
De Shelivesbythesea

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(A hint of Twilight, a shake of Narnia and a big splash of Labyrinth... do your homework if you don't get the... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty

35 3 2
De Shelivesbythesea

“And, could we lift the veil, and give

One brief glimpse to thine eye,

Thou wouldst rejoice for those that live,

Because they live to die.”                                    

A Day Dream - Bronte


As the sun peaked over the horizon across the calm sea there was not a Fallen to be seen. The continuous ripple of water was all that greeted Tamar as she lay there, recounting the night before.

She remembered the silence whilst his words sunk in. And then she saw them attacking, shoving past her, she was no longer important. The key to fulfilment was stood before them and their greed gave way to desire. The Noble disappeared from sight. The Clarities bounded onto the sand but the Fallens would not let them pass without a fight. Elior broke free from his captors as they charged and threw his arms around Tamar as she tried save the man who had just sacrificed himself for her, a stranger who she had scarcely believed in until it was almost too late. She screamed, kicked, sobbed. It was so unjust. She felt his pain as his cries cut through her. The rage of war blurred into one. They left no time for rituals, only bloodshed mattered. The Fallens murdered for glory as the Clarities were restrained and rendered helpless.

Either side of violence, the Clarities had grouped together as the crowd dispersed. And there lying bloodied and broken between them was The Noble; barely recognisable. Chunks of hair had been ripped from his beard and blood wept from innumerable wounds. Fresh bruises quickly purpled much of the skin visible through torn clothes. As they gathered closer, gurgled coughs greeted them. The Fallens turned and waited. Before any were by his side, he breathed his last. The job was done. Clarities fell to their knees in despair. Tamar could hear nothing but the beating of her heart. The darkness descended.

Tamar sat up and looked around. She was still right next to the shore, pebbles imprinted on her face where she had slumbered. The Fallens had left the scene of the crime, but every Clarity still slept where they had dropped. Tamar soon realised the darkness had not only surrounded her but everyone, everyone had passed out the moment she had. But it seemed the Fallens had awoken first, yet left the rest of them unharmed? She counted this small blessing but dreaded to think of what would become of the Radiance Lands and its people now the Fallens had the key. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stood and turned to check on her brothers, Elior and the rest. They, like her, now slept where they had stood. The morning sun illuminated their bruised and scratched skin. All she wanted was home. She’d come so close to losing everything, yet it still felt like she had. With grim expectance she searched for the last sight her eyes had glimpsed before they closed the night before. But he wasn’t there. Dry blood stained the shingle but the body did not rest on it. She began to cry harder as she imagined what the Fallens had done with The Noble’s poor body.

“They do not have me.” said a gentle voice behind her. She turned so quickly she almost tripped over her own feet. And there, unbroken, the Noble stood smiling.

“But how - they killed - how - impossible.” she spluttered.

“It is finished, Tamar.” he assured her. “All have misunderstood the legends of my purpose, as the Fallen people discovered when they awoke to find me waiting for them. They have fled.”

“Come,” he beckoned, “sit with me.” he turned out to sea and settled himself on the pebbles. Tamar found the mechanics of her legs momentarily unconnected to her brain as she waited a few seconds before she could move to sit with this living miracle.

She saw Chase, his shell wrapped up in his own wings. The Noble had prepared the body himself, ready for the Clarities to take Chase home. But why didn’t he just bring him back Tamar thought. If he could do it for himself; why not Chase? She was suddenly furious in her grief.

“Why are you leaving him like that!” she barked, needing a resurrection not an answer. But she waited for his reply all the same.

“It was his time, Tamar. Everyone must leave one day, it is certain. Why not now? When would anyone ever be ready for death?”

She thought a moment; still wanting to fight for Chase.

“But he died for you. In your name. Doesn’t that mean anything?”

“Tamar, that means everything. But as I have said, many martyrs have been and are still to come. It does not bring me joy to witness how they must leave this world but the imprint they leave is much greater than our grief. Chase is not lost; he is in the Everlasting, perfected. He will never have to lose sight of me again.”

“How can he be alright? They murdered him, his body is right there.” Tamar tried to protest.

“There is much more to a man than just his body, Tamar. Look at how you care for him even now he is gone, that is much more than just your physical body at work, yes?”

Her silence was enough of a response.

“Do you understand the impact of his sacrifice? It will not be forgotten. All will remember his cause and think upon it. There is no greater gift he could have left us with.”

Tamar felt deflated. Chase had died for her. He’d died helping her find her family and to try and save them. But he’d known, she was sure, he’d known she wasn’t the Innocent. He’d never tried to tell her that, he’d only ever intended to tell her of the Noble. It was Him Chase was trying to find.

“Chase was looking for you last night wasn’t he? He knew you were the Innocent, not me.”

