Caught in a Strider's Web (Di...

By its-a-secret-ha

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(Jake's POV) "Dirk Strider! He's an interesting fellow..." I whispered keeping my eyes glued on the anime gla... More

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The Weekend Ends
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On Hiatus

Forgotten Little Things

993 16 21
By its-a-secret-ha

I woke up due to my early alarm. I don't know why I even like waking up this early.

I was wrapped against Dirk comfortably, and I didn't want to get up. I opened my eyes and studied the sleeping features of Dirk. I smiled a bit. It was nice being this close to him.

Sooner than later the buzz of the alarm starts to annoy me. I reach behind me, unlatching myself from Dirk, and hit the off button on the clock. As soon as I turned back around Dirk pulled me closer and nuzzled himself into my neck. I began running my hands through his hair.

"Dirk... We need to get up now." I whispered in his ear. I didn't know why I was even trying. If he could sleep through anything, I'm pretty sure he couldn't hear me.

I watched Dirk's features twist into an irritating one.

"What time is it?" He mumbled. Ah, so he can hear me. I glanced back at the clock already knowing the time.


"Jesus Christ!" He whispered in a form of a yell. He forced open his eyes squinting at me like I gone mad with his orange iris's hidden mostly by his eye lids. "Jake. Why?" He asks.

I blink away my sleepiness. I wasn't that tired, but I just didn't want to get out of bed. A quick thought crosses my mind. I wrap my arms around Dirk's neck catching him off guard. His eyes open wider watching me suspiciously. I nuzzle my face in the crook of his neck. I pecked his neck with kisses and played with the hair at the bottom of his head.

"Then let's play hooky... " I mumble into his skin. I closed my eyes then smiled as I felt his hands placed on my hips. I could hear him sigh contently before pulling my body closer to his.

"I didn't think you were quite the 'bad boy' Mr. English?" Dirk's voice questioned. I chuckled nervously.

I'm not a bad boy. I like to believe I'm as smooth as silk, but braver than an adventurer. I still like to follow the code of conducts, but I also want to take the risks. Dirk doesn't seem to follow any rules that he's given, which may be why he gets into so much trouble. He's always so certain of himself while I'm still a lost puppy. Dirk knows what he's doing while I'm getting pushed along.

I wish I was more like him.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." I responded with less meaning than the statement originally held. I was begging, almost pleading with my words that he would understand me. I expected him to pick up on it, but he just raised an eyebrow.

"I'd like to find out." He placed a tender kiss against my forehead, and I refrained myself from letting that vacant expression conquer my countenance.

I ran my hands across his chest. Outlining his lean muscular torso. He didn't question it, and I didn't realize I was following every crease and dip because I was too enveloped in my thoughts.

I was sad... Was I really? I couldn't tell at this point. Did I always feel this way? A quizzical expression spread itself upon my face, and I came back to focus once I heard incoherent mumbling.

"Huh?" I looked into his iris's with a sense of lost thinking. He stares at me for a second more as if he were trying to find what went wrong.

"Are you okay Jake?" He asks me with a slight tone of worry. I give a weak smile.

"Yes, yeah I'm fine." I replied rather too quickly and higher pitched. I sit up stretching my limbs and hearing the aching pops of my bones echo in my ears. "I'm going to shower." I respond without gazing in his general direction. I decided I needed to think, and thinking in a hot shower wouldn't be too bad.

I leave the room not a second later, for I didn't give him a chance to respond. I rubbed my arms at the coolness in the hall. It was getting colder outside and soon winter will be approaching. Before I head to the bathroom I turn the thermostat up higher.

As I entered the bathroom I started the water then watched myself in the mirror. I winced at my reflection. I look dead, and Dirk sees me like this? I shake my head and pry myself away from the decaying corpse. I approach my shower and step inside the nice steamy, hot water.

I let the hot water cascade down my back relaxing and tenderizing my muscles. I don't take long, and I even forgot to think about... Well you know!

