Ereri One Shots!

By thesatanistauthor

38.6K 768 245

A bunch of AOT one shots I have written. Mostly my otp's and random ideas that pop into my head! More

I Like You
School Mates
2 AM
Flying (Part 2)
Room Mate (JeanMarco)
Okay so I lied.
Crash Site
I'm Scared
Best Friends
Dear Eren
Friend or Foe?


1.5K 33 8
By thesatanistauthor

This one shot will be based off of the song Helplessly by Tatianna Manaois. It's such a sweet song so I suggest listening to it. Also, my friends and I recently made a CMV so you should totally watch it! I linked it here so you can watch it. We also plan to make an Ereri CMV based off the song Helplessly too, so watch out for that later on!

Description: Levi has fallen helplessly in love with Eren, but won't admit it to himself. 


The sun rays beamed through the windows in the early morning of a Saturday in mid-July. Levi rubbed his eyes as he began to wake up, before turning over to press a kiss to his boyfriend's forehead. The younger boy smiled tiredly as he let out a content hum, opening one eye to look up at Levi. Eren and Levi had been dating for around 6 months, and it was 6 months that not one of them regretted. 

"Morning." Levi yawned, stretching his arms before pushing himself out of the bed, not bothering to sort out the unmade bed. The ravenette walked over to Eren's side of the bed to ruffle the hair of his boyfriend, before walking off to the bathroom to tidy himself up.

"Morning to you too." Eren mumbled sleepily as he watched his lover disappear into their ensuite bathroom. The two lived in a cozy little house together, and it sure was a gorgeous house. The brunette sat himself up as he sorted out his hair, rubbing his eyes to get them used to the bright light which illuminated the room. Soon enough, Levi emerged from the bathroom fully dressed and cleaned up, ready for a day full of fun. 

It wasn't long before Eren was ready too, and during the time it took for him to get ready, his partner had already cleaned most of their petite house, even though it wasn't at all messy. Well, not to Eren at least. Levi always saw something that needed cleaning. 

"How about we go grab a coffee and then head out to the town centre for a bit?" Eren suggested, wrapping his arms around the smaller man's waist from behind, resting his chin on the shoulder of his boyfriend. Levi grinned to himself and let out a small hum, agreeing to Eren's suggestion. "You seem tired still. Did you not sleep well?"

"I did, but I kept waking up through the night." Levi admitted, not spilling the full truth to Eren.  He turned around in Eren's grip to lean up and press a quick kiss to Eren's lips. The two separated from each other to go grab the things they needed for the day before they headed out the door to their destination. 

Levi was definitely not a coffee drinker, in fact it was rare that Levi ever chose to get a coffee. Due to the fact he was tired though, he did decide to have one with the small persuasion of Eren. The two took their hot drinks to go, before walking off into the town center. It was full of people today yet the location was still somewhat cold, but the hot drinks did the trick. The two walked down the busy street, trying to avoid the elbows of those rushing past them. They were in mid conversation when Eren suddenly rushed off and once he finally stopped, Levi saw what had gotten him so excited. The older man walked over to where Eren was kneeling down, a large grin on his face as he played with the two puppies. 

"Levi, just look at them!" Eren gasped, giggling softly as one of the puppies jumped up to lick his cheek. Levi leant back against a small wall, coffee in hand as he fondly watched Eren interact with the puppies. The owners of the two puppies were obviously around Eren's age, but considering Eren was already in his early twenties he still acted like a child around certain things. It was moments like this when Levi realised how truly in love he was with Eren. It almost felt as if his heart could burst with love at any moment. 

"Yes, Eren. They are rather adorable, I must admit." Levi let himself smile as he watched his boyfriend continue to fuss over the puppies. "Come on, we gotta go. Say goodbye to the puppies." 

"But Levi-"

"I have an idea, just come with me." Levi held his hand out to help Eren up, and he gladly accepted the offer. The two said their goodbyes to the puppies and their owners before walking off in the opposite direction. Eren jutted his bottom lip out in a pout, crossing his arms over his chest and they walked along the narrow street. Levi threw away the empty coffee cups once they passed a bin, yet Eren still continued to pout. Once again, Levi felt his heart swell with fondness.

"Where are we going?" Eren asked, dropping his arms to his side as he followed behind Levi, wondering where the ravenette was leading him too. "You aren't gonna kill me, are you?"

"You really think I'd do that?" Levi grinned, slowing down slightly so Eren could catch up with him. Eren shrugged, reaching out to grab Levi's hand in his own. The other man pulled his hand away from Eren, shaking his head slightly. "Eren, I told you already-"

"Yeah yeah, not to hold your hand in public. But why?" Eren whined, looking around the crowded space. Nearly every shop was full with people, but it wasn't unusual for this time of year. 