“Yes.” The Noble sighed. “He knew I would not let this misunderstanding come to pass. He saw signs of my arrival long before anyone else.”

“What about the Clarities? How did they know?”


“Nell?” Tamar repeated in shock. “But she wouldn’t help us, she wouldn’t brave the Fallens. The Clarities must have sensed you or something? You’re like their deity.”

“Bravery comes in many forms Tamar, and for Nell, she was courageous. She may not have ventured into the lion’s den with you but she certainly reached her arms into the cage. Nell has suffered great loss to the Fallens and for her to sit in wait for you at the Belljune Bridge was torturous. When the crowds flooded the forest with your family and headed for the shore she saw them, she heard their plans. She roused the Clarities and told them the truth of who you are, in seconds they were at her beckon call. Nell led them to you.”

Tamar was at a loss for words. The term to never judge a book by its cover resounded in her head. But then she considered more, back to why the Clarities would follow her at all.

“What about your sacrifice?” she asked. “The Clarities didn’t know that it was meant to be you.”

“Yes you are correct. Many misunderstood the message I left for them. They thought mythical but true, but they underestimated my role in this story. ‘From a kingdom not of this world, the innocent one will come to take away the Fall of us all. Here will come the servant, who is upheld, the chosen one. They will bring justice to all nations.’ See where they went wrong?”

“You’re not of this world either?” Tamar figured.

“That would be one way of phasing it.” The Noble smiled. “Remember the field you found yourself in a few days ago?”

“How do you know about – you pay for it!”

“Yes” he smiled again. “Things happen the way they do because they are meant to. You are indeed from a different place to this but I am of a different being altogether, although I chose to appear to you in the form of a man. I feel everything like you do. But I am truly of neither world.”

“You know everything don’t you? You’ve seen it all.” Tamar concluded.


“Then why didn’t you stop it? Why didn’t you save us sooner? Chase could still be alive!”

“Tamar, I have been before time itself, because I Am. Chase knew the truth and the risks that came in standing by it. He was given a choice. He knew what he was fighting for. Do you?”

“This wasn’t a fight it was nearly a massacre! You could have prevented everything! Why?”

“You are not listening Tamar, your heart is overruling your head. There is only one way for things to happen and they have been ordained since before the world began, but millions of tiny, individual decisions make up that way.”

“I don’t understand. Why would you let this happen?” she asked feeling helpless, “Why make your people suffer?”

“The story of these lives has already been written but they still have choices to make. Many years past the people made a choice that caused the Separation. And so, the Fall came into this world thus bringing suffering. The earth groans under the weight of it all and it rebels. Suffering was self inflicted from the time it began. I do not wish it, but provide a gift to bare it until they can join the Everlasting.” He looked to Tamar to check she was following and her face resembled that of someone who had just been asked to recite the square route of pi in Greek. He smiled at her and carried on. “You have been brought up understanding your own world’s interpretation. But you have seen this world’s word of Truth in the Clarity Sept. Many of your questions will be answered there.”

“In the book?” Tamar asked. “The Clarities hold to that in everything because it’s from you. And you’ve done it in my world?”


“And the Fallens, they would always come to be as they are?”

“Yes. There is so much more to this life than you see young Tamar, another dimension you do not yet understand. And then, beyond this life, you cannot even comprehend what waits.

“My work is not yet completed and this story is not yet played out. I will come again, as the Clarities will understand now this sacrifice has come to pass.”

“When will you come again? What will happen with the Fallens now? Who will tell them now Chase is gone?”

“Hush Tamar, you will never comprehend all I have to say in this lifetime. Other parables lie in the book of Truth that should the Fallens seek out they will know and they will walk through the narrow gate to the Radiance Lands. That is all you must concern yourself with for the moment. Rejoice in what you have, love and keep the knowledge of what is true in your heart – ready to share with others.”

For a little time they sat in silence as Tamar repeated his words in her mind, cementing them to her memory. She would listen and she would learn.

“Noble?” she asked. “How did Chase find you?” she looked past him to Chase and the Noble turned to do the same. In the morning light Chase looked as though he could just be sleeping.

“He understood that there was more to life than what he was living. The emptiness. The drudgery. He had never known care, love or compassion and it ached within him. This drove him in search of more. He searched the histories of this world for answers and purpose and he found me at the beginning. He found a copy of the truth outside another village when a young boy braved to speak in kindness to the stranger. And thus he sought out me.

“I found him at the edge of all he knew, lost in sadness for the way his people lived. In a cave on the side of the cliff that few could reach I met with him to tell him there was hope. And I told him all he needed to do to join the Clarities.”

“And what is that?”

“To simply know you can.” The Noble answered. “They all believe they must achieve something to live in Radiance and never know they are welcome. I will help anyone with faith to live the Clarities life if they simply ask it of me.”

