《 Error Code 588: Inked Out 》...

By Trissy-Chan

58.8K 1.7K 3.7K

'Two mortal opposites, sworn enemies by nature; Creation and Destruction.' This were once the statement that... More

1) Elements of the Multiverse
2) Surprise
3) First Impressions
4) Part One: Constant Thoughts
5) Part Two: Uninvited Guest
7) Part Four: Vent
8) Feelings?
9) Embrace
10) An Un-Rad Meeting
11) Alliance
12) Wants
♡ 13) Feeling the Love
14) Befriending
Tris A/N
Look an update...!? Yes. I'm back; it's an A/N

6) Part Three: Flirtation

3.3K 105 233
By Trissy-Chan

(I wonder of anyone started screeching at the title? ;) I see you there. 👀)

Warning: This chapter contains swearing and bits of verbal abuse. If you feel uneasy about that please read over the section, '| Down Stairs |'. You won't miss anything important. I promise. I want you all to be happy and well.

This chapter's shout out goes to: *drum roll please*

Thank you for the comments you left. It really made me smile. :D

| Where we last left off... |

Ink dropped his embrace looking up at Error. "That being said let me show you my bedroom and art studio." Ink dashed up the stairs calling out to Error from the top step. "Come on. Follow me...."

| Now |

Error's eyes watched Ink as he rushed up the stairs. Ink's scarf flew behind him, wading the air as he hovered up the stairs. Ink was so agile. He reminded Error of a rabbit almost. He stopped next to Ink as he opened the door. Ink walked in and Error followed. "This is my art studio and bedroom." Ink stated, his eyes gleaming to the sight.

The room was abnormally large. It contained a big sketch table, a canvas in the back, a large bay window, and a queen sized bed. It really was amazing compared to all Error had seen. Error's eyes widened as he glanced at the big room. He didn't expect such a luxurious sized room defiantly for such a short skeleton. Ink sneaked a glance out of the corner of his eyes watching his guest. Error looked in awe. Ink gave a grin, "Do you like it?" Error nodded, "This is v-very beautiful." Ink's smile widened, "I decorated it."

Error couldn't believe it. This room was so fascinating. But out of everything, something had caught his eyessockets. He looked over at the desk sprawled out onto was many sketches. Error walked over and glanced at the papers. What he saw next he couldn't help but chuckle...

He gave a glitched laugh as he looked at the sketch that had his face on it. Ink heard his laughing and stopped. He noticed where he was and ran over swooping up the papers. "Your not supposed to see those!" He exclaimed. "T-too late." Error said clutching the sketch of himself to his ribcage. Ink's eyes flew open. "Give it back!" He tried to snatch the paper away but Error held him back. He chuckled, "Nope. I-I've got to keep this." He held it up above his head, inches from where Ink could reach. Ink jumped up and down frantically attempting to grab it. "Please!" whimpers and whines followed his plead. His face was flushed in pastels. He was embarrassed. No one ever looked at his sketches, not even his brother did. He had some stuff that was personal to him. And that was very personal what was expressed in that sketch.

Error glanced up looking at it. "Hah, w-why is my face so h-hot?" He teased a smirk similar to the picture forming on his face. Ink felt his cheekbones heat up more. "IT DOESN'T!" He squeaked, grabbing the paper with force. It flew out of Error's grip. Error watched as Ink shoved it into a desk along with his other sketches. Error punched his shoulder playfully, "I'm just m-messing with you." He paused briefly. "I was gonna l-let you keep my s-sexy picture anyway..."

Ink's eyes flew open in protest, his cheeks burning a bright rainbow. "W-WHAT?" He studdered locking gaze with Error. Ink couldn't believe what Error was pulling on him. He was purposely being a jerk. Error cocked a brow and smirked imitating the sketch, "Y-You heard me." Ink backed away slightly before giving a frustrated sigh. "You're weird." He replied. Error gave another glitchy laugh, "B-but not as weird as you, I-Inky." Ink spun around at the nick name.

'Was he trying to flirt with me? Was this a pick-up line?' Ink felt the familar heat rise in his bones once more.

"Don't call me t-that." He replied flustered. Error placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm j-just messing with you, S-Shorty." Ink turned around a glare forming in his eyesockets. "You must not have many nicknames then Glitchy." Error let a loud laugh escape him. This was hilarious. He finally made Ink tick. His cute flustered face was priceless. Error caught his breath, "G-Glitchy? That's a new one. I'm still keeping I-Inky as yours though." Ink turned away crossing his arms. A soft "Hmph." being heard in response.

