
By Shelivesbythesea

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(A hint of Twilight, a shake of Narnia and a big splash of Labyrinth... do your homework if you don't get the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Nineteen

36 3 0
By Shelivesbythesea

“Now, when alone, do my thoughts no longer hover

Over the mountains, on that northern shore,

Resting their wings where heath and fern-leaves cover

Thy noble heart for ever, ever more?

Remembrance – Bronte

The third arrow hit. Chase cried out in anguish. It penetrated the edge of his kidneys and burst through his front. The arrow head caught Tamar’s stomach but only scratched the skin. There was nothing she could do for him. His wings stopped beating for just a moment and they plummeted down before he could pull his strength together. Jeers and shouts came from below. Chase huffed as he drew in jagged breaths and caught Tamar up in his arms again. With the last of his efforts he flung Tamar at the cliffs ledges. She flew through the air and crashed into the rough foliage on the cliff face. Rolling down onto a slightly larger ledge she managed to get a hold of the ragged rocks. Arrows continued to fly at Chase as he turned to draw them away but the flying spears met their target; another in his side and one in his chest. His course faltered and he plunged downward, spiralling toward the enemy. Far below a loud but soft thud crunched into the sand. She cringed at the noise and fought back tears.

Shuffling around she peered over the latching weeds to see the Fallens gathering at the shore around the remains of the giant crow. Chases’ body was mostly concealed by the black wings ruffled over him. After inspection was satisfied, heads began to turn in her direction. His sacrifice had not served as a suitable distraction, they knew somebody hid here. Tamar ducked and curled into a ball in panic. What could she do? How could she run when her family were down there imprisoned for her? Elior was gone, and poor, poor Chase.

A stuttering intake of breath gasped for air a few shrubs away. Tamar jumped and flattened out to hide. But this was the last thing she felt the need to do when she saw another friend in pain there.

Eyes half closed he was slumped over with weariness, and looking down at his hand pushing at his side, blood seeped through his fingers. Tamar stayed low and crawled over the dirty rocks.

“Abednego?” She whispered, “Can you hear me? You need to stay awake, tell me what happened.” She panicked and began ripping what was left of his battered cloak to staunch the blood flow. Pressing it into his side Abednego sobbed in agony. Tamar winced as she made him hold it there, hurting him to save him. Shouts could be heard behind them as gruff calls summoned others in their direction.

“They’re coming...” he whispered through breaths, he must have seen everything. “This... is it... Tamar.” He fought every weakness in his body and raised his head to meet her tear filled eyes.

“But I can’t do anything! If I’m meant to be someone great then where is my greatness?” Tamar whimpered at Abednego. She couldn’t be who they needed her to be. This was wrong.

“Your choice.” He smiled and winced.

Tamar’s mind flickered as it spat out the past few days before her eyes. Everything was to come down to now. There was no way back.

She evened herself and looked back at Abednego.

“Our lives will turn on moments like these.” She recited. He nodded all he could. “Hold on. It’s almost over.” She reassured, standing to turn on her heel and face the oncoming captors.

Fists clenched she side stepped her way down the ledges, leading the hunters away from where Abednego fought for his life. As expected they mirrored their pray and shifted direction with her.

“It’s me you want.” Tamar shouted through her dry throat. “I surrender.”

Heavy creatures dragged themselves up the cliff face, coveting her blood as they looked at her through dirtied eyelashes. The more agile of hunters bounded towards her in fluid leaps, licking their lips in anticipation. The grimy Polixfen from the Ball hissed through blackened teeth.

“Hello again my sweet, here to play the hero is we?” he lisped as his slimy, webbed fingers stroked her face then took a firm grip on her arm. “How’s about we meet the family?”

A chortle went through the crowd. They closed in around her. Reeking seaweed was wrapped around Tamar’s wrists while the Polixfen held her still. She said nothing. Adrenaline was bursting to the surface and gave her the courage to stare him down. As his hand came to caress her hair she spat in his face to show her repulsion. He was quick to react and slapped her hard across the cheek, “No time to get nasty.”

Tamar was seized by both arms and lifted off the ground. As they descended the precarious ledges there was more than one occasion Tamar assumed they intended to simply throw her from a great height. But this death would not have satisfied their lust for cruelty; they wanted to see her suffer first.

As they arrived on the sand crunching beneath their feet the crowds parted before them. Tamar was dragged towards the shore with hisses trailing in her wake. Creatures pushed forward but no one broke the boundaries. Unlike before there was structure. They knew why they were here. The Polixfen’s grip didn’t loosen as they reached the opening until the smaller Mrots stepped forward to claim her. Thrown with force she landed on her knees.

“’Ave her Stem, bit too lively for me likings” said the Polixfen. Stem grunted and stepped forward.

