I Love to Hate You (Jian AU)

By AlwaysLarryxxJian

10.7K 633 292

Kian hates Jc. Jc hates Kian. That's how it's supposed to be. But sometimes things don't turn out the way we... More

Authors Note and Warning


394 26 7
By AlwaysLarryxxJian

A/N: I have so many mixed up ideas for the future of this story I kinda love it.

Kian ran back toward the custodian closet, hoping to find some kind of colored paint. After a few more minutes of moving things around he came across a large can labeled blue and another one red.

He grinned, taking them out of the closet and setting them on the ground. Once closing the closet door he lifted the handles on the cans and carried them out of the room.

"More paint?" Jc asked, glancing over at Kian.

"Yeah," Kian said, making sure to keep a straight face, he didn't want Jc becoming suspicious.

Jc nodded, not thinking anything of it.

Kian set them down next to the wall and began to paint white paint over the graffiti.

"So how's your thot girlfriend doing?" Kian asked after awhile, looking over at Jc for a reaction.

Jc turned around, his mouth falling open. "Did you seriously just say that?" Jc asked, wondering if he had misheard.

"Hey that was actually nice, I could've said much worse," Kian defended, laughing at the reaction Jc had given him.

"You're one to talk," Jc retorted, getting angry once again, Kian just had a talent for annoying him.

Kian stopped painting, turning around to look at Jc.

"What are you trying to say?" Kian glared, not finding it funny anymore.

"Oh nothing," Jc smiled innocently, going back to painting the walls.

"No, finish what you were gonna say, really I want to hear it," Kian sassed, crossing his arms and awaited Jc's response.

Jc sighed, stopping his process of painting again to turn to Kian.

"I'm just saying, you're the one who sleeps around with everyone, not Lia," Jc pointed out, matter of factly.

"I'm gonna let that slide, but all I'm saying is that she gives me that slutty vibe," Kian told him honestly.

Jc clenched his fist, "Takes one to know one," Jc said through gritted teeth.

Kian snorted in disbelief, "That's it," Kian said angrily, dropping his paint brush and wiping his hands against his jeans.

Jc stepped back, afraid of what Kian was going to do. Kian stepped toward him, seemingly going for Jc, but stopped at the last seconds and instead went for the colored paint can next to Jc.

Jc's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Kian twisted open the can.

"What are you doin-" Jc started, but never got time to finish his question because he didn't find the need to, his question had already been answered.

Kian splashed the red paint at Jc, catching him by surprise.

Jc gasped at the sudden wet paint dripping from his clothes.

"What the heck Kian!" Jc yelled, trying to remove the paint from his face.

"Hey I think that's the first time you've used my first name," Kian laughed, setting down the now almost empty paint can.

Kian turned around, proud of his work.

"So I'll just be over here-" Kian started to say, casually walking to the other side of the room with a smug expression.

"Um no you're not," Jc interrupted, not letting this one go, now the floor was covered in paint and Jc was not going to be the one to clean this up on his own.

Jc glanced at the other unopened paint can that Kian had brought out earlier.

Don't do it, Jc warned himself as he thought of an idea that wasn't like him.

Don't sink down to his level, Jc told himself again, but at this point Jc was fed up with Kian just getting away with everything.

Jc leaned for the can, opening it up quickly. He threw the contents at the back of Kian, causing him to stop walking abruptly and feel his backside with his right hand that was also now etched with paint from where he had touched.

"You little-" Kian turned around, his eyes holding death.

Jc gulped and ran for the other side of the room, away from Kian who was now running after him, blue and red paint traces falling to the floor, mixing together to create small puddles of purple.

Kian was holding the rest of the red paint can in his hand as he chased after Jc, who's legs were starting to give out on him.

"No! No stop Kian no!" Jc panted as Kian caught up to him and captured him in his arms in order to keep him in place.

"No, let me go! You've already ruined my shirt!" Jc cried out, trying to escape from Kian's grip.

"Buy yourself a new one," Kian whispered in Jc's ear, pouring the rest of the paint in Jc's hair.

Jc finally managed to pull away from Kian, his hair red from the paint. Jc took the excess paint from his hair and splattered it on Kian.

Kian popped his lips, expecting that. Jc laughed at Kian's face that was now covered with red along with blue.

"Haha fuck you," Kian laughed mockingly as the paint dripped down his cheeks.

"You did start it," Jc reminded.

"Yeah and I was supposed to end it too," Kian said.

