Magi: Hiraeth

By lilyofthelamplight_

193K 7.3K 890

"Even the mightiest of kings fall once forced to the edge." The longing for a place you called home that neve... More

Author's Note
1: Xue Kingdom
2: The 23rd Dungeon
3: The Boy Who Emerged from the Wormhole
4: To Sindria
5: Sinbad, King of Sindria
Character Profile: Yukiko Heiwa
Character Profile: Aoren Heiwa
6: Lady of the Tundra
7: Dawning
8: Memories from Kou
9: Before the storm
10: Birthday
11: Glorious Sindria
Lost Scroll
12: Feelings
13: Shattered
14: The Fallen
15: Emptiness
16: Gone
17: The Kingdom of Kina
18: Snow Child
19: Realization
20: The Flame Emperor
21: Welcome Home
22: Rebellion
23: News
25: His Decision. Her Decision.
26: Queen Yukiko Heiwa
27: The Kou Empire
28: Stay with me
29: Back in Sindria
30: Decisions
31: The Road to Magnostadt
32: The Darkness
33: Missing you
34: The Place She Once Called Home
☆☆** 2017 **☆☆
35: As A Representative
36: Her Return
37: To Be Like Before
Lost Scroll: The Past (A Recap Chapter)
38: Sinbad and Yukiko
39: Vulnerable
40: Prelude to Darkness
41: Resurfacing Darkness
42: The Difference Between Us
43: Sorrowful Feelings
44: Tears
2nd Anniversary
45: Forms of Love
46: By the Sun
47: King Vessels
48: King Vessels pt.2
49: Balbadd
50: Impasse
51: In Each Others Arms
52: Different
53: Moon
54: Summit

24: Ascending

2.2K 99 5
By lilyofthelamplight_

Aayy! I'm back 😄 with a new chapter~ This one is dedicated to Vestonica. Welcome to the world of Hiraeth! Please support us from now on <3


The White Snake Hall, where a ceiling mural of a huge white snake can be seen together with the story of Xue painted in with it. Here, all the important meetings are held and the place where the royalty grants their audience. The hall is being slowly filled by the twenty different village chiefs along with some of their people and council, the Seven Lords and their main family members, the Council of Elders and the Parliament. The room is separated into two by a long and wide walkway. At the end of the walkway is a flight of stairs with twenty-seven steps signifying the twenty-seven people who governs Xue alongside the Royal Family. On top of the stairs are the thrones where the King and his family sits in large velvet cushions. The pillars, the walls and the floor were all filled with the carvings of dragons which is their country's symbol.

They were all greeting each other, checking, asking if their village is doing well and if they need assistance. Some small talks about today's topic was being thrown here and there and each has a different opinion from the other. The sounds of trumpets started playing as a sign of the arrival of the Royal Family. Everybody stood up and looked towards the door at the end of the walkway where their Prince, Aoren, and their Princess, Yukiko entered wearing the traditional clothing of the royal family. Aoren is sporting a black and blue traditional clothing of Xue for the prince, dragon patterns visible on it. His long hair was let down, his crown with beads dangling on the side adorning his head. He walks in a refined and dignified manner as he only looks straight ahead.

Yukiko on the other hand, is wearing a heavy looking floral kimono because it was a layered with different fabrics. Her hair was styled to be let down, adorned with her crown as the princess and a single red rose on the right side of her head to complete the look. She was walking in an elegant manner, just like a princess brought up to be royal.

If the people of Sindria and the people they made friends and acquaintance with saw them, they'll look absolutely stunned at how they appear and act now. The two are members of the royalty and not just some silly magician and a metal vessel user afterall. As they walk down the walkway, the people all bowed one by one, doing the salute of their country as to give them respect as they pass by. Aoren and Yukiko ascended the stairs and each step they took, a drum will be beat to count the steps that they are taking. Yukiko needed assistance to climb so Setsuna gladly helped her climbed since she is more than just a maid now, she is an adviser to them.

"The meeting shall now commence. Close all the doors." Announced Elder Yama, the head of the Council of Elders. He then watched the two siblings sit on the cushion reserved to the children of the king. The throne of the king is empty since there is still no determined successor.

"An opening statement will be given to us by Setsuna, the adviser of Prince Aoren and Princess Yukiko." Setsuna stood up and walked towards the magic tool which can amplify your voice. She took a deep breath before starting.

