Trace of Innocence | Sweet an...

By scooby-snacks

516K 24.9K 6.9K

Book 4 in the No Control series. // Ever Since New York.... Secrets, lies and One Direction: The biggest boyb... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - part i
Chapter 44 - part ii
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
It's a Sign of the Times

Chapter 58

2.4K 127 51
By scooby-snacks

(No Control | Holding Me Ransom - 58 - Mini Bars, Expensive Cars)

Paul picks me up the following morning at 6am with a sleepy and hungover Jess in the back seat, and drops us at Heathrow airport. Liam is already waiting in the private lounge with Paddy (his bodyguard) and he instantly gets to his feet to greet Jess with a hug and a polite kiss on the cheek, which I suspect she isn't expecting as she is immediately flustered, drops her bag on the floor and steps on Liam's toe, causing him to yelp in surprise.

"Sorry!" she says breathlessly, and I wince as they narrowly miss banging heads as Liam bends to rub his foot and Jess stands up sharply, causing Liam to duck out of the way and chuckle at Jess's embarrassment.

"Thought you were over the fangirl thing?" I tease her, smirking at her bright red face.

"Aww, don't make fun of her," Liam scolds gently.

"She's hungover," I explain, unable to hide my grin.

"You needn't look so happy about it," she grumbles.

"Who's hungover?" Louis asks from the doorway, and  I roll my eyes as Jess's blush deepens and Louis makes a mock-sympathetic face as he surveys her. "Ouch," he says meaningfully, taking in her appearance. "Never mind." He takes a couple of steps towards and then shouts really loud next to her ear, "Morning Jessie!" 

Jess squeaks in discomfort and turns to me to hide her face; I exchanged smirks with Louis over her shoulder as I put my arm around her and rub her back.

"You can sleep on the flight if you want," I tell her softly, in her ear. "There are private cabins on the jet, with beds and everything."

"So, Payno, where did you end up last night?" Louis asks pointedly, and I glance over at Liam over the top of Jess's head to see a bashful smile creeping across his face.

"My own bed," he replies, raising his eyebrows at Louis.

"With a certain someone?" Louis wants to know. (I want to know too - if Louis owes me twenty quid, he's paying up.)

"We're not all manwhores like you, Tommo," Liam fires back, still grinning.

Jess is looking a little lost so I whisper, "Liam got into Cheryl last night."

Her eyes widen as she looks up at me, and I put a finger to my lips discreetly. She gives a tiny nod of understanding and slides her arms around my waist again. Liam continues to insist he slept alone, and when no one is looking I lift my hand and rub my fingers together in Louis' direction, indicating he owes me money and needs to pay up. He responds by showing me his middle finger, in true Louis style.

Niall arrives a few minutes later and we're able to board the plane. I'm first on, Jess close behind me, and I take the first seat at the front facing forwards, so we have a bit of privacy. 

"Don't you want to be sociable?" Jess asks as we stow our luggage in the overhead racks.

"Do you want to spend the entire eight hours staring at Louis' face?" I begin, but then cut myself short with a reluctant sigh. I  can't believe I even asked her that question. "Actually, don't answer that. We can sit with him if you want."

I can tell she is torn between wanting to hang out with Louis and not wanting to upset me. "Maybe we can sit with him later on in the flight?" she suggests, as a compromise. "Is there enough room for us to move seats?"

I glance around the cabin. "Yeah, there's only the four of us, you, security and a couple of crew."

I watch as Jess takes her seat, bouncing discreetly on it a couple of times, and then pokes the touch screen tv in front of her with interest. I remember being in awe of the jet the first time we flew on it, but the novelty soon wore off after the flights became more frequent and longer in duration. 

Jess takes a selfie of us, and then smiles down at the picture on her screen.

"You are so undeniably cute," she says happily, causing my smile to vanish immediately.

"No I'm not," I argue. "That's not manly."

"You're still cute," she shrugs, and I pull a disappointed face at her, poking my lip out.

"Will I ever be manly?"

"I think you're manly as well," she adds quickly, and I throw her a disbelieving look. "I do!" she protests. "When you pin me down and kiss me - that's manly. And you have a lovely deep voice. It's very sexy."

I immediately feel embarrassed at my attributes being drawn attention to like this, and avert my eyes, my cheeks feeling warmer than usual.

"OK, now you're making me blush," I mutter.

"You're so cute when you go all shy!" she exclaims happily and I give an exaggerated sigh.

"Aaand we're back to cute again."

She smiles as she rests her head on my shoulder, her hair tickling my chin. "I can't help it. You're just such a... such a..." 

She's searching for the right word, and the only word that springs to my mind is something I have seen far too many times on Twitter and know she will appreciate.

"If you say cupcake we will have to see other people."

She lets out a squeak of laughter and lifts her head, beaming at me in delight. "Oh God - how do you know about that?!"

"I know most of these weird names the fans give me," I frown, as something else springs to mind that I have never understood but again, see fairly regularly on Twitter. "And while we're on the subject, what is the deal with the frog son thing?"

She positively screams with laughter this time and takes far too long to compose herself, during which time Louis peers over the back of our seats to see what all the commotion is about.

