
By QueenCocoa19

69.8K 3.7K 424

Sequel to Dysfunctional More

The Catch-Up
Ch. 14
Ch.20 Filler


3.8K 159 16
By QueenCocoa19

(Kailyn In Media)
Kailyn Pov-
So the last time you guys had heard from me I was 3 months and 2 weeks pregnant. Now I'm a 20 year old single parent to the best daughter ever. She's a perfect mixture of me and her dad when it comes to looks. Her personality is all Tyrique. She expects everything to go her way and if it doesn't all hell breaks loose.

Taleah Amari Rodgers my heart and soul. Was born September 10 at 7:51pm. She weighed 5lbs 10ozs and was 14 inches long. She has the prettiest hair and the smoothest brown skin. Her eyes are as brown as they can be and her lips are always in a pout.

I've been staying literally 6 hours away from where everyone else stays so that if I got word that anything happened it wouldn't take me a day to get there. I used to stay in touch with Brielle when I first left, but she felt like since I wouldn't tell her where I was that we could no longer be close until I fessed up. I felt like that was petty because real friends stick together no matter what but I guess we don't have the same definition of real friends. I haven't talked Tyrique since the day of the triplets birthday party. All the messages he sent me are still unread, his number is still blocked, and my social media sites are still deactivated.

My parents know where I am and they actually meet me halfway when I need someone to watch Leah. They don't know who Tyrique is which is a bad and good thing. It's bad because they don't know the man that got their daughter knocked up and it's good because they don't have to worry about him if they run into each other in public. My father recently just had back surgery and sadly I had to be the one to help him. My mom really can't help him that much due to her strokes.

Right now I'm packing up Taleah's room and going through her toys. I picked up her pink bear and threw it into a box and she went crazy. "What's wrong sassy?" I asked her picking her up. She started wiggling her feet around extra fast trying to get down. I let her down and she ran towards the box and snatching the bear out.

"No" she said walking away with the bear. I just left her alone and continued packing. I threw away about 10 different toys because she doesn't used them and all they do is take up space. I packed up her whole bedroom before going to pack mines up. About 2 hours later I was done packing up my room.

The rest of the house was already gone and moved to my new home. All big furniture was moved first and then all the material stuff. I didn't want to pay another $800 just to move about 8 boxes when I have a truck that can fit all that in it. I place all 8 boxes inside of my Range Rover, grabbed Taleah, and we were on our way.

Six hours later we pulled up to our 2 bedroom duplex. It was nice and spacious which meant that Leah had a lot of room to run. The kitchen had marble counters and wooden flooring just like the living room. I liked the wooden floor until I noticed how dangerous it would be for Taleah to go down the stairs. I immediately noted that I had to call my uncle so that he could place some carpet down for me.

I placed Leah down in her room which was right next door to mines and went downstairs. I started putting all my utensils up and decorate my kitchen. I swept both the kitchen and living room floors and then began decorating my living room. Once I was done doing all of that I began decorating the bathroom and cleaning the toilet. My downstairs bathroom was a pastel pink and I knew Taleah was going to love it.

After decorating my whole downstairs, I headed upstairs. I started decorating the upstairs bathroom and I chose to make it lavender. I bleached both my toilet and tub, swept, and cleaned the mirror. Then I moved on towards my room and placed my curtains and blinds up and put all my clothes in their drawers. I didn't really have much to do since everything was already in place.

Taleah's cry carried through the house and I went straight into her room. She was standing in her crib crying out for me. "I'm here butt butt. Mama's here baby girl" I told her kissing all over her cheeks. "Delly" she said pointing at her stomach. "Peanut butter and jelly coming right up" I said walking downstairs.

I fixed her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich then placed her in front of the TV. She loved watch bubble guppies, it was her favorite show. I sat down and watched some of it until I became bored and got on snapchat. I just stared at myself in the camera noticing how much I had changed. My hair was no longer brown, it wasn't shoulder length anymore, my tongue wasn't pierced, I stopped wearing glasses, and my gap is now closed.

I know y'all wondering how I've been getting my money so ima just say it; I was a stripper. I stripped for the first eleven months of Taleah's life and then I quit a month before her first birthday. I was used to fast money since that's all I ever had when I was around Tyrique so I chose to get it how I knew best. I wasn't ashamed of what I did because I had a purpose. I knew that I wouldn't be doing it for long and that this wasn't something that was going to change my life forever.

After bubble guppies went off Taleah got up and started to whine. I already knew what she wanted so I got up and waited on her to walk with me. She wouldn't walk she would just sit and hold her arms up in the arm. "Walk or your not getting your milk" I told her just staring at her. She stood up and began running to me.

I waited on her and we walked in the the kitchen; pinky in hand. I placed her in her high chair while I poured her milk into her sippy cup. I gave her her cup and decided to reactivate my Facebook. First thing I saw was an invite to the triplets birthday tomorrow. I sat and thought about it and decided that I was going to go.

Taleah through her cup on the floor and began to scream and yell for it. "Nope you shouldn't have thrown it" I told her picking it up and placing it into the refrigerator. She just burst out crying and I picked her up and took her upstairs. I went into her room, grabbed her some pajamas, and went to run her some bath water. "Time for a bath stink" I said taking her onesie off along with her diaper.

She started jumping around and saying yay I couldn't help but laugh. I put her in the water and she instantly went for the bubbles. She tried eating them but got mad that I kept lifting her head up. I let her play for about 10 minutes before washing her up and taking her to my room. I put her diaper on and layed her in the middle of my bed. I turned the TV on and went to get in the shower. When I returned Leah was sleep with her legs crossed; just like her daddy.


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