When Winter Arrives

By ijustwant2write

31.4K 826 34

Lady Bethan of House Fierre always knew that she would be the key to form an alliance between her and another... More

The Long Road
New Faces
Finishing Touches
Everlasting Threat
A Few More Days
The Wedding
A New Family
Short Celebrations

Gathering Guests

2.8K 60 1
By ijustwant2write

Although there were still two weeks until the wedding, preparations were already in place. I was constantly being asked questions about how I wanted things, being bombarded with endless questions that I didn't know the answers to; what flowers did I want, how should I have my hair for the day, who was coming to the wedding and much more. It was stressing me to the point where I wanted to lock myself in a tower forever.

I walked through the halls of the castle, making my way to the library. I needed something to take my mind off of everything and to hide somewhere. As I continued my search, I heard the padding on feet behind me, though they did not belong to a human. Slowing down, I turned around to see the most beautiful creature I had seen in my life. People had told me that they no longer existed but there was one stood right in front of me; a direwolf. It was bigger than I expected, standing tall maybe even going past my waist (though I was very small for my age), it's fur was thick, it's eyes beaming like two giant moons. Nervously, I crouched down on the floor so that it was just that bit taller than me, holding my hand out gingerly.

The direwolf tilted it's head to the side a little, before slowly making it's way towards me. It sniffed my hand, the hot breath tickling my slightly, before nuzzling it's face against it. I smiled, letting out a little giggle as it begged for me to stroke it as it rubbed it's body against mine. The creature turned out to be quite strong, knocking me onto my bum as it continued to pester me for attention.

"Greywind!" I heard someone shout, it was Robb. The direwolf scrambled off me and straight to what I assumed was it's master."I'm so sorry, my lady. Did he hurt you?"

I giggled as Robb helped me to my feet."Not at all. He just wanted my attention." Greywind nudged my hand again, making me let his giant head."You look confused."

Robb breathed out a laugh."It's just that, Greywind doesn't usually warm up to people so quickly. This is your first time meeting him too."

"I didn't even know they, let alone that they were so friendly."

"All of the Stark children have one. We rescued them after we found a litter next to their dead mother."

"They're lucky they found you. In surprised I haven't seen any of the others yet."

"Mother insists on keeping them out of the way when our guests first arrive, just in case they scare anyone."

"Well, I couldn't see Greywind hurting anyone. Hopefully."

We both laughed as Robb took my arm in his, Greywind following close behind."What were you doing before my direwolf visciously attacked you?"

Gods, he was a charmer."I was trying to locate the library. I was hoping to get away from the preparation for the wedding."

"Glad to know that I'm not the only one avoiding it."

I sighed."Just yesterday they were asking me how I wanted to walk down the aisle. I told them by putting one foot in front of another but they just laughed."

"Well, you aren't wrong. I shall escort you to the library before my training."

Unfortunately, the library was closer than expected. I was falling for this man though it was hard not to. I had heard stories of the handsome Stark, how he was kind and brave. Many ladies grew jealous of me back home. We bid our goodbyes before I escaped into the silent room. Scanning the shelves, I looked for some sort of fairytale that would lift my spirits. After finding one, I went to find a chair but was shocked to find the two only girl Stark's before me.

I jumped, letting out a little scream."Oh my goodness, you really frightened me." I laughed.

"Sorry, Lady Fierre, we did not mean it." Sansa quickly apologised. She nudged her little sister.

"Yes, really sorry." Ayra repeated.

"It's alright. Should you two be at lessons?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell my sister." Sansa huffed, crossing her arms.

"But I don't want to go. They're so boring! I want to learn to fight with a sword." she imitated fighting and I couldn't help but smile.

"Ladies aren't supposed to fight, right Bethan?"

I didn't want to be involved in this."I really shouldn't say-"

Ayra pouted."Robb said that she knows a little about fighting."

"Don't refer to Lady Fierre as 'she' when we are with her. It's rude. Though you wouldn't know that because you keep missing our lessons."

I ignored Sansa's comment."Ayra, how does Robb know that? And when did he tell you this?"

"He spoke with your family a lot last night. And at breakfast he wouldn't stop going on about you." she grinned.

Sansa smiled too."I think he likes you."

I could feel my cheeks heating up so I changed the subject."Ayra, I know that the lessons are really boring. But if you attend just a few more I'm sure they'll back off a little. They are only insisting seeing as you have missed so many. And you don't want to go around offending anyone or being rude, do you?"

She shook her head.

Another voice interrupted us."Ayra, Sansa, septa is looking for both of you. She seems quite angry."

The two girls said their goodbyes before rushing out of the room. I looked to the man who had called them but I could not recognise him. He had dark eyes and curly, raven hair. Maybe he was just a squire.

"My apologies, Lady Fierre. They weren't bothering you, were they?"

"No of course not. I was actually trying to stop the fight that was happening."

"We haven't met before, I'm being rude." he took my hand in his."I am Jon Snow."

He was Lord Stark's bastard!

"I thought someone was missing at the feast last night."

"Well, you could probably tell why I wasn't exactly welcome."

It saddened me to think they didn't treat him as a family member."It was lovely meeting you."

"And you, my lady. I shall leave you to your peace."

As I sat next to the crackling fire, I happily sighed, relieved to finally have some quiet time to myself. It was only after I turned the first page, I realised that the peace would disappear.

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