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Sorry it took forever I hit a major writers block. Oh, and Leonard is still beat up, one of the pictures of him in the media he's not, just pretend he is...


He didn't like lying to Diamond, but it was in her best interests, at the time he hadn't really thought about it. Just take her home, come back, help capture the Reverse, and boom its all over. But now he felt really bad, it already seemed to be getting rocky between them, this definitely wasn't going to help.

"I don't believe we caught him," Eddie said breaking the silence that had developed.

"It's a good thing that Ronni and Arrow came through, probably wouldn't of been able to do it without them, or you Snart," Iris walked closer to Leonard.

"Don't give me too much credit, West, I had no choice, the Arrow and Dr. Snow's fiancee did," he adjusted uncomfortably under her praise.

"Wow, modesty, that's unexpected," Cisco commented.

"Shut up," Leo rolled his icy eyes.

Come on, baby, hurry up, I don't know how much more of this I can take.

As if on cue Barry ran in with Gaige. She didn't look too bad, some burns on her head and a few bruises, but it was enough to make Leonard worried.

"What happened?" Snart stepped away from the desk he was leaning on.

"I don't know, Wells did something to her, she's okay I think," Barry set her down on a chair.

"So you caught him then?" Diamond stared at the floor, still shocked from the headset. (Pun intended)

"Yeah, it all worked out it seems," Caitlin took her vitals.

"Wonderful," Gaige muttered.

"She's normal, just a little shaken up," Caitlin announced.

"Now we have to convince Wells to admit to killing my mother, Joe should be here soon," Barry sighed.

"How are we going to convince him? What would be his motivation to free your dad?" Cisco asked.

"Let's go talk to him and find out," Gaige stood up abruptly and walked out.

Leonard followed closely, "Are you okay? What happened?"

"It doesn't matter," she sniffed.

"Yes it does,"

"What does matter is that you lied to me," Diamond turned around.

He almost ran into her, "Oh...uh."

"Don't say anything," she turned back around.

"Now hold on, just, I thought it would protect you, I was wrong I guess well I know that, I'm--you know how difficult this is?--anyway I'm sorry, I didn't want to do it, you're probably the only person I reluctantly lie to, if I ever do it again," Leonard sighed.

"Leonard...whatever...just because the Reverse is apprehended doesn't mean that it's over, I'm going to talk to him," Gaige shook her head and left him standing there.

Leonard watched the elevator doors shut with a sigh.

This is just terrific...

He returned to the cortex seeing everyone standing awkwardly, they had obviously listened in.

"Well, let's see what she's going to say," Cisco cleared his throat and pulled up the camera.

"You look a lot better than when I left you," Harrison said nonchalantly as Diamond walked in.

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