Truth or Dare (boyxboy)

By Phaniacliontoast

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~~~FINISHED~~~ Tristan Tucker was your typical cliché high school football jock. Loved by all, Tristan was at... More

Truth or Dare (boyxboy)
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 1: The Dare
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 2: Harder than I expected..
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 3: Stage 1
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 4: Breaking through
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 5: People Change
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 6: Worth knowing
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 7: You're in love!
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 8: Mystery boy
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 9: Pretty interesting
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)|| Chapter 10: Living hell
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 11: Love and Let go
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 12: Just you and me
Truth or Dare (boyxboy)||Chapter 13: Not yet
Truth or Dare (boyxboy) || Chapter 14: My angel
Truth or Dare (boyxboy) || Chapter 16: Rest now
Truth or Dare (boyxboy) || Chapter 17: Safe
Truth or Dare (boyxboy) || Chapter 18: Never become like me
Truth or Dare (boyxboy): Chapter 19: Help me
Truth or Dare (boyxboy): Chapter 20: And so it begins pt. 1
Truth or Dare (boyxboy): Chapter 21: And so it begins pt. 2
Truth or Dare (boyxboy): Chapter 22: Now and Forever
A/N ???????
A/N - Rewrite?
Update: Rewrite!

Truth or Dare (boyxboy) || Chapter 15: Sweatshirts and Mac and Cheese

12.7K 489 129
By Phaniacliontoast

"Dude is he okay?!" Tanner was practically having a panic attack in the passenger seat of my car.

"Calm down, Tanner. God, he just fell asleep, he's not dead." I growled at him.

"Where's the school?" Hunter interrupted us as he lifted his gaze to the rear-view mirror.

"Uhm, Franklyn I think. Just try there first."

"Do you even know what the kid looks like?"

"Not really..." I mumbled. I really knew nothing about the boy we had to pick up. Just that his name was Dylan, and he was Colton's younger brother. I didn't want to wake him up for information though, I could tell that he needed sleep.

We arrived at Franklyn middle school and I threw a cocky "I told you so" at Tanner and slipped out of the car, careful not to wake up my sleeping angel. I walked up to the young boy sitting on the concrete wall in front of the school. When he saw me, he stood up and backed away,

"I-I don't want any trouble...I'm just waiting for my brother..." He pleaded, his hands in front of him.

I laughed and shook my head, "No. I'm not here to kidnap you. I'm here to pick you up. Colton is really sorry that he's so late to pick you up. We had a slight delay at school, but we're here now. He's asleep in my car over there because he's really sick. I swear to god that I am not a pervy kidnapper. My name is Tristan."

The boy's eyes widened at the mention of my name and smiled, surprising me with a tight hug. ""

"Thank you, Tristan.. My brother came home last night, and for the first time in forever, he was happy. Thank you so much." Those words put a smile on my face and I hugged the small boy back.

"I'm Dylan! Nice to meet you!" He smiled up at me after he pulled away, holding his hand out for me to shake. I took it and shook it (lol that rhymes), then turned to the car,

"Uhm, we should go, kiddo. I'm worried about Colton. I need to get him home so he can rest properly. Suddenly, that same terrified look flashed in his eyes.

"N-No...We shouldn't go home...I-I mean..I-"

I held up a hand to calm him a bit, "My house. I meant my house. You two are going to stay there for a night or two. I need to make sure your brother rests."

He let out a quiet sigh of relief and nodded, smiling again as he followed me to the car. When he reached the car, he gasped and quickly climbed inside,

"Cole? Cole wake up! What's wrong?!"

"Dylan, calm down. He's okay, don't wake him up." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me for a few seconds, almost scanning me for any sign that I might be planning to hurt them. Once he decided he couldn't find what he was looking for, he nodded and carefully climbed over Colton and sat down near his legs, allowing him to put his feet on his lap.

I giggled at how short Colton actually was, it was adorable. I slid into the car and let my sleeping angel rest his head on my lap.

Once we got to my house, I got out of the car and gently pulled Colton out and into my arms, bridal style. His head leant limply against my shoulder and I kissed his head gently.

It had started raining on the way home, so apparently, Mother Nature decided to make it pour harder and harder so that by the time we got home, it was coming down like cats and dogs.

Luckily though, to the right side of the car there was a large, thick tree that mom and I had planted when I was two. It's leaves were thick and kept the heavy rain from pouring down as hard.

I told Dylan to get out of the car and he did, then I told Tanner and Hunter to just take my car home since it was raining so hard. They thanked me and sped away quickly. I led Dylan to the door and told him to knock.

At almost the third knock, the door swung open and there stood my crazy mother, hair in a tall ponytail and dressed in sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt.

