iT's YoU (z.h)

By horny-for-horan

200K 7.1K 5.6K

Ever since Zayn Malik left One Direction, he and the boys haven't been keeping contact. That is until Niall H... More

tWeNtY oNe
TwEnTy TwO
tWeNtY tHrEe
TwEnTy FoUr
tWeNtY fIvE
TwEnTy SiX
tWeNtY sEvEn
TwEnTy EiGhT
tWeNtY nInE


6K 235 123
By horny-for-horan

Zayn's P.O.V.

It was after the knife that had disappeared came back and almost killed Alex's father that Niall jumped in my lap and hid his face in my neck the entire time.

By the end of the movie, Niall was snoring away, still on my lap, looking like an angel with his pale skin and fluffy blond hair up in a slight quiff.

I just felt like pulling him in a kiss and never letting go, staying like that forever and ever.

Why can't Niall be mine? Why can't I hold him like this normally, not just when he's frightened. Oh God, Zayn, what are you talking about? You can't have a crush on Niall! You can't be gay! Do you even realize what that'll do to your career? Instead of thinking about your love life, think about the part of your life where you can actually make a living! You're not in love with Niall, and that's that.

But of course I wouldn't believe myself when I said that I wasn't in love with Niall, because hell, we have been through so much this week that I couldn't avoid falling for him.

My thoughts were interrupted by a terrified shriek next to me, probably ripping my ear drum. I looked to my left to see a distraught looking Niall.

"Niall, what's wrong? Had a bad dream?" I cooed, rubbing his back up and down.

Niall violently nodded his head, not saying a word, nor looking at me. He simply looked at the ground with the same wide eyes he had on before.

"It's okay, Ni, I'm right here. You don't have to be scared, or worried, I'm here for you. Just calm down, okay? Let me get you some water."

I stood up to go the the kitchen, but I immediately felt a hand tug on my arm. "Zayn, please don't go. Please don't leave me here all alone."

"But Niall, I'm just going to the kitchen to get some water. I'll be right back."

"No! I said don't go!"

I stifled a laugh and bent down to his face. "Alright, well how are you going to go to your hotel?"

Niall sat there quietly, looking like he would shit in his pants any second now.

I put my hand in front of him to hold on, which he did, and helped him get up. "Don't worry, Niall, you can stay here for the night."

A wave of relief went over his face as he sighed. "Thanks, lad, you're the best."

We started walking up the stairs, and once I started making my way to my bedroom, I noticed that Niall had stopped in his tracks. "What's wrong, Ni?"

I noticed that he was fiddling with his fingers and biting his bottom lip. "Well, the thing is . . . Ugh, Zayn, I don't really know how to ask you this."

"Niall, you can ask me anything. I won't judge."

He stopped playing with his hands and threw them by his sides. "Can I sleep with you?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head, but once Niall's face dropped, I immediately realized that he was offended. "Of course you can sleep with me, Ni."

We walked into my bedroom together, and once we got into bed, I pulled the thin blanket over us.

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