Finding Angels Wings|Disconti...

By darkdestiny

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I will not be updating this story anymore. Ava is the last angel in existence. She now lives in a world where... More

Finding Angels Wings
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 14

386 21 7
By darkdestiny

Sorry for the wait guys! Issues at home. Sigh. Anyways, hope you enjoy! ^-^ 





I felt something soft brush at my face, I scrunched up my eyebrows and attempted to open my eyes. I could smell something, it smelt delicious and tantalizing...bacon.  I opened my eyes wide, my vision was blurry and my head was pounding. I looked around wildly trying to make sense of my surroundings.

I looked up at spotted the grey eyes squinting at me, I titled my head to the side and blinked a few times looking at Calyx. He still had his dimples. I giggled softly, I realised his hand was brushing softly at my face and I couldn’t help the small blush that formed on my cheeks.

“Why are you giggling?” he asked, smiling brightly at me.  I simply shook my head and pointed to the dimples in his cheeks. He shook his head, his black hair flying across his forehead.

“You still have dimples, I remember the first time I saw your dimples in the facility...” I trailed off, my eyes taking on a lighter tone as my mouth set itself into a thin line. The facility. Where he left me. I coughed loudly and sat up, ignoring his gestures. My sudden change of mood and bitchy attitude meant something. I was unstable. I needed lightning. I ground my teeth together and grabbed a piece of bacon, biting into it and tearing off a piece. I glared at Calyx, chewing softly on the bacon.

“If this bacon wasn’t so damn good, I would be demanding thousands of questions from you, you little shit.” I spat. He looked taken aback and stared at me as if I had grown two heads. I scoffed and gobbled down another piece of bacon. Wiping a hand over my mouth I sat up straight and looked at him squarely.

“What’s with this sudden mood change? Why are you acting like this Ava?”

“What? Do you honestly think I’m the same girl I was when you abandoned me? Really? I’ve changed Calyx. I had to adapt to survive, and I think I did pretty well for myself without you.” I crossed my arms, looking at his facial expression he seemed, passive almost indifferent as if my words had no affect on him at all. I knew what it meant. He was dying on the inside, he was probably angry as hell but of course he wouldn’t show it. It’s the great and stoic Calyx, who shows no fear. Asshole.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom, he soon followed after.  Looking for my toothbrush, I looked at the mirror seeing him in the reflection and I glared daggers at him. I got some minty toothpaste out, squeezing the tube so a little dollop could hop onto my brush.

“Look, Ava. I’m so sorry, I didn-“ I cut him off before he could continue, pointing the toothbrush accusingly at him.

“Don’t you Ava-I’m-sorry me! You don’t have the right to say that you’re sorry, sorry isn’t going to help!” I screeched my toothbrush waving about as the toothpaste fell right off. I glared at it.

“Look at what you did! It’s on the floor now!” I yelled, throwing my hands up exasperated.

His mouth flew open and he held up his hands in a defensive position, “Me? I did nothing! You’re the one brandishing the toothbrush like it’s some goddamn weapon!” he said indignantly. My mouth settled into a thin line. I glared up at him before smacking him right on the forehead with the back of my toothbrush and slamming into his shoulder as I walked past.

“Oh, oh, no! Get back here! Where are you going? Get back here Avalyn!” he yelled at me, grabbing onto the back of my shirt. I growled before turning around and throwing the toothbrush at his head.

“Ow! Stop throwing things at me!” he said, pretending to pout. My eyes zoomed in on his lips and I couldn’t help but stare at them for a little longer than necessary.  My stupid need for lightning had my emotions all over the place!

“You know kitten, you don’t have to stare. Come here, let me give you a kiss!” he said, puckering his lips and running towards me with his hands held out. I screeched and ran away.

“Get your lips away from me! Who knows where they’ve been! Probably on some harlots mouth!” I yelled, ducking behind the couch and peeking my head out as he stood on the either side of it. I stood up holding onto the couch, my body swaying from side to side as I got ready to bolt.

“Hey! Don’t say that about Cherry! She’s a nice lady! And who the hell still says harlot?” he laughed, before lithely springing over the couch and capturing me in his grasp.