“Tamar!” “Tame, no!” Calls came from around. Before she could look for them Stem grabbed her by the shoulder and brought her to her feet. His one hand could hold both her wrists securely. But to patronize her more, she was forced to face the crowds with his hands pressing down on her shoulders, like a stern father putting their child on display. She couldn’t escape if she tried.

To one side of the circle were those she loved all bound together, Abednego noticeably missing. Evalynis’s face was red and puffy with grazes across her cheeks. Tears still poured down her face. Tamar knew her pain because it felt like her own. Rhodri had leaned in to support Ev because it looked like she would collapse at any moment. Duke was barely conscious on his knees, while Charlie stood defensively around Sarah-kay, repositioning himself every time a creature flinched around him. And last was Anthony, pinned with arms behind his back and his face black and blue. He’d clearly tried to fight back and been taught better for it. They all met Tamar with sorrow in their eyes. They knew it was over. And finally after the setting her scene, Bynethrin took to the stage.

“Welcome Innocent. You kept us waiting. We don’t appreciate such time wasting.” She strode closer, making Tamar look smaller by the second. “And your game playing family paid the price.”

Adrenaline was the only thing that enabled Tamar to keep eye contact with her. She wanted to fall at her feet, sobbing and begging that she would just let them all go home and forget the whole thing.

“They dared to insult me with lies and I will not stand such insolence! And you... you believed you could take my Love and keep your secret! You played with fire Innocent!” she snarled, “And now we shall neither have him! And I shall take your life for his.”

“Stop playing with your food Bynethrin, we just need her blood.” grunted Stem.

“All in good time.” she snapped, slipping a dagger into view.

“Enough!” came a loud, gruff command from the depths of the surrounding mob. That voice, Tamar willed it so hard to be his. Bynethrin froze. Heads turned in all directions while Tamar forced her ears to listen harder for the sound again, trying to stand on tiptoes to see further but Stem wouldn’t let her budge. Slow motion came into play as the crowd parted. From the shadows around the edge of the crowds a figure marched toward them. He limped a little but chose to ignore the injury that clearly pained him.

“Enough Bynethrin,” he repeated as the torch light fell harshly across his bruised face. Elior found Tamar among the masses and she couldn’t breathe. He was alive, somehow, he was there. Bynethrin watched her reaction before turning to see the truth for herself.

“Eloir, I knew you would not fail me. You have always played your part so well.” Bynethrin flattered. Eloir glared down at her.

“I have never played your games Bynethrin and I have never attempted to please you. But let Tamar and her family go and I shall be the lowest of your minions if you order it of me. I will replace the one I have killed.” Bynethrin was disgusted at his words as she processed them.

“You would – you want her - she is not worth a thousand of us! You have been charmed! She must die, Eloir.” And he held her own dagger to her throat in a second. He spoke with determination and clarity an inch from her outraged face.

“I wish for redemption Bynethrin and I do not wish to kill you, however if I must, I will.”

“Ryu!” she screamed. “Kill her! Ryu!”

“He shant come for you. He can no longer hear the calls of this world.” They both shook with anger. Her eyes bore into his to seek the truth. Ryu was dead and she knew it. Fury broke over her. Ryu was gone and Elior would still choose Tamar over her.

“Fallens! He will not allow us to sacrifice the Innocent! Bind him!” and with that, those that once feared him finally turned against him at her command. Withermay spilled enchanted words from her lips and ropes appeared from the ground to hold Eloir tight and then throw him into Mrots’ captivity.

“Mrots release me!” He demanded before she sent another rope to gag him.

“It is the ways of old Elior, I cannot refuse the sacrifice.”

Elior growled through the rope. He looked around the crowds, assessing the situation. There was nothing more he could do. He’d lost his place in the Sept and stood a nomad among them.

“Elior, my Elior.” Bynethrin said longingly, “you will come to your senses and you will come back to us, back to me. You were made for the Ebony Sept and it for you. We will capture the Radiance lands and rule together. Just let me dispose of this vermin.”

“No!” Charlie shouted and broke ranks as Bynethrin turned on Tamar. He lunged at her, but she as too quick for him. He was pounded to the floor in a moment and left there unconscious.

“Charlie!” Tamar cried echoed by the others. “Leave him alone! It’s me you want!” and Bynethrin obeyed.

She rose and set her gaze fiercely on Tamar, her dark eyes pouring out hatred.

“The time has come for your end Innocent. And I shant make it quick.” She paced closer, fists clenched.

Her eyes flitted across every face in the cove without taking one in. She wasn’t sure who she had been looking for to save her. There was no one left. How could it be that her death could be so vitally important to so many and in the process ruin the lives of so many others? Her heart raced, body trembled as the crowds were closing in, and she still searched for a face she didn’t know. She shut her eyes tight, preparing herself for the first of many blows. And then, silence.

