City of Blind ✓

WhiskyInATeacup tarafından

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The whole city was blind until a certain silver eyed stranger held Astrid at a gunpoint. Daha Fazla

Let's know our characters ;)
Introducing The Parker Clan!
Elephants dancing in my brain
Way to make first impression, I already don't like you Alex
I lost my first kiss to a rollerskating jerk!
Mystery boy!
I heart you
Revenge is a sweet feeling
Pillow talks
Call me maybe?
How am I supposed to rest?
Hey! I am a nerd, alright?
Who thought Felix could be like this?
Hating me isn't hard after all
My brother and his future wife
The jerk called Connor Brown
Parker children are officially crazy!
Future girlfriend
Prankster Astrid!
Give our sister and take yours!
"Me and you will undergo a more energetic reaction then Potassium and water"
Nerdy date
Payback is a female dog after all
Let's entertain you some more
I am happy
Is it me or normal parties look like this only?
you have no clue
"Just, don't kill my brother, okay?"
Night changes
Saviour of a different kind
I have a question!
'How to be a FBI agent'- a 101 by Liam Williams
My suit for your funeral is ready!
Drunk on kisses
In a nutshell
Playing the duty of Astrid's personal Sherlock Holmes
Secrets Written In The Document
Discussion And Announcement Of A Q/A Session
How dare you hurt my sister?!
It's time to make it right.
You guys can call me Alex, you know
What went down in the dark
Still the same
How much will that stupid punch on Felix cost me?
"I am proud of you, little tiger."
Not so fast
"I already listened to Aiden, thank you very much."
Truths and sorries
Thank you so much
Still the clumsy chick.
"Slapping you helped a lot."
Lilix ;)
"Perfect sibling moment"
"I like the sound of munchkin."
"You owe me something, Duckling."
"How are you feeling?"
"You are so dead, Astrid. So dead."
"You are exceptionally violent today."
Heart to heart
Your destiny awaits
Bonus Chapter!

Let the games begin!

75.6K 3K 2.1K
WhiskyInATeacup tarafından

Holland Roden is love *.*

"God! This is driving me insane." I glared at Rose when she laughed at my expense. "Not helping, Rose."

I looked down and scrunched my nose in absolute disgust. A sudden urge to hurl rose and clawed my throat as I took in the sight of dead and dissected frog, given to us for Biology experiment.

"Let me do it." She gently took the instruments out of my hand and started doing...whatever she was doing. I couldn't believe that someone as sweet and fragile looking as Rose, is able to do this nasty stuff without throwing up.

Looks can be deceptive, after all.

"Are you coming for Alex's fencing tournament, today?"

I smiled and gave her an excited nod. "I am."

"I wish Aiden and Asher were able to make it too."

"I don't know about Aiden but I have a feeling that Asher will be deeply missed." Her cheeks tinged red as I teased her.

I was honestly very excited to see Alex fence and I would be lying if I say that I didn't cross the date every day since he asked me to come. He asked Asher and Aiden too but dad sent both of them to nana's house because of some emergency. I wanted to go too. I never met her after accident and I have absolutely no memory of her from before the crash but somehow, dad convinced me against it. He discreetly pointed that I don't remember her at all and it will be totally awkward if I go all grown up as she has Alzheimer's and secondly, I myself didn't want to blow Alex off. I was also worried about Liam. He was getting decent sleep for past few days and surprisingly, he was very thankful for that. I honestly enjoyed pillow talks with him. He was like my personal diary. I ranted every detail about my day to him and that somehow helped me relax. He never opened up to me though and the thought made me sad.

We were really close to being caught on Saturday when Aiden barged in my room to demand a movie night, just in time to actually find me in my room.

The rest of last week was uneventful if you exclude the barbeque dad organized for us kids and Williams on Sunday. Alex and Rose were taking my little desire to learn archery and fencing, seriously and planning ahead while I had no intention to embarrass myself in front of the pros, any time soon. Felix was absent almost whole week and when he did came, he was sporting a huge black eye along with a bruise on cheeks. I have a feeling that the eye has something to do with Liam. Felix glared at me at every chance he got and made it clear to not follow my orders during practises.

