Futuristic Technology Sucks

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Okay, I'm a little unsure about this one...so just tell me if it sucks and I'll rewrite it...


"Do you think Arrow will come?" Diamond asked after Barry explained his plan.

"Hopefully, and F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. too," Cisco replied for him.

"Hopefully is not guaranteed, what if they don't come?" Leonard asked.

"I don't think we have much of a choice, all we can do is hope," Caitlin sighed.

"In the meantime do we just wait?" Diamond inquired.

"I suppose so, I'll go now, you should go home, Gaige, for now," Barry instructed and ran out.

"Doesn't leave much room for argument does he?" Leonard smirked.

"No, come on, I'll get you home or whatever," Diamond gently pulled him away from the wall into her arms.

"You don't either," he commented.

"Shut up and walk," she playfully sighed.

"They're a couple aren't they," Cisco whispered to Caitlin, she just laughed.

"So is there anywhere in particular you want me to drop you?" Gaige asked when they got into a different stolen vehicle.

"I don't know, I could just go with you," Leonard eyed her questioningly.

"Yes you could, but shouldn't you go see Mick, so he knows your alright?" She pointed out.

"Yeah, but I'm sure he already knows, besides I'd prefer to stay with you, unless your sick of me so soon," Snart said with a small smirk.

"No, but spending all your time with me probably isn't doing anything for your reputation, and I suppose it is time to get back to reality," she said with a sad sigh.

"What does that mean? Get back to reality, isn't this real?" Leonard watched her worriedly.

"I don't know anymore!" Diamond burst out.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He gently touched her arm.

"I'm scared out of my mind and whenever your around me you get hurt and I can't keep watching that happen! And it's all just so surreal!" She flailed away from him and covered her face.

"Oh, baby your just, over stressed, you need to rest... come here," Leonard pulled her into his arms.

She broke down, tears streaming and clutching his shirt.

"It's okay, its gonna be fine, just take some deep breaths," he stroked her back softly.

"How do you know?" Diamond cried hysterically.

"Because, I'm going to protect you," he sighed.

"I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about you!"

"I'll be fine, I always am," Leo played with her hair.

Gaige just held onto his winter coat not sure if she'd be able to let go.

"I love you," she mumbled into him.

"I know," he smiled.

She smacked him making him laugh, "I love you too."

"Should I drive? You're obviously over pressured."

"No, yes, probably, oh I can't make a decision," she cried getting worked up again.

"Okay, okay, ow, watch my ribs, come on," Leonard pulled her onto his lap and moved into the driver's seat.

"We could just stay here," Diamond suggested.

"You were right," he whispered, "now's not the time for...well...us, maybe when we're not in danger."

"I'm sorry," she said as he gently moved her to the passenger seat.

"I'll take you home," Leonard started the car.

She gave an 'okay' as they pulled out of the lot.

Soon the silent car ride was over and Diamond was walking up her steps alone.

"I hate reality," she muttered as the key slid into the lock.

Gaige had just closed the door when wind blew across her face. She whirled around seeing Wells standing there.

"Hello, Ms. Sellis, everyone around you seems to be stupid, or confused which leaves you open and unprotected, I really am sorry," Harrison shook his head.

"What do you want from me?" Diamond asked nervously.

"I almost succeeded before, the particle accelerator, I tried to take your powers and use them for my ship, my way home," he paused, "but it seems your stronger than I anticipated, I don't know how you did it, but you stopped me."

"Well, I don't know either, but what if I try to do it willingly, so no one gets hurt, and you can go home and everyone here his still alive," she proposed.

"Interesting idea, but unless your coming with me, there's no way you can do this willingly without Snart getting, well, hurt," Wells sighed.

"Why?" Gaige shook her head.

"Because, that's how it works, I take his blood and some of yours and then boom, its a powerful concoction that will power my ship. All of his, some of yours, and a little use of your power is all I need. It's almost like blood magic, but in order to do it where no one gets hurt, you'll have to come with, which would be worse than the blood," he explained.


He interrupted her, "I'm done talking, my dear."

Wells grabbed her and used his super speed to bind her to a chair.

"I can't have you out and about, especially with your powers," he told her as he put some sort of headset on her.

She let out a muffled scream, it shocked through her body, her disgusting memories flooding her vision, she couldn't think and breathing was difficult.

"I'm sorry, but that's the only way to make sure you won't use your powers," Harrison apologized and ran out leaving Diamond trying not to scream.

*It's been multiple hours, Barry's just finished capturing the Reverse Flash*

Another gust of wind blew through causing Diamond to scream, she couldn't deal with Wells again. Luckily it was only Barry.

"Gaige?! What happened?!" Barry exclaimed and pulled the headset and gag off her.

"Wells, where is he, is Leonard okay?" She tried to calm herself.

"We captured him, Oliver and Ronni came through, and Snart's fine," he finished untying her.

"Good, good," relief flooded her body, knowing Leo was okay and not having that thing on her head was calming.

"Come on, we need to get back to the Lab, we need to find a way to have him exonerate my dad," Barry helped her up.

"Okay...okay, I need to find Snart first, tell him that it's over," Gaige took a deep breath.

"Snart's at S.T.A.R. Labs, he helped capture Wells, even in his weakened state he's pretty dangerous," he told her.

"Did you guys get rid of me so you could capture Harrison without me?"

"Gaige...if we hadn't of sent you home you would've tried to help and gotten yourself killed," he sighed.

"Yeah, if you hadn't of sent me home I wouldn't of been in excruciating pain for the last couple of hours either, and If I had helped I most likely wouldn't of gotten killed," Diamond shook her head.

"I'm sorry, you can be mad later, but right now we have to deal with Wells," Barry picked her up and ran to the Lab.

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