the moment i saw you cry ☾ mi...

By Bookworm2260

56.4K 2.5K 932

Allison Fitzgerald was just a small child when her mother died. That left her with her abusive father all alo... More

☾Chapter 1
☾Chapter 2
☾Chapter 3
☾Chapter 4
☾Chapter 5
☾Chapter 6
☾Chapter 7
☾Chapter 8
☾Chapter 9
☾Chapter 10
☾Chapter 11
☾Chapter 12
☾Chapter 13
☾Chapter 14
☾Chapter 15
☾Chapter 16
☾Chapter 17
☾Chapter 18
☾Chapter 19
☾Chapter 20
☾Chapter 21
☾Chapter 22
☾Chapter 23
☾Chapter 24
☾Chapter 25
☾Chapter 26
Please Read.
☾Chapter 27
☾Chapter 29
☾Chapter 30
☾Chapter 31
☾Chapter 32
☾Chapter 33
☾Chapter 34
☾Chapter 35
☾Chapter 36
☾Chapter 37
☾Chapter 38
☾Chapter 39
☾Chapter 40
☾Chapter 41
☾Chapter 42
Story "Soundtrack":

☾Chapter 28

1.1K 52 7
By Bookworm2260


Double update today, because i feel nice and i wanna publish the rest of this story already lol.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife," the priest says, enclosing on Daddy and Lisa's marriage. "You may kiss the bride," he adds.

  They kiss each other passionately, as I stand with the bridesmaids on Lisa's side, clapping my hands and as does the crowd. The bridesmaids helped sew my skirt back together earlier, and instead of inside the chapel, the wedding was moved to a beach nearby. There are chairs set up on the hot sand for everyone to enjoy, colorful flowers everywhere, white wedding curtain stands up the front, mini headlights hanging all around, and it's just even more beautiful out here now than how it would've been inside.

  "Girls, get ready!" Lisa beams, getting ready to throw the bouquet of flowers. "One, two, three!" she calls, then throws them.

  The women bunch together, trying to catch it, when one woman grabs a hold of it and yells, "Yay! I got it, I got it!"

  "Barry," says Daddy, turning to his best man. "Thank you for being my best man, I love you."

  "Aye it's no problem Mike, I love you too man."

  "Michael!" I hear a familiar voice yell from behind. I turn around and I see Janet running towards us.

  "Hey Dunk, how are you doin'?" Daddy says, giving her a hug.

  "I'm doing alright, but damn you're doing even better! Congratulations Michael, you picked a good one," says Janet.

  He laughs. "Well, I do nice work," he responds, looking over at Lisa, taking her hand; she blushes.

  "Hi Allison, you look absolutely adorable in that!" Janet says to me, separating my arms so she that can take a look at the dress.

  "Thanks, auntie Janet."

  I sure hope nobody brings up the scene that happened earlier. But, it looks like we've all moved on from that...

  I then look up at Lisa standing with Daddy.


  "Excuse me one sec," I say to Janet.

  "Uh, Mommy?" I say, looking up at Lisa.

  Janet notices what I'm doing and she says to Daddy, "Michael, let's go and converse with Mother and Joseph and...everyone else."

  "Okay," he causally says. "Lisa, you coming?"

  "Give me a minute Michael," she says.

  "Alright," Daddy says, walking off with Janet.

  "You don't have to call me "Mommy" if you're not comfortable saying it yet, Allison," says Lisa.

  "I want to, it's just..." I sigh.

Well, I tried calling her "Mommy," but it's just something about it that didn't seem right.

  "It's okay, I understand," she says.

  "So you're cool with it?" I ask.

  "Of course. And I'm sorry for accidentally stepping on your dress, believe me, it wasn't on purpose."

  "Yeah, I know. I didn't mean to shout at you, or get jealous, or do any of the other stuff that I did either. I'm sorry."

  "Hey, it's okay. Why don't you say we go and do something fun now?"

  I nod my head. "Only if I can share a dance with my Daddy," I shyly say.

  She smiles. "Of course you can."

Everyone sways around, dancing with their partners. It's dancing time like they do in every wedding, except this is better  as it's outside on the beautiful beach, pretty music playing in the background. But I'm just sitting down and watching as Lisa and Daddy sway side by side, his arms around her hips, her hands on his cheeks, foreheads touching, water up to their knees, while everyone else is on the sand.

I giggle, not sure whether or not Lisa minds her dress getting wet midway. The only form of light source is the one from the tiki lights hanging all around, and a mini beach fire set in the middle, plus a little extra from the stars; it's all such a beautiful sight to see.

  The music slowly fades out and everyone starts clapping.  Daddy looks over to me and whispers something in Lisa's ear, then walking over to me.

  A new song begins to play as Daddy walks up to me and asks, "May I have this dance, Princess?" bowing down a little.

  I giggle. "Yes Daddy, you may." I stand up and hug him, as he leads me towards the water. Slowly, he lifts me up in the air and spins me around.

  "Daddy what are you doing!?" I yell as I begin getting scared.

  "It's okay sweetie, I'm not going to drop you," he says, giggling. "Just enjoy the breeze." He holds me steady in one direction, cuddling me closer so that I'm warm.

  I begin to calm down a little, looking out towards the ocean, holding my arms out as I hear the dolphins splash, the waves crashing together, the eagles calling out to their fellow eagles, the stars twinkling...I couldn't imagine anything more beautiful than this.

  "Daddy look!" I point further out towards the ocean, spotting a tail in the water. "A mermaid!"

  He chuckles. "A mermaid, huh? It's a whale sweetheart."

  My smile fades. "Oh..."

  "Don't worry Ally," he plops me down, into the freezing cold water, "the only mermaid out here tonight is you." He taps my cold nose. "Now, are you going to dance with me?"

  I smile. "Of course."

  After some more dancing and goofing off having fun, it was time for the cake to be brought in.

  "Hmm, wise choice Allison," Daddy says to me, and Lisa nods her head.

  A few men help carry it in and Michael stands behind Lisa Daddy's holds her hand with the one she's holding the knife with, preparing to cut it together. A few photographers snap some pictures as they do it, as everybody stands around and claps.

  A tall, vanilla and chocolate cake with pearls all around it with extra frosting, melted vanilla running down the sides, (which was the baker's choice that I wanted) plus, with the words on top in frosting:

Mr and Mrs Michael Joe Jackson.

Sounds good to me.


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