When I get out, I dried my hair then wrapped my towel around my waist. I continued on towards my bedroom then slowly peeked inside. Dirk was back asleep in my bed with the covers up to his chin. A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth as I watch him.

I make my way towards my dresser and find the shirt I took from Dirk's house that night after. I think nothing of it as I place it on my thin frame. I threw on a pair of loose gym shorts and didn't bother with boxers since I will be staying inside all day.

I sighed then sat at the edge of my bed. I stared at nothing in particular, but kept thinking of scenarios that could numb my pain.

My first thought went to alcohol. I could easily go to one of those party's that the delinquents hold at their house. I imagine myself drinking to oblivion then having the time of my life.

I shake my head at the thought. I wouldn't do something so rash even if it were tempting. Alternatively, I imagined myself running away, far away from my problems and living free from anything that's bounding me back to this life, but I quickly rule that out. That's unfair to my parents and that's definitely unfair to Jade. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve someone so messed up as me.

She needed me..... She needed me? I laughed in despair at that mere thought of something so substantial. She didn't need me; she can do way better on her own. In fact, I need her. I need her way more than she needs me.

I felt movement on the bed and figured Dirk was getting up. Suddenly, I didn't like being in my room. I didn't like being inside. I stared at my walls and was overcome by the feeling of bondage. I needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Let's leave." I demanded in more of a one-sided decision. I turned around to see Dirk sitting up staring at me as if he was trying to climb aboard my train of thought. I gave him a couple more seconds but rendered him clueless. I sighed irritably at his state and repeated myself but more descriptively.

"I want to do something today." I stated. "Maybe we can find a party?" I asked without thinking too much into it. Dirk widened his eyes for a brief second. I continued to search his face for a more definite answer.

He yawned and ran a hand through his massive bed head. "Like what?" He asked. "One where there's going to be people getting trashed or... A party where we won't necessarily get in major trouble for?" He asked me as if he already knew my answer.

My brain was more interested in the first option so that's what I go with.

"The first one."


"Well?" I asked him in a defending way. He looked unsure and I felt like I was being studied under his searching iris's. He eventually gave up and sighed.

"Alright, I'll see if Roxy knows if anyone is holding one today.... If anyone knows it's definitely her." His eyes turn to a brief flash of disgust, which makes me question him. I thought he and Roxy were the bestest of friends?

I smile happily for being able to possibly go to a party. I still don't know why I was excited for this. Previous me would be terrified to go and wouldn't even consider it for a second. I'm kind of liking the new me. I'm a lot riskier and daring. Dirk's attention quickly snaps at me.

"But you're staying by my side the whole time there." He gets out of my bed and ruffles my hair as he passes me. "I'm heading in the shower. Be out soon." I roll my eyes at my now messed up hair and replied with an 'okay'.

As he was in the shower I began to think more and more. You know what's funny? You just sit there and think and think, but nothing comes to mind. Like you're trying so hard to think of something, anything! Yet, I couldn't think of something to feed my draining attention.

I lean back slowly and let myself rest onto my bed. I fold my arms behind my head and sighed. Everything felt off putting as if time has ceased to move. I blinked slowly trying to focus my vision on the ceiling, but it was way to far for my sight to decipher. My vision is bad I must admit. It didn't take me long before I lazily hauled myself up to grab my glasses off my nightstand. I also even found a neat outfit that I would use during the party.

A text message caught my attention in my glasses. It was from Roxy.

Roxy: Hey Jakcey! Dirk says yuo guyes wanted 2g2 a party?

I smiled at the thought of Dirk already fulfilling his promise. I respond with a 'yes' to only get an upsetting response.

Roxy: I dunno Jakey, u dont seem lke prty maternal

Roxy: *Matearail

Roxy: *Mateareel?

Jake: *Material, and yes Rox. I can handle it I promise, and Dirk will be with me the whole night.

