. "The hard way it is, then."

Annabeth unlocked the doors again, and before I could lock it again, Hazel pulled open the door and started to pull on my arm to get me out of the car.

"No!" I protested, pulling back. In response to my stubbornness, her fingers wrapped around a strand of my dark hair and started to pull on it. "Ow! Okay, fine, I'm coming, I'm coming."

I got out of the car and Hazel began pulling on my hair toward the gym. Annabeth and Piper trailed behind us, holding our yoga mats.

"Ow, ow, ow! Hazel! Fine, I'll go! Stop pulling my hair!"

She let go of my hair, forming an iron grip on my wrist instead, which was surprising, considering her size, but I've long ago learned not to underestimate my sister.

We eventually neared the front door after walking across the parking lot and went inside. It looked like a normal place, with a lobby that had leather couches, tables, magazines, and some decorative plants. It smelled nice, like a new towel. I was pulled by my sister to the front desk, the secretary greeting us in a kind voice. Hazel let go of my wrist, and I rubbed the sore, red skin on it that she caused by dragging me in there. Despite my sore wrist, I was silently hoping that we weren't in the records and had to come back another time, so that I could plan to be busy that day.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"We have Levesque, Chase, McLean, and di Angelo, party of four," Hazel told her.

"Okay, sweetheart," she smiled, typing in something on her computer. "You're on the fourth floor, room 412."

I groaned to myself as Hazel dragged me up four flights of stairs. Piper made me carry my own mat, so I kept accidentally hitting Hazel in the back of her legs with it, causing her to continuously glare at me.

"Sorry!" I said yet again after about the tenth time I hit her.

"Could you be more careful with that thing?"

"I told you I'm sorry, you're kinda pulling on my wrist, so it's kinda hard not to hit you with it."

I could feel her eye roll, although she was not facing me. There was that, and those pants were ridiculously tight on me. I mean, seriously, I could've sworn they were going to cut off my circulation.

We finally got to the fourth floor, and by that time, I was grumbling to myself. What if I was the only boy? What if I fell on my face? What if I completely embarrassed myself so I could never have shown my face in public again?

We stood outside of Room 412, and by then, I was nearly shuddering in my yoga pants, which would have been more embarrassing than my attire. There was a window looking into the room, so I could see a bunch of ladies with yoga mats and ridiculously tight clothing. I wasn't interested at all, thank you very much. I was, and still am, only into guys. The floor was extremely shiny, as if someone spent their entire life polishing it, and there was a window on the other side of the room, looking out onto the city. It looked kind of like a dance studio, there being mirrors on the opposite walls of the room, the way everyone was facing.

Hazel opened the door, and we all walked in, me being the last one. I noticed everyone's attire once again before noticing something.

"Hey, are you sure that guys are supposed to wear yoga pants?"

"No, I was just messing with you on that one," Piper snickered.

I groaned. This class wasn't off to a good start, and I loathed Piper at the moment. I thought we were on the same team, but no.

I set down my yoga mat next to Hazel's, taking a sip out of my water bottle and looking at my reflection on the floor. I looked- and felt- ridiculous, and I couldn't stop asking myself how they made the floors so shiny.

Suddenly, the door opened, and in stepped a very attractive man, who looked about nineteen, but damn. I froze where I stood, my eyes locked on him. He had raven black hair, and sparkling sea green eyes. He had a tan complexion, and his pants were tight on his—okay, not finishing that sentence. And, oh my gods, he had a thin, white tank top on, which was slightly transparent so I could see all of the ripples and lines of his oh-sculpted-by-the-gods body. He had a lean build, but he was muscular. I didn't realize I was staring at him, practically drooling, until Hazel elbowed my ribs, which snapped me back into reality. She smiled at me innocently as I shot a glare towards her.

"Sorry I'm late, ladies," he apologized, glancing his beautiful eyes around the room, before they fell upon me. He flashed a winning smile at me. "Oh, and gentleman." I blushed and looked down at the floor, hoping he would find someone more interesting and look away from me. However, his gaze stayed upon me. "So, what's your name?"

I looked at him with a look of shock, and I was praying I wasn't as red as I thought I was. "Um, I-I-I'm N-Nico di Angelo," I told him.

"Huh, that's an interesting name," he said in a light-hearted tone, raising his eyebrows. I felt scrutinized by his gaze, his beautiful eyes boring into mine. "So, let's begin. We're going to start out with a few simple stretches. Take a deep breath, and bend down to touch your palms to the floor. If you can't reach it, then that's fine. Just reach down as much as you can without straining yourself too much."