"Wait so what I'm getting from this is that you started it, didn't expect me to do anything about it, but now I win cause you're too scared to 'finish me off'?" Jc asked, grinning at the fact that he had won.

"Woah there smarts, you did not win," Kian said, subtly stepping closer toward Jc.

"Um I'm pretty sure I did," Jc laughed smugly.

Kian rolled his eyes and jumped at Jc with his own excess paint.

Jc yelped as Kian attacked him with some of the blue paint that covered his used-to-be white shirt.

"This is harassment!" Jc screamed jokingly as he struggled to get out of Kian's arms once more.

This only led to Kian slipping on some of the paint and pulling Jc down with him.

Jc screamed, as he fell on top Kian who had barely managed to cushion his head from the hard floor.

"What did I tell you?" Jc shook his head jokingly.

"Whoa there, I may have provoked this but you went through with it," Kian stated, a grin across his face.

"Well what was I supposed to do? Just let you get away with it.. yeah I don't think so buddy," Jc laughed, attempting to remove himself from Kian, but just fell back down onto Kian's chest.

"Ow," Kian said, a he felt Jc's weight collapse on him again.

Jc looked at Kian who's hair was drying up with the blue paint. His bandaged lip was also starting to unravel Jc noticed.

"You should probably get a new bandage," Jc told him, moving his fingers toward Kian's lips in order to remove the now useless bandage.

Kian's eyes followed Jc's movement, watching as Jc gently pulled the bandage away from his lip.

Kian held in the pain from the open wound, squeezing Jc's hands as an instinct. Jc looked down at their hands, then at Kian who had now also realized what he was doing. His heart thumped faster unknowingly.

He teared his hands away from Jc's, avoiding eye contact.

"I can't move," Kian informed Jc who still happened to be on top of Kian,

"Oh right sorry," Jc apologized awkwardly, quickly getting off of Kian and carefully picking himself back up, making sure to not slip on anymore paint.

Kian soon also got up from the floor, grabbing the used bandage that had previously been on his lip and put it in his pocket to throw away later.

"We should probably clean this all up," Jc reminded, looking at the mess they had made.

"This place could use some color, it looks better that way," Kian pointed out once looking around the room himself.

"Could say the same about you," Jc thought, his eyes going wide once realizing he had said that out loud.

Kian looked around at him, an amused smirk on his face.

"You're saying I look better with color?" Kian laughed.

"No, I'm just saying it wouldn't kill you if you didn't wear black and white for a day," Jc restated, trying his best to not blush.

This is stupid, Jc thought to himself.

Jc couldn't be more thankful when he heard a knock come from the jammed door, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Boys! Don't worry, it'll be open in like 15 minutes maybe a little more!" Mr. Brooker shouted to them through the other side of the door.

Kian and Jc snapped back to reality and realized they still had to paint the walls along with clean the floors.

"First the walls!" Jc ordered, running toward the half painted over walls.

Kian walked over, somehow he wasn't worried. "What are you doing? Hurry up!" Jc rushed, starting to panic.

"Okay okay I'm going," Kian said calmly.

"Oh no," Jc said under his breath. They had gotten red and blue paint on the walls and it was way more then a little dot.

"See what you did!" Jc yelled at Kian, pointing at the splotch of paint.

"Whoa don't put this shit on me! You also took part!" Kian shouted back.

Jc tangled his fingers in his now stiff hair, frustrated. "I can't believe I would follow along with this stupid immature game!" Jc cried out, more to himself them to Kian.

"I can fix it calm down," Kian assured, growing annoyed with the uptight boy.

"How?" Jc asked, a small glint of hope in his eyes.

"Do you want it fixed?" Kian asked Jc.

Jc nodded quickly, "Yes."

"Then don't question me," Kian said, dismissing Jc to go wipe down the floors while he worked on the major problem.

Jc opened his mouth to argue but decided against it realizing it would only cause more problems that they didn't have time for.

Jc nodded, speedily making his way over toward the mop and water bucket.

Kian made sure Jc had left before taking out a paint brush and covering it with white paint. He made sure to go over the graffiti parts of the wall first and add extra layers so it wouldn't be so noticeable.

Now for the wet paint that was splattered not too long ago, Kian took out another brush and smeared some more red paint against the wall.

He glanced at the brush in his hand, knowing well enough that there could possibly be some good to come out of what he was going to do.

He took ahold of a smaller brush and started painting what appeared to be a beginning form of a flower.