"I don't know, I'm just not comfortable with it." Levi admitted, keeping his voice low in hopes that Eren wouldn't hear him. However Eren did hear him, and the brunette rolled his eyes at such a comment. The taller man shoved his hands into his pockets, trying not to show his frustration. 

Eren glanced around the crowded area once again, before removing his hands from his pockets and grabbing Levi by his arm, quickly whipping him away into an empty alley way behind a small building. Levi couldn't react as it happened all too quickly, but before he knew it he had been pushed up against a wall. Eren was leant over him, one hand resting against the wall beside his head. The smaller man's breathing was heavy as he stared into the eyes of his boyfriend, waiting for him to do something else. 

"Are you ashamed of me or something?" Eren whispered lowly, his eyes filled with a sudden wave of sadness. Levi let out a deep sigh as he shook his head, breaking the gaze between him and Eren. He reached his hand up, softly caressing Eren's cheek as he shot Eren a quick smile.

"Never. I could never be ashamed of you, Eren." Levi spoke, watching as Eren ever so slightly leant into his touch. Levi was telling the truth; Eren meant everything to him, and he would do anything to make his partner happy. 

"Then why are you so afraid to show your love for me?" Eren frowned, removing his hand from the wall as he took a step back from Levi.

"I'm not..." Levi mumbled, taking a step towards Eren as he grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers as he dragged the brunette out from the alley way back into the crowded town center.

Eren knew that would work.


"Incoming!" Eren shouted as he dived onto the bed, bursting into a fit of laughter as he landed. Levi rolled his eyes and smiled brightly, book-marking his book before placing it on the beside table. Eren eventually calmed down and crawled up next to Levi, swiftly getting under the covers as he snuggled into Levi's side. 

"Was that really necessary, Eren?" Levi chuckled, absent-mindedly playing with the strands of Eren's hair. The brunette nodded as he let out a silent laugh, glancing up at the raventte. 

"Yup." Eren grinned, resting his hand on Levi's chest as he let out a content sigh. Levi pressed a gentle kiss to Eren's head as the two sat in silence, enjoying the warmth of each other. Everything seemed perfect. "Levi?"

"Hm?" Levi hummed, tugging Eren closer to his side.

"Do you love me?

"Of course."

"Then kiss me." Eren spoke, causing Levi to look down at the younger boy. The ravenette raised a brow, before letting out a quiet sigh. 

"Eren, I don't know... I'm tired." Levi joked, shrugging slightly as he saw a pout form on Eren's lips. "If you continue pouting, then I won't kiss you." 

Eren's face lit up and he stopped pouting, a bashful smile spreading onto his lips. Levi leant down, placing a finger under Eren's chin as he pressed his lips against his partner's in a tender kiss. Eren moved his hand to rest on Levi's cheek, his thumb gently caressing Levi's soft skin as they both sank into the kiss. The kiss ended quickly, but they didn't mind. It was a sweet, loving kiss full of affection. 


For the past few days, Levi had been alone, as Eren had gone on a short holiday with a few of his friends. Levi wasn't going to stop him; he wanted Eren to have fun and live a life he would remember when he's old. But it was lonely having no company with him, and he found himself lost on what to do. Nothing seemed to interest him, he just stayed in their shared house and watched a load of crappy romantic, drama filled films. None of them were very good. It was still a few days before Eren was due to arrive home, and Levi wanted to surprise him when he got back. A romantic dinner seemed too dull and not enough, yet taking him out on a massive date seemed too much and Eren would probably be far too tired to do that anyways. 

Levi tried to think of things which Eren would like to do, yet wouldn't be too much all at once. Perhaps a small walk in the park that was full of cherry blossom trees, or a walk down by the ocean as the waves lapped at the beach. No, he didn't want to wear the poor boy out. Perhaps a present of some sort, something that wasn't going to go to waste. The ravenette tried to look back on the previous few days to see if he could remember anything that Eren really wanted.

Then it hit him. 

He knew exactly what to get Eren for when he gets back. A puppy! Sure, a puppy is a huge responsibility, and they'd only be dating for a few months, but Levi saw how in love Eren was with those puppies they saw out in the town center. Levi checked the time on his phone, and decided he had enough time left in the day to go get it now. His friend, Hanji, bred dogs for a living and always had puppies for sell. Surely there would be one there that would be right for Eren. 

The ravenette grabbed his keys and phone before slipping his shoes on and heading out to his car. It wasn't a far drive to Hanji's house, thankfully, but he first had to go and get the stuff that they would need to care for a dog. The pet store was rather empty, put then again not many people come here often as they usually buy a lot in advance. He grabbed two pet bowls, a pet bed, some chew toys and a bag of puppy food. After he was done at the pet store, he rushed to get to Hanji's place, hoping that she would be there.

