Will You Go Out With Me?

By cottoncandy894

438 77 49

A bunch of short stories for a certain someone ;) More

Will You Go Out With Me?
Prom Part 1
Prom Part 2
First Date
He Gets Jealous
Rae's Journal
Happy Birthday!
Credit (not an update sowwy Rae)
Dinner With The Family Part One
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By cottoncandy894

Rae's POV


Second Period

"Ugh I hate tech," I say to my friend Mackenzie as we walk down the staircase to tech class.

"Are you ready to pick partners and stations?" Mackenzie asks.

"No. I'm gonna ask Wilson if I can just not," I respond, opening the door to the classroom.

"No you're not. If I have to suffer, you do too."

Once we get into the classroom, I follow Mackenzie to her seat, right behind Michael.

I've had a crush on him for a while, but obviously never done anything about it. "Get into your seats so we can get to work!" Mr. Wilson calls.

I walk to my seat, bumping into Michael's table on accident. I blush, continuing the walk to my seat.

After a very long, boring conversation about our next project, we write our names onto little slips of paper and fold them in half, putting them in the boot.

That's how we pick our partners for this project. "Michael, table number two, measuring and drilling," Wilson calls out.

Please don't get table two, please don't get table two. After a long time, the voice I didn't want to hear call my name; Michael.

"Rae, table two." Damn it, I think, walking over to the table. I reach into the boot, pulling out Mackenzie's.

I knew it was Mackenzie's because while we were supposed to fold in the "hamburger" way, she folded it the "hot dog" way.

"Mackenzie," I say, putting the piece on the table in front of me.

"Ready to drill?" She asks me.

"Yep, totally. It's not like I'm constantly shaking and can't drill a straight hole or anything."

Michael stares at me for a second, then looks away when I look up.

"I'll drill them all if you want," Michael says, looking at me.

"Okay, that works because we weren't going to," Mackenzie says to him.

As soon as the blocks of wood get to our table, Mackenzie gets to work on measuring the holes, then handing them to me so I can hand them over to Michael.

"Here ya go," I say, handing him the first block. He takes it from my shaking hands with his warm, strong hands.

When our hands accidentally touch, I pull mine back, feeling the blood rush to my face.

This goes on for a little while, me and Mackenzie talking, screwing around, Michael butting in once in a while, not having a bad time.

As I went to grab the next block from next to Mackenzie for Michael, I hear him blow on something.

I look at him with the block of wood he had most recently drilled in his hand, then look down at my black shirt to see that he had blown sawdust on me.

"Michael," I whine. He smirks and continues drilling. This cycle continues onto the next day of partner work.

"Michael, please stop?" I say when the next day he starts blowing sawdust on me again.

Looking at me with those dark green eyes with a hint of gray, almost like a foggy forest, he blows it towards Mackenzie instead.


She smirks at me for a millisecond, then glares at Michael. "You actually suck."

I blush as I think about how he stopped blowing it at me when I asked him to, since I had assumed he wouldn't stop.

Then, Mackenzie says something to me, but not hearing her, I say "what?" and then Michael makes a racist comment.

"Michael, that's really racist. Although I can't really judge, I make Asian jokes all the time," I say to him, looking at Mackenzie for some sort of comfort, uneasy with talking to Michael.

"Ching chong," she mumbles, smiling in my direction. I laugh and continue helping her with measuring the holes so Michael can drill them.

After about five minutes, Michael calls out, "Hey Justin! Rae's making Asian jokes!"

I roll my eyes, attempting to control the tomato red colored blush appearing on my face.

"Your face has never been so red," Mackenzie says, barely managing to spit out the words she's laughing so hard.

I make a face at her, pushing her shoulder. "I don't like you."

She smiled at me and told me she loves me too. "Leo, she's making Macadamian jokes!" Michael calls out again.

"I didn't even say anything!" I protested this time. "Macadamian?" Mackenzie says, looking at Michael like he should be in the special help classes.