"What's so funny? It can't be his knock knock jokes."

I know just the thing to get rid of him.

"Hey Lou - who's smol?"

"Fucķ off," Louis snaps, and sits back in his own seat without another word. 

I turn to Jess in glee. "He hates that. Especially as I'm tol."

But Jess is staring at me as though I have grown another head. "You know that's a - a Larry reference, don't you?"

I can't help rolling me eyes. "What isn't?"

She hesitates a moment, apparently mulling something over in her mind before asking, "Does the whole Larry thing bother you?"

Ah. It's only taken us eight months to get to this conversation. 

I shrug, as casually as I can. "Yes and no. I'm not bothered about what people say about me to an extent, but for them to insist we're in a relationship when we've repeatedly told them we're not... it starts to get on your nerves after a while."

She is staring at me intently, so I continue. "It pisses Louis off more than me. But it has caused a strain on my past relationships because the fans send hate to anyone they see as a 'beard.' I've learnt that people will believe what they want to believe, so what's the point in denying it anymore? But it is draining having every word, every look, every action scrutinised by those looking for 'proof'". 

I draw quotation marks in the air with my fingers, and she nods slowly and thoughtfully. "I can imagine."

The Larry thing is weird, because it's so out of control now that no matter what we say or do, no matter whom we are seen with publicly or caught with behind closed doors, there are some who just point blank refuse to believe anything other than that Louis and I are in a closeted relationship. Louis sees more of that stuff than I do, as I don't spend much time on social media, so he bears the brunt of it and lets it get to him. I know he hates sitting or standing next to me in interviews because of the way any look or action is interpreted, and it would be a lie to say our relationship hasn't been affected by it over the years. 

My thoughts are interrupted by a member of the cabin crew coming round to take our breakfast orders, and Jess barely glances at the menu before she says, "Full English please, and a cup of tea. Hangover cure," she adds unnecessarily to me, by way of an explanation.

I watch her devour it a little enviously as I eat a small fruit salad and a low fat croissant, but I know if I allow myself to indulge like that right before the hectic week we've got coming up, I'll only regret it. I try to consume as much fruit and veg as possible when I'm away from home - I've learnt the hard way that eating junk food makes me sluggish and gives me bad skin. Not what I want when I'm constantly  caught on camera.

Once she's finished she leans back and closes her eyes in contentment.

"Is that better?"

"Yeah, much," she murmurs. "I needed that."

"Are you sleepy?" 

"A bit." She opens her eyes and looks at me. "I want to stay awake and hang out with you, though. I feel like I haven't seen you properly for a few days."

Instantly I feel guilty; I don't her to feel bad for seeing Callie yesterday. However much I dislike Callie, that isn't any fault of Jess's.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about yesterday," I apologise. "I shouldn't have been pissy with you in the car. Or snapped at Callie the way I did."

"It's fine," she says gently, stroking the inside of my palm with her fingertips. It sends a tingle through up my arm.

"It's not," I mutter. "I was just annoyed that you weren't going to be there. I wanted the opportunity to sing Perfect to you again. I know that's really stupid."

"Yup," Louis confirms loudly from the seat behind us, and we both turn round to look at him. He's smirking knowingly at Jess, and she's silently giddy, I can tell.

"Are you going to gang up on me with him this entire week?" I demand of them both.

"Yup," he replies again, in exactly the same tone. I chuck my used napkin over the back of my seat at him, without bothering to turn round, and he cackles mischievously.

"No," Jess contradicts firmly, and leans towards me to kiss me. "I love you. I can't wait for this time together."

I love you too," I whisper back, letting the kiss intensify as she moves closer to me, my hand cupping her hip bone beneath her jumper. "I really am sorry for being a pain."

She doesn't answer, but her kisses are taking my mind somewhere it really shouldn't be on a small plane in front of everyone. I slide my hand slowly up her top, giving her plenty of time to stop me, and hesitate before gently brushing my thumb across the front of her bra, to which she responds with a soft hum.

"Do you want to go to one of the cabins?" I whisper, my lips against hers.

"Harry!" she whispers back, her eyes opening in surprise. "Everyone will know!"

"No they won't," I argue as quietly as I can. "Not if we're discreet. I'll go first, pretend I'm going to the toilet or something. Wait a minute, then follow me."

She starts to protest again and I silence her with a kiss, my hand gently cupping her breast again as she closes her eyes slowly. I dip my fingertips inside the soft cup of her bra, finding her nipple rock hard, and as her teeth graze my bottom lip I grab her hand and push it against my crotch, letting her know I have something equally as hard in my jeans. She squeezes me gently; there's no going back now.

I unbuckle my seatbelt silently and whisper in her ear, "Follow the aisle all the way to the back of the plane. You'll see me - I'll look out for you." 

I stand up and stride quickly towards the rear of the plane, deliberately trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. I don't doubt they all know exactly where I'm going, and what we're about to do. I accidentally catch Niall's eye on my way past and he displays a crude gesture involving his closed fist, his tongue and the inside of his cheek. I smirk back and silently open the door to one of the private cabins, slipping inside and drawing the blinds down to block out the morning sunrise which doesn't exactly make for a romantic atmosphere.

