Bullied | punk luke hemmings...

By WritingObsessed01

529K 13K 2.5K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Sequel: Yes or No?
It's long, i know, but please read?

Chapter 57

8K 191 37
By WritingObsessed01

Eleven months from us getting back together had flown by and we honestly could not be happier.

We do still have a few arguments here and there but if anything, solving the problem brings us closer together.. Not that I like the arguments..

Luke and I had decided to discard the two days that we had broken up so we were celebrating our one year anniversary, corny, right?

I heard the door bell ring, then the front door open, followed by a muffled conversation between my mother and someone before the door closed.

"Gemmmmmma!" Luke called from the bottom of the stairs.
"I'm in my room!"

My parents got some massive promotion which I didn't even know was possible so they now get about three times what they used to get and happen to be around a lot more, for once luck seemed to be on my side.

"Happy one year." Luke smiled, entering my bedroom with his hands behind his back.

I pecked his lips before going over to my dresser, opening a drawer and pulling out a folded white t-shirt. I unfolded the t-shirt and his mouth dropped open.

"Gemma no way!" He exclaimed as I handed him Good Charlotte's most recent album, signed. It did cost me quite a bit of money but when I found it online I knew he had to have it.

"How much was this?!" He asked in awe.
"I'm not telling you. You deserve this."
"Gem, we agreed not to go all out on this. Now I feel all shitty for my stupid gift.."

I laughed at him and handed him the t-shirt the CD was folded in.
"What's this? I get to keep this too?"
I nodded,
"That's more of a present for myself, you look really good in white." I replied.

Over the past year Luke had really helped me gain more confidence in myself, but only around him.

Luke told me to stand in front of the mirror and hold my hair up and I did so.

He placed a necklace around my neck and began to do the clip.
"Luke this is so cu- why is it a 'T'?" I laughed.
"The store only had the letter 'T' so I assumed that's what it's supposed to be, some designer maybe or something."

I attempted to hold back my laugh.
"They only had the letter 'T' because this is the necklace Troy gave Gabriella in High School Musical."

"Wait.. What?"
I couldn't stop myself from laughing anymore and I just let it out.

"I try to do one romantic thing in this relationship and it turns out shit." He muttered.

"Luke it's okay, lucky for you I was a massive fan of High School Musical. And it's the thought that counts." I smiled.

Luke sat on my bed in a slight huff that I laughed at his present. He couldn't hold the grudge as as soon as I pecked his cheek a few times, he cracked a smile and began kissing me back.

We were interrupted by my mother calling us both downstairs.

When we entered the kitchen, my parents were sitting beside each other at the table with Luke's parents standing beside them.

I turned around and was engulfed into a hug from Jack.
"Hey, Gemma?" He whispered.
"Yes, Jack?"

It's safe to say that Jack and I had definitely gotten closer within the year.

"For what?"
"Not being repulsed by my brother." He laughed and Luke hit him causing Liz to tell him off.

"Mum you didn't tell me you all were coming over." Luke said.
"Yeah well you two have been together for a while and frankly I'm sick of not getting to watch my programs because you and Gemma are always watching movies,"
"And I'm sick of the two of you eating all of our food." My dad added.

"Where is this going?" I sighed.
"Well, Gemma. I managed to pull a few strings and, it's just to see if it works, I got a good enough deal, and the first few months have been payed for in advance but you still need to get jobs because those months run out and-"
"Mum." I cut her off from her babbling, "Is this going where I think it's going?"

"We got the two of you your own apartment."
Luke and I both went wide eyed.

"What?" He asked,"guys you really didn't need to do that."
"Yes but we wanted to." Andrew added.

"This is so surreal. Are you serious?!" I exclaimed.
"We've never been more serious about anything." My mother smiled, "but you really will have to pay your own way after five months or so."

"We will!"

"And Jack will be popping in every now and again to keep an eye on you." Liz said and Jack waved at us for some reason.

"This is a big deal, okay? If you two aren't committed to making this work or getting a job then this all goes down the drain. We love you two and we trust you enough to start living on your own."
"Thanks, mum." I replied.

"If you both love each other as much as it looks like you do, then we made the right decision." My dad spoke up.

He asked Luke and I for each of our set of car keys and we handed them over. My dad took two shiny keys out of his pocket and put one onto Luke's keys and one onto my own.

He set them both in Luke's hand but didn't release his grip on the keys just yet.

"Take good care of her, Hemmings." He said softly.

"I will, sir."
"She's something special."

"You're tellin' me"

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