After what felt like hours that passed in those few seconds she dared to open her eyes. Bynethrin stood feet from her, head tilted to the side in confusion. The Fallens had sensed something Tamar’s poor human senses had missed. No sooner did she realise than a great wind rolled in off of the sea over them all. They stood their ground and let it whistle through them, blowing out the few tired torches on its way. It blew into the cove and up its walls then dispersed. The Fallens observed its path. A solitary light flickered into existence high above them, like someone was peering over the precipice. Another ignited a little below it, and another. Lights had started to appear down the sides of the entire cove. More and more lanterns were set aflame as Tamar gazed up around the cliff face, each presenting a different Clarity. The Fallens watched as light flooded the cove. As the hundreds of beings surrounding them came into view the creatures on the shore began to notice the Clarities were not even looking at them. Their gaze was fixed out to sea. Heads started to turn and gasps surrounded Tamar. Only when her captor cottoned on and turned also did she see what they saw.

Dimly lit by the Clarities glow a figure waited out on the water. Patiently, it stepped forward, barely disturbing the surface with a ripple.

The Ebony Sept was not so much intimidated by the Clarity people as they outnumbered them two to one, but this Being, walking on water, had them retreating from the shore. Knowing he was not on their side the Fallens refrained from getting too close to his allies, they were stuck between the two. Tamar was shuffled backwards with them, temporarily forgotten. A hush had settled. Walking lightly across the water the figure approached the circle of dousing light. This was magic even the Fallens had never encountered. They could manipulate sights with their magic and encourage temptations but control the elements they could not. As he walked onto the sand and into sight a hood covered most of his face. The gray cloak did not blow in any breeze but covered him from head to foot. He slowly raised his hands and lifted the hood. An extraordinary glow shone from his face like eyes adjusting when the light is turned on in a dark room. After a moment, there stood The Noble, in all his humility. The man was advanced in years but not overly fragile. His face was soft, compassionate, but determined. He glanced around the crowds and nodded towards the cliffs. His gaze flitted to those in captivity and finally rested for a moment on Tamar. She couldn’t move if she wanted to. Somehow she knew who this was, it was who she’d been searching for, and it was her saviour.

“Fallens, let them go.” Said the Noble as his feet touched the sand. The grip of the captors only tightened on their prisoners. “What have you done to yourselves?”

Bynethrin came to and shoved past Stem to the edge of the crowd as Charlie stirred behind them.

“‘The Noble’ I assume?” she sneered. “Who are you to tell us what to do? We have no fear of your magic.”

“I use no witchcraft, Bynethrin, only knowledge.” And Bynethrin froze at her name. “Yes, I know who you are. I know every one of you. You have all fallen asleep.” He looked around at the crowds with his head held high. Eventually he stopped on Tamar.

“Tamar. Keep standing for what you believe is the truth and you will be alright.”

“She is ours old man!” Bynethrin shouted at him and jeers echoed this from behind her, “Your fairy tales will not save her!”

The Noble stared Bynethrin straight in the eyes.

“No,” she whispered, “stop...” her arms fell limp at her side. “I do not want to see...” and she fell to her knees quivering, unable to break eye contact. People around began to shrink away from her. “Stop” she said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

The Noble blinked and looked to the ground. Bynethrin let her head fall into her hands.

“What did you do to her?” growled Stem over Tamar.

“I showed her the truth.” He replied humbly. “Something you all need to see.” And the Fallens all averted their eyes. The Noble smiled sadly. “You wish for god-like stature and live assuming wisdom, but none of you will see the world through my eyes. You do not understand what you desire. You do not love that you live, you love that you control. You do not know where your faith is.”

“My faith is in you.” Tamar said, croaking slightly. Believing in him was the last shred of hope that she now clung so very dearly to. She cleared her throat, “Chase knew you would come.” She felt the audience flicker from the Noble to her and back again. They remained hushed. The Noble nodded and gave a small, sincere smile, only for sorrow to follow.

“And where is my faithful servant? The one who loved you enough to stay, what have you done with him?” Every being present knew he didn’t need to ask, for he knew all things. But they needed to face their actions, so he made them aware that they had been witnessed and justice would come. The Noble turned to his left and looked upon the shattered wings that rested across Chase’s empty body. He allowed himself to fall to his knees at the creatures’ side and clear the feathers from his face, his hand slid over his face to shut the vacant eyes that would never see the stars again. He wept. Tears fell as he mourned the loss of this faithful disciple, his love was that of a father to a son. The Fallens had every chance to attack but they couldn’t. The honesty of this man was alien to them, his authority was clear. The lights around the cliffs continued to flicker as they watched on, standing firm for the One in which they believed.