"Are you kidding me?" I thought. "Is this class for real?" Despite my negative thoughts, I mimicked all the females in the room, bending down and lazily reached my arms toward my blue yoga mat.

Percy walked around observing everyone's calm stretches. His walking around came to a stop, and he stood directly behind me. "Can you reach down lower?"

"Yes," I said, my voice strained from being bent over. I extended my arms lower so my fingertips were brushing the yoga mat.

"Lower," he instructed in a gentle tone. I obeyed, reaching down so the pads of my fingers were touching the mat. "Even lower." I rolled my eyes in exasperation before touching my palms down on the spongy material, earning a hum of approval from the man behind me. "Perfect. G-good job." I noticed his voice falter, and I was confused, but it was probably nothing. That was, until his hand brushed my ass as he continued to walk by.

My face flushed pink from that. It probably was an accident, but I was silently hoping to myself that it wasn't. I mean, who wouldn't? He was a hot, not to mention mostly shirtless, yoga instructor with a deep, sexy voice and captivating eyes that could lure you in and mesmerize you. Not to mention his laugh. It was so sexy that I wanted to jump him whenever he laughed. I wouldn't even care if my sister was watching. I'd have him take me right then and there, pushing me up against the nearest mirror, or lying me down on a spongy yoga mat. I mentally scolded myself for those thoughts.

He stopped us, then moved on to other stretches, which made me wonder if my legs were going to lose circulation anytime soon, because those pants were so tight. Especially against my ass. I could hardly move in them, and even that was too much for me, the boy who sports tight skinny jeans. They were drawing a line, though.

After plenty of, ahem, compromising positions, the lesson had come to an end, and everyone was rolling up their yoga mats to leave. I was doing the same, and was just about to leave with Hazel, until Mr. Super Sexy Instructor stopped me.

"Hey, could I have a quick word with you?"

I gave my sister a look, who just nodded and took the yoga mat from underneath my arm. "I'll catch up to you," I told her before she strode out of the room, shaking her head, her curly locks along with it. I turned to our instructor, who was approaching me, and holy Hades, he looks even better up close. I think I'm dying. But why did he stop me? Did I do such a bad job that he was going to call me out on it?

"What?" I asked concernedly. "Did I do something wrong, or-"

"No, no," he said. "I just wanted to you did a good job today. Was it your first time?"

"Um, yeah," I replied. "My sister made me."

"Ah." The very attractive instructor nodded. "That makes sense. I haven't seen a guy in here for a while without having to be forced."

"She has a really tight grip," I agreed. "She pulled me in by my hair."

"Heh, that sounds like Hazel," he laughed. "She's been coming here for a while."

"Yeah, she loves yoga," I added.

It was quiet for a little bit until the yoga instructor broke the silence. "So, um, do you, maybe, want to, uh, go out for a drink sometime?"

I was taken by surprise. It wasn't very often someone finds interest in me, after all, I'm just the goth boy no one wants to talk to. But, he did find interest in me, and he was way out of my league. I mean, have you seen him?


"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that you were into guys, I'm sorry, I tend to jump to conclusions-"

"No, no, I-I like you, it's just..." I took a deep breath. "People don't notice me that much. Especially people like you."

"Heh, well, what would you say is a 'person like me'?"

"Hot, active, involved in things," I responded. "I'm usually not out doing things, I'm usually in my room, scrolling through Tumblr, or something."

"Heh, you sound cute," the instructor chuckled. "I'm Percy."


"Well, nice to meet you Nico," Percy replied. "So, I don't believe you answered my question. Wanna go for a drink sometime?"

"Um, sure, I'd love to." I smiled.

He took a pen and a scrap of paper and wrote something down on it before handing it to me. I glanced down at it, and there was a note, written in messy, scrawled handwriting, but I could make out:

You're cute. Give me a call sometime.

I blushed and smiled at him before turning around and approaching the door.

"Oh, and Nico," Percy stopped me.

"Hmm?" I turned my head to face him, placing a hand on the door frame.

"Nice ass, by the way," he said with a wink.

I flushed red and left the room, waiting until I was out of earshot, before giving a whispered, "Yes!" with a fist pump, then practically falling down the stairs to catch up with Hazel, Piper, and Annabeth to brag about my date with their hot yoga instructor.

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