Leave it to Fate

By alexannam16

6.2K 349 24

Emma Swan wasn't always a feared pirate, she was a noble sailor and was one with the sea until one tragic nig... More

Leave it to Fate
New Addition
Below Deck
Mist Haven
The Tragedy
Deadly Confrontations
Sweet Revenge
News at Dawn
Emma's Dream
New Life
New Adventures
Love Conquers All
New Relationship
Past Confrontations
The Hidden Truth
Wedding Day

Truth Revealed

210 14 1
By alexannam16

I'm standing there with the queen's life in my hands and Liam interrupts me. "Please Emma." I hear Liam say. He closes the door. He takes off his mask and the queen gasps. "Please Love let the queen go." He says with a concerned look on his face. "Not until she tells me her husband's name." "Ok I will tell you, it was Jack Harrison before he married me." She looks away and stares at Liam. "Killian you're back." She says with a smile and starts to cry. I let her go and I'm in shock. It made sense why when Liam would fight he had Jack's signature move, they were related. "What did you just say?" I say and Liam sighs as the queen walks up to him and hugs him. "Wait you're the..." Liam closes his eyes and nods. "Yes Emma, I'm Killian Garrington prince of this kingdom." I start to hyperventilate. I'm in shock. I was in love with the son of the woman who was responsible for all of my pain. I fell to the floor and I couldn't contain my anger and frustration. I stayed quiet and that's when the queen turns to me, picks me up and slaps me. I stayed quiet and let her slap me. She then starts to punch me and I let her. I never thought Liam, Killian whatever his name was would ever betray me like that. I fell once again. "Please mom stop I love her." I hear Killian say and she gasps. "Wait why are you dressed like that?" She asks then looks back at me and looks at me from head to toe. I'm laying practically lifeless on the floor and Killian picks me up and lays me on the bed. I didn't have the energy to push him away. I seriously wanted to die and I felt dead so why not let my body catch up with my soul. "Look at what she did to me son?" Killian gives her a dirty look as he sits at my side. "I'm sorry love." He says and starts to caress me. I grabbed his arm and gave him the meanest look ever. "Don't you dare touch me, after I shared my pain with you... I just can't believe you lied and betrayed me." He sighs. "I know I'm sorry but I couldn't tell you the truth beforehand." I started to cry. "I loved you Liam or Killian whatever the hell your name is. I loved you your majesty." Killian started to cry. "Please love we can still be together, you didn't kill my mom you're ok, you got your answers I don't see why we can't be together?" I was so mad but not as mad as I would have hoped. I'm more hurt. "You know how I feel about people that betray me right?" I say and he nods and closes his eyes. I slap him and he grunts. I hear the queen gasp. "I actually thought in spending my days with you and you kept this from me..." That's when I start to cough up a lot of blood. He lifts up my shirt; I hadn't told anyone but the man had slashed my side. It had opened in the morning but I ignored it and now I think it's fully open. Killian checked the wound, sure enough the wound had opened along with other ones. I felt like I was dying. I was happy, I deserved to die. I couldn't handle this amount of betrayal from the man I love. My eyes start to close and I hear his voice at a distance. The last words I hear from him were " Emma, please Emma, I love you" before I passed out.

