It's a Love Story, Baby Just...

By oliviasbaker

16.1K 390 18

This is the story of Lucas Crawford and Maya Winters. They weren't really friends when they first met each ot... More

How it all Started
Meet the Teacher
The First Few Weeks of School
November: The Month I Found Out
November: I Think She Found Out
Basketball Game #1
Pep Assembly
New Year, New Memories
The Good Ole Days
"Non-official thing?"
What time is it? Summertime!
You Haven't Changed At All
What Happened Next
Goodbye Summer, You Were Great
First Day Back
Best Boyfriend Ever!
Friendship Problems
Best Weekend Ever! Part 1
Best Weekend Ever!...Almost Part 2
Emotional and Wild Day!
Spring Break! Part 1
Spring Break! Part 2
I Miss You.
Chill Day and Date Night
Talk To Me
Dinner With The Family
Let's Go Talk To Them
Stay Out Of My Life
Nine Months?! That's It?!
Time To Dance!
Are You Ready For This?

Let's Have a Party

425 16 2
By oliviasbaker

"What Maya?"
"Can I have a party?"
"What kind of party?"
"A big one with the guys and my friends."
"How many people?" my mom said uneasy.
"Around 20-25" I responded.
My mom gasped,
"Why so many people? Is Lucas invited?"
"Well duh mom he's my guy best friend of course he's invited" I said in an obvious tone.
"Okay I guess."
"YAY, let's have a party!"


So it's been a couple of days and I've sent out the invites and everyone can come! I'm so excited that Lucas is coming I hope it will be really fun and that my other friends won't annoy the crap out of the guys.

1 week later...
It's party day!! Yay! Earlier today I went to get my nails done with Miley, one of my best friends who I've become really close to recently. Now I'm just home setting up for the party waiting for everyone to come.

2 hours later...
The party is going great! It was really boring at first and I did get hurt but after that it was really fun! Now we are just sitting on the couch and floor playing Paranoia, a really fun game. I'm sitting next to Lucas, I'm practically laying on his leg but he doesn't seem to mind. While I'm not paying attention, I see Bailey snap a picture of Lucas and I laughing. Everyone starts looking at our position and I awkwardly stand up and sit somewhere else.
We decide to go outside and sit in one big circle in the street.
"I gotta go to the bathroom," Lucas said.
"Do you know where it is?" I asked already knowing the answer.
"No but I can find it"
"I'll show you, common." I replied laughing.
We both started to walk to the house alone.
"Woah what are we witnessing here?" Luka asked.
"Shut the hell up!" I replied knowing he was thinking something sexual.

"Why did you get up and sit next to Miley when Bailey took that pic of you laying on me?" Lucas asked.
"Because everyone was staring and I knew it would be awkward for you."
"Why would it be awkward for me?"
"Because we are friends and everyone thinks we like each other..." I said in a duh tone.
"So what if everyone thinks that? Why do their opinions matter?"
"Because we don't like each other!" I shouted.
"Oh. So that's how you really feel? You don't feel anything for me? You don't feel anything between us at all?" Lucas shouted back.
"I'm just here to show you the bathroom. It's right there." I pointed to the door next to my room while looking down.
"Why did you have to show me? I could've found it myself."
"Because I don't want you to find my room." I said while I turned away.
"Well I know that your room is right next door." I looked at him confused
"I saw you walk in there." He said.
"Oh okay well bye I'll see you outside."
Then I walked out of that awkward situation.

The party is over and the only people left are Lucas and Bryce. It's very awkward because Lucas and I basically had a fight earlier but we didn't talk about it after because so many people were here but we did talk after and we had a cute little moment. He was laying down and clutching a pillow next to me and his arm kinda went on my leg as he pretended to be asleep. I just laughed and looked him in the face a got up to get a drink. When I got up he looked a little pissed but oh well let him be pissed. Now it's just the three of us waiting for Lucas' mom to come pick them up. Once she did I went to my room and iced my leg that got injured earlier.
I guess I got a text  who from? I wondered
What happened tonight?
What do you mean?
We had a fight, then had a moment and then I left. We never talked about it.
What's to talk about? You yelled at me, said some things you obviously didn't mean, got mad at me and then you left!
I had to leave the party was over! I didn't yell at you! And I wasn't mad once you got up to get a drink I was offended.
Why? I don't know why you had your hand on my leg but we are friends. You don't like me.
How could you possibly know who I like and who I don't like?
Because you told me! You told me who you liked Lucas! And I know you.
Well what if I lied? Did you ever think about that Maya? What if I lied to hide my feelings for you because I know you don't like me in that way?"
The way you are typing is making you sound really rude and like an asshole because I know you don't like me you are lying. I thought we were good enough friends for us not to lie to each other!
You're right Maya! I don't like you!
My heart dropped
I knew it! I can't believe you would be so heartless and put me through this!
Maya I don't like you, I love you! I FREAKING LOVE YOU MAYA WINTERS!
That's when I left him on read. I didn't respond. How am I supposed to respond to something like that? I'll see him on Monday and things will go back to normal. Do I love him? God I don't know. I know that I like him but love? He can't love me! No one loves me! Who knew that a party that was supposed to be fun would end up like this? My best friend loves me and my leg is bleeding! God I hate parties, why did I have to throw one?

AN: wow okay over 1000 words! If the party I threw in real life went this way, man where would I be now?! I know I said this is kinda based off a true story but this chapter was almost all fiction. I needed something interesting to happen in the story so here ya go! I hoped you enjoyed!

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