Psychotic Love X Kyungsoo X |

By bangdamnexo

11.8K 455 266

*SEUQUEL IS NOW OUT UNDER THE NAME "YOU DONT OWN ME"* .. He was a cold blooded killer but somehow I was drawn... More

~#16~ (part 1)
~16~ (pt.2)
《authors note》


1.1K 37 14
By bangdamnexo

I was walking home from my late night shift at the cafe when it happened. It was quite late like it usually was when I was working over time. My walks home were short so I never worried. Until that night.

My attention was drawn by a figure down a dark alley. He didnt seem to be alone. I thought maybe he was helping a drunk stranger. I was always the curious type so I quietly made my way down toward the hooded figure. "Uh hello sir. Are you okay?" The figure swiftly turned around dropping something in the process. A knife. I put my hand up to my mouth and turned to walk away but the man was quick to catch up with me.

He dragged me down the alley so it was dark and no one could see us although, I doubt anyone was about at this time. I looked at the horrifying scene in front of me before meeting eyes with this hooded killer. "If you mention this anywhere to anyone I will haunt you down I promise you that" My eyes widened. I was too scared to answer which caused the man to get angry amd step closer to me. He pushed my hair back and came close to my ear "Keep your mouth shut." My breath hitched and a shiver traveled down my spine.

The man had such soothing voice I almost forgot about the scene before me. I managed to nod my head and look at the still unknown man in front of me. As dark it was I could still barely see his features. He wasnt very tall, but still towered over me. He had big dark eyes and a very sharp jaw. Very intimidating but yet somehow I felt attracted. I knew it was wrong. I should feel scared. Although the way he was holding my arm made me feel calm. Safe?

He stared at me for a while before smirking evily. "You should go before I change my mind" He released my arm with a hint of hesitation. I finally came to my senses as I ran towards my home.

That was a week ago. I havent spoken about it to anyone. Like he told me to. He wouldn't leave my mind though. Im not sure if I was more scared of him or the fact that I WASNT scared of him. I kept telling myself that I was just being weird. Although there was always that one question at the back of my head.

'Who was this man and why was I not affraid of him? And why do I keep thinking about him and not the crime he has done'

I shook my head getting rid of the thoughts in it. I let out a long sigh and dragged myself out of bed. I have to go around to make a new ID and such as I have lost my purse that night. A part of me wondered if the hooded man picked it up and if I should be worried about him knowing my identity and worse yet my address.

I did my morning routine and got down to business. I groaned as I realised I couldnt drive. My licence was in my purse. I face palmed before setting on foot to the town hall.

As I was walking along the busy streets I notices a hooded figure emerging towards causing my heart to start racing. I stopped in my tracks earning a few curses from passer bys. The hooded figure though did not stop and just continued to walk past me. I sighed running a hair through my hair "I sure am going insane" I spoke almost too loudly. Forgetting I was talking to myself amongst many people. I brushed it off and went on with my journey.

As soon as I was done with my go arounds I headed home. Avoiding walking home in the dark. Even so a little bit of me wanted to bump into the hooded criminal once again.
I flopped down on my couch turning on the T.V to be greeted by the news. I sat up as it has attracted my full attention. A man was missing. He coincidently went missing the night I bumped into him. I turned off the T.V and sat back staring at the ceeling.
Suddenly I was startled by my door bell ringing.
I walked towards my door slowly creeping it open to reveal..

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