Killian's POV
"Emma, please Emma, I love you." I started to shake her and nothing she was laying there practically lifeless on the bed. "I can't believe you escaped getting married to Belle to be with that pirate." She says and scoffs in disgust. "Watch your tongue mom, this is the woman I love." She gasps. "No I can't take this after she attacked me you go and defend her instead of your own flesh and blood!" She screams. "You were in love with a pirate weren't you?" She stays quiet. I pick Emma up. "Well you're alive aren't you mother?" She nods. "She might not be; do you really want the death of this woman to fall on your hands?" She stayed quiet. "What would the kingdom say?" She stays quiet. "I'm sorry mother, I love you with all my heart but I'm saving the woman I love." I walk away with Emma passed out in my arms. I walk down to the healing center that we have here at the castle. "Your majesty your back." Danny says. Danny is the head doctor here and he is amazing. I nod and smile at him. "Yes but I need you to save her and please no questions just save her." He bows. "As you wish your majesty." "Oh and send someone to go and check up on my mom she's hurt." He bows and someone goes up to my mom's room. I walk out the door and I let them work on her. I hated to see her in this state but what I can't take away from my mind was the look of pure hurt and hatred that she gave me. She was so heart broken and I felt it. I decided to walk down to the tunnels and I saw Robin there. "Dude wear your mask." I sigh. He closes his eyes and takes off his mask. "She found out didn't she?" I nod. "She's in the infirmary." He gasped. "What happened?" I sigh. "I found her with my mom." He gasped. "Yeah they got at it with each other and well Emma ended up passing out and I took her to get checked." He sighs. "You know once she wakes up they are sending her straight to the gallows." I nod. "And possibly us too for treason." I nod. "Well I deserve to die I betrayed Emma in the vilest way possible but you my friend you have the chance to be free so go, oh and let Mr. Fitz know what's happening and he'll decide on what measures to take. To either wait for Emma or to leave without us." He nods. "I'll meet you here at dawn." I nod and he hugs me. "Be careful bro." I nod and smile. "You too." He closes the door and I sigh. I walk up to my mother's room and the doctors had already cleaned up her wounds and patched her up. I close the door and lock it. She walks up to me and slaps me. I was honestly in shock that she did that but I wasn't surprised. I closed my eyes and nodded. "Yeah I deserved that." She then hugs me. That was a real shocker to me. After she lets go she half smiles. "Im happy that you came back son." I stayed quiet. "I still can't believe that you fell in love with that woman." She goes and sits down on the bed. "But then again I'm not surprised that you fell for a pirate, you do have your father's blood and boy was he a bloody pirate that I was head over heels for." I laugh. "Yeah I'm sorry I left mom I just couldn't be with Belle or be king and after this how can I?" She grabbed my hand and smiled. "Your father was a pirate before becoming king I don't see why you can't too?" I smiled and I started to tear up. "What's wrong honey?" "I hurt the woman I love and I'm scared that she will never forgive me." She sighs. "A woman in pain can do many things as you saw tonight." "Yeah I've seen her do so many horrible things and they have all been driven from the loss of her husband and baby boy." She sighs and shakes her head. "I never wanted for any of this to happen. All I wanted was for the fleet to stop them from invading our kingdom not to freaking kill a poor man and his baby." I nod. "Son you know that we have to send her to dungeon she's a prisoner. She's a pirate, she's done numerous vile crimes against people?" I nod. "Well then I guess you'll have to send me too." She gasps. "Why on earth would I send my son down there it's not like you wanted this life, she forced into doing these things." I laughed. "Just like you said I have pirates blood in me and that's what I've become. I've sailed under the command of a pirate and everything that comes with it." She gasped. "Son did you and that pirate?" I knew what she was implying and I simply nodded. She nodded and sighed. "I forgive you son, I am queen after all." "If you forgive me then you have to excuse Emma for all the crimes she's committed." She scoffs. "Mom she's not like this because she wanted too, she's a sweet and noble woman, she's just hurt but please mom forgive her." She smiles. "Fine just because she's the woman you love." I hug her and she laughs. "Oh with that attire you remind me of how your father would look during his pirating days." I laugh. "So what now?" I sigh. "I'll wait for Emma to wake up and I'll go on from there." She nods and I get up. "Well I hope you rest and sorry for everything." "I forgive you son." I smile then walk out of the room and leave her resting there. I sigh and I was just trying to take in everything that just occurred. I'm just happy no one died, well hopefully no one. I walked down to the healing center and I walk to the patient rooms and there was Emma lying on one of the beds. I go up to Danny and ask how she's doing. "How is she Danny?" "She did lose a lot of blood but we were able to stabilize her. Whatever she was going through was super strong that her body reacted negatively to the wounds that were healing and since the punches hit her in vital places her body just went crazy. Her brain is reacting bad to this so I honestly don't know if she will ever wake up." I gasp. "So you're saying Emma might stay in this condition for the rest of her life?" He nods. My heart broke. Hearing that was a stab to my heart. "But what if she wakes up?" He sighs. "When she wakes up she could react in two ways." I nod. "She could wake up and be normal just tired from being asleep. Or she can wake up with no memory of her or of people she knew, her past life would have ceased to exist." I closed my eyes and I hit the wall. "Thanks Danny." "I'm sorry your majesty, I truly am." "No you saved her and I will forever be grateful." He bows and walks out the room. I grabbed a chair and sat at her side. I see her and my heart was just hurting. She had spent most of her life seeking revenge for what, to end up like this? It just wasn't worth it. This is what happens when you let revenge drive your life, it ends up killing you and that's what happened to Emma. I honestly do hope she wakes up with no memory so she could start over and live a happy hatred free life even if it means not remembering me. She deserved a second chance at a new life, a good life. Don't get me wrong being a pirate rocks but if revenge is the only reason you're a pirate then it's not worth it. I fixed her gorgeous blonde hair and I kissed her forehead. I caressed her cheek and then I kissed her on her lips. Oh how I wished she was kissing me back. I missed her. I missed my fiery and feisty captain. I looked at her hand and she still had the ring on. I smiled as I touched it. I caressed her cheek again and then walked out. I get a knight and escorted him to the room. "You are to never leave sight of her, you stand and guard this door and let me know if there are any changes with her." "Yes your majesty." I nod and smile. "Thanks." I walk up back to my old room. I get there and I lock the door. I take off my sword and placed it on my desk. I start to change out of these clothes and into my usual night wear. As I'm changing I look out the window and I see the Black Shadows there anchored to the port. I had totally forgotten the fact that we had stolen all that gold. I can't believe I stole from myself. I just stood there laughing. I'll figure out tomorrow how to break the news to my mom. I folded my pirate clothes and hid them in my closet and laid on the bed. I knew I was not going to be able to sleep a wink but I just needed to rest because today was exhausting and painful.

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