“I say harlot you pompous prick! Ewww! Get it away from me! Cooties!” I yelled, trying to move my face away from his lips. He puckered them up ridiculously making silly face at me. He dramatically leaned forward and gave m a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

“What are you British now too? Pompous prick? Hah!”

I tried wriggling my hands to wipe it off. “You’re a really ass do you know that?” I huffed. He simply chuckled, picking me up and hopping onto the couch before settling me in his lap. A small part of me liked this treatment the bigger part however wanted to rip his fucking head off. Dammit, I needed some lightning soon.

He smiled snuggling his face in my neck and he started...purring?

“Are you fucking purring?” I asked, shocked and slightly amused. He stopped and looked at me.

“I’m a panther, ergo I’m a part of the cat family. Therefore I purr. Don’t judge the purring, darling.” He muttered before he continued nuzzling my neck in an affectionate way. I sighed and decided to poke some fun at Calyx.

“Do you want a ball of yarn Calyx? Hmm? A cute little squeaky toy? Some catnip?” I asked, giggling madly. He bit down on my ear and I yelped. “What was that for?!” I asked indignantly, trying to wiggle away from his grasp to smack him.

“You were emasculating me. My panther and I did not appreciate it,” he murmured before closing his eyes and nuzzling me again, his purring soft, almost comforting. I sighed, my wings twitching in my back before I settled myself down in Calyx’s grasp. His legs were crossed and I was seated right in the middle of them. He held tightly onto me, as if he was afraid I was going to disappear.

Everything was quiet for a few moments, apart from Calyx’s purring and my soft breathing. His black hair was tickling my neck and his hands were warm on mine, they dwarfed them. It was rather weird how we settled into this calm state. I guess it has always been like this. I’ve never heard Calyx purring before, I guess he was too frightened to do so in the facility. He never told me what they did to him when he was taken to the testing room. He always used to come back, wide eyed and quiet. He wouldn’t let me go near him during the duration after. I tried to once, but he puffed out his back and hissed at me. I figured his panther was in control and not him. However late he would crawl towards me and hold me close. We were lucky we were put in the same cell together.

Shifters were weird things. I understood how the werewolves came to be, but Calyx was a different story. He was rare, special. You do get shifter lions and tigers as well as cougars, not many but there are a few. However panthers are unheard of. Yet here he is; the last of his species...just like me.

“Calyx, why are you here?” I asked softly. He sighed, pulling me up closer towards him.

“I heard through the grapevine an angel was living in these parts. I had reason to believe it was you. So I decided that I needed to come back to you. I still remember that day when I left you. The hurt in your eyes almost made me stop. I just, I just couldn’t kitten. I had to leave, I was going to come back for you. In fact. I did.” His voice was soft, velvety even.

I sat up straighter, turning my body to face his. “You came back for me?” I asked, shocked. My mind was not even thinking about the fact that people knew where I was. He nodded his head, one of his hands playing with a lock of my hair as he stared at it as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

A smirk formed on his face, “I got to the facility with a few close friends of mine. We started scoping out the place. Trying to find you, you know? We weren’t prepared for what we saw when we entered the facility. Bodies, charred beyond recognition on the floor. Blood splattered against the walls, bullet holes and knives. People were screaming, the supernatural had been released. We couldn’t even smell the hounds. You sure did make an exit, darling.” He looked up at me, with a knowing smile on his face.

I looked down, slightly ashamed. Escaping from that place was hard. It took everything out of me. I was beyond furious. My eyes glowed intensely as I released my full angel powers on the people that had tormented me. I really felt no remorse that day. The only scary part was when those werewolf and human hybrids that followed me wherever I went.

“I began looking for you, you are quite good at hiding your trail aren’t you angel?” I gave him a wry smile at his use of ambiguity. The little idiot.

“But Ava, now that I’ve found you...I don’t ever intend on losing you or leaving you ever again.” He whispered, his voice cracked and he sounded vulnerable. He pulled me closer towards him, smelling my scent and I could instantly feel him calm down. I smiled slightly. He used to do this when were little. I missed my guardian angel.