Error shrugged it off and walked over to Ink's bed, jumping onto it. He fell onto it, sinking into the sheets. A soft scent of Ink lingered in the sheets. Ink reminded Error of something, like... Nature. It was like ever fragrance of a flower was fused into his sheets. He smelled like a springtime breeze even though it was winter. 'Ink smells so... sweet.' Ink walked over eyeing Error. "What are you doing?" He crossed his arms over his sternum. Error closed his eyes blocking Ink out, "Sleeping." He muttered. Ink rose an eyesocket, "In my bed? No, I really don't want you too." Error snorted. "W-Why think I'll take up all of this matress? T-there's plenty of room for you." Error patted the empty space to his left giving a playful smirk and wiggling his imaginary eyebrows. Ink's face heated slightly at the comment."That's not what I meant. If your tired go home." Error shook his head. "N-No can do."

Ink jumped up in response, "Why is that?" Ink was growing slightly frustrated. But not it the anger type, almost a 'I want you to leave but don't leave' feeling.

"This bed is too c-comfy." Ink rolled his pin pricks. He was starting to question becoming friends with Error. He was starting to come off as as douche. Ink sighed, "Fine. You can sleep I guess." Ink heard the slamming of a door from below. "My brother's home. I'm going downstairs to talk to him; blow off some of his steam. I'll probably say your not here for your own benefit. He might be furious." Error opened a lazy eye to meet Ink's gaze. "You can sleep here tonight if you wish. Just don't make a mess or go poking around in my stuff, please?" Error nodded in response, drifting slowly off to sleep. "Alright. Sleep well Error." And with that Ink left and Error fell to sleep with the scent of Ink surrounding him, cuddling him to sleep.

|Down Stairs | *Mild Cursing*

Ink walked downstairs steadily. He could tell his brother was still mad. Magic lingered the air from where Paint stormed into the kitchen. As Ink approached the kitchen he heard the sound of rustling bags and the scrambling of glass. Ink knew deep down this wasn't a good sign.

Ink walked into the kitchen with caution, his eyes locking onto Paint. Paint was leaning over the counter with what seemed like an elixir. ( An elixir is a potion/drink. Alcoholic drinks in InkTale are called elixirs. Oops, Head Canons xD) He watched as Paint shuffled opening the bottle and poured him a shot glass. Within the few seconds he poured he took the shot, magic swirled lightly around Paints mouth as he ingested the magic liquid. Ink cleared his throat letting his presence be known. Paint gave a growl and looked from the corner of his eyesockets at Ink.

"Oh! There's my pathetic excuse of a brother." Paint yelled adverting his eyes, pouring another shot. Ink knew his brother hadn't meant those words. He couldn't have. Ink felt his soul drop as the words read in his mind. He had to clear his thoughts, he needed to help Paint. "What's bothering you?" Ink asked approaching his brother silently. Paint grew irritated at his voice. He was to kind and dear to act so innocent. "Hmm..." Paint paused momentarily to take another shot. "Let's see. My brother was almost KILLED BY A FUCKING DESTROYING ASSHOLE. WHO DOESN'T UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT YOU ARE." His voice grew louder with each word. Ink flinched at his words, tears welling up in his eyesockets. "But I didn't..." He squeaked looking away. His brother never drank or at least never around him. Paint was such a calm guy and was never this pushed over the edge. Just because Ink was injured this set off an eruption of built up emotion inside his brother. He didn't know what to say or think. Ink was hit with a wall of emotions so new to him. Paint walked over to the table, bringing his elxir with him. He ditched his shot glass as he sat down chugging the bottle. Magic seeped from his mouth, filling his ribcage. Ink couldn't see him do this, "Paint... Please stop. Don't get so riled up." Paint slammed the half bottle down. The sound made Ink flinch, staring at his brother. "TELL ME HOW YOU EXPECT ME TO NOT BE SCARED OF HIM. OF HOW YOU'LL ENCOUNTER HIM MORE AND FIGHT HIM. HOW EVERY TIME THERE IS A FUCKING CHANCE YOU'LL NEVER RETURN!?!" Paint screamed his words echoing through the house. Tears of ink and magic flowed down Paint's eyesockets, sliding of his cheekbones. Ink watched his brother cry out, chugging the bottle once more. He wanted to reassure his brother. Ink gathered the nerves to speak, "L-look Error won't h-hurt me," he studdered gathering his words. "I have a feeling he w-won't. It took a lot to hold his own tears back. But when Paint spoke he let them spill out like a waterfall.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT," He spat. Paint at this point was too drunk to recognize the effects of his words.


The tears on Ink's face stroked his cheekbones, leaving brushings of colors on his face. His brother's words stung. Piercing his soul like a spear was thrown into his heart. Ink couldn't think, the emotions hit him like a tsunami. He let out a few choked sobs in the air, "H-he's my friend. And I do k-know he wouldn't hurt me. UNLIKE YOU!"

Ink wanted Paint to feel his words. Every bit of venom it packed... He didn't care what he said. Ink could make his own decisions. And he was gonna do it. Ink stared at Paint, hatred flooding his eyesockets. A low hiss escaped his mouth, his face easing up into a scowl. "IF I SEE YOU EVER NEAR THAT SHITTY DESTRUCTOR OR TALK ABOUT HIM. I'LL MAKE SURE TO END HIS FUCKING LIFE."