I run my hand over the front of my own jeans, which feels tantalisingly good, and then lurk by the door until I catch sight of Jess making her way down the aisle of the plane towards me. The minute she steps inside the door I shut it quietly, slide the lock and turn to her, desire burning in my groin now as her lips touch mine. 

Her jumper is off in a flash, followed by my own. Our movements are hurried, desperate, eager. Our clothes are strewn haphazardly around us as we fall onto the bed, a tangle of arms and legs, mouths pressed together and hands exploring each other's bodies. She takes the lead, pushing me onto my back and sitting astride me as the last of our underwear is removed and there is no longer any barrier between us. I reach up to take her breasts in my hands, squeezing them and massaging them softly dragging my fingertips over her nipples as she lifts her hips and guides me inside her, sitting down slowly to take me in. 

We make few sounds except whispered declarations of love and gentle moans of enjoyment. Her movements that began slowly have now increased rapidly and I can't stop my hips from rising from the bed to meet hers, driven by my own desire, harder and harder. It's so fucking good; it's so fucking hot. She looks incredible, leaning back with her hair hanging down her back, her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open, riding me fast. I know I'm getting close so I slip my fingers between her legs to help her on her way; I don't want to have to ruin the moment by asking her to slow down. She lets out a soft cry a couple of seconds later and leans even further back, arching her back and grabbing my thighs. 

"You coming?" I check, as I'm there now too and unable to stop.

"Yeah," she moans, and in an instant I'm thrown over the edge too, pounding even harder inside her as a wave of pleasure crashes through me and I let instinct take over, my hips jerking involuntarily as I come too. I'm not sure if I'm being loud; the noise of the plane's engines hopefully masks any of my own sounds and to be honest I couldn't care less right this minute of everyone on the plane hears how much I'm enjoying myself. 

As my orgasm fades and I open my eyes to look at Jess, she leans forward and kisses me softly. I feel myself slowly slipping out of her and I stroke her hair gently as she rests her head on my shoulder. I'm just thinking I could quite happily fall asleep here when she sits up and I grin lazily at her, taking in the sight of her naked body and wondering how quickly I could be ready for round two.

"Have you ever done that before?" she asks suddenly. "On a plane, I mean."

Oh, fuck. The answer to this question is probably not one she wants to hear right now, and is more than likely to kill the moment. I can't lie, though.

"Um, yeah..," I reply apologetically.

"It's OK," she says suddenly, looking away. "I don't think I want to know, to be honest."

"Jess -"

"Honestly," she says, looking me in the eye again and smiling at me. "Some things are better left unsaid."

I consider her words and her tone, and to my surprise she doesn't seem annoyed by my admission so as she gets off me I roll over onto my side to open the little fridge and pull out a bottle.


She raises her eyebrows in mock disbelief as she pulls her knickers and then her jeans on, giving me a great eyeful of her breasts in the process.

"It's not even ten o'clock in the morning!" she protests. "Besides, then everyone really will know where we've been if we appear with that."

I forgot I'd told her everyone would just think we were going to the toilet. 

"True," I concede, thoughtfully. "But what's the point of having a mini bar on a private jet if you can't make the most of it?"

"Well, can't we ask the stewardess to bring us some with our lunch or something? Then we can all have some."

It's clear I'm not getting round two. Not on this flight, anyway.

I accept defeat and slide off the bed to grab my boxers, my legs wobbling beneath me thanks to the amazing sex I've just had with the most amazing girl on the planet.

"You alright?" she teases, and I snap my boxers at her playfully before looking away and confessing, "You make my bones melt like butter."

I don't know why I insist on saying and doing these things - I'm simply giving her more ammunition for calling me 'cute'. But I seem to be unable to keep my feelings in this time around, and I actually think I quite like it, for a change. She doesn't seem to mind either, because she gives me a smile that lights up the whole cabin.

"You do the same to me."

She kisses me, and I'm just about to suggest I take all her clothes off again when she adds, "Now hurry up. We need to slip back to our seats separately to avoid suspicion."

Yeah, because nobody will have guessed we just joined the mile high club.

Once I'm dressed Jess unlocks the cabin door, checks the coast is clear and disappears back to our seat. I count to fifty slowly in my head, playing along, before following her, praying silently that Louis has kept his mouth shut and not made any lewd comments.


I've finally caught up with my word count, and am now 300 words ahead of where I need to be to stay on track to hit 50k this month! Woop woop! I'm trying to be so dedicated and it's paying off - I'm even using my lunch break to sneak in some writing time, or sometimes editing (as this takes so long because I'm such a perfectionist). I have the next two chapters written but I'm trying to be ahead by a few chapters so that if I come across a little detail that needs to be planted in an earlier chapter I can add it in before it gets posted.

I haven't had chance to reply to the comments on the last couple of chapters yet but I'm looking forward to reading them - I know I've said this before but reader comments and feedback is the best part of Wattpad for me. I love hearing what you think of the chapters and scenes! Thanks for reading, and more updates will be coming over the next few days xx

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