Julian's Girl // DIRTY

By al3jandraaaa

51.3K 1.3K 395


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (this chapter is gonna be really dirty)
Chapter 13 (getting nasty again)
Chapter 14 (Kind of clean)
Authors note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (They took her)
Not in update until later in the day
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (short)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Not an update
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 49
Second Book!

Chapter 30

567 27 10
By al3jandraaaa

Andreas POV
"hey Pris need help unpacking" I said walking into the guest room "Yes I do but my parents said that we are moving over here so they bought a house and I have to go" Priscila said "Ohh well if you want I'll drive you to the house" I said "Yea sure" Priscila said "Ok then umm are you parents coming today or tomorrow" I asked "Well today in in the night like around 9:00 I think" Priscila said "Oh well you can stay with me and Julian until your parents get here" I asked "Nah I'd rather go because I can choose the room I want rn rather when my brother gets the biggest room so I'll go and chose the room and fix my stuff" Priscila said "Hahah lol ok well I'll tell Julian that Ima take you to your house" I said "Ok I'll wait for you downstairs" Priscila said "Also you can take some snacks for when ever you get hungry at your house" I offered "Ok thanks my nigga" Priscila said "No problem hoe" I said giggling at the end, Priscila walked downstairs meanwhile I went into my room where Julian was at "Hey babe" I said "Yes my love" Julian said coming towards me "Wow the room looks nice but either way I'm going to take Priscila to her house since she's moving here" I said "Umm thanks and ok be safe baby girl" Julian said he kissed me on the lips "Ok now go take a shower I have a surprise for you later in the night 😘😏" I said with a wink and a smirk on my face "Ooo I like the sound of that" Julian said i looked down at Juan and I could tell he had a boner "Man Julian clam down" I said pointing at Juan "Sorry" Julian said laughing "Now bye" I said I walked downstairs to see Pris and 3 bags of hot cheatos "DAMM you gonna eat that all by yourself" I said with sarcasm "Hahha lol yes" Priscila said "Uggh of course you are your Priscila" I laughed we walked out to my car and drove off to Priscila's house mean while I told Priscila to plug my phone and put a song after 1 min Right Hand came out "Ahhh Priscila remember in 7 grade this was our song" I said "Omg Yass I remember" Priscila said "YOUR MY RIGHT HAND, YOUR MY GO TO TOLD ME EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU THATS A BOLD MOVE" Me and Priscila scram then we just kept singing the song over and over again until we got to her house "It's here" Priscila pointed "Want me to stay or you gonna stay by yourself" I said "I'm gonna stay by myself and watch Netflix" Priscila said "Hahha lol ok call me when your mom and dad come back" I said "oh" she scram I waited until she got inside and drove back home her house was 30 min away from mine I walked into the house "BABE IM HOME" I said "Don't scream I'm right where" Julian said scaring the living shit out of me 😂😂 "Omg Julian you scared me" I said holding my chest "Sorry babe" Julian said picking me up bride style "Julian put me down right now" I said "No ever" He said "JULIAN ESTEBAN JARA PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT" I said "Nope" he said popping the p, I was on his shoulder on mg belly I was thinking and I knew how to make him put me down so then I slid down now his hands are on my butt "Andrea what are you doing" Julian said "Well you didn't want to put me down so.." I said "So what" Julian said "take me to the kitchen counter/island" I said " ok" Julian said (keep in mind I'm still on his shoulder) we got to the kitchen I started to kiss his neck leaving love bites and hickeys then he let out a moan and let go of me I jumped off his shoulder and went to the couch to watch tv "WHAT THE HELL ANDREA" Julian said walking towards me "Hahha lol ik you here gonna put me down and babe I have to go talk to Matthew so we are Gucci" I said acting like a little kid at the end " Ok then but watch your gonna get teased later" Julian said "Oh please ik that if I moan you won't stop and you won't end up teasing me because it turns you on" I said "That's not true Andrea" Julian said "oh yea Uggh" I moaned out getting up from the couch "ooo look at that thing grow" I giggled "Fucken Andrea" He pushed me back to the couch "I told you babe" I said he kissed my neck and started to kiss me rough like he has never before "Julian I have to go fix things with Matt and its 5:00 rn we will do this some other time" I said "But babe i need your love I need you time we need to talk things out too and I have to tell you things that happened while you where gone" Julian said "Julian ik we have to fix things too but Matt is hurt rn" I said "SO YOU CARE MORE ABOUT MATTHEW MORE THAN YOUR BOYFRIEND" Julian said harshly "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK TO ME.... Like this" I said with my voice trailing off "AND IVE LOST YOU FOR 5 MONTHS I DONT WANT HIM TO MAKE YOU LEAVE AGAIN" Julain said "FIRST OF ALL HE DIDNT MAKE ME LEAVE YOU HAD SEX THE NIGHT BEFORE OUR WEDDING JULIAN" I said and then the door swings open.....

Who's at the door comment if you know who it's gonna be and I hope you guys liked this chapter
OMG GUYS WE HAVE 4K READS AHHH.... 😱😱😱 I literally can't believe it I thank you guys so much when you read my story
And if you ever catch and error tell me please or if you thing I should fix something tell me don't be shy to tell me I'll be here
Once again thank you for reading my story you can go follow my social medias 👇🏻👇🏻
Instagram: xo_flamin.queen_xo
Twitter: _queen_109
Should I give out my sc or oovoo???
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