Roxy: Thx.... Okey Jakey. Thus 1 guy naemd Adam is houlding 1 tonite @7.its a big prty wif lotz of boze n other bad thngs so bcareful.

Jake: Thanks! And I promise I will!!

I was so excited! It was irritating dealing with that though. It felt like she didn't even trust me, and even thought I couldn't handle a party. As if an English could be taken down by socializing. I sigh away my frustrations and tried to think of what to do to pass all this time. I glance at the clock to see it's almost seven in the morning and groaned aloud impatiently as I could. I sat back down on my bed and a second later Dirk walks in with only a towel around his waste. I eye him up and down with a content smile spreading across my face. He seemed to have noticed and winked at me playfully.

I rolled my eyes sportively and he made his way towards my dresser to use one of my clean boxers. I spread myself across my bed on my stomach hoisting up my chin with my hands.

"Roxy said there's a party tonight at seven. I really would love to go... with you." I added in his favor. Dirk seemed hesitate to turn to face me, but it could have been my imagination. He continued to rummage through my dresser to find a shirt more his size.

"You're really set on this party, aren't you?" He asked finally finding a white T-shirt. "What are you trying to gain?" He questioned and he pulled the shirt over his head and fitted perfectly on his body.

I scoffed. "I figured it would be fun is all." I rolled my eyes irritably as he turns to face me. He gently shakes his head and make his way over to me. He kneels down at the foot of my bed so he's my height and gives me the most genial smile.

"What can I do to talk you out of it?" He asks as he gazes into my eyes. I almost melt, but I quickly look away. My heart thudded in my chest that it hurts.

I couldn't stand him. Why did he want to stop me? It's just a party. What harm could it even do?

"It's just a party," I mumble grumpily. I felt his lips press against my cheekbone, I turned my head towards him again. He held that pleading gaze once again.

"Exactly. It's just a party, so why go?" He tried to capture my lips in a kiss, but I pulled away and sat up abruptly. I gave him a stubborn glare. I was beginning to get very irritated with everyone. What right do they have to tell me no?

"What's so wrong with it? Do you really not want to go?" I asked and then quickly connected it with Roxy's reasoning. "Or do you think I can't handle it too?!" I growled. He gave me ever so changing expressions to confused, to offended, and to irritated. This is possibly the most expressions I have ever seen come across his face. He stood up, hands clenching and loosening continuously.

"No, no that's not it. I... I just don't like Adam, okay?" He asked as if I wasn't going to understand his reasoning. I understand it, but seriously when does not liking someone get in his way. I know him better than that.

"That's it?" I scoff. "There's going to be tons and tons of people there! Your odds of bumping into him are slim to none." I stated with a bit too much attitude. A brief flash of anger coursed through his countenance but seemed to disperse through his calming sigh.

"Fine. Fine we'll go." He finally gave up. He leaned in towards me and placed his hands among my bed. "Please stick close to me..." He pleaded. I narrowed my eyes with irritation. He seemed to realize what I must be thinking and quickly covered it up. "If I do run into Adam I might do something stupid, and you are possibly the only thing that can calm me down." He explained and quickly kissed me as if he wouldn't get another chance.

I soften when he kissed me and pull him closer. I let our lips entangle in soft pecks but nothing more. A sudden thought crossed my mind.

"How did you know it was Adam's party? I asked. He gave me a 'duh' look.

"You told me." He responded with such certainty that I knew he must be right. I must have let it slip when I told him about it. I nodded as I agreed. He let himself collapse on my bed to the side of me. I ran my hands through his soft slightly damp hair. He mumbled something I couldn't hear.

"What was that?" I asked. He turned his head towards me with sleep tugging at his eyes. I smile simply.

"I could sleep longer... Care to join me?" He asked with an arched eyebrow. I glance at the clock as it read seven thirty-two. There wasn't much to do, and the feeling of leaving the house for nothing other than the part seemed to fade. I shrugged and placed my glasses back on my nightstand. I turned around and laid next to Dirk, my face about a foot away from his. His eyes just stared at me, but I couldn't see them as clearly to my liking. I inched my way closer his body up until he dragged me the rest of the way towards him.