“But Chase stayed? Did he know he didn’t have to?”

“Yes, he knew. But he loved them too much to leave. I will not force my way into the Fallens lives if they will not invite me, so I could not send Chase back the way he was. I blessed him to only speak in parables in the hope that any on the verge of seeking would have the answers so much closer than they thought. The choice to find Clarity must come from them, and then I will do all I can to secure their faith in the Everlasting where they will never suffer again.”

“I don’t know how you can be so gracious to them.” Tamar cringed. “After everything they’ve done.”

And a shuffle was heard behind them. Tamar’s head spun around after the previous quiet only to find her companions stirring. The Noble got to his feet and Tamar followed. As sleepy eyes were rubbed and limbs stretched gasps began to ripple around the cove. Tamar’s friends and family grasped each other’s hands and timidly headed in her direction. She smiled warmly at them all and rushed to hug them, to hold them. Then she searched out the silver eyes that would bring her the most courage. But he wasn’t there, she couldn’t find him.

Forgetting their aching bones the crowds gathered in around this miracle and she was forced to stop looking. A weight of disappointment sank her heart into her stomach. But the whispers floated around her too loud to ignore;

“He’s alive!” “He has risen!” “The Fallens have fled!” and the Noble held silence to allow their thoughts to go down the road he knew they would. “What now?” “Will he stay?” “The Fallens will rebel!”

 “Hush Clarities, you of little faith.” He chuckled. “I stand here right before you, alive, and you still fear?” He looked out among them, full of compassion for his flock. “I will not let you go even when you cannot see me. The Fallens have fled but now they know the truth and have rejected it, their darkness will be even more engulfing than before. They do not take kindly to being wronged. But you must forgive them.”

A mumbled disagreement went through the crowds. The Clarities knew it was the right thing to do but injustice bit at the edges of their humility. A disturbance from the very back of the crowd caused the Noble to pause and wait through the commotion with the utmost patience.

“Excuse me, please, let me through. Please!” A soft voice urged as she pushed through the crowds. Nell squeezed through the questioning Clarities right to the frontline and set about searching. A wave of thankfulness came over Tamar at the sight of this woman. But by the weight of loss that fell across her whole body it was clear that whoever Nell was looking for wasn’t there, and Tamar’s gratefulness to her wouldn’t ease that. Duke rushed forward followed by Evalynis to support a grief stricken Nell. The Noble watched on as the peoples babble grew louder.

“Oh Duke - my – he was here - I saw him... My-”

“I know Nell, I know...” Duke hushed. “He has chosen his path for now. Calm yourself, he is alright.”

“But – I must –”

“No Nell.” Duke soothed as Evalynis grappled with what they were talking about. She looked to Tamar and back to Nell like a light bulb had just lit in her mind.

“Let it rest this day and search tomorrow, I will help. Today we rejoice. The One is here with us, at last.” Duke said looking up to the Noble full of reverence.

Tamar didn’t understand what was going on at all. But it appeared that few others did either. Who was Nell looking for? Her velvety chocolate locks were windswept and odd silver hairs shone in the morning light. She looked exhausted and older than Tamar had ever assumed she was. Nell too looked up to meet the Nobles gaze. She stepped forward towards him and let herself sink down to her knees in the damp sand.

“Noble,” she trembled, “King of all Truth and grace to us, I ask you, will my hopes be answered?”

 The Noble spoke to the masses but looked to Tamar to answer her previous question and then to Nell to answer hers.

“There is no level of evil; no one has to be taught to do wrong. I am just and cannot go against my character, thus I will not let the ones in darkness go unpunished. Yet I must forgive those who truly repent of this darkness, no matter how bleak. Let the honest hearted, who want to know the Clarity life, in when they come knocking.

“Clarities, there will be a day when the divide of Fallen and Clarity will become greater than ever before. You will join me in the Everlasting and they will endure and Everlasting without me. That day will come like a thief in the night, so let as many be saved as possible.

“Dwell on what you have witnessed this night and remember the words you thought you understood. Remember to shine like stars.” And he bowed to them; their saviour.

From somewhere in the depths of the masses a voice like angels started to sing, a harmony worthy of the celestial. A song of joy and peace began to flow through the cove. Tamar and her family looked left and right to see the mouths around them move and join in this song of worship, of thankfulness. They didn’t know the words but they didn’t need to. Each heart swelled with hope of things to come. The Noble stepped back towards the shore and gazed out across his faithful people as their music rose beautifully towards the skies and out across the ocean.

“Keep watch.” He said and turned to step back onto the water to whence he had come. Clarities stepped forward to Chase and stooped low to gently lift him off of the ground and carry his body home. When Tamar looked back, The Noble was gone.

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