Before Ink could reply Paint chugged the rest of the elixir and threw the empty bottle near Ink. The bottle hit the wall to his right and smashed into a million pieces. Ink felt some of the glass graze his limbs at it scattered in midair, landing with a clatter. Ink flinched shuttering as he stared at Paint. His brother wouldn't remember any if this. That elixir had a high level of magic. Paint would think Ink was crazy for saying such things. Even after this though, he knew Paint would hate on Error. Ink watched as Paint slammed his head into the table, a groan of frustration sweeping over him. Ink didn't want to be around any longer. Ink turned on his heel and retreated up the stairwell. All the screaming and arguing made him tired, all Ink wanted to do was sleep the night away.

| Later that night |

Ink walked up to his bedroom with traces of ink dripping from his sockets. The talk with Paint had gotten out of hand. Paint had started screaming out how Error was dangerous and that he didn't want to even hear his name. Ink rejected his comment and took a lashful verbal beating from Paint. His brother had been furious about how Ink still wanted to befriend Error. Paint didn't want to lose Ink. Ink was his only brother and only family they had left. Ink understood his protection but Paint's distrust in him... Ink didn't understand. Ink was the older brother even if he didn't look like it. He really wanted Paint to treat him with more respect. He still though of him as a baby bones. Ink was well than equppied to take care of himself, he'd done a great task so far. I mean, he'd done great defending himself. He was alive wasn't he? He was kind of nervous to how Paint would act if he saw Error. His brother wasn't one for violence but if Error was threatened...

He didn't know how he would react.

Ink gave a depressed sighed and wandered up to his room, slowly opening the door and shutting it behind him. He made an extra precaution to lock the door, with Paint drunk who knows what would happen.

He sniffled and wandered to the bathroom to change. He was a mess, different colors of paint streaked his face. The colors looked pretty distasteful as they combined with each other. Ink rapidly washed up and changed into his sleeping clothes. He exited the bathroom and walked in front of his bed eyeing Error. He laid there, a smile on his face. Despite all the fighting that occurred downstairs, it was incredible Error didn't stir. He was sure him and his brother probably woke all of Snowdin during their argument.

Error didn't look very threatening as he slept he looked kind of adorable to Ink. Ink gave a giggle as he approached and laid the sheets on him slowly. He paused realizing Error hadn't taken his jacket off before he slept. Maybe Ink should take it off for him.

Ink reached over and gently tugged the jacket off of Error. Underneath, Error wore a red T-shirt. It looked worn a bit but Ink wasn't one to judge. He tossed the jacket onto the back of his sketching chair. It landed with a soft whistle of impact. He placed the sheets gently on Error, covering him up. Error was in a deep sleep. 'This was probably the best sleep he's had in awhile.' Ink went to to the left side of the bed and sat down. He didn't mind sharing a bed, he'd done it all through his childhood with his brother.

Ink sighed as he laid down covering himself with sheets. He was tired, all the emotion and drama from tonight really but a lot of pressure on Ink. He wasn't used to everything being so riled and active. All the names Paint had called him lingered in his mind... He decided to drown them out. Ink reached over and turned the lamp on his nightstand off. He better get to sleep, he needed to forget those things. He curled up and turned his back, facing away from Error. Before he shut his eyes he back glanced over at him. Error was curled in the sheets, that smile still lingering on his face. He looked geuniely happy. Had Error never slept on a matress before? Did he have a place to call 'home'? Ink didn't know, not now anyway. He turned away looking at his door. He had made a new friend, and possibly lost a friend...

Ink felt tears form in his eyesockets. Maybe Paint would lighten up? Maybe he would apologize to him in the morning? Or maybe never remember it at all.

Ink felt sadness forming again, sweeping his mind. He was sensitive inside... Maybe Ink was indeed still a baby bones after all. It wasn't like Paint cared, as long as he was the one in charge. Ink silently felt the tears fall. He didn't care if they would stain the sheets or his face. He just wanted to melt into a ball of emotion, to relieve the pain he was feeling right now. Ink eventually fell to sleep that night... He had cried himself to sleep.

*sweats nervously* D-don't kill me.
In the beginning there was fluff. Heheh. Error was flirting with Ink, how adorable heh. Ink is easily flustered and understands Error's (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) jokes. Not like he wouldn't...

I made Ink suffer. I'M SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON MY POOR INKY BABY. *hugs and cuddles Ink* hopefully this will blow over. I was reading another fic today and I had the idea for Paint to be aggressively mad. WHOOPS. But hey look at the bright side...

I'll be posting a Head Canons chapter so you can better understand my versions of Ink/Error and the others. They aren't completely different its just that people have different perspectives. I might doodle some references for them too. Anyways, toodles and happy reading. :)

Oh and before I leave, what's your suggestions on a One Shot book? Would anyone be interested in that? Leave a comment below if you are. (╯3╰)

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