Familiar (Jungkook x Halla)

By curiousasian

5.6K 349 67

Jungkook (BTS) & Halla (The Ark) Fanfic Minyoung goes on a trip to America when her mother is on the verge of... More

Prologue | Pains of the Past
1 | New Beginnings - H
2 | Where Are You? -J
3 | My New Friend - H
4 | Tough Crowd - H
5 | Stuck In My Head - J
6 | Why? - J
7 | How Could You? - H
8 | Nice Talk - H
9 | Let's Hangout - H
10 | Studio Trouble - H
11 | Could You Be... - J
12 | The Past Is The Past - H
13 | The Big Man - J
15 | What's Going On? - J
16 | What Accident? - J
17 | Seriously. Again? - H
18 | What Happened? - H
19 | Hey You, or Should I Say... -J
20 | The Duet - H
21 | Trust in Me - J

14 | Hope Comes in Many Forms - H

204 14 4
By curiousasian

"This dress looks perfect on you," Yein squealed, I stood awkwardly in front of the mirror in the dressing rooms seeing horror in my eyes.

Yein, has always been the designated girly-girl and I, as the somewhat tomboy I guess you could say. We were currently in the mall finding our dresses for the SH party which was two days from now. (I know. I know. We procrastinated.) When I told Yein that I decided to go last minute, after her hours and hours of endless begging, she immediately went bazark since I never went to things like this, and took me straight to the mall.

"I don't know...." I trailed off. " Doesn't it seem a little too...pink."

"Hey," she deadpanned with serious tone. "If you're gonna impress you-know-who, we must aim to please even if it's overstepping our boundaries" she said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"You-know-who?" I was completely confused at who she was talking about. "I do not clearly remember me ever wanting to "impress" someone"

"Oh come on Halla. Jimin. Park Jimin. Jimin Oppa. Chim-Chim. You-got-no-jams boy. The 'abs'-alicious man." She stated the last one with a stupid dreamy look plastered on her face.

"Since when did I ever want to impress Jimin?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Don't act stupid," she said teasingly. "When we were in the no-talking state, I saw you with Jimin-ssi ALL the time."

"And that means I want to impress him?" I was still lost in all of this.

"Sweetie." She patted the seat next to her, and I followed. "I'm aware that you've never dated in our whole entire life of knowing each other...," she paused and placed her hands on both my shoulders so that she could look me straight on. "...but you like him. Trust me."

I knew Yein was more experienced than me in this category, but I couldn't help but feel like she was wrong. If I liked Jimin, wouldn't I have felt something? Besides, I could care less about wanting to impress anyone anyways.

"Yein. I know you're a looooove expert, but I'm sure-no, I'm positive I don't like Jimin."

"Well okay then." she said with a smirk. I knew she wanted to say more, but I proceeded back into the changing room to look for a more 'Halla-ish" dress.

After shopping, it was around late afternoon, and Yein and I both went to SH Entertainment to work on the song.

Somehow Yein managed to sneak me into the recording room and we weren't caught. As we were about to start, I began to have doubts on the whole thing.

"What if this doesn't work," I questioned Yein.

"Hey. If you're having doubts, there's no turning back now. You already promised me you'd do it."

"I know what I said, Yein. But I honestly don't know if I could go through with the whole plan. It's pretty risky if you think about it," I said thinking about it more clearly now.

"You know I can't do it by myself. I'll look like a fool in front of Jungkook oppa," I cringed as she called him by the name.

"Yein, I love you and I want to help you, but think about it. If things go wrong-"

"That's if, Halla," she interupted me, emphasizing 'if'.

"Yein, they could sue us," I deadpanned.

Yein placed a hand on her forehead looking tired of everything and heaved a big sigh before saying, "Whatever then, Halla. This was me giving you the opportunity that you didn't have the first time due to you know... your family issues."

Did she really just say that?

"Hey Yein, ready to start writing that song?!," I heard a loud, cheery voice say.

I knew who's voice it had belonged to.

I could feel the tears brimming at my eyes and couldn't bare to face him.

"I should get going," I said, and walked swiftly out of the building.

I ended up back at the park somehow, my feet just leading the way. I walked to the playground seeing it all burnt and out of shape, just as before.

I didn't know what it was about this place, but it made me want to come back time and time again. There was no one else in the park, so I decided to go sit on one of the swings.

I plugged in my earphones and swung on the swing a little. I took out my most important posession, and observed it again.

Why can't I remember anything? What's wrong with me? Ten years. It's been ten years, and I can't remember anything. Is there something preventing me from knowing my past? I hated the fact that all I even knew about myself was that I was just a sad orphan girl who doesn't even know why she's an orphan, and can't even remember her real name.

I've wanted so badly to be adopted, have a real family, and live a normal life. But since I came into the foster system at a not-so-baby-like age, no one wanted me.

Of course I do love everyone at the orphanage back 'home' and they are like family to me, but I've always wondered if I had regained my memories, would things have turned out different?

I flipped the key chain over and noticed something I haven't seen before. They were letters in the korean alphabet.

Because the bracelet was burned, the color also altered a little. I couldn't believe after all this time, I still haven't seen it. I tried making it out better, but all I saw was a ㅈ and ㅁ. The first one was a J and the second was a M.

I've always wondered if this bracelet was given to me, seeing how the braiding had a few messups.

As I was swinging, something caught my eye. I noticed a small black dent on the back of the slightly yellow-charcoaled slide in front of me. I walked over to it, and saw an engraving.

Minyoung Hwaiting!

♡ Kookie Oppa

"As long as that stays there you'll do great tomorrow," I heard a voice say.

My head immediately started hurting again, and it was more intense then last time. I didn't know what was happening, and I soon fell off of the swing onto the hard black and white rocks on the ground

The pain became unbearable and I noticed blood coming from somewhere and coloring the rocks.

Is this how I'm going to die?

The pain wasn't subsiding and the voice kept repeating that phrase over and over.

"As long as that stays there you'll do great tomorrow"

"As long as that stays there you'll do great tomorrow"

I cried out for help and for the pain to stop, but my cries were too quiet. Suddenly, drops of rain on my face start to fall, and I knew this was going to be the end. I saw more drops appear in front of me, and more start to fall faster until it was pouring.

I tried to move, but couldn't. I suddenly remembered the bracelet and tried to look for it, although I could only move my eyes at this point.

Before I died I always wanted to at least find out the reason I cherished it so much. At least remember if I got it from a cheap store or a special someone. I wanted to know my life from before. I wanted to know if I had a family. If I had a loving home or a rotten home.

After searching with all the strength I had left, I saw it lying above me a few feet away on the rocks. I reached out to try and grab it, but it was too far from me. The pain had not subsided at this point, and I could feel darkness appearing under my eyelids.

Loud footsteps soon appeared behind me, and all I could hear was, "HALLA," being screamed from their direction.

I was relieved to hear someone who knew me, but I blacked out before I could see who my savior was.

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