Demonic Angel (New version)

By wolflover2012

4.3K 808 26

Maddison has always known she was different. She didn't need the strange looks and whispers to come to this c... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Eighteen

133 32 1
By wolflover2012

Gabe stood in the corner of the room and waited for Lucifer to emerge from the spare bedroom. As soon as they arrived back at the cabin, his first priority was to have a shower, and change out of the clothes he had been wearing for the last year. It disgusted Gabe that the angels could treat Lucifer so poorly. Unfortunately, that was the least of his worries. He glanced over to the other side of the room where Lilith sat pouting. Her reunion with Lucifer had not gone as she had hoped. Gabe smirked, he tried to warn Lilith that Lucifer would not be pleased with her, if she traded Maddison. He may not have known he had a daughter, but he would have wanted a chance to get to know her. So instead of the hugs, and kisses she expected. Lucifer gave her the cold shoulder, and an evil glare before he walked out of the room to go get cleaned up.

Gabe looked over at the spare bedroom, when the door creaked open. Lucifer walked out, clean, wearing a pristine suit. But still looking battered from all the cuts and bruises that Gabe could see on his face. As soon as Lucifer entered the room the demon council dropped to their knees, and bowed touching their head to the floor. Gabe stayed standing in the corner his arms crossed over his chest. Lucifer turned to look at him, he nodded his head once at him before turning back to the men in front of him on the floor.

'Get up!' He said sounding disgusted at them, he turned from them, walking over to the small bar, and pouring himself a drink. With his drink in hand he walked over to Gabe. 'Explain to me why that girl called me her father?'

Gabe glanced over at Lilith, her face was scrunched up in rage. She must have truly believed that either Maddison wouldn't say anything, or that Lucifer wouldn't care. 'It would seem.' Gabe said trying to think the best way to word his next sentence. 'Lilith has been keeping secrets from you. It appears that she bore you a daughter, and didn't deem you worthy enough to tell you.' He looked sideways at Lilith, and knew she would kill him if she could. 'She abandoned your daughter at an orphanage shortly after she was born.'

'What proof do you have that she is mine?'

'We found you because she was able to track you, from the time you were taken from your condo, too the place they had kept you for this past year.'

Gabe watched as Lucifer processed the information. He took a step back, into the wall. When he saw Lucifer's face start to turn a bright red. He was about to lose it. 'Why the hell did you hand her over to the angels than!' his voice boomed, shaking the cabin. Gabe saw Lilith had jumped at Lucifer's display at rage. It was obvious she didn't really know the man. If she did she would have never kept his daughter from him, and traded her to the angels.

'I didn't have a choice. The council, and Lilith made me give her up.' He could feel his throat close in, he would not cry in front of them. 'I tried to convince them not to do it. She didn't deserve to be handed over to the angels. She was an innocent in all this.' He looked in Lucifer's eyes feeling his own anger rise. 'She didn't even know what she was until I met her.' He lowered his eyes. 'There is something special about her, and not because she is a Manah.' He shook his head. 'She was the reason we found you, and how do we repay her? By handing her over to the angels to be killed.'

'You like her.' He said sounding thoughtful. Gabe felt an itch in his mind, and knew Lucifer was entering his mind. To read his memories. He was the most powerful demon. This power was one of many that he had. Gabe saw all his memories to do with Maddison play in his mind, then his arguments with the demon council, and Lilith.' The older demons knew how to block Lucifer from their minds. Gabe didn't bother learning how. He didn't have anything to hide from him. Gabe secretly thought that if Lucifer wanted into any of the block minds he would be able to get access, he just allowed the older demons the illusion of privacy.

'You're right, I can.' Lucifer said answering Gabe's thoughts. He sounded preoccupied as he finished off scanning Gabe's memories. 'Maddison.' He said, sounding wistful. 'You're right there is something special about her.' The intrusion in his mind stopped, Lucifer stood staring at Gabe. He stared for so long that Gabe started to feel uncomfortable. Than Lucifer burst out laughing. 'Well I never thought I would see the day, that you would meet a girl that would win you over.'

Gabe snorted at his words. He was not the type of man to settle for one women. Preferring to spend his time with many, and often. 'Easy now, no one said she has won me over.'

Lucifer placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed softly. 'No one had too.' He squeezed his should one last time turning away, he turned to Lilith. 'Ok Lilith, let's hear it.' He said sounding tired. 'Why did you keep my daughter from me?'

She shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal. 'I was thinking about her safety, If I was the only one who knew about her. Than no one would ever find out what she is, and the angels wouldn't be hunting her.' She battered her eyelids at him, and smiled.

Lucifer laughed a harsh sounding laugh. 'That would be more believable.' He said cutting off his laugh. 'If you hadn't just handed her over to the fucking angels!' He screamed at her.

Her smile slipped from her face. 'I did that to free you.'

