My Everything (Major Editing)...

By hoeforjariana

46.2K 1.5K 301

Sweet innocent Ariana is kidnapped from her home. After her whole life is taken away she starts experiencing... More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y *

E i g h t e e n

837 31 8
By hoeforjariana

A r i a n a

"Lance! Let me the fuck out this room!" My face is stained with dry tears and my shirt is soaked.

I bang on the door repeatedly until it opens revealing one of Lance's ass kissers.

"I need to get some fresh air I'm going to pass out in here." He nodded and pushes me toward the front door guarding me like a dog.

It felt so good to breathe clean un-asshole air, And feel the grass underneath my toes.
My mind keeps wondering back to Emily, her pale skin, the Light haired beauty. I take a moment to breathe before I continue on with the plan.

Turning around I face the guard eyeing him.

"If you guard me do you think we could take a walk? It's really stuffy and I wouldn't want to have to tell Lance I'm not enjoying my stay here. Even though I have no idea if I'm going to live after this or if my best friend is alive or if this the last time I'll ever see the SUN!" He face looked like he felt a dash or two of pity. Perfect.

I broke out in tears to up the dramatics. "What if I can't have kids or get married. I don't understand why I can't just live my life without people trying to kill me. Why can't..."

"Will you shut the fuck up if I let you walk"


We walked far on the path until the house was tiny. I leaned down on the side of the road and pick up a medium sized rock and threw it at the guard and ran into the woods.

You better go bitch before he tackles you!

Running as fast as my little legs could take me I pushed the branches and ran to what felt like freedom.

I going home. I'm not going back to the warehouse and I'm definitely not running back into Jason's arms. These people hurt me because of him. Where was he, what is he doing?! Did he give up?


The sound echoed in my ear and a spark pain rushed through my body. My hands rushed to injury feeling the blood gush from the gun wound. My vision was blury and tears were building up.


Was this the end after all.

J a s o n

We got out for a second to load the guns and strap our self's with rounds of bullets. I hid a gun under my pants leg and around my waist.

"Ricky what do you think your doing?" Richard was arming himself with weapons from the other car.

"I'm doing what I was supposed to do in the first place. Protecting her"

We were about a mile away before a gunshot was heard echoing through the trees. I stopped the car and stepped out.

I heard her scream and I couldn't move. All this anger was building up inside me and I was about to shoot all these motherfuckers up.

The house was in plain sight but Ariana was in the woods. I gave everyone orders to distract them by attacking the house while I went to find Ariana in the woods.

A large hand grabbed my arm pulling me back. "I've got to help you get her Jason. She's..."

"Why don't you fuck off and follow directions while I go get my girl."

Ignoring his last few comments I ran off into the woods lurking around listening for hints in the direction.

"Let me go asshole" Good to know my mouth is rubbing off on her. "Go suck a large penis thing!" We'll work on it..

I get a good look at the guy an shoot him in the shoulder. He drops Ariana and I run to her side.

"Jase?" He eyes widened as she realized it was all real. "Come on baby we gotta get you out of here"

I picked her bridal style and carried her to the car placing her down gently on the seat.

"Jase, you have to go back. Emily is inside, We have to find her."

"I'll go you stay, okay?"


While shooting every armed man I managed to searched the house. Making my way to the last door I prayed the girl was in here. I heard quite whimpers and lifted my gun only to see Emily half naked tied up to a door.

"No more please" she cried.

"I'm not Lance, Emily I'm here to get you out. Okay?" She nodded her head and I grabbed the knife from my back pocket and cut her legs and arms loose. I took my shirt off and put it on her to cover her up and went picked her up.

Only five feet from the door the safety of a gun was unlocked and the cold metal was pressed against my back.

"Where are you going McCann?"

I sat down Emily and covered her infront of me. I mouthed her 'run when I say' and she nodded.

"I wasn't going anywhere just thought I should stop by and say hello."

"We'll from what I've experienced I've never know that you take other people's property when you just "stop by" he eyed Emily who was shaking uncontrollably.

"You have business with me so let's settle it. I have things to do places to be.." he pushed the gun harder into my back. I waited for the right moment and snaked around and grabbed the gun lifting it into the air as the bullets flied.


His one hand pushed on the top angling the gun back at my face. Once Emily was far enough from us I let go.

"You think your smart, huh?"

"I think I'm alot of things that I rather not talk about with you"

"Let's see if I'm playing McCann." The gun slammed into my face knocking me to the ground. The safety coming off once again and the echo of the gunshot, the last thing I heard wasn't the most memorable.


Just darkness.

Yo Yo Yo, it's me coming at u wit a ugly ass chapter 😏.

I'm currently dying because my AC isn't working and it's 93℉

So pray bc Imma bout to become a over cooked peice of bread.

Hope you like the chapter!

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