Beautiful Mistake | ✓

By Lexy_VLover

33.8K 1.2K 1.5K

❝how would you feel if i told you i loved you? it's just something that i wanna do❞ When Violetta's parents'... More

• foreword •
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• afterword •
• Part 2 • Diego •
• 2.1 •
• 2.2 •
• 2.3 •
• 2.4 •
• 2.5 •
• 2.6 •
• 2.7 •
• 2.8 •
• 2.9 •
• 2.10 •
• 2.11 •
• 2.12 •
• 2.13 •
• 2.14 •
• 2.15 •
• alternate ending 1 •
• alternate ending 2 •
• epilogue •
• afterword •

• 21 •

532 16 16
By Lexy_VLover

THE NEXT MORNING I woke up warm, even though the blanket was hardly on me. I saw the muscular arm wrapped around my waist, and felt the hard chest that was pressed against my back. And then there was the soft breaths hitting the side of my neck.

Diego and I had slept together.

But like really really slept together.

I smiled lightly. Even though I had given my first time away, to Diego Hernandez of all people, I was happy. Content.

I slowly and carefully try to remove his arm but instead his grip tightens on my waist.

"Don't go," Diego murmurs in my hair.

"But I should get up. I'm done sleeping," I whisper and he groans.

"I'm not done. And I want you to stay with me," Diego pleads.

I sigh and nod. I couldn't resist when he sounded so sincere, and he had that I'm so sexy in the morning kind of voice.

I'm telling you it's impossible for somebody to be this attractive.

I close my eyes, and Diego's breathing sends me to sleep once again.

THE SECOND TIME I woke up I was cold. I turn to my side and the bed was empty. His figure still lightly pressed in. The bathroom door opens and Diego comes out, wiping his hair with a towel, another wrapped around his waist.

"Morning," Diego smiles.

"So you can get out but I can't?" I ask him, sitting up, clutching the sheets.

"You looked so calm. I couldn't wake you," Diego shrugs.

"Uh thanks?" I say questioningly.

Diego leans over and presses his lips to mine. I pull away quickly. What am I doing?

"We can't be doing this," I shake my head and he raises an eyebrow.

"Why not?" Diego asks tilting his head to the side.

"Because, we can't!" I blurt out and he chuckles, kissing my forehead lightly.

"Well technically it's not bad. We are engaged you know," Diego reminds me. "And I'm sure you want this," He kisses my jaw.

I groan and pull his face, pressing his lips to mine. He smirks into the kiss. This is exactly what he wanted.

Well, it's also what I want.

DIEGO LEFT FOR work and I called Marco and Camila over. I said it was an emergency, so they were here in two minutes.

"You look awfully calm!" Camila screams.

"Because of you, I would've gotten three speeding tickets!" Marco says accusingly.

"Well it's a personal emergency," I argue. They sit on the couch breathing heavily.

"I want to know about Diego's maternal family," I explain and they start laughing.

"Violetta, weren't you told? They abandoned him!" Marco tells me.

I roll my eyes. I had thought this out –kinda. After Diego had brought Luca to me, I felt like o had to repay him, and now I knew how.

"Look, you said that Gregorio wanted to separate Marco and Diego right?" Marco's jaw tightens. I could tell this a touchy subject.

"So, maybe he did the same with his mother's family. Except with them he was successful," I continue.

Camila strokes her jaw, and Marco bites his lip. I squeal inwardly. They were obviously thinking about it. Processing it.

"I've honestly never thought of it that way. And I think,"

"You may be right,"

Oh my god! They finish each other's sentences. How had I not noticed this palpable chemistry between them! I had to tell Diego about it later.

"Well if you are right. How exactly do you plan on getting this special information?" Marco asks me and I grin.

"We break into his office!"

"THIS IS THE most idiotic plan ever," Camila curses as she looks at my crumpled pieces of exam paper with scribbled writing all over it.

"I think it could work, after all, we don't have anything else," Marco shrugs and I grin proudly.

"Thank you Marco!" He flashes me a small smile.

"Don't know what hit you two on the head this mornin' but fine," Camila eventually agrees.

We leave for GD, and I was bursting with excitement. I knew that Diego probably didn't resort to breaking and entering to get Luca's information, but I wasn't a smart ass like him —don't ever tell him I called him smart.

I will never hear the end of it.

"Hello! I'm Violetta Castillo, I'm here to speak to Gregorio," I say cheerfully, and she tips her glasses to look at me through her eyelashes.

"Gregorio is a busy man, and I don't see a Violetto,"

"Letta," I correct her and she rolls her eyes.

"I don't care. Point is, you have to make an appointment," She says sternly, and I swallow hard.

Who spat in her coffee?

"I'm his future daughter in-law," I say defiantly, and suddenly a look of realisation flashes across her face.

She doesn't apologise, but simply presses a button and gestures to a gate that had opened. I flash her a fake smile and walk through with Camila and Marco in tow, a newfound confidence surging through me.

I knocked on his door, and heard no reply. I take a deep breath and open it, peeking in. I breathed in relief when I saw it was empty.

"Watch for anybody. Marco, come," I instruct and they nod.

Marco and I leap in, and I move to his desk. I pulled his drawers open, and rummage through the files. After finding nothing I looked at the clock and saw seven minutes had already passed. I curse under my breath.

I go to his cupboards behind me, and thank the heavens when I see the files had tabs.

"What's Diego's mother's maiden name?" I ask Marco, without turning around.


I squealed when I saw Moore. I rip it out of its place, and check the front of the folder.

Maya Moore.

And then in red writing on the bottom, it was barely noticeable, I read aloud.


"Hey Mr H!" Camila greets, extra loudly.

I close his drawer, and stuff the folder under my shirt, covering it with my jacket. Marco and I sit down on the chairs in front of his desk, and pretend to be doing nothing.

"What are you two doing in my office?" Gregorio booms, his voice thundering in the room.


"Dad, I told them to come," A voice chimes in.

I breathe a sigh of relief. I turn around and see Diego, with a hand on his father's shoulder, probably trying to keep him calm. Diego sends me a look You. Will. Explain. I nod ever so slightly.

"Well, we'll be going!" I call, and grab Marco pulling him out.

I salute Gregorio, and he glares threateningly at me. I knew that if Marco and Camila weren't there, he probably would've murdered me right here and now. I close the door, and Marco and Camila start running. I'm about to leave when I hear Diego and Gregorio start to speak.

"So, you and Violetta are getting along?" Gregorio asks.

"I guess,"

"So you like her now?" Gregorio interrogates.

Say yes. Say maybe. Please! I silently plea.

"No. I don't do relationships. Especially not with her,"

Obviously he didn't hear my silent pleas. . .

This started out so nicely for you guys :')

Oh well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! So Diego's mother's family will be explained in the next chapter! And do you think Diego means what he said to Gregorio.

If I'm being honest, he kinda did. Diego has lived this way for a long time, and he can't change because of a few kisses with Violetta. But ya know, there's still time. There is no set amount of chapters in this book, considering I'm not even at the wedding yet. . . (Update. The wedding is actually chapter 28)

So I guess I kinda crushed y'all didn't I? I still hope you enjoyed the chapter! From here, they're relationship is bumpy, and goes back and forth repeatedly. So you know, please just bear with me with this.

Thanks for reading 🙈 sorry for any errors 💚

~Lexy 😈

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