Such a child.

Neal seemed a little distant but we spent a lot of time together. He has next to no friends apart from me in new school and I really feel bad for him. Ryder joined us occasionally too and I suddenly realised that my feelings for him were purely platonic now as he introduced me to Lizette for the first time. I used to flinch while listening her name but the connection we made in our first meet, helped me draw the conclusion that I was officially over Ryder.

So that was my last week and that...wasn't uneventful like I said.

"You still with me?" Rose chuckled as I blinked furiously when she pulled me out of reverie by snapping her fingers.

"Yeah? I zoned out. Sorry." she shook her head and smiled.

"It's okay. I was saying that I will pick you up at 6?"

I nodded and gave her a thankful grin.

"Wear something formal. There is a formal party afterwards."

"There is?"

"Yup!" I cheered. Formal or not, this will be fun.

We worked in silence for a while and ultimately wrapped up the work before the next period bell. Slinging my backpack, I bid goodbye to Rose as I started walking towards gym class. It's not even a day and I already miss my brothers to death.

I sighed. Gym will be boring without Asher getting under Coach Sanchez's skin.

Oh! How am I going to survive this week?


"Why am I getting the feeling of being a FBI agent right now?" Liam rubbed his face in frustration.

"There must be something we are missing here!" I groaned and dived my nose into the report we made, again.

"I am sure that Cedric is dead." Neal piped in, indifferently. I looked up at him in confusion.

"How are you so confident?"

"Wikipedia knows it all." He shrugged. I hit him with my binder.

"Shut up!"

And he shut his trap. I looked at Liam for any help but he shook his head.

"That's all for today, I guess. It's already 5 and I have to be somewhere at 6." I sigh.

Liam nodded his head, mildly confused but Neal narrowed his eyes.

"With Alex?"

"Yeah." I smiled in excitement as I brushed off the venom in Neal's voice. He begrudgingly started packing up his stuff while muttering something under his breath.

"See you at night?" I was surprised when Liam actually made an attempt to remind me. Not that I will forget but this was definitely a first.

"Yeah." I smiled up at him. From peripheral vision, I saw Neal studying us with scrutinising eyes. I doubt he would have heard Liam's whisper.

I bid them good bye and locked the front door. Hopping upstairs, I threw open my closet.

What to wear?

I studied my whole wardrobe and found nothing but Aiden's old shirts and a few of mine along with a few jeans and shorts. I sighed and dialled dad.

"Am I dreaming or did my princess actually graced her old man?" I rolled my eyes and chuckled at dad's dramatic choice of words.

"Dad! I am in middle of a fashion crisis right now!" I huffed and heard him choke on whatever he was drinking. Concern overpowered me. "Are you okay, dad?"

He coughed for a while before he cleared his throat.

"I am sorry. You're in middle of what?"

"Fashion crisis, dad!"

"Okay...?" he drawled, clearly not buying it.

"Dad, I have to attend Alex's fencing tournament in an hour. There is a formal party afterwards and I don't know what to wear!"

"Crap! It's today?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked, confused.

"I was invited by my new business partner for dinner, today. He wanted to meet my family. Asher and Aiden couldn't make it but I thought at least you could come." I could totally imagine him running his hand through his hair.

"Do you want me to can-" even the thought of cancelling on Alex disheartened me. I was that hyped up.

"No. A dinner can be rearranged but an achievement can't be. You should go, princess." I love my dad for being so understanding. "Just don't drink or push your limits if you don't feel okay. This is a formal party and I suppose there won't be loud music as such."

I bit my lip knowing fully well why he was concerned. Dad gets a lot of ball and party invites too but he never lets us attend. That's the only reason why the three of us are still living a life out of limelight.

"What am I supposed to wear?"

He looked deep in thought for a minute and I stole nervous glance at clock that mocked me while flashing 5:15 in bold letters.

I heard dad take a shuddering breath.

"O-open your mom's belongings." My eyes widened.


"Just do it, princess." I gulped and took slow hesitant steps out of my room and towards the attic.