"Where the hell have you been, Tristan?! Do you know how worried I wa- oh...hello there." She stopped when she layed eyes on Dylan. He smiled and waved.

"Hi, ma'am!"

I laughed a bit awkwardly and looked at mom. "Hey mom, sorry about being so late-" I was cut off by a loud gasp.

"Colton oh my god! What happened to him?! Come in, come in." She took Dylan's hand, along with my shirt, and pulled us inside. I hurried over to the couch and set him down ever-so-gently.

I shook his shoulders slightly, "Colton? Colton, baby wake up."

His body jolted and his eyes snapped open. He stared at me with those terrified eyes for a few seconds, then immediately relaxed when he saw it was me. A small smile slowly rose on his perfect lips, adoration filling his eyes.

"Hey.." He whispered, his voice quiet and broken. I smiled back and pecked his lips quickly.

"Hey, baby. We're home right now, okay? Mom is gonna help me get this off of your face and then we're gonna make you two dinner. We can do whatever you want tonight, but it has to involve you resting. Nothing crazy, got it, mr.?" I joked, making him giggle a little bit, then wince and grab his stomach in pain.

A whole new feeling of worry washed over me, but I decided to bring it up later with just the two of us. I had a feeling he didn't want to talk about it with the other two.

"Colton! Oh my poor baby, are you alright?! Who did this to you? This is horrible!" Mom quickly pushed me away and started fawning over my boyfriend.

"Mom," I mumbled, she looked at me and I shook my head, "Let's worry about that later. I want to get him cleaned up and fed." I reached up from where I was sitting, on the floor in front of the couch, and tangled my fingers with Colton's.

My mom nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead, "Hold on, dear, I'll get something to erase those terrible words." Colton nodded and thanked my mom quietly as she walked out of the room.

Dylan walked up and sat down next to Colton. "Are you okay, Col?"

Colton smiled and nodded, "Yeah, Dyl. I'm okay, I'm really s-sorry for being late...I-" he was cut off by a few coughs, and Dylan just wrapped his arms around his waist and leaned his head on his shoulder.

"It's okay, try not to talk."

"I-I'm not dying, I c-can talk." He choked out, weakly in protest.

My mom came in with arms full of medicine and rubbing alcohol. I rolled my eyes as she sat it all down on the floor.

"Okay! So I'm pretty sure that either rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover will get that off of you. But you'll need to shower so that you don't have to smell like that all night.

Colton nodded and watched as my mom poured some rubbing alcohol  onto a cotton ball. He tightened his fingers around mine as she got closer to his face. I squeezed his hand to tell him it was alright and she wouldn't hurt him.

He relaxed a big when she gently pressed the cotton ball against his cheeks. She began scrubbing away at the nasty words stained onto his perfect cheeks.

My anger began to escalate as I thought of all the horrible words those bastards wrote on my angel. It burned me to know that someone was so heartless as to wreck another persons life, going this far was unacceptable.

I should have taken care of that bastard two years ago when he crossed my line. But I didn't, and now Colton is suffering for it. I seethed with anger as I thought about all of this.

"Tristan...?" A small, trembling voice squeaked, waking me from my angry thoughts. I locked eyes with my beautiful angel and saw the fear and pain in his eyes. I immediately moved my eyes to our hands. I gasped and let go of him quickly when I noticed that I had been holding his hand so tightly.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, you weren't p-paying attention.." He smiled weakly and took my hand again. Guilt filled my lungs and I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his hand, kissing it and pulling away, holding his hand gently.

"There we are! You're adorable face is perfectly clear now, cutie!" My mom announced cheerfully. "Now run along and take a shower, I'll make dinner. Dylan, honey, what would you like for dinner? Anything at all."

Dylan looked up at her with wide eyes and a large smile, "Can we have Mac and cheese?"

My mom laughed and nodded, "Of course! Would you like to help me?"

"Yeah!!" Dylan cheered. Mom laughed again and led him to the kitchen.

I looked up at Colton, who's head leaned against the back of the couch, eyes closed and small smile on his face. "I hope he's not being too much of a pest...he likes people.." He mumbled through clenched teeth.

"He's fine. My mom likes people too." I chuckled. "Now let's get you cleaned up. Come on." Keeping hold of his hand, I helped him stand up. He inhaled a sharp breath when he stood up completely, biting his lip hard as if he was in terrible pain.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

He shook his head and opened his eyes, smiling weakly, "I'm alright... I don't have extra clothes for when I get out of the shower.." I glared at him when I realized he had changed the subject so quickly, but I shook it off.

"You can borrow my clothes. Now come on."

Updating this because I'm fucking bored and sick and overall just done with the world so I'm not gonna edit it because I'm too lazy and in a shit mood so enjoy the typos'n shit. <3

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