The Accident // L.T.

By -disorders

3.1M 58K 20.8K

Just a love story... ♥ (this was my first fanfic... I wouldn't do it if I were you) More

The Accident
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Filler
Sorry - not an update
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Longish rant
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
New Story
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Ch 97 - Part 1
Ch 98 - Part 2
(Not an update sorry) Important question..

Chapter 80

22.4K 455 37
By -disorders

The next few weeks were busy, busy, busy.

Tour was over, it had been weeks - nearly a month - since we got home, and we still had much to take care of.

First of all, when we first got home, me and Louis were focused on two very different things.

He wanted to start trying again. I mean, as soon as we touched the wooded floor of our bedroom, he was pinning me to bed. I was so tired though, but he seemed almost wide awake as if he had been waiting for this all his life. He was so eager, he didn't even realize I was literally about to fall asleep then and there.

"Louis," I groaned lightly as he continued to kiss up my neck.

"Hm?" He barely acknowledged me.

"I'm tired.." I admit and he slowly pulls away to look into my eyes, "C-Can we maybe do this later?" He visibly frowns but tries to hide it as he nods and then moves from over me to the space next to me.

"Oh... ok. I'm sorry, I was being selfish. Get some sleep." he lightly kisses my forehead before lying down the opposite direction.

The look on his face makes me mentally slap myself and change my mind. He looks heartbroken.

I quickly move to straddle him, "No, no we can do it now. I'm awake." I assure him as I then began kissing up his neck.

But he chuckles slightly and shakes his head, grabbing me under the arms and lying me back down, "No love, it's okay. Go to bed."

But I shake my head, going to move again and so he then wraps both of his arms around my waist and pulls my back to his front. He comfortably rests his chin onto my head, "Rest."

I sigh, "But I feel bad." I frown.

"Don't. Babe I'd feel bad if I made you while you were tired. It wouldn't even be enjoyable unless both of us are fully awake. So don't worry." he strokes my arm.

"Fine.. but as soon as I wake up, okay?" I look up at him.

He smirks, "Okay."

I knew he probably had formed some plan in his head.

And I was right because, I later woke to a hickey and a cheeky "Are you awake now?"

I was thinking about the wedding. I wanted to be married to him as soon as possible. We both wanted a big, big wedding. I was eager to get planning and of course the girls had basically cornered me into letting them be the wedding planners.

So whenever Louis was trying to drag me to the bedroom every second, I'd usually be sitting in the living room planning with them. At first I was way more focused on the wedding, while he the opposite..until he conviced me.

"Babe c'mon!" He had my hand in his as he tried to pull me away, while I stayed put.

"Louis! Do you see what I'm doing? I'm planning our wedding!" I point out to him.

"We can get married anytime we want. What's the rush? I've been talking about this since tour and wanted it since way before. Please," he begs.

I sigh, "Fine Louis," I smile as I let him pull me up. He grinned wide and pulled my lips to his.

We were immediately interrupted.

"Sorry guys, no time for that." Emily dragged me back over to the couch "too much work to be done right now."

That's about how this whole month had been going. We tried to fit it in when we could but too much figuring out for the wedding had to be done, on both of our sides. Location, reservations, invitations, date, who we're inviting, bridesmaids and grooms, theme, what everyone's wearing, dinner, cake, etc.

At the end of the day, we just decided to sort of raincheck until after the planning was done. Lexi predicted that'd be sometime in November, much to his dismay.

I orginially wanted a small wedding. All I wanted was to get married to him, nothing else. A few friends and both our families is all we needed. He easily agreed.

I remember his exact words.

"Whatever you want baby," he kisses my temple softly, "What's yours is mine now. I just want you to be happy. If a small wedding is what you want, a small wedding is what we'll do."

Although if needed, I could probably narrow it down to just my bestest friends. But the thing is, with all of Louis's friends, it'd be quite difficult to have just a "small" wedding. As soon as the day after that concert, twitter, the media, gossip websites, just everything.. blew up.

By the early morning of the next day, both our phones were spazzing from the so many calls, texts, and voicemails we were getting. They ranged from congratulations, to interview requests, and a lot of 'you better invite me to the weddings'.

Louis was stressing on trying to only pick a few people so that it could be small, but so many people were pressuring him. He's a celebrity - a member of the biggest boyband in the world! Of course, he had lots of friends. It was harder than it looked.

So one night when I had just gotten out of the shower, after a stressful long day of planning, and still saw him tiredly looking down at the notebook on his lap with the lamp on, I made sure to assure him it was okay and put him at ease.

"Lou.. babe do you see what time it is?" I question, slowly walking over, tightening my grip around the towel so there was no chance of it falling.

"Hm?" he snaps his head up at the sound of my voice, "Sorry what? I was just.."

"The time. Look at what time it is. You told me you were going to sleep.. 30 minutes ago." I was growing worried for him and he knew it.

"Yeah, sorry. I just need to omit a couple more people and I'll be done. I promise." he tells me as he then looks back down to the notebook. He stares at it for a few more seconds before then crossing out someone else's name.

I say something to him but I don't think he actually heard me, as he was too focused on the paper.

I begin to just dig through my drawers for clothes when I suddenly heard his voice speaking to himself.

"Don't know them." he crosses them.

"They'd probably kill me." he mutters putting a check.

"Have to invite them." he mumbles.

He looks over a few more and groans loudly, running his hands over his face.

I decide to walk over and sit beside him, "Louis calm down. You're driving yourself nuts. Stop crossing out these names." I gently take the pencil from his grasp and erase the crosses he put, re-writing the name for him.

"But.. you said small." he sighs frustratedly and sets down the notebook full of pages with names, "We're doing small like you want."

