The Only One To Thaw The Ice

By cold_jewels

122K 3.7K 906

Captain Cold x Diamond a.k.a Gaige Diamond hates being called by her real name unless it's Leonard Snart, whi... More

First Time
The Flash
The Next Day
Second Heist
New Change
The Reverse Flash
Finding Gaige
You Waited Too Long
Insanity Or Powers...Or Both?
Time's Voices
Unlikely Help
Finding Captain Cold
We Need Help
Futuristic Technology Sucks
Another Problem
Strange Places
Back From Time
Iced Heart
Painful Memories
Everyone And None
Mark Lyphius
The Aftermath
I Wish I Hadn't Woken Up
Sequel Published!

Love is Weird

2.7K 78 34
By cold_jewels

Oh thank goodness that was just me glitching!!!


He exited the Lab and started walking aimlessly around the city. How did he know that Diamond was in danger? All he knew, was a sense of fear and anxiety had washed over him, it wasn't his own emotions, they seemed to be hers.

"This is too confusing," Leonard muttered aloud.

He found himself standing in front of Diamond's apartment, the dim light radiating inside. Before he really knew what he was doing he climbed the rickety fire escape up to her room and peered inside. She was sitting at her counter rubbing her temples gently, when he tapped lightly on her window. She turned, startled until she saw Leonard.

"What're you doing here? I thought you would be back at your lair or whatever," Diamond giggled a little bit thinking about him having a lair.

He smirked, "I'd much prefer to see you."

"I don't know about that one," she smiled.

"May I come in or should I sit here for awhile?" Leonard looked up at her.

"I don't know, I like you there," she giggled playfully again but opened the window wider.

"Why, thank you," he stepped through silently.

"So how is my favorite criminal?" Diamond asked latching the window.

"Missing you very much, how are you doing?" He turned toward her.

"I'm doing...fine," she rubbed her palm nervously again.

Leonard gently caressed her hands in his, "I'm not sure I believe you."

"Well...I'm just worried... that's all, mostly about you, I don't like not knowing what the Reverse Flash has planned, he could very well just run here and kill you or me...." her voice shook.

"That's not going to happen, I'll make sure of that, besides, Barry's a speedster as well, I know he can protect you from him too," He reassured.

"Maybe me, but what about you?" Diamond asked worriedly.

"I can take care of myself, I have a knack for escaping anyway," Leonard gently stroked her cheek.

"Did you just drop in? Or do you have criminal things to do ?" She asked changing the subject.

"That depends on you," he sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want me to stay?"

"Do you want to stay?"

"...what do you want?"

Diamond let out a frustrated sigh, "You sure like to be chased."

"I'm sorry?" Leonard blinked.

"I should smack you."

"Hey, let's not get to far...why don't you tell me wh--" he was interrupted by her smacking him on the back of his head, "Ow!"

"Leonard Snart, don't you play games with me, you know exactly what I'm talking about," Diamond scolded.

An innocent look crossed his face "Leo, you are far from innocent."

He cracked a smile, "You're right."

"Yeah, I kno--," her words were cut off by his lips crashing down on hers.

After a moment, he split them apart, "I don't know if you do." He kissed her again and deepened it.

"Your suffocating me," Diamond smiled after a few of his kisses.

"I'm sure you wouldn't want it any other way," he said quickly and connected their lips again, both of them heating up.

Both of them jumped when there was a knock at the door.

"No," he mumbled against her lips and didn't stop.

Another knock

"I think that's a yes," Diamond giggled as he released her lips.

Leonard leaned against the counter as he watched her open the door.

"Uh, Barry, what are you doing here? I thought you were being the Flash or whatever," Diamond shifted nervously.

"I came to ask about...what is Snart doing her?" Barry asked when he noticed Leonard.

"Hello, Barry," Leo said in his usual sarcastic voice.


"Uhhhhhh...well just um, why don't you ask him that," Diamond stuttered along.

"It seems that we've been caught," Leonard smirked.

Barry looked between them, "Are you serious? Is what I think happening, happening?"

"That is irrelevant what did you come here for?" Gaige shook her head.

"I was going to get some answers on how you knew Snart," Barry turned his attention to her.

"Oh, uh well...things just, um, happened," she shrugged.

"I think I'll be leaving then," Leonard said, he obviously was disappointed.

"Okay," was all Diamond said as she watched him leave the way he came.

"What the hell?!" Leonard heard Barry ask.

He heard Diamond's softer voice say something, but he didn't stick around to hear the conversation.

Why did Barry have to ruin everything?

He let out an aggravated sigh. Pretty soon he'd be back at the warehouse...his lair as she put it, causing him to smile, what would he do now? Question after question popped up in his head, would he help them get rid of the Reverse Flash? Would he become a 'good guy'? Would he stop being a criminal for her? How could he love someone so much when he barely knew what love was? Guess love is something that every person is capable of if it's the right person. His love for her was strong enough that he thought maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea to show how he felt. All his crimes, what he'd done, they'd bring a lot of trouble for someone like Diamond. It might just be better for her if he left her alone. But when he was around her...he couldn't tell it to her face, he couldn't help it, whenever she was near, everything seemed to be upside down and inside out in his brain. He would be unable to leave her like that.

"She shouldn't have this trouble," Leonard muttered as he entered the warehouse.

Maybe I should distance myself, someone like me definitely doesn't deserve love, especially with someone as deserving as Diamond.

"What are you talking about?" Mick questioned.


"Who is she? What trouble?" Mick raised his eyebrow.

"Nothing," Leonard shook his head.

"Yeah, whatever, are we going on a job soon?" Mick sighed.

"Well i--" he stopped short when a gust if wind blew across the room.

"Snart," the Reverse Flash snarled.

"Come back for more?" Cold taunted after he pulled up his goggles.

"I just want your gun, give it to me and I won't hurt you or anyone you care about," he proposed.

Leonard didn't answer he just fired his weapon multiple times, unfortunately, the speedster was ready and dodged his shots and gave him multiple punches. Mick fired too, but the Reverse did a one over on him and returned to Leonard.

"Looks like you're coming with me," the Reverse grabbed Snart by his bloody arm and ran.

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