He entangled his arms around me as I did with him. I rested my forehead in the crook of his neck absorbing his warmth. We continued to whisper sweet nothings to each other until it became incoherent to my sleep induced hearing.

* * *

I woke up instantly sitting upright with my heart thudding in my chest. I tried to calm my rapid breathing and wiped away the tears that escaped my eyes. I have no idea why I woke in such a panic, and I had no memory of having any horrifying dream to have cause this. I look at the clock next to me, for it read twelve-eleven in the afternoon. My breathing ceased into its original pattern.

"Dirk-" I stopped as I realized he wasn't next to me anymore. I sat there profound by my confusion, but the smell of cooking food wafted into my nostrils and caught my attention. I hopped off my bad and followed the smell into my kitchen. I leaned against the wall as I watched Dirk cook a batch of pancakes and I noted he had a new change of clothing. I figured he had woken up earlier and stopped by his place to pick up a pair.

Suddenly I could hear Dirk begin to sing. My interest perked as I listened to his rhythmic vocals rise and fall softly. I had to hold my mouth shut, so I wouldn't laugh aloud. Not that he's a bad singer or anything, but I never pinned Dirk to like soft love songs. I let him continue for another minute before clearing my throat to announce my presence.

"Mornin' Dirk." I greeted with a smirk. He whipped around surprised then tipped his head towards me as a response. I watched as he placed the final pancake on the plate then made his way over to me with them both.

"I stopped by my house for some clothes," he noted as he placed a plate in front of me. I grimaced at the food. "You're eating it, English." He gave me a stern look. I shared that defiant stare until I finally gave up.

"Fine, hand me the syrup please?" I asked a bit irritated. He did so and I drizzled the sticky substance along my pancakes.

It wasn't that I didn't appreciate the food or anything. I was more angered with the fact that everyone is treating me like a child. Jane was holding out that she was moving away and then told me last minute. Jade treated me like child when I was sick when I am four years older than her. Roxy and Dirk both think that I can't handle a party that most teens seem to do and they come out fine. Now Dirk is treating me like I am some sick child that needs tending to every second of my life. I feel like I'm being constantly babied. Maybe this isn't working out after all.

Wait, what am I saying? That's not true at all, is it? No, no I'm just upset. I don't mean any of that. I am generous of their care and worry of my well being, but frick! They could at least give me some space.

I had almost eaten my whole plate while I was lost in my thoughts. There was a war going on in my head right now, and I couldn't tell which side was winning.


I blinked in confusion and looked at Dirk. He was pointing to my plate which only had a little left, which only reminded me of how much I don't want to eat anymore. I pushed the plate towards him and laid my forehead against the table. I licked my lips focusing on keeping down the food. Lately I haven't been eating regularly, and I used to eat like a horse! I could hear the clatter of dishes being placed in the sink. I wondered what we were going to do next. There's still eight hours we can kill before the party even begins. Eight painfully conscious hours.

I felt a kiss against my head, so I lifted it to gaze at Dirk quizzically. He had that smooth smirk as I continued to question his motives. He nodded off towards the sofa, so I forced my self to follow him. We continue this charade unspoken as he settles himself down, and I lazily sit next to him. He reaches for the remote and logs into his Netflix account. I don't stop him since he insisted on watching Netflix to pass time.

He chose a show that was supposed to be intense. We got through four episode before I finally got bored. I looked over at Dirk who was deeply engaged into the show. My eyebrow raised and a mischievous smirk spread along my face. I slowly move myself in Dirk's lap loving his curious eyes study my movements. I then begin to kiss his neck softly and tenderly loving how his skin begins to heat up.

"Jake? What are you doing?" he asks me softly, but I ignore him and continue. I begin to nibble and nip at his neck causing him to place his hands on my hips. I pull back to gaze into his now lust filled eyes. "Talk about Netflix and Chill," he comments. 