He concentrated on what he was painting, it had been awhile since he had drawn something. He swiftly brushed the red against the white paint to create a pinkish color that would cover any remnants of the graffiti and the splattered paint.

Kian had heard Jc's movement behind him, most likely cleaning the floors, and trying to sneak a peak at what Kian was doing.

"You done?" Kian heard Jc ask from the back of the auditoriums main room.

"Almost," Kian said absentmindedly too devoted in his painting to really pay attention to his surroundings.

They had two minutes left if Mr. Brooker was to keep his promise on getting the door to unlock.

Kian rushed the initials of the school to make it seem like it actually belonged and not just a random piece of artwork although that was what it kind of was.

Kian stepped back, examining his work. He didn't like it, but it was the best he could manage in 15 minutes.

Jc was drying the floor now, thankfully he had managed to remove all the paint off the tile-like floor.

"Done," Kian mumbled, dropping the paintbrush in the water bucket and making his way off the stage.

"Oh okay," Jc said, finishing off drying a spot before looking up and when he did he thought he was imagining it.

Kian had left to the backroom, not wanting to see Jc's reaction.

Jc jogged up to the stage, his mouth slightly open in surprise.

Did Kian really do this? Jc wondered.

It was a pink shaded flower that tilted to its side as if trying to reach for the sun, but there was no sun and Jc was almost tempted to draw it on the wall himself. The flower was shriveled at the edges meaning it would die soon...

Why was Jc thinking so much about this, this was clearly just another talent Kian probably bragged about all the time and he wasn't planning on inflating his ego any bigger than it already was.

"It's not that good," Kian appeared behind Jc, staring at his painting, looking for all the flaws in it.

"This was your plan?" Jc snorted, causing Kian to raise his eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mea-"

"To cover the graffiti with more graffiti?" Jc said sassily, trying his best to make it seem like he wasn't a bit impressed by what Kian had done.

"Yeah that was my big plan, how'd you know?" Kian said sarcastically.

"Well it's not even that good," Jc spat out.

Kian stared at Jc for a second before responding back to him.

"I never said it was," Kian laughed, patting Jc on the back as if to tell him he tried.

Jc gaped again, not expecting that answer from Kian.

Kian seemed to be full of surprises.

Jc opened his mouth to speak but had to stop himself once he heard the main door being busted open.

Mr. Brooker was panting heavily, sweat dripping down his forehead from working all day in the sun to open the jammed door.

He waited a moment to catch his breath and finally after a small silence of just his breathing he looked up at them.

It was at that moment Jc was reminded of the paint that covered his and Kian's clothing.

"Wh-what is this?" Mr. Brooker asked, going up to Jc and taking a moist piece of his shirt in his fist.

Kian laughed, looking at Jc's scared expression.

"We had a little fun with paint," Kian told him, ushering toward the stage's surrounding walls.

"The graffiti is ... gone," Mr. Brooker said, impressed.

He hadn't seen the flower design yet.

"Mr. Brooker please don't get mad but-" Jc started to explain, but there was no need, he had already spotted it.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked, getting closer to it.

Kian looked like he was about to laugh while Jc's face held what looked like he was about to throw up, they couldn't have been more opposite.

"I'm sorry, we just-" Jc started up again, all the stress building up,

"It's beautiful," Mr. Brooker smiled widely, observing the features on the flower.

"Wait what?"

"I'm sorry I don't think I heard you..." Both boys were not expecting that reaction from the teacher.

"Who made this?" He asked astonished.

"Jc-" Kian said quickly.

"Kian-" Jc said at the same time.

Jc turned to Kian with a puzzled look, Kian ignored him.

"Jc made it, he's pretty talented, he's just being modest," Kian explained and he was really good at acting, it was as if Kian really had nothing to do with the art standing in front of him

"Well it's quite beautiful Jc, I didn't know you had a talent for art," Mr. Brooker grinned.

"Neither did I," Jc grinned through gritted teeth.

"I have to talk to Principle Dolce about keeping it up, but I'm sure she won't mind," He said proudly.

He then turned to Kian, looking at him with a stern look. "Did you even help with anything?"

"I did a couple things," Kian shrugged, giving Jc a wink once Mr. Brooker had turned back around to praise the flower.

"What happened to your lip Mr. Lawley?" Mr. Brooker asked, seeing as it was still swollen.

"Oh ya know, I got socked by Caylen over there," Kian said honestly.

