G.F.A. [boyxboy]-Discontinued

By OxygenOverdose

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Just your average boyxboy..... enjoy! * I dont own the pictures* More

The Project [boyxboy]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter IO


347 12 7
By OxygenOverdose

Ready for this three-page chapter?!?!? I honestly give all my respect to the people who can write 10 page chapters.  

SO FUCKING SORRY FOR THE DELAY!! Hey, does anybody even read the authors notes? Huh. I do. 

And I have this giant ass bandaid on my finger, so sorry for any mistakes. 

Is this really already chapter 12? Huh. 

Song of the chapter: G.F.A. by BOTDF, JJ Demon, Nick Nasty, and Lady Nogrady. << New favourite song 

I'm listening to: The whole album of 'We Stitch These Wounds' by Black Veil Brides. <3 AND; All the Rage album by BOTDF cause I bought them both ;))

~~~____~~~Chapter 12~~~____~~~ 

Derek's POV 

The movie Sam and I decided to watch was terribly boring. Can you imagine what we did instead of actually watching it? Hehe... 

On the way home, we stopped to get ice cream. 

"What kind would you like?" The lady asked Sam and I. 

"Chocolate," Sam answered. 

"Well you're boring." I joked, while I ordered Cotton Candy. 

We sat down and he started licking the ice cream. Oh, the dirty thoughts in my mind. 

I swear I could watch him eat ice cream all day...  

Okay, Derek, get the dirty yet yummy thoughts out of your head.  

I smiled and looked down at my ice cream. 

"You're thinking dirty thoughts, aren't you?" Sam asked. I felt myself blushing. 

"Sorry! It's just... Well... Uh, anyway. Want to come over after this?" I asked, changing the subject. 

"Sure. Are you thinking of doing- 

"No! My mother's going to come home today. I want you to meet her." I cut him off, blushing even more. 

"Oh, okay. Sure then. And, Derek?" He asked. 


"Will you be my boyfriend?" 

"Of course," I was so happy right now I could run out of the shop and scream with joy. 


(A/N If you think this story is rushed, fuck you then. :D ) 

I opened the door to my house, with Derek next to me. 

"Mom! Are you home?" I called as we walked in the door. 

"Derek!" I heard my mother squeal from the living room. She rushed into the hallway to give me a huge hug. 

"And who's this?" She asked, looking over to Sam. 

"I'm his boyfriend," Sam answers her, before I can open my mouth. 

I liked the sound of boyfriend. 

"Ooh! And what's your name?" my mother  

"Sam" he replied. 

"Well, hi Sam, I'm Marilyn." She extended her hand, and Sam shook it. 

"So how was your trip?" I asked excitedly. 

"Amazing! I got many beautiful pictures, and I even painted some of the scenery. You boys want something to eat?" She asked. 

"No, mom, you must be tired. Go to sleep if you want. We won't burn the house down." I told her. 

She gave me a weary look. 

"Okayy... There's food in the fridge," she left for her room. 

I led Sam downstairs, where my computer was. 

Opening my iTunes library, I blasted G.F.A. by BOTDF, JJ Demon, Nick Nasty, and Lady Nogrady.  

"It's Do or die. And uhh, I do. I do it big" 

The song started, and I started mouthing the words, pretending to be on a stage. 

That caused Sam to laugh. I loved the sound of it. His laugh. It made me want to make him laugh more. 

I was dancing like a loser, still pretending to sing. 


2 stripes for unity 

fight for my people 

like I fight for equality 

my home battle team: the S.G.T.C.  

haters gonna hate but they know 

they can't stop me!" 

Sam joined me in looking like a loser. 

He started singing, yes singing, Nick Nasty's part, while dancing. 

"G.F.A. Yeah, everyday, I don't got time to play 

Mess with me, best believe, I'll put you in your fucking grave 

Look me up and down bitch, Tell me what the fuck you see 

A smile, a face, a spot for the heart, I'm a heartless man, there is a void in me" 

I stopped dancing, laughing at Sam. 

"What? You got a problem with me?" He asked, jokingly. 

"Oh, no. Of course not." I said, as I try not to laugh.  

He smiled and pulled me into a kiss. 

I moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck as our lips moved in sync. He paused a second, and I pulled away. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned. 

"Tell me about your new neighbors." He told me. 

