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Okay this is a fluffy one to make you just so happy and buttery! It also goes a little back in time. I just feel really bad about the last one, it was so short and useless...


They reached Diamond's apartment within 20 minutes, good thing they didn't get lost.

"You live in a shady part of the city," Leonard looked at the old apartment building.

"Yes well, we can't all rob banks and be rich," Gaige sighed as they walked up the stairs.

They entered her apartment in silence, Diamond tried the lights but they didn't work, "Oh, damn it, they can't get a bloody electrician in."

"How long have they been out?" Leonard asked drawing his cold gun.

"Oh just a few annoying weeks," she sighed and lit a makeshift lamp, the firelight dancing on the walls.

"That's a long time," Leonard put his gun on her table.

"Yeah well, beggars can't be choosers," Gaige sighed and walked towards her kitchen.

"You shouldn't be a beggar," Leonard followed her.

"Well, that's my problem I suppose, don't worry about it," she sighed and stopped at the sink.

"That's debatable, well, I guess I should get out of your pretty hair now," Leonard turned towards the door with a sigh.

"Why don't you just stay with me tonight?" Diamond rushed in front of him.

"I'm not gonna take your couch, besides I'll see you tomorrow," Leonard said.

"I'm not offering the couch, genius," she smiled.

"Oh," he said his cheeks turning a light shade of red.

"Did I just make the cold Leonard Snart blush?" Diamond teased.

"Uh, just, maybe, definitely," his face getting redder.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, now come on, Leonard, you need rest as do I, I don't bite," Diamond smirked at what he thought she meant.

(you did too and you know it, oh ye with a dirty mind, not yet 😉)

He seemed a little unsure of how he should feel about that and continued to stare at her.

Diamond pushed off his jacket and put it on the back of a chair, "Do I have stuff on my face or something?"

"Oh stop teasing me, you're very distracting," Leonard sighed as she grabbed his hand.

"I don't know if I'll ever stop teasing you," She giggled.

Gaige pulled her own jacket off and led Leonard down the hall to her bedroom, "Now, if you're not here when I wake up, Leonard Snart, I am going to find you and smack you."

"Yes ma'am," He smiled.

Though he was a little apprehensive when she sat down on her bed and undid her messy bun, it was pretty dark, only the small firelight from the lamp in the other room dimly glowed.
He just stood there for a moment and shifted nervously, "You sure you don't want me to sleep on the couch? I mean if you're well, uh, not comfortable or something I can just be out there."

She got up and intertwined her fingers behind his neck "Leonard, if you are uncomfortable then just tell me, I'm more than accommodating."

"I just haven't, slept with someone else...ever, I don't sleep well alone I know that much but...I don't know," he held onto her hips and stared at her neck avoiding her eyes.

"Maybe you should have a new experience and find out, if you don't sleep well alone, then why not try sleeping with someone else, especially when that someone else loves you very much," Diamond lifted his chin for him to look her in the eyes.

"Okay," he said softly.

She gave him a peck on the lips and gently pulled him to the queen sized bed. Leonard sat down next to her and just looked at her for a moment then took a deep breath before he moved to the other side of the bed. He laid on the covers staring at the ceiling when Diamond tugged the blankets out from underneath him, muttered 'lift your legs' and after he complied she covered him with them. She pulled him closer to her so he wasn't on the edge of the bed.

"Gosh you're heavy, I still don't bite," Diamond whispered.

Leonard tentatively wrapped his arms around her and placed a soft kiss on her lips, "I know."

For once in his life he felt okay, safe, most of all happy. Soon he was asleep, a restful sleep with dreams about her.

Awwwwwww! Isn't that sweet! It sure as hell made me super happy! Now I get why the writers of TV shows and stuff make horrible things happen to their character! It's just so much fun!!
*Evil laughter*

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