Mr. Brooker glanced between Kian and Jc and laughed roughly, obviously thinking it was a joke.

"I better be off, oh and your parents are here Jc, as for you Kian... I'm assuming you'll wait for them outside since they haven't arrived yet," Mr. Brooker said, pulling out both the boys phones from his pocket and handing it to them.

"Of course we will," Kian said with a tight smile, pocketing his phone.

"Well I'm off, I hope to not see you in detention ever again Mr. Caylen. As for Lawley... I'll probably see you again here next week," Mr. Brooker shook his head disapprovingly.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Kian saluted jokingly.

Mr. Brooker gave him a rough pat on the shoulder and a strained smile toward Jc.

Kian waited until Mr. Brooker was gone to go back into the backroom.

"Whoa where are you going? Your parents aren't here," Jc reminded, jogging to catch up to him.

"I have a ride," Kian said, pulling on his jacket, the only thing that hadn't been soaked in paint.

"Okay but why did you tell him I drew that flower?" Jc wondered.

Kian stopped in his steps, turning around to meet Jc's eyes. Jc couldn't lie, Kian intimidated him sometimes. He didn't like it.

"I figured you'd want to keep your Mr. Perfection good boy reputation," Kian said.

"And you'd want to keep your 'bad boy' rep," Jc finished, putting the puzzle pieces together, it made sense now.

"But see the difference between you and I is mine isn't a 'rep', this is me," Kian clarified.

"Mine isn't just a 'rep' either, I love being me, not in a selfish way of course," Jc defended his personality,

Kian laughed, "But you can change, you just need someone to show you how," he told Jc.

"Why would I want to change. I have everything I need and want," Jc tried to convince Kian, but somewhere in the conversation he found himself trying to convince himself more than he was Kian.

"You may think you have everything you want, but everyone always wants something they don't know they want until they get a small taste of it by accident, and then you don't want it anymore. You need it," Kian said quietly, but it was a dangerous tone. Jc looked away from Kian's intense stare.

"I should probably get going," Jc said awkwardly, looking back at the doorway, wanting to run, but also wanting to stay for some mysterious reason.

"Yeah," Kian agreed, seemingly waiting for Jc to leave.

Jc nodded his head, walking out of the room with thoughts spinning in his mind.

Jc reached for the door handle to leave the auditorium, but stopped before touching it since he had forgotten to turn off the lights in the back room and he highly doubted Kian would turn them off.

He rushed back to the room, but was surprised to see no one was there, but what was there was the opening of the ceiling that led to the vent.

"What the-" Jc started but stopped once he heard what sounded like a thump come across from the very back of the auditorium.

Jc hurriedly turned off the lights and ran outside, wondering where Kian could've gone in such a short amount of time.

His eyes searched the school grounds but he didn't see any sign of him.

"Jc!" He heard a voice that sounded like his mom call him.

He turned his head to see her hands waving as if calling him forward.

"Oh hey mom!" He called back, jogging toward their car.

"My dear what happened to you?" She gasped, seeing as Jc was covered from head to toe in dry paint.

"It's a long story," he let out a sigh.

His mom looked past Jc with a look of disgust.

"What is it mom?" He asked, turning around to see what his mom had been looking at.

"How could that boy's mother let her son ride that thing - oh my goodness is that a cigarette?" His mother gasped again.

Kian started up his motorcycle, taking a drag of his cigarette and then puffing it out. He put his helmet on, fully aware of the people watching him from across the parking lot. Might as well give them a show, kicking off the dirt, he headed toward them with an amused laugh.

"Good thing we raised a good boy who doesn't behave that badly," His mother told his dad, who agreed.

But Jc's mind was somewhere else. He watched as Kian sped his motorcycle over on this side of the parking lot.

Kian threw his cigarette on the ground and crushed it with his bike.

"C'mon Jc get in the car," his mom said, glaring daggers at the mysterious boy who was close behind, soon he would be passing them.

Jc watched at Kian zipped past, making sure to give Jc his famous wink that only he saw and Jc could just tell behind Kian's helmet was the biggest smirk.

"Who is that boy?" Jc's dad asked him once they were on their way home.

"I have no idea," Jc lied, but he didn't fully lie because he still didn't know who Kian Lawley was, not that he wanted to know. He knew enough. And what he knew so far was that he didn't like him.

At least not yet.

A/N: hehe ... Anyways love you guys vote, comment, follow if you want 

Kisses xoxo -A

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