Fighting for Dominance

By mycasualaffair

2.1M 41.5K 18.8K

I started to walk away, but was pushed with my face against the wall. "Obedience. That is what you need." Hi... More

Behavioral Issues
"Fuck. You"
Sexual Frustration.
Partying gone wrong
Lips of Ambrosia
Fear, Feelings, and Confusion
His Past
Authors Note
Mia Bella
Threatful Promises
Authors Note
Sinful Banquets
His Paradise
Cast Members
Needing her
Authors Note
Fuck The Pancetta
Heat of the moment
Something Happened
Sweet, Sweet Revenge
Feeling Cocky
Whatta Ride
You and Me
All the Time in the World


31.4K 743 536
By mycasualaffair

Guys, I am so sorry, but I do have a reason for being gone so long. I was in a car accident, and my hand was hurt badly. On top of that, before the accident, my boyfriend and I were going through some stuff...which I just might make a chapter about because honestly in the end, it turned out to be the best makeup sex ever-ANYWAY. I am alright, and I really am sorry, it's just that I couldn't comfortably type and I kept getting so pissed. A lot has been going on and writing wasn't my biggest priority. I love you guys.

Recap: "Wanna know how to tame a lion, little cat?"

I took what I assume was my last dose of bravery and replied, "I don't know Javier, do I?"

My voice still shook despite my great efforts to avoid it.

He smiled. A slow, meticulous grin that sent shivers down my spine.

"I want to punish you. Right here, right now. But the already little amount of self control that I have at the moment is dwindling down to a dangerous dosage of safety and I believe you and I both could agree that avoiding any further obstructions is necessary," His voice was an icy whisper in my ear. "Now, you're going to leave this room with me and we are going to congratulate Rowan on his amazing performance. You will do so respectfully. Then, you are going to politely say goodbye to the members before following me out to the cab. You will get in silently and you're going to say nothing until we get to our next destination. You will thank the driver before returning to your silence until I give any further instructions. Understood, leonessa?"

I nodded, praying that I would remember what he said due to the distraction of his hips pressing into me. His eyes pierced mine for a moment longer until I realized that he was waiting for something.

"I can't hear nods Maysùn," he whispered even quieter.

"Yes sir," I immediately replied breathlessly, and he nodded. His eyes strayed to my lips, leaning in hesitantly, before slowly pulling back, cursing under his breath.

"Good girl."

And I don't know what it was, but that simple phrase turned me on even more. Those two words sent fire straight through my lungs, and he knew too. He smirked, grabbing my hip before slapping my ass and leading me out as if nothing had just happened.

Damnit, how does he do that?

I followed him silently as we made our way toward Rowan.

"You did amazing. I'm glad that you were Fae's first performance. Who was the woman?" Javier praised, and Rowan smiled.

"Thank you; she is a new one. A new regular." He smiled deviously to which Javier shook his head. Rowan's eyes flickered to me, noticing how quiet I'd been.

I spoke quietly, "Your performance was great. I hope I get to watch you again some time."

"Thank you, Fae. I'm glad you could watch. Come to LA again, I'm sure to be here." He smiled.

"No he isn't, he's off the grid half of the time." Javier pointed out, and Rowan glared playfully.

"As if you aren't, Javier? You disappear just as much as me." He argued.

"Yes but he has business to attend. You leave secretly with no excuse or contact for weeks at a time." Matthew countered, coming up behind him to join us, Jonathan close behind.

Discomfort was slight in Rowan's eyes before he quickly covered it. I could see Javier take note of that. He seemed to know what it was.

"I am not entitled to give you excuses." Matthew smiled, and Javier excused us, saying goodbye and that we were in an urgent hurry.

Jonathan winked at me before giving me the "call me" gesture to which I nodded before Javier could see me.

He then proceeded to hip thrust in the air childishly, and of course, like the child I am, I couldn't hold back the laugh that escaped me.

Javier stopped abruptly, making me collide into his back roughly.

"What happened to silence, Gattina?" He asked with no question at all. I opened my mouth to apologize before being cut off by his giant hand over my lips.

"Quiet. Absolute silence. Are you capable of that?" he asked, mockingly speaking to me like a child.

I huffed behind his hand, nodding my head hesitantly.


"Okay, let's hope so. It would definitely be a first."

Now he was just begging for misbehavior.

I could see what he was trying to do.

We passed the bouncers, Javier giving them a respectful nod. I made eye contact with the one of them, who winked to me suggestively, and before I knew it, I ran into Javier's back again.

No words were said. Complete silence and violent glares between the two men. Javier walked up to him, and though he was shorter than the way-above-average-giant, he put the fear into the bald, tatted mans eyes.

"Did you just wink at my submissive, Ben?" Javier asked calmly.

