
By QueenCocoa19

69.8K 3.7K 424

Sequel to Dysfunctional More

The Catch-Up
Ch. 14
Ch.20 Filler


3.4K 173 17
By QueenCocoa19

Brielle Pov-
So today is the triplets birthdays and I'm already over it. Monroe is being the biggest brat right now. She keeps complaining about superman and batman being at her party. She claims that only princess Tiana and Elsa should be here. She doesn't yet understand that she has to share her birthday/birthday parties with her brothers.

Montez Jr and Monté just been fighting all today. Tez Jr wants to wear batman and Monté wants to wear superman, but the don't want to have the same cake with both superheros on it. All they keep saying is mine. I called Montez to see when he would be on his way and he still hasn't texted back. Nowadays he never respond to my texts and calls.

Ever since him and Peyton broke up he just fell off. He still comes and get the kids all the time but he's normally late. Which makes them and makes me mad. We argue at least twice a week over nothing. It's been like that since he first found out I was engaged.

I asked him time and time what his problem was with it and all he said was "my kids bet not be calling that nigga daddy, dad, or pops." I don't know what made him say that cause they knew he wasn't their dad. I could've brought up how he's always having his hoes around my kids buy I didn't want to be petty. I just left it alone and moved on from that topic.

The triplets really don't care for Eric's existence and its fine with me. They are only three which means they really don't care about anything but getting want they want. Monroe is extremely spoiled because of Tyrique and Montez. Whatever she asks them they go out and get. Same for the boys except they don't really ask for much. All the boys really be wanting is scooters, bikes, mini cars; stuff like that.

"Mamaaaaa" Monroe yelled coming into the kitchen as I put the rest of the food on the counter. "Yes Mini" "Daddy is here see" she said grabbing my hand and taking me to Montez. "Daddy look I got her for you see" she said yapping his leg. "Thanks baby girl now go play while me and your mom talk, okay" "No, no okay. I wanna be with you" she whined. "But daddy has something really important to tell mommy and only she can know" he said kneeling in front of her.

"You telling her a secret?" She asked shocked. "Yep" he said "Okay, ima be back in these many minutes" she said holding up nine fingers. "Alright by baby" I said waving at her as she ran out the room. "That girl is a handful" Montez said laughing lowly. "Yeah she is, wonder who she gets that from. But anyways what did you need to talk about?" I asked him.

"Okay so I know you about to get mad at me but its something that I got to check up on" he said rubbing his head. "And that involves me how?" I asked him beyond confused. "It doesn't really but ima get straight to the point. I have to leave in about-" he looks at his watch "10 minutes because I could possibly have a baby entering this world right now" he said staring at me waiting on my response. "Bye Montez" I told him walking off. "I hope your not mad. I promise ima be back by the time it's time to blow the candles out the cake" he gone tell me like that makes it any better.

"Fuck you mean you gone be back by the time they blow out the candles. The party is basically over after that." I yelled. "At least I'm fucking coming back. I could just miss their whole birthday but I'm not a dead beat" he yelled back. "That's what they all say. But whatever bye, I have kids to attend to; oh and congratulations" I said walking off. Ain't nobody got time to be dealing with his bullshit.

Within the next 45 minutes to an hour mostly everyone was here and the party had begun. It was about 20 kids here and I could already tell that this was going to be a hectic day. "Wassup sis" I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see Tyrique and some woman. "Hey Ty, I haven't seen you in a minute" I said greeting him. "I know man but I'm back for good" he said signing then smiling.

"Good good, what's been up withchu though?" I asked. "Nothing really, I done went and cuffed me a good one" he said smiling hard. "This is Charli, Charli this is my sister Brielle" he said exchanging our names. "Hi its nice meeting you" I told her shaking her hand. "Its a pleasure to meet you too" she replied.

"You gone be okay while I go find the mini badasses?" Ty asked Charli. "Yes she'll be fine. We're about to go talk in the kitchen" I said grabbing her and pulling her towards the kitchen. "You want something to drink?" I asked her. "Yeah, can I have a bottle of water" she asked standing in the doorway. "Yeah, and you can take a seat if you'd like" I said going in the cooler.

"So how long have you and my brother been dating?" "4 months" she answered. "Do you love him yet" I asked. "No. I have a strong liking towards him but I do not love him yet" she answered. "I like you" I told her smiling at her. "Good that means a lot to me" she replied smiling back.

"So has he told you about his life or anything yet?" "Yeah he told me he has a child but that was it" she said. "Are you okay with that" I asked. "Yeah as long as his baby mother knows her place and knows that she has boundaries she shouldn't cross, then I'm good" she responded. "Trust me they don't have anything going on. I would know she used yo be my best friend" I said thinking about Kailyn.

"So I used to be your best friend" I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around to see Kailyn behind me holding a little girl. "Yeah" I said still staring at her. "You know its not nice to stare" she said adjusting the little girl in her arms. "It also isn't nice to to leave someone's life and then all of a sudden reappear when you want too" I told her.

She just rolled her eyes at me and began smiling. I began smiling to cause I missed my bitch. I slowly got out my chair and went to hug her. We were hugging for about 5 minutes when Charli cleared her throat. "Charli this is Kailyn, Kailyn this is Charli; Tyrique's girlfriend" I said hesitating to say the end.

"Hi its nice to meet you, I'm Kailyn Tyrique's baby mother" Kailyn said reaching her hand out to Charli. "Its nice to meet you too" Charli said. "Why don't you sit down with us and talk" I said to Kailyn. She nodded and took a seat next to me. "So Charli back to discussion, how do you feel about him having a child?"

"I honestly don't have a problem with it. Its his choice if I'm in the child life or not; its really his call" she answered. "I like you a lot" I said smiling at her hard. "I like you cause you ain't like these other bitches out here that think they're supposed to come before the child and the child's mother. You know your place and where you stand. You know what boundaries not to cross and how to deal with a man that has a baby mama" I stated. "I like you to so I grant you permission to be around my child. But pleaseeeee don't do nothing to lose my trust cause I'm crazy as fuck when it comes to mine" Kailyn told her. "Trust me I'm not. I've always been the loyal kind, therefore you can trust me" she told us confidently.

Kailyn just nodded her head while pulling out her phone and just smiled at her. "Baby turn the hot water on" I heard Tyrique yelling from the backyard. Charli got up turned the water on and sat back down. About 2 minutes later Tyrique came in holding Montez Jr upside down. "Stand my baby up right" I yelled at him.

"Here" he said dropping him in my lap. "The lil nigga slobbed down my arm" he said scrubbing his arm off with soap and water. Me and Charli started dying laughing until we got a glare from Ty. "Why y'all over there thinking shit funny can somebody give me a paper towel" he asked holding his arm over the sink. Charli got him a paper towel and then he began drying his arm off.

He turned around and began to speak. "So what y'all been talking about?" "Nothing really just our relationship and my feelings on you having a kid" Charli explained to him. "So you approve" her asked me. "Yeah we both do" Kailyn said finally putting her phone away and lifting her head. "And you are" he asked.

"I've only been gone for 2 years dang you forgot me already" Kailyn said smiling. He looked in her eyes, then looked in her arms, and back at her eyes. "YO WHAT THE FUCK"

*10 votes 5 comments , for the next chapter!!*

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