The Landrew Love Story

By OreoCookie26

2.4K 123 30

This Landrew story is about how i think Landrew came to be. Don't judge it is my first fanfic. Okay it is ab... More

Chapter 1: First Day of High School
Chapter 2: The Game
Chapter 3: The Weekend Rain
Chapter 4: The Shadows
Chapter 5: The Carnival
Chapter 6: The Ask
Chapter 7: The Magical Night
Chapter 8: A Messed Up Day
Chapter 9: The Big Announcement
Chapter 11: The Date
Chapter 12: The Snow Day
Chapter 13: They Are Coming
Chapter 14: Help Me
Chapter 15: The Play
Chapter 16: Christmas Shopping Fun
Chapter 17: Cuddles & Laughs
Chapter 18: Christmas Eve
Chapter 19: Christmas Day
Chapter 20: New Year's Party
Chapter 21: When His Gone
Chapter 22: His Power
Chapter 23: Girls Trip (Part 1)
Chapter 24: The Girls Trip (Part 2)
Chapter 25: Girls Trip (Part 3) Final
Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 27: Valentines Day!
Chapter 28: Spirit Week
Chapter 29: All At Once
Chapter 30: Plans
Chapter 31: Blooming Flower
Chapter 32: Spring Dance
Chapter 33: The Blue Place
Chapter 34: The Cave
Chapter 35: The Picnic
Chapter 36: Birthday Party (Part 1)
Chapter 37: Birthday Party (Part 2) / Final
Chapter 38: Idk what to call this chapter
Chapter 39: Follow Me
Chapter 40: (Insert Good Title Here)
Chapter 41: Beach Time!
Chapter 42: A Helping Friend
Chapter 43: The Perfect Day
Chapter 44: A Dream?
Chapter 45: Excuse Me!
Chapter 46: Last Time
Chapter 47: One Last Kiss
Chapter 48: Near The End
Chapter 50: Dead or Alive

Chapter 10: The Drama Filled Day

39 2 0
By OreoCookie26

Larissa's POV

Today was Wednesday two days before my date with Andrew. I got dressed and ate my breakfast caught the bus and headed to school as soon as I got there I see all my friends. Then Aiden W pulled me aside with Andrew he said quietly "You guys need to hide Sophia is coming she is going to...." Aiden W got interrupted by Ally. (AKA Alyssa) She drags me to the girls bathroom I see Sophia there she was so mad she was filled up with so much rage and was covered in something red, blood or was it paint. She pins me to the wall with Ally making sure no one enters the bathroom. But I was so mad because I don't even know what I did to her "YOU TOOK HIM!!!!" she said with deep rage "Who?" I asked trying to keep clam "ANDREW!!!" She said trying not to hurt me "What? I thought you were dating Aiden W!?" I said with shock "WE AREN"T DATING WE ARE JUST REALLY GOOD FRIENDS!!!" She tells me like it was the 50th time she said that. When our little chat was done Ally came back in and locked the door she gave Sophia a knife and she brought the knife closer to me so close that it was touching me skin. I didn't want to die just yet and just hoping someone would knock down the door and save me!

Andrew's POV

After Ally pulled Larissa away Aiden W was telling how Sophia and Ally were trying to kill Larissa. As our conversation ended Evan H a guy who didn't really talk much pulled me away to the boys bathroom. He told me trying not to make me mad that he like Larissa and how he wanted to tell her but couldn't. I asked him if he was mad that I am dating the girl he likes and he said no so we got along but I will still keep an eye out for him just incase. Then I walk back outside to talk to Aiden W and Thomas when I see that Larissa was still not back yet and so was Ally. I asked Zoe if she could go and check the girls bathroom since I can't go in there. Zoe left to go check on Larissa.

Larissa's POV

I was still pined to the wall trying to stall time. Then I hear the door burst down and a sign of relief filled the air it was Zoe with a KATANA! I didn't know she had a katana with her! She slaughtered Ally and that gave Sophia the time to run away Zoe took Ally's body and tossed it into the incinerator we have at the school. She came bolting back making sure I was okay I told her everything that had happened and she fill up with anger and it looks like Sophia is going to be dead the next time Zoe sees her. I still stayed for classes but still think about what happened I just can't get it out of my head how they wanted me like that just no just no!

Andrew POV

Zoe came back she told me to talk to Larissa when she was done all her classes. I asked her why she said "All I am going to tell you is it involves Sophia." then she walked away. All I could think about is how Larissa was doing is she okay what even HAPPENED to her. Not just that I still have our date to plan even though most of it is ready just the finishing touches and it is ready for Friday night. I can't wait till Friday but I can't wait to see her later to find out what happened!

Larissa's POV

After school Andrew walked me home. When we got to my house I offered for him to stay over for a while he said yes. We came in and sat on the couch and talked about what happened today. I told him what happened to Ally and Sophia he was shock that Zoe even owned a katana and how that she was that violent, then he told me what Aiden W told him and that would make a lot more sense why Sophia would do that to me and last he told me that Evan H likes me and I was so shocked. Then I told him to look back at all the drama that has been made because of me and I asked him if he still want to be apart of the life that I have. He said trying to clam me down "Don't worry I will always be here for you no matter how big this drama love situation thing becomes I love you for you and no one else so don't think that I am ever leaving your side because I am not!" That made me feel so nice inside to know that he will be there when no one else can then I thanked with a kiss of love. It was a grate way to end off the night.

Sorry guys for not posting a chapters for a week I had so much going on I just didn't have the time to write! Once again I am so sorry for not posting I am trying to post as much as I can. Thank you for reading the story and hope you are enjoying it so far!


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