Time's Voices

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Gaige's eyes had strange lines coming from her pupil...

"Do you feel okay? Anything different?" Caitlin worried, coming next to her.

"I feel, fine...just a little tired," confusion filling Gaige's voice.

"Maybe it's an effect from whatever the Reverse Flash gave her," Cisco suggested.

Then Joe's phone rang loudly causing Diamond to cover her ears.

"Her senses seem to have peaked!" Caitlin exclaimed as she examined Diamond's brain activity.

"Listen, Eddie and I have to go, is she going to be okay? Joe sighed as he hung up.

"She's stabilized but if anything happens we'll call you," Caitlin nodded.

The cops left the room leaving the four cautiously huddled around Gaige when a blast of air flew through the room. The Reverse Flash was paying them a visit. Barry ran into his Flash suit and stood between the Reverse and his friends.

"What do you want?" Barry asked distorting his voice and face.

"Check on my investment," came the Reverse's garbled voice.

Gaige nervously rubbed the palm of her hand.

Listen closely, deary, you can't go back with him, he'll try and use us for something that isn't good okay?

What will he try and use us for?!

I can't send the information now, it mixes with memories and you need to be focused.

Why can't you just tell me?!

Because I don't have the capacity or capability!

I wish Leonard was here...

"You mean Gaige?" Iris asked worriedly, bringing her back outside her head.

"How's Time's voices treating you, Diamond," the Reverse Flash looked passed Barry to her.

She hated how he said her name, it was nothing like when Leo said it, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh yes, you still think you're connected to the internet, well you see you're not, you're connected to Time itself, so much knowledge in that head of yours, if only you didn't have schizophrenia at the time," the Reverse sighed.

"What?" Caitlin asked.

"The schizophrenia causes you not to be able to access all that data, only through memories and painful headaches can you retrieve it, Rip Hunter was flying through at the time of the explosion, just a quick moment, but at the exact time and place you were hit so now you have time inside your brain," he explained.

"Why are you telling us this?" Cisco questioned.

"Because she must understand, must use it, I need it," the speedster was about to take a step forward when a blast of ice hit him, he screamed and turned around.

"If she uses it, it sure as hell isn't gonna be for you," Leonard yelled angrily.

"Snart, such a timely arrival, I guess you do have a bigger part to play," the Reverse snarled and ran back the way he came, Barry tried to catch him but lost him.

"He's right that was a timely appearance," Cisco took a deep breath.

"Yeah, how did you know he was here, or why did you come back?" Iris tilted her head.

He looked passed them to Diamond, "I had a hunch."

She kicked the papers that had fallen in the Reverse Flash's arrival.

"Well, it seems we owe you our lives," Barry said as he returned in his normal clothes.

"Actually no, you have Diamond to thank for that, but I don't think he would've killed you, Barry, maybe the other three but not you, not yet," Leonard turned towards the exit.

"Wh-" Barry started when Gaige collapsed to the floor.

Leonard instinctively ran towards her and pulled her to a sitting position in his arms.

Memories, memories she had buried in her mind sped across her vision...her sister... her horrid parents...her real mother...then different pictures played. The Reverse Flash working on something futuristic looking. Then Snart's cold gun firing at that statue in the bank, after a picture of Harrison Wells in his wheel chair, the three images merged together.

He wants Snart's gun to power his device...something broke...and his gun will be the crude substitute.

All this happened within 30 seconds causing her to let out a scream from the headache that had developed. Leonard gently stroked her hair, waiting for her to say something.

"We can't let you leave again--your gun--it will--help him," Diamond said between coughs.

"What just happened?" Caitlin looked inquisitively between the five of them.

"That is the most ineffective, painful, stressful, and downright rude way of getting information," Gaige complained out loud.

Well that's the schizophrenia, you have to deal with the good, the bad, and the ugly.

"What are you talking about?" Leonard asked, his voice silenced the voices.

"It has to do with your gun, the Reverse Flash is building something and he needs your gun as a rudimentary substitute for something that broke," she explained.

"How do you know?" Iris inquired.

"The Reverse Flash didn't lie...I am connected to Time, it makes a lot more sense than just the Internet," Diamond sighed.

"Okay so what exactly does that mean," Leonard helped her from the floor.

"As far as I can tell I can get the information from the time period I'm in, like since the Reverse Flash is in this time period so I can pretty much 'see' what he's doing, I can also see the past...but not the future unless I'm in it," Gaige explained.

"That makes a little bit of sense," Cisco said.

"It's a little convoluted I know, believe me, I do, this whole thing is, Harrison Wells has something to do with this also," Diamond sighed again.

"What would Dr. Wells have to do with this?" Caitlin shook her head.

"I don't know, if I try to find out I think my head will explode," Gaige gently rubbed her temple.

"Alright, well, let's get you some rest and you can try again tomorrow, I can get you home, it seems your eyes have gone back to normal," Barry nodded.

Leonard gently let go of her arm and walked out without a word.

"He didn't answer how he knew to come back...or why he came back in the first place," Caitlin said.

"I'm sure we'll find out eventually, but for now let's just get Gaige some rest," Barry picked her up and ran to her apartment.

Do you want more fluffy love story stuff? Like I know I would love to do it...tell me what you think...I probably will do it...it fits well I think...

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