He rang the door bell, and soon enough Hanji opened the door. She grinned at Levi's presence and welcomed him inside her house, where he was soon surrounded by a bunch of overly-excited puppies. Levi was by far more of a cat person; he liked the fact they were independent creatures and liked to care for themselves without the need of human intervention. He wanted to make Eren happy though, not that Eren wasn't hapy in the first place, but still. 

"Levi, how's it going?" Hanji chimed, trying to shoo away the hoarde of puppies jumping up at Levi's feet. There must've been at least 15 all at once, but they were cute so it didn't really bother Levi at all.

"Good, good. I'm here because I want to get a puppy for Eren. We were out in town the other day and he spotted two puppies and just fell in love. Honestly, I'd never seen him so happy." Levi replied, following Hanji into her living area. They both sat on the couch, soon followed by a swarm of puppies, all desperate for attention. 

"Aw, and here I was thinking you wanted to come and see me." Hanji joked, crossing her legs as she faced Levi. The ravenette rolled his eyes as he picked up one of the many puppies and placed it in his lap, giving it the attention it so desperately wanted. "I'm joking, short stuff. Anyways, how is it gong with him now?"

"Everything is great. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend." Levi grinned, teasing the puppy in his lap as it tried to nip at his fingers. Hanji grinned knowingly, before leaning forward a bit, her elbows resting on her knees. 

"You're so helplessly in love with him." Hanji squealed, a grin stretching from ear to ear. Levi blushed brightly, trying to hide his embarrassment. It didn't work; nothing gets past Hanji. "So, you want to get him a puppy?"

Levi nodded, petting the head of the puppy in his lap. He placed it back down on the floor, where it ran off to play with its siblings. He watched as it rolled around, play-fighting with the other puppies around. Levi had to admit, it was really cute.

"Yeah. But, I don't know what to look for in a puppy." Levi shrugged, looking at the abundance of puppies scattering around the floor of Hanji's living room. 

"I have the perfect one for you. He's the smallest of the lot, and keeps to himself, yet loves cuddles. Let me go get him!" And with that, Hanji got up and left the room, only later to come back with a small black and white puppy in her arms. She was right, he was a lot smaller than the others, but he was the calmest and probably the cutest of them all. "He's named Chip."

Hanji handed the puppy over to Levi with a smile, and the puppy seemed to take to Levi almost straight away. He knew Chip was the one for him and Eren. 

"Oh gosh, he is gorgeous Hanji. Eren will love him." Levi chimed, stroking the puppies back as it started to drift off to sleep in Levi's lap.

"Take him, he's yours. No need to pay me for it." Hanji spoke, getting her from her seat to hurry Levi out before he protested against her. 


Eventually the day came for Eren to return home, but little did he know what was waiting for him when he arrived home. The tired brunette walked through the front door, to be swiftly engulfed in the arms of Levi. 

"I missed you!" Levi shouted, almost knocking Eren off his feet with the colossal hug. Eren laughed tiredly before wrapping his arms around the waist of his boyfriend. A little yelp interrupted the hug, and soon enough the sound of little paws on the wooden floor could be heard. Chip ran into the room, slipping on the wooden floor as he ran to greet Eren. 

"I missed you too!" Eren grinned, brushing his fringe from his face before spotting the small puppy sitting in front of him, tail wagging with excitement as he stared up at the brunette. Eren gasped, hands swiftly coming up to cover his mouth as he glanced from the puppy to Levi. "You did not."

"I did too. Meet Chip!" 

"Levi, he's absolutely stunning!" Eren bent down to pick him up, the puppy trying his hardest to lick the cheek of the brunette. Levi chuckled to himself, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched the two interact with each other. It was late at night, but Eren seemed to want to stay up to play with the puppy. 

Eventually, all three of the were snuggled up on the bed together, with Chip biting at the covers any time one of the two moved. It was cute, but his bites still hurt. Chip fell asleep after a few attempts of nipping the toes off of Eren, which left Eren and Levi to themselves for a short while.

"I love you, Levi." Eren admitted, tapping the nose of his smaller companion. Levi rolled his eyes, but nodded.

"I love you too, Eren. With all my heart."

A little sleepy yap from Chip concluded the conversation, a small laugh being shared between Eren and Levi before they decided to turn the lights off and fall asleep in each others embrace.



Chip reminds me of a mixture of my dog and hamster. I hope you liked this one shot, anyways. I have little ideas anymore on what to write, so suggestions/plot lines would be really useful. :)

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