A rupture of laughter exits my mouth as I lean my head against his. He chuckles along with me and holds a flirtatious smirk. "You're not funny Dirk," I tease. 

"I beg to differ," he mumbles as he presses his mouth against mine. I deepen the kiss and try to get my body as close to him than possible. At least we are at my house and there should be no unwanted interruptions. 

Dirk's hands travel their way up my shirt as mine are tangled in his messy hair. I mean, it will be more of a mess when I am done with it (; I go back to kissing his neck and leaving nice love marks along his collar bone. I moan softly when Dirk thrusts his pelvic against mine. He quickly undoes my jeans as he recaptures my lips. I get off him so I can wiggle out of my jeans and notice Dirk watching while biting his lip.

"Like what you see?" I tease. Dirk rolls his eyes and pulls off his shirt. I walk back over to him and tug at the front of his pants. "Off," I emphasize. Dirk licks his lips and does as I say. I get back onto his lap and straddle him loving his moan of pleasure when I rub against his hips. I can feel my face heating up, for I was not used to being the one in control. 

Dirk let out an uneven breath before softly pushing me down on the couch and hovering over me. I gazed at his lovely face trying to catch my breath, and he smiled at me. 

"I love you," he whispers. I nodded in response, and Dirk came back down to kiss me ever so softly. He began to position himself, and I laid there waiting for him. He spat in his hands as a substitute for lubrication, which isn't that helpful. I could feel the head of his member rest on my entrance. "You ready?" he asks breathless.

"Yes-" I tried to reply, but got cut off from my house phone. We both groan in unison. I sat up irritated and walked over to the phone to answer. "Hello?"

"Hi, this is the nurse of the Middle School and Jade Harley seems to be running a temperature of 103. She will need to be sent home," she explained. At the sound of the news I had been completely turned off. I look back at Dirk who sat there out of the loop, and I motioned for him to get me my pants. 

"Yes, I will be getting her shortly. Thank you," I hung up as Dirk walked over with our discarded clothes. I take the pants from him and quickly begin to put them on. "Get dressed, Jade is sick and needs to be picked up." Dirk followed suit a little bummed, and I felt bad. I kiss him on the cheek and wink at him. "We can finish this later," I whisper. 

Dirk rolled his eyes playfully then retrieved our shoes. Apparently Dirk drove here from his house so we took his car. That's quite funny. I didn't think he even had a car since he takes the bus, but he probably wants to save on gas. He drove us to Jade's School, and I had him wait in the car as I went in to retrieve her. 

Let's just say she wasn't a happy camper when she saw me. She followed me out after I signed her release forms. 

"We called the High School and you were absent. You look perfectly fine!" she scolded. She suddenly began a coughing fit, and I rubbed her back as we headed to Dirks car. She stopped in her tracks. "Oh. It's him." I could have swore I saw the darkest glare I have ever seen on her face for that brief second, but I wasn't too sure. 

"He has a car Jade, and we just needed a break from school," I stated. She looked back at me like that was the dumbest excuse she had ever heard. Before she could retaliate I continued. "Jade, we are much older than you and more responsible. You need to respect us. I don't want to hear any excuses," I said sternly.

She scoffed. "Jake-"

"I mean it Jade!" I rose my voice and this seemed to silence her. She looked hurt, and I instantly felt bad. I patted her head. "I'm sorry, but you have to know when to stop," I added. She gave me a very troubled look then nodded in defeat.

She hopped into the back seat and we all headed back to my house. It look's like our plans had changed and there will be no party after all.... Maybe?

* * * 

I checked one last time on Jade making sure she was sound asleep before leaving with Dirk. Roxy was in the back seat with her own unopened alcoholic beverages. 