I sat nervously at the dinner table. My hair was piled up onto my head in an elaborate updo. I wore a black chiffon dress, with small silver sequins along the hem line. I glanced at Kat from the corner of my eye. She too looked nervous, but she masked it up by talking to politely to the King’s son, that vile disgusting piece of scum. He was by far the biggest vermin this earth will ever come across.

He was beautiful, I admit. He was tall, with a strong jaw line, light green eyes filled with malice, dark brown wavy hair and a killer tan. He had the ladies lining up and discarding every ounce of their dignity to be with him. He wasn’t what he seemed. He was horrible. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself and he never took no for an answer. His name was Colton. I shuddered just thinking about what he did to me and my sister.  We knew his secret.

He had a brother, a twin brother. They were identical. In looks and manners, however the one twin was quieter than the other. The quiet twins name was Silas. He was mysterious and just seemed slightly more dangerous than Colton.

I could feel the tension in the air. I was actually terrified. I knew the king was going to speak to me. However I was terrified, waiting anxiously for that moment. I glanced to my side to look at Kat, she looked panicked. The Princes hand was on her leg. I quickly turned to look at him.

“How have you been, Prince Colton?” I asked softly, politely. He turned his attention to me, stopping his hand from moving further. Kat quickly got up and excused herself.

The prince gave me a smirk, identical to his brothers. “Why, it’s been splendid how have you been,  Hails?” he asked. I hated it when he called me that. His voice was velvety and deep, it was the type of voice that made you stop and listen. I was about to respond when I heard my father clear his throat.

“Hailey, the King is demanding your attention.” I quickly snapped my head in the direction of my father and the King. The king was an intimidating man. He was extremely tall and had dark brown hair and silver eyes. He had stubble forming along the line of his jaw. The king wasn’t that old. He was in his late forties. This man was not a man you ever wanted to trifle with.

I nervously looked at the King, inclining my head forward. “Your highness.” I whispered.

“Well done on the successful operation my girl. That rebellious group was getting rather too big for their britches wouldn’t you say?” I nodded mutely. Not sure how I was supposed to act. My father glared at me from across the table.

“Ye-yes, your highness.” I stammered. The princes chuckled at my mistake and I went red. The King held a pipe in his hand and he took a long drag from it before puffing it out, the smoke hit me in my face. I hated this man.

“Have they been catered off to the facility?” he asked.

“Yes, they have. Besides a few stragglers.”  Besides Dante and all the important people that is. He seemed pleased with my answer. He regarded me with a cold stare before placing his pipe down on the table and leaning in closer towards me.

“And that angel girl?” he asked. “She’s been a lot of trouble. We need to get her.” He carried on.

 I gulped. “We do not know where she is my King,” I said softly. I jumped when his hand slapped down onto the table, causing an audible crack to appear in the mahogany wood.

“I’m-I’m sorry your highness but the guards were supposed to get her!” I squeaked, my hands shaking as I stared at the wooden table, noticing the polished surface and how easily it broke from his fist. He could snap me like a twig.

“We will find her! I need that insolent little bitch. I will find her and when I do she will wish I never got a hold of her in the first place!” he boomed, his voice was loud causing the chandelier to rattle. I sat there quietly, my body shaking. I hope he never finds her.


Oh no! The King knows about Ava! Ahh! Why do you think he needs her? Hmm. We shall see! :D hope you guys liked this chapter. I really enjoyed writing it! Bad news guys! My final exams are upon me! Uploads may be slow and non-existent until the 22 of November! I need to do well guys! Thank you so much for reading!

Do you guys want a guy like Calyx? Because I mean, I would. Like dammmn. I want Calyx!

Dante shall return guys! I haven’t forgot about him! I still love him ehehe

QUESTION TIME AGAIN! RS FANS KNOW WHAT THIS IS! ANYWHO- Who is your favourite male celebrity hmm? Guys. Johnny Depp is my husband. I love that man. Ian Somerhalder is God’s gift to woman and men! Channing Tatum is a beautiful specimen. Hahaha pervy moment right over there! So who is your eye candy? Oh and Dave Franco so fucking gorgeous! Phew. Hahaha sorry guys, got carried away there!

<3 'dd'

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