The Elf and Her Dragon Mate

By 9Tailed-Kitsune

296K 14.8K 1.4K

*CURRENTLY ON HOLD! HEAVY EDITING IN PROGRESS!* Cover made by @deandra_15! Lady Lillyanna- nearly 1300 years... More

I. Wilt My Roses |*Edited
II. Ageless; Curse or Blessing |*Edited
III. Time Wasted
IV. Warmth
V. Respect
VI. What the heart wants
VIII. Not Your Typical Fairytale Creatures
IX. Two Sides to the Story
X. How To Fight The Invisible
XI. Lesson Learned?
XII. Consequences
XIII. Burn
XIV. Tears to a New Beginning
XV. Locked in a Tower
*Special Chapter
XVI. 6th Sense
XVII. Piteous Gold
XVIII. Thirst
XIX. Fold Out of the Game and Into A New
XX. Curiosity Killed the Cat
XXI. Let the Dragon Come Forth...
XXII. Never Take Your Eyes Off the Enemy...
XXIII. New Ones and Old Ones
XXIV. God or Only Human?
XXV. Hunger
XXVI. These Things Happen

VII. Three Choices

14.2K 748 34
By 9Tailed-Kitsune

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

○William Congreve○

Lillyanna stared at Jameson, her iridescent turquoise eyes clashing with his golden ones. She wondered what kind of man he really was. Other than the fact that he broke one of Homelands biggest rules in a fit of rage and that he was at the young age of two hundred and thirty, there was nothing else that was known about him.

She frowned. Datrax had lead them to his office right above the club to ensure privacy so that they could speak without the supernatural ears to eavesdrop. The room itself had hues of deep red and deep mahogany wood all throughout. It screamed of masculinity.

For a moment she had lost her train of thought looking at him but she came back to reality when Datrax cleared his throat loudly, causing them breaking eye contact on both sides.

Lillyanna glared at Datrax, anger beginning to seep through her veins. Because of him, she was forced to find a fitting punishment for Jameson according to the crime that he had committed. But how was she to do that properly knowing that she'd be putting her soul mate through possible pain and misery?

She sighed. "So Mr. Aldugresh, you already know why you and I are both hear. Would you care to relay me the events that happened," she paused and looked at Datrax.

"September eighteenth 23:42," he filled in and she nodded.

"September eighteenth 23:42," she repeated.

Jameson sighed knowing that there was no way to put it off. "It was my two year anniversary with a woman by the name of Camilla Anderson. My mother was sick, I went to visit her and she got better quicker than expected. So I tried to make it in time to celebrate with her but found her sleeping with a shifter who I used to think of as a friend."

Her heart went to him. While his mother was sick his girlfriend was doing the dirty behind his back with his friend. And on their anniversary.

"I flipped and wanted to scare her a little and make her regret what she did. So I shifted."

She leaned back and stared at the golden chandelier fighting the urge to pull out her hair. Because he was her mate she was fighting to find a way to loosen his punishment. Homeland has three rules known as the big three. Either one could lead you straight to the gallows.

The big one was assault or murder of an elder or one of the high kings or queens. The next was showing your true form to a human who is not you life long mate. Not all supernaturals find a soul mate and can choose a life long mate but must come to the council beforehand. The last is usage of dark malevolent magic, such as necromancy.

The best she could do is give him three options.

"Well, since no one was hurt, I can give you the chance to chose your punishment. You can spend the rest of your immortal life behind bars, head to the gallows or spend or I could give you a task to complete in Black Horned Meadow."

Jameson cocked his head in confusion and she frowned, wondering how long he had spent in the human world.

"What is Black Horned Meadow?"

"It's a small piece of land with black horned unicorns." She told him and he laughed loudly.

"That sounds like a win for me and a possible lose for you. Are you really trying to punish me?"

Lillyanna's eyes narrowed and she made eye contact with Datrax. He on the other hand did not seem to find any of it even slightly humorous.

"Mr. Aldregresh-"

"Call me Jameson," he interupted. Lillyanna's bodyguards shifted uncomfortably, not taking kindly to his rudeness.

"Fine, Jameson. Have you ever heard of black horned unicorns?"

"No, but aren't unicorns supposed to be benevolent and pure?"

"Are you fųcking stupid or something?" Jason finally snapped out after a moment of silence and she cringed at his crude words. Jason was around five hundred years old and he was what women would call a player. With his blond hair cut short and longer and spiked at the top, warm green eyes and 6"2 of lean muscle, he was definitely drool worthy. He was fun to be around though he had a way with words that had her bright red and wanting to run away.