"Honorable ones, I am but a maid before and I've been by these two's side eversince. To King Aomine and to Queen Maya, I became like their child too. They told me once that if the time comes that such a calamity befall us, I shall stay by these two's side. Now, I'm doing what they wish me to do." She then picked up a trunk that is blue in color with the rims decorated in gold with the carvings of the dragon. She opened the lock with a key that is attached as a pendant for the necklace around her neck. She then took out the crown worn by the previous King Aomine and showed it to everyone. "This will be placed upon the head of the next leader of the country, I therefore call forth the candidates to be the next King."

Aoren, Yukiko and Kurosaki Ranada from the Black Family stood up and went to the peak of the stairs, standing tall. Kurosaki is a candidate for he is the son of the former King's half-sister who married to the Black family, making Kurosaki their cousin and an eligable candidate.

"Ran-ran." Aoren called for him and smiled. Kurosaki nodded in response before doing the salute and kneeled before the two. Much to the surprise of everyone.

"I want to drop out of this selection. I am not worthy to govern our country. We, from the Shadow Estate, The Kirens, had sworn loyalty to the Blue Family, The Heiwas, since the beggining. The Heiwas are the only rulers that I will recognize. My prince, my princess, I wish you all the best. May blessings be upon you and I am terribly sorry for leaving this up to you two."

The hall was shock from the sudden notice of withdrawal from Kurosaki that they didn't give a proper response from the shocking announcement. Kurosaki then stood at the side of the stairs as he holds his lance, like one of the soldiers in the room, guarding the two siblings. The rest of the Seven Lords did the same and took their place on the steps of the stairs and held their weapons that they are ready to use whenever someone tries to attack them.

"The Seven Lords of Xue's vow is to protect Xue, to protect the Blue Family who brought peace and be forever loyal to them. We only recognize the Heiwa's as our king. Our rulers." They said in unison before being silent again. The hall fell in a deafening silence before Elder Yama's laughter broke it.

"I see, I see. I guess this will be easier. You heard the Seven heads' statement and now, it is up to us to decide." He smiled and the other nodded. The Yellow Family looked unfazed by the fact that their head suddenly dropped out since they talked about it days ago and they accepted his decision for they share the same sentiments.

The meeting proceeded and everyone was stating their opinions. During Xue's meeting, the Parliament, the Council and all the chiefs are considered equals. No one cares about their position and they can express their opinions freely without worries. Such discussions are done in dignified manners that doesn't allow verbal attacks. If they do, this will reflect only shame to their name, position and village. However, nobody has done such a thing before.

"Considering the lineage, age and experience, I think Prince Aoren should be the next king. He is knowledgable in all aspects and a powerful magician. He had a lot of achievements before he became twenty years old." Said one of the village chiefs.

"But Princess Yukiko is a metal vessel user, in other words, a king candidate. She is as knowledgable as Prince Aoren and an achiever too."

"Prince Aoren is a person who is always calm under any pressure! He is a man who handles things without panicking or breaking a sweat."

"I can say the same to Princess Yukiko. She is experienced in trade and was able to solve a national crisis when she was but a teen. She was able to train a part of our army too when she reached twenty."

Aoren was laughing a bit as he watches the others express their opinions. Yukiko was just overall, embarrassed from hearing all the things she has done being announced to everyone.

"Why do they know all about this?" Yukiko sighed as she hears them going on and on, on who should be the next King.

"Ne, imouto. You know that I'll do anything for you, right?" Aoren suddely said as he faces Yukiko. "I've been supporting you since I could remember. I promised to follow you wherever you go, right?"

"Yes. I know all of that, aniki. But why are you saying that at a time like this?" She asked him with a confused expression on her face. "You're creeping me out, aniki."

"That's a mean thing to say when I'm being serious here, Yuki." He pouted a bit before turning serious again. "I can't do those things if I become king." He stated before turning his gaze to the crown.

"What..?" Yukiko muttered, confusion written all over her face.

"Yukiko, I've decided." He smiled then kissed her forehead. "Aniki will do everything to realize your plans." He said meaningfuly before walking towards the magic tool to announce his decision.

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All images used here are not mine.

Oh by the way, I started wearing glasses. Never in my life did I imagine myself wearing them someday. My eyes look even more intimidating than before. No one will ever love.

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