I'd learned to fear that calm.

It was the calm before the storm.

"No, sir. I actually have a medical problem where my eye-" Javier cut him off quickly.

"Ohhh, I see. You have an anal fissure! God, I'm sorry."

"Yes! Yes, that. Jesus, it causes the worst muscle spasms in my eye-" He was grateful for Javier's 'help', desperately agreeing to the excuse with no thought at all.

"Shut the fuck up. An anal fissure is most commonly caused by two homosexual men engaging in sex. You can guess what it is. You're fired. Leave and don't look at her. If I see you look at her, I'm writing a report." He opened his mouth to most likely beg for his job back before Javier stopped his pitiful excuse short. "John, you're getting a raise. Gosh, it's too bad you had to fuck up before you could get a raise like your nice friend here, doesn't it? Well, a dumbass is a dumbass. What can you do?" He mocked. The other bouncer beamed before quickly putting his pass-me-and-I-fuck-you-up face back on, proceeding to his job with more energy under the stars of his boss.

I couldn't help but feel a little bad for Ben, but he knew the risks of working for Javier. Or even being in Javier's presence.

And as they say, a dumbass will be a dumbass.

"You cause trouble without even causing the actual trouble, shit." Javier grumbled-because it was my fault, dragging me through the crowd of people taking pictures of him as if he were a damn Kardashian.

I tried to ignore the screams and moans he was getting, but it was affecting me.

"Fuck me in the ass, Master Javier!"

"Master Javier!"

"Master Javier, I've been a bad girl!"

He paid no attention to the desperate pleas for...coitus, and the jealous madwoman inside me was itching to climb him like a tree and mark him as my own in front of these women.

And men.

A woman got down on her knees in front of our cab, blocking him from opening the door.

She was absolutely stunning. A body that you would insist was photoshop if you hadn't seen her in real life. She was wearing little to nothing, and her eyes were on Javier.

"Master, why don't you come play with me anymore?" She pleaded with big, round innocent eyes, her lips puckered in a pout.



"Move, Madison. You do not call me Master anymore." -Huh, there's that little word again- "I'm Master Javier to you. You know that. Now let me and my submissive leave." He spoke to her with order, and that made me angry.

Because he'd most likely spoken to her with that voice before. In bed.

"Cmon, Master, you're not getting rid of me? What can she give you that I can't?"


"I'm not wearing underwear."


"I drank out of the milk carton this morning, I need punishment-"

What the hell?

I almost choked on my laughter as she desperately tried to reason with her. Each excuse getting dumber and dumber.

"Sir, you always told me not to drink out of the milk carton when I stayed over-" He cut her off quickly. His eyes shooting to mine.

Stayed over?

hm. Hilarious.

"MADISON. Leave. I don't want you. This is not only my submissive, this is Fae. She is my girlfriend." I tuned her out and focused on the fact that this girl was something different, and that pissed me off.

I was seeing red.

The guards came and drug her off, her screaming "YOU SIGNED A CONTRACT".

Javier opened the door for me, his eyes not meeting mine.

I shoved him out of the way and got in, closing my own damn door.

Go close Madison's door, cunt.

I'm not sure why I was so lividly angry at this, he was bound to get many women, but I was. Something about her last sentence. The contract. I couldn't decide if it made it more or less emotional.

He was allowed to be mad about a single look, a tiny wink.

I was allowed to get mad about hundreds of men and women crawling all over him, begging for his dick.

He got in on his side and I looked away, positioning myself as far from him as possible, squishing myself against the window.

He sighed.

"Fae. Stop. What are you angry about?" His tone was clipped, as if he had a reason to be angry, and that it was just so inconvenient for me to be.

I didn't answer. The man said silence, here it is.

"Fae, answer me."

"You said silence, here it is, Master Javier," I mocked.

"Goddamnit, Fae. Are you seriously going to be this childish?" He sounded exasperated with my behavior.

Childish? I was the childish one?

I unbuckled my seatbelt so that I could turn completely away from him, my face to the window.

"Put your seatbelt on. Now." He sounded livid.

Almost as livid as I was.


"Could you step in the gas please, sir? I would rather not stay in this box with this man. Thank you." I requested politely to the driver.

"Uh, of cour-"

"This pace is just fine, Daniel." Javier said, his voice giving the man no choice but to stay at his pace.

The rest of the ride was silent, with me writhing in so much anger that I'm sure my ears were steaming.

I watched the beautiful lights of LA from the window until we reached a place just outside of the city. A huge, glass penthouse welcomed me.

I was still angry.

Javier paid Daniel and got out of the cab, walking around to my side. I didn't let him open my door, storming out of the cab after thanking Daniel.