After a time of quiet, tears rolling down the faces of Tamar and her fellow captives, the Noble gathered himself to stand face the crowds.

Charlie was now on his feet repositioned by Sarah-kay and the rest were crowded together. Tamar was nearest the front, but she could hear Elior breathing heavy behind her, it sounded like each mouthful of air was painful for him to inhale. Even in full health, Elior couldn’t fight them all and the rest of them would barely be able to give him much assistance. They were all so weak, so mortal. Their moral fibre couldn’t strike with a loathing intent and against the Fallens that made them helpless. Tamar was terrified. She knew she wasn’t the One, the Noble was, but would it make a difference? They would never be spared for the Fallens did not know mercy. The Clarities were outnumbered; even if they tried to help, chances were that Tamar and the rest would be dead before they hit the sand. There was no one left to fight for them but the Noble.

A noise from the floor brought her back to the present. Bynethrin sniffed hard and raised her head to seek the Noble. She cracked her fingers on her knees and sneered.

“You lie... You LIE!” she bellowed.

“I cannot.” The Noble replied.

And then several things happened at once. Bynethrin launched herself from the ground and threw herself at the Noble. Reacting before she had barely left the sand he pushed out his palm towards her. Tamar was wrenched to the side out of the way. It was as though Bynethrin hit a wall in the air which sent her rebounding in the opposite direction from whence she came. Her powerless body spun through the air as it flew back into the crowds. Like before, they parted and no one voluntarily softened her fall. Sand showered down over them.

“Not yet Bynethrin, you may have me, but not yet. You must hear these words of mine.” The Noble said gently, without a hint of venom to the potential attacker.

“Fallens, I sent you Chase, you named him Paradox. Among you, you cast him off, refusing to give him time. He searched me out and saw the truth of my very being. He asked what was true, so I told him. He cried tears for you Fallens and you ignored him when he cried again at your very sides. I understand you may have assumed this frustration on his part – indeed it was great. But this was not felt because you could not understand him; it is because you would not.” The Noble paused, stern in his stature and firm with his words, then pointedly continued. “How magnificently you have misunderstood the signs given to you. How deaf you have been when true words have begged to your ears. Chase chose to return to your Sept, to help you, to save you. He is truly of the Clarity people - one of few who have remained faithful in your grasp. He was not ashamed of the truth, but chose to live in chains with you. I see your hearts at work, dwelling on why I’ve made your path to the Radiance Sept so difficult to acquire. But do you see yourselves deserving? I tell you, you are not – yet still I gave you a way.

“So it was written of you that you would ‘Be ever hearing but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving. The heart of these people will be calloused, their ears dull and eyes closed. Opportunity will come where they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears, understand with the hearts and turn and be healed. I will open my mouth in parables.’ If you had truly wanted that peace, that clarity in your hearts – you would have searched in every way for me, in whatever form. There, you would have found your answers with Chase’s riddles, as young Tamar – our Innocent – understood.” At this he waved a hand in Tamar’s direction. She froze solid to the spot feeling all eyes temporarily on her. It made her doubt her own knowledge of things. How could she possibly have been the only one to ever listen to Chase?

The Noble persisted with anger on his face yet unimaginable compassion in his eyes.

“Chase spoke my words. I watched you deny me, heard you mock. And now here we stand and your souls are marred beyond recognition.”

A silence rippled through the cove and up its cliffs. Each head was hung low – no eye could meet another for the shame was too great. None could be heard in this darkened place, but the quietest of peaceful waves as they lapped against the shore. The only head held up amongst the crowds was Tamar’s, even The Noble’s head was hung low in sadness. She knew truly that this applied to her, even in her world, as did her brothers and friends. But despite the quiet, she could hear the rebellion in the Fallens hearts. She knew that there, deep in their chests; hearts were filled with so much corruption that no words could penetrate it. Yes, Ebony skin could be pierced and yes, at this moment the Noble’s words were digging deeper – but Tamar knew, down in her own, broken heart, it wouldn’t last. Not all would find their way to salvation.

As hands loosened slightly on her arms she couldn’t help but gasp at the movement. The Noble let out a quiet sigh and stepped backwards to show he had was almost finished. With this shift and crack of dry seaweed and shells, the Fallens were brought back to their senses.

“For these reasons I must make it quite clear to you that Tamar is not the Innocent - there is no such one save the One who created the whole, which then fell to division of Fallen and Clarity. Only I am eligible for the sacrifice you have so gravely misunderstood. It is I that must abandon my home.

“I was always here for a purpose – but was never part of your plan.” The Noble announced finally.

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