'You should have found another way.' He threw his hands in the air. 'Or left me there. What you don't do is hand me daughter over to be killed,'

Lilith scoffed. 'I thought you would want to be free. Why do you care about this one girl? You don't know her. You have never met her.' She walked up to him placing a hand on his arm. 'Darling you can have more kids, they are replaceable. But we can never replace you.'

Lucifer yanked his arm out of her hand. 'She was my daughter, my flesh and blood. Not a commodity to discard when she is no longer of use to you. You gave the angels a Manah! Do you know what they are going to do to her.'

'Lucifer.' Lilith said, he smiles. She looked unsure about what to do. 'We can make more.'

He raised his hand, and slapped her across the face. The sound cracking through the air. 'You are delusional.' He spat. 'If you think I would want anything to do with you after this.'

Lilith lifted a hand to her reddening cheek, Gabe had to try his best not to laugh at the shock look on her face. He did try to warn her. 'You don't mean that.'

A door slammed down the hallway, Gabe turned to see his father storming down the hallway. 'Where is she?' He demanded. Gabe felt disgusted looking at his father. He couldn't believe he planned to force Maddison to marry him, so he could rule hell. He didn't know about the change in time for the exchange. So he didn't know Lucifer was here. Gabe glanced over at Lucifer and saw he too had heard Gabe's father's outburst.

One of the council members stepped into the hall, and walked up to Azazael. 'Who?' He asked loud enough for everyone in the room to here.

'The girl! I just came from her room, and she gone!' He said his voice getting louder.

'We gave her to the angels.'

'You did what?' he asked his voice dropping. Gabe tilted his head to the side, and watching his father reaction. He looked like he was about to explode.

'What's the matter father? You knew she was going to be handed over to the angel.' His father's head snapped to Gabe. He pushed himself of the wall he was leaning on, crossing his arms over his chest. 'Or are you upset because you plan for ruling Hell with her, has fallen apart.?'

'I don't know what you are talking about Gabriel.'

He snorted. 'Give it up dad, Maddison told me all about your plans for her.'

He laughed. 'And you believed her lies?'

'I do.' He said, his father laughter died.

Azazael walked around the council member who stood in his way. He walked the rest of the way into the room. He scanned the room, looking at everyone. Stopping when he saw Lucifer standing there. 'Ah, Lucifer. Back safe, and sound I see.'

Gabe looked at Lucifer, and wondered when he had searched his memories. If he had found the conversation he had, had with Maddison about his father, and his plans for her. Lucifer nodded his head, telling Gabe that he was hearing his thoughts, and that he had seen his memory of Maddison. 'It seems. I have underestimated you Azazael.' Lucifer said. 'I never picked you for a traitor. Helping angels.' Lucifer tsk him. 'Now that was unexpected.'

'I'm sure I don't know what you mean Lucifer.' He said with a slimy smile.

'Sure you do. 'Did you think I wouldn't find out who it was who told the angels where I would be.' He took one step towards him. 'Did you really think I would find out who helped them take me?'

Gabe was shocked to hear that his father was the person responsible for Lucifer being taken by the angels. He thought that the worst of his father's crimes was planning on forcing Maddison to be with him, and taking over Hell. Gabe saw the moments his father dropped the charade. His smile disappeared replaced with a sneer. 'You are one to talk about associating with angels. There one here right now, because you're screwing her. If anyone is a traitor it's you!'

Lucifer barked out a laugh. 'As you said I was only screwing an angel. I was screwing over my demons for her.'

Azazael shook his head. 'It doesn't matter anymore.' He said with a sigh. 'Years of planning, and for what? These idiots hand over the prize to the angels to get you back.'

'Well I can't argue with you there.' He took a sip of his scotch that he still held. 'But tell me this Azazael, how did running Hell work out for you while I was gone?'

'I had a few complications. I would have had it sorted out as soon as I took the Manah as my bride.

Gabe couldn't help the growl that rumbled in his chest. 'That never would have happened.'

His father laughed. 'You think you could have stopped me? You are weak. I'm repulsed at having to call you my son.'

Gabe would never admit it out loud. But his father's words cut him deep. He also knew Lucifer there was a chance Lucifer was hearing his pain if he was listening in on his thoughts. 'She is Lucifer's daughter, and you will show her some respect.'

'Please. Lucifer was gone. She had no rank with us, I was doing her a favour by taking her to be my bride.'

'Tell me Azazael, now that your plan has fallen through. What is it you plan on doing now?'

Azazael licked his lips, he didn't get to answer though. The air in the room shifted as an Angel appeared in the room standing next to Lilith. He grabbed hold of her arm, and they vanished out of the room. Gabe looked back at his father to his too was gone. Lucifer started to laugh. 'Well it looks like that daughter of mine spilled the beans on who her mama is.' He shook his head. 'I do look forward to meeting this daughter of mine.' He stared at every demon in the room. 'And I will see her again.'

Gabbed nodded his head, feeling relieved that Lucifer planned on getting Maddison back. He only hoped that they wouldn't be too late.

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