"No invite as many as you want. It doesn't have to be a small wedding, I was just putting it out there. The size doesn't matter to me, I just want to marry you. Don't worry about me. As long as you're there, I'm just fine." I lean over to plant a kiss onto his cheek.

"You're amazing." he tells me and I smile but don't respond. We both just sit in comfortable silence as I just sit leaning onto him and playing with his hands for a while until I snap back to reality and realize I still need clothes.

"Come on, turn the lamp off and get some sleep," I take the notebook and climb over him, standing up, "You can do this in the.."

He stops me when he grabs my wrist, pulling me back to the bed. I fall onto him and he grins, "I'll turn the lamp off but I'm surely not getting any sleep any time soon."

I laugh as he winks and flips us over so he's hovering and turns the lamp off before pulling the blanket over us. My towel landing on the floor soon after.


"Hey Josie?" Zayn speaks.

"No." He wants something.

"Wha.. let me finish." he wrinkles his brows.

"I'm busy and I'm not fixing your food. Leave me alone." I say monotone.

Louis chuckles.

"I wasn't going to ask for food," he defends.


"It's a simple question."

"What? What is it?!" I exclaim giving in and looking up.

"What's today's date?" he asks with a hint of a smile.

My mouth falls slightly. I grab his phone from next to him and throw it at him, "Really Zayn? Your freaking phone is right there! Check for your self!" I continuously hit him and he laughs.

"But I wanted to ask you." he looks amused at me.

My eyes narrow and I go to slap that pretty little smirk off his face but Louis's arm around my waist tightens, keeping me in place. He kisses my temple to calm me, "It's October 21st Zayn."

Zayn chuckles, "Was only trying to loosen her up some. I mean, look at her. Stressed to the bone." he pokes my cheekbone and then my shoulder.

He kept talking but I wasn't paying attention anymore as my mind was set on something else.

October 21st.

Something big is in this month, I know it. And no, it's not Halloween. I decide to shrug it off for now.

I continue to scroll, on my mac book, through the list of experienced and highly recommended photographers, Emily emailed me to go through, with links attached.

There has to be multiple of them and it has to be ones we trust, with good background.  No one who'll go off selling the pictures to the media - no.

I want a photographer so we can put it into the album, not for the whole world to get special close-ups on our personal lives.

Right now the album consisted of specials pictures of like.. some special things of Lou and I, like our first date, the kiss after he confessed his love for me, when he took me on a walk in the park, him proposing, the ring, etc. These are the times when fans taking pictures and the media stalking our lives is actually somewhat useful because I could easily just go online and search it and print it out, putting it into the album. It's still weird though.

The album also consisted a lot of Brianna too though. Like when I was pregnant with her, the day she was born (before and after her breathing mask was removed), first day she crawled, walked,  ate a solid, and then other mostly random events.

But my baby is all grown up now though.

I blink back my tears and try to go back to what I was doing.

I struggle to focus as Brianna continuously hits random keys while I try to read, "Stop!" I scold. She giggles.

This goes on repeatedly for 10 minutes, "Ugh!" I throw my hands up.

She takes her sippy cup from the coffee table and pulls it up to her lips, ready to drink out of it. She pulls it away with a frown.

"Mama," she lightly tugs on a strand of my red hair and I instantly smiled. I could feel my pissy mood slipping away as a glow came to my face.

It sounded so beautiful rolling off of her tongue. I was still not used to it. And apparently neither was she as she never stopped saying it. She'd only said it for the first time 3 days ago.. I'm a mother, give me time.

"Yes Bri?" I say.

"Mama," she says again and Louis smiles down at her. Her first word still having an effect on him also.

"Yes Brianna, I'm listening," I turn to look at her.

She continues to shake her sippy, frowning up at me. She whines louder.

"Okay, okay I get it. Mummy will fill up your cup." I tell her, taking it from her.

I hesitantly stand to do it but Louis stops me, gently pushing me back down and taking it from me, before then going off to the kitchen.

He soon comes back with her sippy cup full of apple juice and hands it to her. I thank him with a kiss when he sits back down and puts his arm over my shoulders. She takes the cup and crawls onto his lap, getting comfortable and leaning onto him, before happily drinking it.

I took my laptop and continued to look through the names, clicking on their links.

After a while, I managed to narrow it down to the official 3 after discussing it with Louis. I texted Emily my answers and she told me she'd give them a call.

I closed my laptop. I was now done for the rest of the week.

All that was left to handle for the wedding now were the invitations and my dress.That's all.

We still don't even know the date. I wanted it to be sometime around the third or fourth week of November. Louis actually did too. He said: the sooner the better.

This idea came from his mum of course. When I spoke to my mum the day after he proposed, she had been in too much tears that she couldn't speak correctly so we hung up, saying we'd talk when she was better.

She ended up calling back two days later. I can't imagine what she had been going through. Anyways, she sounded more composed this time as we spoke, though still much excited and happy for me.

We soon got our families together and just started talking. At first it was just really nice bonding time. Everyone supported us so that was all that really mattered.

Later, somehow we got on the topic of dates. Not the exact date of the wedding - it was too soon for that. But basically they told us that whenever we did figure it out, to tell them ahead of time so they could take off of work.

Now here we are, close to establishing it. Louis, on his own free time, recently called his mum a couple of days ago and had a long chat with her. It wasn't long before she brought up the wedding and then moved it to dates.

When he hung up the phone, he told me that she had told him that the first weeks of November and last week of December were best for them, work wise.

I tried calling my parents to see but for some reason, neither had been answering their phone, so basically everyone was waiting on them.

Because it's not like we can really pick a date without checking with them first. They might have something very important that day. Not saying our wedding wasn't, but that I wouldn't want to make anyone cancel their plans.

Time was flying.

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