I heard him growl under his breath behind me, getting our bags out of the trunk as I continued to the beautiful building.

God, I hope this is his house, just in case.

That would ruin my angry vibe.

I tried to open the door, only to find that it was locked, and stopped.

Of course the fucking door had to be locked. Of course fucking Javier has the keys.

He walked up behind me and I moved over without looking at him. He silently opened the door, waiting for me to go in before him.

I knew what he was doing.

I didn't want him to be behind me. When he was behind me, he was in control, he was stalking me quietly, with calculation.

I finally gave in and stomped in. The house was just as elegant as the others, all glass, overlooking the city.

It was beautiful. A dream house. I wanted to cry.

It made me angrier. Of course he had the perfect penthouse with the perfect view in the perfect city. Of course he did.

I heard him behind me, walking closer. I ignored it and continued looking through the huge glass wall, admiring all of the lights.

It made me feel safe. It showed me that a world was out there. A world so alive even in the deadest times of night. LA was a dream.

"She was nothing special, she knew that. She signed a contract, a consensual contract between Dom and Sub, Fae."

"You don't have to tell me. I don't care." I replied in a voice that wasn't mine. I was mad for no reason, I was jealous beyond belief when he was mine.

Wasn't he?

"You and I both know that's not true. You know about my past, Fae. She was just a tiny piece of that past. Why are you angry?"

"Because," I replied. Why was I mad?

"She stayed for three months. She wanted to renew the contract, I didn't. It is that simple. I moved on, she didn't. Fae, I've moved on. She was never something. She was never someone to me. Is she causing your anger?" He asked. He didn't owe me an explanation. I believed him. But I was still angry.

"I know that. You don't have to justify yourself. Stop being so damn reasonable. I'm just angry. You piss me off. All your stupid little fan girls and your stupid little fanboys and your dumbass crazy exes." I crossed my arms, still not looking at him.

"Oh yeah? Well you piss me off, Fae. You realize that that is what I feel every second of every fucking day? Constant men after you, looks and stares and winks and whispers? You don't think I hate that? Guess again, honey. I have to practically hover over you every fucking minute just to make sure you don't go off making out with little boys in elevators!-"

I spun around and stabbed him in the chest with my finger.

"Oh fuck you, Javier! We were not making out and he was about as awkward as a 13 year old boy getting his first handjob-"

"Oh! We're talking about handjobs now!-"

"Stop twisting my words, asshole! And at least I don't have a fucking paparazzi and a fan club of hot women-and men-begging for you to fuck them! Oh Master Javier, please, I forgot to turn the stove off earlier, oh, do fuck me! Master, Master, I didn't mow the lawn last week, I'm a naught naughty girl, won't you punish me?-" He cut off my mockery by slamming his lips into mine, slamming me against the glass.

I reacted and wrapped my legs around him tightly, kissing him back with as much passion.

"God, I could fight with you every damn day for the rest of our lives." he growled against my lips, grinding into me in the most sinful of ways.

"Sometimes I hate you so much," I growled back, my anger slowly subsiding into lust.

Pure, uncontrollable lust.

The feeling was so strong, it pulled my heart. Everything in me was on fire.

"Yeah? I hate you too," I bit his lip, drawing blood. It was too much, it was all too much.

Every touch was so good it was painful, everything we were doing felt so, so right.

His grip on my hips tightened to an impossible hold, the pain turning me on more.

His free hand was tight in my hair, pulling, yanking. My hands raked down his back up to his hair.

"I hate you because I love you," He groaned in my mouth, and we both stopped.

Those words rang in my head, and judging by the look in Javier's eyes, he definitely said it.

It was real.

"Fae. I'm in love with you. Answer me, dammit. You're scaring the shit out of me. I love your annoying, stubborn, sarcastic ass and if you don't love me back-"

"Yeah? I love your annoying, stubborn, sarcastic ass too."

We stared at each other, still in the compromising position we usually found ourselves in in moments such as this. And there was one thing I knew when I looked into his eyes.

He was scared shitless.

And I was too.


"Fuck."  We cursed under our breath.

We were in for it. And we knew it.

My eyes traveled down to his lips, and I watched them slowly turn into a sly smirk before they crashed into mine again. His mouth went to my neck, biting and nipping and driving me insane.

The feeling was back again, and I realized that it wasn't just lust. The feelings I was feeling for this arrogant, asshole of a man were more than that. And that was why my entire being was aflame.

He moved us and I was soon slammed against another hard surface.

The kitchen table.

Working on the next chapter right now:) Don't wear your glasses ladies and gents because there's gonna be a lot of steam.

I also apologize if it isn't that great cause I felt that you needed a chapter right now. But hey, they love each other! Not that we didn't know that, but the stubborn dicks finally admitted it:)

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