The Reverse Flash

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Okay this will have more story in it, though it does have a lot of love story in it.😉
Also pretend that in the picture he is wearing Snart's coat and stuff, its hard to find a picture of a bound Leonard Snart. His face in that picture is the best though.


Turns out Gaige didn't have to find Leonard she saw him still in Central Park, watching the snow fall.

"Hey you," Gaige whispered behind him in his ear.

He jumped and turned around, when he saw her he started to get up.

"Just sit down I want to talk to you," Gaige smiled and pushed him down as she sat next to him.

"I didn't expect to see you so soon," Leonard whispered he looked more than a little confused.

"I know, but I did leave you hanging and I want to apologize, I just didn't know what to do," Gaige stared at her hands folded in her lap.

"Do you know now?" Leonard studied her face.

Silence, she was having a bad feeling, something was wrong, but it melted when Leonard gently pulled her chin up to look at him, "Diamond?"

"I love you, Leonard, very much," she smiled.

"Is there a but coming?" Leonard released her chin.

"No, no buts," Gaige gave him a quick teasing kiss on his lips and stood up.

Leonard got up with her, a smirk growing on his face "What was that? Ms. Diamond Sellis, are you teasing me?"

"I don't know what you mean, Mr. Snart," she turned around toward him, this time she intentionally batted her eyes, causing his heartbeat to quicken.

"I didn't know you were the teasing type," Leonard wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Well, there's a lot you don't know about me," despite her flirty tone, her cheeks reddened.

"I hope to find out," he whispered before descended to her lips agonizingly slow.

They only stayed together for a few moments when a gust of wind ripped them apart and the scene changed. The two were bound next to each other in some sort of warehouse. Diamond screamed in fear and surprise.

"Hey, its gonna be okay, Diamond, don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," Leonard reassured.

Then a man in a yellow suit stepped forward, his voice distorted by his speed, "Don't be to sure of that, but I won't hurt you if you do something for me."

"And what would that be?" Captain Cold tilted his head.

"I want you to help me destroy the Flash," The speedster crouched down between them.

"B-but we don't know the Flash," Gaige stuttered hoping he would buy her lie.

He grabbed her by the throat, "I know you work with him, don't lie to me."

"Hey!" Leonard yelled protectively.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt her to bad if she doesn't lie to me," the man dismissed.

Tears formed in Gaige's eyes as she thought of something to say when a bang carried through the warehouse. He released her throat and ran away.

"Are you okay?" Leonard asked worriedly.

"I-I'm okay, I just don't have the mental stability for this," Diamond took a deep breath.

Leonard's bonds popped, "Good thing I always have a knife up my sleeve."

He silently crawled over and cut her bonds, with reassuring words.

"Thanks, Leo," she whispered as he helped her up.

"Anything for you, sweetheart, let's get out of here," Leonard smirked.

Diamond handed Leonard his cold gun, "Here, I think you'll need this."

He nodded and iced the window, "Good thing it's only a one story."

He broke the ice with his elbow and helped her through.

"I wonder what distracted him," Diamond pondered as they ran away from the warehouse.

"I don't care, I'm just glad it happened, let me take you home," Leonard sighed.

"No, we have to tell the Flash," her breathing started to become ragged and frantic.

"Easy there, just calm down, match my breathing," he took multiple deep breaths waiting for her to follow, she calmed down considerably.

"Having anxiety and getting captured by an evil speedster is not a good combination," Gaige leaned against Leonard for support.

"So you do know the Flash," Leonard stroked her back comfortingly.

"Well yes."

"I know he's Barry Allen," he sighed.

"How?!" She pulled away and looked incredulously at him.

"You, I had suspicions that you worked with him, or knew him, you were at both of my recent robberies, which is very unlikely unless you knew where they were taking place as they were happening, which meant you were with the Flash, so I followed you for a day and you met with Barry Allen, Iris and Joe West, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, and Harrison Wells," Leonard explained.

"So you just guessed it was Barry and me telling you that I work with the Flash also confirms that it's Barry, well, Leonard Snart, kudos to you, you are a lot smarter than I thought, not that I thought you were dumb, but I guess if you weren't this smart you wouldn't of lasted this long," Diamond sighed.

"Exactly, and thank you sweetheart, but now to get you home, I can drop you off, and tomorrow you can tell Barry what happened," Leonard started walking.

Gaige quickly caught up and grabbed his arm, "But I want you to come with me, why would he take you? He's a speedster he could've ran me away without getting you involved, yet he did get you involved which means he wants something from you."

"Are you worried about me?" Snart asked in disbelief.

"Um...well...yes, what if he comes back, what if he takes me away and I'm alone, and what if he takes you, and what would he do to you, I think the proper term is I'm scared, Leo," her voice started slow, then sped up and went slow again, she indeed sounded worried and scared.

"I don't think we should go now, just lets get to your apartment first and then we can decide what to do, I'll stay with you, don't worry," he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to his body.

"Thanks, you have no idea how much that means to me," Diamond sighed leaning her head on his chest.

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