I can't do this.

"Dad, it's alright. I will-"

"Open that, Astrid." I opened the lone, dust covered box with 'Caroline's' written in dad's scrawl. I felt my eyes well up.


"S-search for a lacy emerald green dress." I bit my lip to choke my whimper as I gingerly touched her belongings and tried to look for what dad wanted me to find.

I don't remember any of these things. I don't remember her.

I removed phone from my ear for a second and let a choked sob as my hands found the beautiful dress.

"F-found it."

"G-good. Pair it w-with the bracelet and earrings, I gave you on your 15th birthday and pair of nude heels Mrs Wesley got you last year."


"Be careful, princess. Don't break your ankle, like your mother did because of those death traps."

I laughed at that.

"I love you, dad."

"I love you too, princess."

I hung up on him and rushed out of the suffocating room. I stared at the dress in my hand and sighed.

"Here goes nothing." I quickly changed and put the dress on. It fitted me like a glove but was a little short.

Mom was short.

I shrugged it off and blamed my average height on sports and dad's genes. I sprayed my favourite perfume and buckled the bracelet like dad told me. It was an elegant one with emerald green pearls woven beautifully and a small heart dangling at node. I smiled at the memory of my 15th birthday. Asher and Aiden saved money on their own for a Disney trip. Even dad didn't know about their surprise and I was so proud of my brothers.

I put the earring on too. They were simple emerald studs with small diamonds surrounding the green stone.

Mom loved emeralds.

I was snapped out of my daze when my phone pinged. I grabbed it from the nightstand on my bed side.

Sweetheart Rose- Gonna be outside your house in 15-20 minutes. Are you ready?

My eyes widened and I checked the time. It was 5:40 indeed. I punched a reply that I am almost done and quickly arranged my beige coloured clutch.

I sighed in relief when I thought I was done and started putting my heels on. A knock broke my concentration. I looked up to see Liam looking at me in amusement. I furrowed my eyebrows and slid open the window.

"Whats up?"

"I admit that you're looking very beautiful-" my eyes widened at the abrupt statement and I blushed. "-but are you seriously going with the bird nest on your head?" and this time my eyes widened because of my stupidity.


"Yeah, shit!"

"Oh my god, Rose will be here in-" I checked my wall clock "-15 minutes and I don't even know how to do my hair!"

"You don't know how to do your hair?" Liam chocked.

"N-no. Asher does that for me and he isn't home...Oh god! I am screw-"

"Moms can help." He shrugged. My eyes widened and a beam graced my lips, uplifting my frown.

"Oh yeah! Thank god!"

"Come over. I will tell them that you need help. Even Mama Sam is home today." I nodded and rushed downstairs as fast as I could in death traps. I locked my house and walked over to Liam's.

Door swung open before I could ring the bell and Janet ushered me in without letting me greet her first. She led me to her room and sat me on chair. Samantha was already setting up hair wand and make up.

"Let's doll you up, sweetheart."

And that's what they did.

Samantha started curling and styling my hair while Janet started doing my makeup. I didn't even had the heart to tell her that I don't wear makeup.

"God. You're naturally so beautiful. I don't think anything beyond some eyeliner and lipstick is required."

I blushed and gave her a grateful smile for understanding me. I briefly wondered if mom would have done this too. Is this how moms treat you?

I shook the thought away before it ruined Janet's efforts.

Exactly 11 minutes later, Samantha was done with my hair and Janet was almost done painting my nails. I felt so pampered.

Janet gave me what she called smoky eyes that brought my eye colour even more prominently and coloured my lips into a rich matte red while painting my chewed up nails into an emerald shade. Samantha dressed my hair up in an elegant yet stylish way. There was a braid that came across like a tiara over my head while loose curls descended down my back. I smiled at my reflection.

I was looking gorgeous and I loved every bit of it.

"Thank you both. You really saved me today." They rolled their eyes.

"I should thank you, silly. I always wanted to play dress up but oh well. Kim is still young and totally not interested in dress ups." I laughed at Janet's statement.

"Where is she, by the way?"