"Don't you mean Macedonian?" I ask, his friends laughing. He heads over to their table, leaving us to drill the holes.

"I'll do it," Mackenzie says, striding over to the drill. She hands me one after she finishes and says, "go blow it on Michael."

I shake my head vigorously, definitely not about to go do that.

"Well then, save it for when he comes back over here," she says, adding a "Michael, come back over here I'm not good at drilling!" to make him come quicker.

I gather up all the courage I can muster and sure enough, when he walks over, I blow sawdust all over him.

Mackenzie laughs and Michael doesn't really do much but smile his radiant smile that lights up a room and start to wipe it off of his clothes.

As he continues drilling, I whisper over to Mackenzie, "look at how concentrated he looks." I sigh as I look at him, wishing someone like him could like someone like me.

I really need to stop thinking about him.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Mackenzie says,"Ugh I'm so ugly," as she gets a glimpse of herself in a saw, covering her face.

"Shut up! You're gorgeous. I'm the ugly one," I say to her, truly thinking that.

"I'm not ugly, I think I'm beautiful," Michael says, handing more finished blocks to the next table. "Have you looked in the mirror recently?" Mackenzie asks him.

He nods, responding with a, "all the time." Unable to control the urge, I rush out, "I can see why."

"I can see why you would," he says to me, glancing at me for a second before looking back down.

I blush and do nothing but look at the ground now. Mackenzie attempts to hide a smirk, and Michael just continues drilling with an unreadable expression on his face.

"I had a dream about you and I going to Rose's house once," Michael says casually, as if that was a normal dream for him.

"What?" I ask, confused as to why he had a dream like that.

"Yeah. I don't really know why, but you and I just went to her house and hung out in the basement."

"Huh. That's really weird, Michael," I tell him, making a face. "Tell me about it. Rose is weird," he complains.

"How?" I ask. "Well, she has a demonic backpack, she-" Mackenzie interrupts him. "It's actually a supernatural backpack, not a demonic backpack."

Michael continued listing how Rose is weird, then told Mr. Wilson that we finished drilling and measuring all of the blocks.

"You can go do whatever now, just don't screw around with or near the tools," Wilson tells us. "Can we go to the library?" Michael asks.

I look at him in confusion to see him giving me the face that says just go along with it.

I then look at Mr. Wilson, hoping he'd say yes, although hoping he'd say no at the same time, not really prepared for whatever it is Michael has planned.

To my surprise, he agreed, giving us a hall pass and a time limit. 10:15, he said. That's when we have to come back to the classroom. Since it's 9: 45, we have a lot of time.

We spent that time fooling around in the halls, me, Michael, and Mackenzie.

At 10:11, when we started to head back to class, Michael started smiling like a crazy person. "What?" I ask him.

"Nothing," he responds. "We should do this more often."

"Lie to the teacher and cut class together?" I ask him.

"Yeah. This was fun," he says. I nod in agreement. Looking over at Mackenzie, I see her wiggling her eyebrows weirdly up and down.

I roll my eyes at her, grateful that Michael doesn't think I'm a freak and likes my company. We walk into class, and everyone looks at us like we're aliens or have purple skin or something.

Michael heads over to his friends, leaving me and Mackenzie to talk about our class.

"He likes you," is the first thing I'm told once Michael is out of hearing range.

"No he doesn't. He probably just said that because he didn't want to be rude. He probably hates me."

Mackenzie scoffs. "Yeah right. 'I can see why you'd look in the mirror too,' 'I'll drill them all for you, Rae, anything for you,'" she says, mocking him.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes, glancing over my shoulder at the beautiful specimen that is Michael.

After a few more minutes of mindless arguing, the bell rings, signaling the end of second period.

"No, seriously, she isn't bad company! I actually like hanging out with her," is the last thing I hear as I walk out of the room.


Sowwy that it took so long. Ily? 💕 also sorry this chapter sucks. It's cuz I suck. Like majorly suck.

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