"You guys ready!?" She squealed. I nodded excited while Dirk gave a slight nod. As we began the drive to the next town over I listened to all the crazy stories Roxy was saying that happened to all the parties she went to. Dirk didn't seem quite talkative for the ride, but I assumed he was trying to pay attention to where we were going.

It only took us a decent ten minutes to drive there, and I was instantly amazed at how big the house was and how dazzling the lights looked coming from all the windows. Dirk parked the car and we all got out.

"Now," Dirk announced. We all turned our attention to him. "Since we came here a bit later than everyone else most of these people will already be trashed. I am going to park the car behind the house on the next block, so remember that." He nodded his head at Roxy. Roxy rolled her eyes. "Stay put I will be right back," Dirk said getting back into the car.

"Okay," Roxy and I said in unison. She looked over at me once Dirk was out of sight.

"C'mon Jakey! Stick with me and you'll have a fun time! Dirk will drain all the fun out of tonight!" she begged. I was unsure. I did promise to stay by Dirk at all times, but I'm sure it will be okay with Roxy. She's used to parties, so I am sure she knows what she is doing.

"Okay, let's go," I agreed excitedly. Roxy led me into the loud music spewing house and handed me a bottle that she was holding from before. "Oh... Uh I am not quite sure about this Rox..." I said loudly so she could hear over the music.

"C'mon Jakey! It's the good stuff! Besides this is what you do when you party!" She shouted. Before I could reply she took the bottle from me and opened it. She took a decent drink then handed it back to me. "It's cinnamon peppermint!" she smiled beautifully. 

I nodded and chuckled at her giddy state. I took a way to big of a drink and quickly swallowed it, for it stung my nostrils and burned my throat. "THAT WAS AWFUL!!" I coughed. Roxy began to laugh hysterically. She then lead me over to one of the many rooms filled with alcoholic beverages. 

"Maybe you should start small then!" She looked around and found a simple beer. She handed it out towards me, but I shook my head. "This one isn't as strong Jakey!" She pleaded.

I held up my bottle she gave me. "I can handle this!," I stated.


Much of the night was a blur. I could tell I was pretty intoxicated, but the small group of people chanting my name as I was winning in a game called Beer Pong was really pleasing. Rox was my partner first, then along came another guy, and a girl, and guy because I was just so good at it. I haven't seen Dirk at all yet, and I would message him, but my eyes will hurt if I use my glasses. After winning the next game I seemed to have lost track of Roxy. Everything was hazy and slow motion like. Then the next thing I remember was getting led by the lad I played with. He took me to another room not so crowded and we blabbered and laughed and then....

He kissed me. I was so confused as to why I wasn't telling him to stop, that I have a boyfriend, that I don't like him, but I let him kiss me and I even kissed him back. His lips were rough and his hands were hot as they roamed up my shirt. His mouth tasted like alcohol, and I was so gone that I even followed suit. Suddenly he stopped and there was a bunch of yelling happening. I looked around as I saw the massive crowd began to run frantically, and that's when I heard someone shout, "It's the cops!" 

I scramble to my feet and try to find my way out of this house. It was so big and I couldn't even find my way. I ran everywhere until somehow I ended up in the back yard. I ran away from the house until I realized there was a huge fence standing in my way.


I am sorry for such a long wait, I am a procrastinator, it's in my genes.

Um some things I want to point out.

One, I would really love it if you didn't say things like "Same" To Jake's depression, and bad habits because then get really worried for you guys. I want you to know that if you relate to Jake so much then you should consult a doctor. I am known for writing sad, angsty stories and the characters that have these illnesses need help.

Two, I love all your comments so much, and they actually inspire me to write more and more. 

Three, always use Anal Lubrication (Water based) for anal sex. Spit is often used in stories for a substitute and I don't know if they ever state this, but you really should use Lube.

(P.s. I don't think I will ever write a chapter that Jake and Dirk has sex all the way, since that would make you have to be 18+ and some of you are not, I'll just get frisky and then state they did the do) 

I'll edit my mistakes later bc you guys waited long enough,


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