"Well, uh, they're the Wyatt family. The mom's name is Sandy I think, the son's name is Jay, and that's all I've met." I replied. 

"And tell me about Jay," Sam put his hand on his chin. 

"Really, Derek?" Does he not trust me or something? 

"Yeah, I heard a little about him from Val," Since when does Sam and Val talk? 

"Okay, well he's bi; I don't know what else you want me to tell you about him."  

"I want to meet him." He said. 

"Okaaay... I'm sure he won't be busy tomorrow." I guessed. 

"Alrighty then, tomorrow it is."  

Since there was nothing else to do in this situation, I resumed kissing Sam's sexy lips.


I went downstairs for breakfast. 

Sam had gone home early, leaving me alone for the night. 

I decided to check my Facebook, and maybe stalk Jeffree Star on Twittter. That's my favourite thing to do on twitter. (A/N it really is fun.) 

Checking my notifications, I saw that Val had messaged me. And she had also liked 76 of my pictures. Greeeat. Notifications. 

Val: Hey, so Jay gave me his number, and he wants you to text him so he can have your number or some chizz. Coolio?  

Read the message, and at the end was his number.  

Could she not have just texted me this? I wondered. 

Derek: Kk, thanks.  

I replied.  

Twitter time! Wow, I can't believe I just thought that. I thought. 

I chuckled at my own thoughts. Oh, man, I'd be put into an insane asylum if people could read my thoughts. 

I logged onto twitter, typing in my username, OxygenOverdose (A/N that's mine... Follow and I follow back :D... mostly. lmfao.) 

Clicking on Jeffree Star's profile, I saw his latest tweet of which made me smile. 

"Someone once told me that I'm too pretty to be single. I replied with No, I'm too pretty to be lied to and cheated on." 

(A/N Sorry, the tweet went something like that, not exact though.) 

<I Have Writers Block> 

After a while of looking at other peoples' twitter and facebook profile, I got mega bored. Yes mega. 

I called Val. 

"Hello?" She answered. 

"Guess what?" I asked. 

"Uhm, you plan on doing my math homework for me?" she asked, hopeful. 

'Nice try. No, my mother got home earlier!" I exclaimed, and heard her squeal on the other end. Did I mention that Val and my mom were close friends? No? Well they are, sadly. 

"Really?! I'm sleeping over tonight! See you in half an hour," and then she hung up. Lovely. 

I went upstairs to see my mom awake. 

"Mother, you were supposed to be sleeping." I told her. 

"Yeah, well I'm not tired at the moment. Oh! I got you and Val presents! I didn't want to be rude and give you yours in front of Sam. He seems like a nice boy." She said, as she was placing dishes from the dishwasher into the wood cupboards. 

"Yeah, he's awesome. Oh, Val is sleeping over today." I notified her. 

"Oh! Okay, I'll give you guys your presents together."  

"Okay, she should be here soon." 

The doorbell rang, signalling that Val must be here. 

Opening the door, I was right. 

"Valerie!" I called, giving her a hug. 

"Derek!" she yelled back, returning the hug. 

"My mother bought us presents!" I told her, excitedly. 

Val started clapping her hands and jumping up and down. 

"Yay! I'm so excited!" 

"Val!" I heard my mother greet Val. 

"Marilyn!" They, too hugged. 

"Okay. Present time." My mother announced. 

Val and I were both excited, my mother always got us awesome gifts. 

"For you, Val, here." She handed Val a bag. 

"And for you Derek, this one," she handed me a slightly bigger bag. 

We said our thanks and eagerly opened the brown bags. 

I laughed at the first thing that I pulled out of mine; was a shirt that said 'My mother who loves me bought me this shirt from Peru'. Then was some brown sandals, of which I loved, then a pen, and a chocolate bar. 

"Thanks, mom," I smiled and pulled her into a hug. 

I looked over to Val to see her pull out almost the same stuff, except the shirt just said 'Peru' on it. 

"Thanks, Marilyn," Val thanked. 

"Welcome, you guys. So who wants to have some of the food I learned how to make?" Mom asked.  

"I do!" Val and I said in unison. 

"Great" She replied, and headed to the kitchen. 



So... first thing 

Sorry for the wait... me and my mother are having..... Problems.  

And yeah... It might not be three pages, nut its 7 word pages.  


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