"Out with her crush, playing soccer." Janet winked. I shook my head and chuckled.

"Your ride is her-" Liam entered the room and stopped once he saw me. My cheeks flared when he took in my appearance and my mind briefly flew back to when he totally disregarded me at dinner.

It felt so long back.

I shook my head and smiled at Janet and Samantha who were giving each other a knowing look.

"Thanks again. I owe you both."

"You owe us nothing, Astrid. You're like a daughter to us too." Samantha replied firmly and left me speechless. I nodded as I was at loss of words and gave both of them a quick hug and peck before wobbling towards front door in heels.

Damn! Mom was right. These are death traps!

"Hey, careful." Liam caught me by my waist just in time before I face planted myself on his front porch.

I cleared my throat and tried to supress the blush as he settled me back on my feet.

"T-thanks. I-I should uh-go. See you l-later?" he nodded, partially amused at my stuttering. I quickly scrambled towards Rose's red sedan and buckled myself up.

"You look beautiful. No wonder Liam is still staring at you." Rose mused as I glared at her. I discreetly stole a glance in the rear view mirror and true to Rose's words, he was staring at my window.

Oh god.

Rose chuckled at my red cheeks and started the car when I glared at her again. She looked like a princess in a royal blue sleeveless dress and diamond studs. She explained the rules and Alex's opponent to me in car ride's duration.

Apparently, Alex was competing with the second best fencer of America under 18. Alex was third in ranking. The first rank was never given to someone.

I asked why. Rose stole a nervous glance in my direction but answered proudly.

"Prince Joseph won every tournament during his teenage years. He was unbeatable. When he died, they honoured him by reserving his position at the top"


Venue was brimmed with people when we reached there. Rose collected some passes from front desk and I was surprised when I saw they were backstage passes and Alex kept one arranged for me too. Entering the backstage, I was greeted by Alex who was busy in putting his suit.

He looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Alex!" Rose squealed and Alex turned to us. He caught Rose just in time as she jumped into a hug.

"You look gorgeous, Cr-Rose."

"All the best, bestie! Kill him." Alex's eyes widened and it was almost comical. "I mean figuratively, dumbass." I totally imagined Rose do an eye roll. Alex muttered something under his breath and they pulled away.

I grinned when Alex saw me. He was dazed for a moment before he stepped towards me.

"You look absolutely stunning, C-Astrid."

Why this name starting with C is on his tongue so badly, is a mystery to me.

"Thanks and all the very best."

He smiled at me. As if on cue, a blonde crew member entered and announced Alex to get ready. He nodded politely.

"Help me with my helmet?" I was surprised that he asked me. "Rose helps me every time. Will you do the honours today?" he asked with a hopeful smile.

I looked at Rose for guidance. She gave me an encouraging smile with a thumbs up. I acknowledged Alex and nodded with a smile.

Taking the protective gear from chair, I helped his head in it and secured it there.

"Wow. You look scary now." He chuckled at my stupid statement and I blushed in embarrassment.

The announcement for the start of game resounded the venue and with another round of best wishes, I gave a quick hug to him and followed Rose towards the seating area.

"The first face off is between Mr Carter Brown and Mr Alexander Lawson."

Let the game begin!

"Allez!" the referee declared when Alex and his opponent Carter took their position. They immediately started the action.

I honestly don't know what went in between but I enjoyed every moment of it. There was a lot of sabre clanking and bouncing to approach or defend.

By the time the winner was announced, I was sure that anyone could see the hearts in my eyes. I felt hypnotised because of all the action in front of me and desperately craved for the same adrenaline. I wanted to touch sabre and act like a knight, too.

God! I am hopeless romantic when it comes to sports.

Rose and I stood up and cheered for Alex despite his defeat as he slowly removed his helmet to reveal his gorgeous face. His opponent hesitated for a moment but removed his helmet, gingerly. I gasped and rubbed my eyes but then I heard Rose's gasp and saw Alex's shocked face and I knew. I knew that I was indeed not dreaming.

Alexander Lawson was beaten by none other than America No 2, Felix Carter Brown.


Whoa! did you expected that?

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