Nico on the other hand was the dark and silent type. Because he was a shifter, no one knew what he actually looked like except his mate but he usually went with a dark haired muscular man. The tell tale way to know it was him was his eyes. Whatever shape he chose his eyes were always green with loops and loops of gold rings.

Nico huffed in response. Jameson's eyes flashed in anger and he stood up almost chest to chest with Jason. She noticed that he was a good three or four inches taller than him and she fought a grin.

"You wanna say that to me again?"

Jason scoffed in response. "Your nothing but a filthy lizard. How is it possible that you know nothing about the supernatural? Your a freaking disgrace to your family and all others."

Now she was furious. She hadn't felt this angry in a long time. Not since the elven war. In a flash she was behind Jason and had him in a deadly headlock. Although he was a vampire and didn't need to breath, he still had blood flowing through him and she cut it off.

He struggled for a little while and soon sunk down to the floor no longer breathing. Datrax just looked on shaking his head and Nico looked at Jason with mirth in his eyes.

Jameson on the other hand looked at her shocked. "Did you just kill him?!"

"Your like a little girl with all your screaming and shît. So do us all all favor and grow some damn balls," Nico said.

"No Jameson, I didn't kill him. Dispite how much he irks me, I would never kill him. Now back to what we were saying. Jameson, these unicorns are not like the ones your read in fairytale books. These unicorns are-"

The door opened she wanted to scream. One more interuption and she just might kill someone. In walked Claudia. Great. Just who she didn't need.

"What do you need Claudia?" Lillyanna warily asked.

"Oh nothing dearest. I just sensed you here and came to see what you were up to." She said and Jason came to.

"Really Lillyanna? I don't think that that was necessary. It was a man to man argument and you-" he stopped seeing Claudia.

"Why is she here," he shivered in disgust. Lillyanna didn't really know the history between the two of them other that Claudia pinned after him and he in turn ran.

Claudia looked at him with lust in her eyes. She didn't only pin after him but also Datrax and Nico. She was convinced that she'd be able to turn Datrax to the other side and she loved bad boys. She looked at all the other men in the room her lust filling the room and Lillyanna could only imagine what was going on in her head.

Claudia's eyes landed on Jameson and Lillyanna could tell she had found her new toy. She was like a panther eyeing her next meal. She flipped her long black hair and stalked over to him. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off her as she sashayed her hip seductivly.

"Well hello. I haven't seen you around before. I would definitely remember a strong looking man like you if I did."

"Hello. What is your name," he rumbled and dragged a single finger over her waist looking fascinated with her.

She giggled "Claudia."

"I think I'll just call you beautiful."

Her heart clutched and contracted painfully. Was he really flirting with her in front of her? Heat pooled in the back of her eyes and she blinked several times fighting her tears. Could he not feel the pull that tied around their souls and yanked them together making them one?

"Claudia," Lillyanna called out, her voice like a whip. She only hummed in response.

"This is an important meeting and you are not welcome."

"Okay," she said got up. Lillyanna blinked surprise. In no way did she expected her to comply.

"But only if he can come with."

"No! He is needed and you are not. Now unless you want to lose your place on the Council, it would be in your best interest to leave."

"You can't kick me off the Council. My father's the one that got me on the Council not you," she laughed.

"You forget that I power over your father and even your grandfather. Your great grandparents don't necessarily care for you. So yes, I can be the one that keeps you on or off this council."

She paled. "Fine I'm leaving. But I'll get you next time Lillyanna. Don't you worry."

"Oh I'm not. Now leave. That's the last time I'm asking."

She left with Jameson looking at her whimsically. She growled under her breath.

"Dąmn she's hot."

All the others gagged in response. She couldn't help but agree.

"Black Horned Meadow it is Mr. Aldregresh. Datrax open the portal. We'll go now."

Datrax looked uneasy and an unhealthy color. "Lillyanna... I don't know about this. Maybe you should reconsider."

"Open the portal now Datrax, that is an order."

"Yes, Lady Lillyanna," he whimpered. He knew better than to get on her bad side. She might be known now as the kindest ruler in all of Homeland, but about five hundred years ago that wasn't the case.

Her jaw was hard as she waited for him to finish the spell. Nico opened his mouth to say something and Jason put a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. He was the oldest in the room besides Lillyanna and knew best how she was centuries ago. Something about this man was pulling out emotions that she had buried long ago.

Finally the portal was open, shimmering blue, green and purple. Lillyanna looked at Jameson and smiled savagely.

"After you Jameson," she sneered and he gulped, finally realizing that something was not quite right. But it was already too late.

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