Unconditional (Book Two)

By airplanelover52

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Jim Parsons Fanfiction 'Unconditional' is book two of 'Time & Time Again' fanfiction duology. After a long fi... More

1. Distraction
2. Threat
3. Impossible
4. Forgotten
5. Wrong Possibility
6. Impediment
7. One Remains
8. Curiosity
9. Reverse Story Teller
10. Inquires
11. Eyes
12. Yet
13. Dreams
15. Proof
16. Sunken Hearts
17. Golden Flames
18. Unrecovered Recovery
19. Risks
20. Nostalgia
21. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. One}
22. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. Two}
23. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. Three}
24. Letting Go
25. Unexpected Listener
26. Emotional Mixture
27. Pictures on the Walls
28. Not to Expect
29. Lies
30. Unconditional { Part One }
31. Unconditional { Part Two }
32. Unconditional { Part Three }
33. All Can't Be Miserable
34. Thunderstorms to Sun Rays
37. What About it All?
36. To Love You Again

14. Clues & Suspicious Guesses

137 7 2
By airplanelover52

Amelie's POV

The moment I told Jim that Jason was now my boyfriend, I felt a warm joy that would rush around my body uncontrolled. I was so happy, and I felt so complete. It was a moment when I didn't really imagine that what I was feeling wasn't even half of how I was going to feel when I was with Jim in the future.

I remember seeing Jim's eyes full of grief when I told him this, even though he always tried his best to show me his joy. I never really thought that what I saw in his shiny doors to the soul was actual sorrow until he told me he had been in love with me all that time. That moment I felt guilty, and I wanted to pretend that I wasn't the reason why the love of my life was suffering at that time, even though there was a hole in my chest when I thought about it because I knew that I was...a hole that existed only until Jim started sleeping every night with a smile on his face; his arms gently wrapped around my waist; and a beautiful, silver ring shining around his finger. Nothing could take the happiness away from me when I had Jim by my side, no wonder why now I don't feel as happy as I did in my past 'life' we could say, though I don't realize it because to my brain that perfect happiness never really existed, and it's somewhat sad to think that the situation is that. This subconscious talking right now is really hoping that it's not long until the evil man that controls my emotions at the moment is out of my life, and the man who truly loves me is by my side again, but it's impossible to do something when the thought of all these memories being recalled is just perceived as a strange and senseless dream. How can the real Amelie be back? I am just hoping that my forgotten husband has some ideas...because unfortunately I don't; Colin has me controlled, kidnapped, trapped...and I am desperate for it to end.

"Um...is everything okay?" I ask a little worried, since I don't understand the urge sounding on Jim's voice as he mentions he has to talk to me.

"Y—yes. It's just that...I just want to get to know you better, that's all...of course if you're not busy," he adds immediately.

"Ohh, no no no," I say with a giggle. "I would love to. Umm...what if I meet you at Starbucks in 20?"

"Sounds perfect to me."

"Great! See you in a while then. Bye."

I jump out the covers of my bed, and head out to the closet to change. I don't understand why I am feeling this way about seeing Jim again in a while. I feel so...excited, happy. I feel like I just recovered a great and beautiful part of my life, but...Jim was never a part of my life.

I stop...stop brushing my hair, as a feeling spreads from my head to my core and then to my legs. I had a dream with Jim...a beautiful, lovely, though very strange dream. I didn't immediately recall it when I woke up, but now that I do...I realize that the reason why I feel so excited about seeing Jim in a while is because I just had a dream with him...and it wasn't a regular dream, it was a dream in which I actually felt my emotions towards him; some sort of uncanny, stuck memory inside my mind, something that actually happened, I actually lived, and...

"Nahh, that's ridiculous," I whisper to myself, as I continue combing my dark brown curls. I guess I simply wish that I do have that sort of connection with the man, but wishing doesn't equal reality...and I'm married for God's sake...I shouldn't be wishing that Jim's by my side. I love Colin and period.

I take my bag from the couch, and head out the door. The wind brushes my face, my hair moving gracefully with it.

Once I arrive at the Starbucks I was just in a few hours ago, I see from the corner of my eye a man with a plaid shirt, sleeves rolled all the way up to his elbows, and beautiful, dark hair...Butterflies start flying around my stomach automatically, and my heart is playing the drums loudly in my chest. I know it is Jim, what's unknown to me is why I feel this way now when I didn't feel like this before. Was it because of the dream? Or worse...do I like the man? That would be insane because I'm married, and I'm not the type of woman who is with two men at a time...NO that is not me, so I'll just keep things with Jim kind but as simple friends, I can't feel anything else.

"Hi," I say with a smile, as I stand in front of the table.

Jim stands up, and invites me to sit down with his handsome smile. "Amelie, hi! Thank you so much for coming!"

"Oh it's my pleasure," I start, as I stare directly at Jim's beautiful, blue eyes. "Soo...what do you want to talk about?"

"Hm, nothing in particular really, I just want to get to know you better."

Jim's POV

Getting to know Amelie better...what a stupid reason to meet, but honestly I didn't come up with a better excuse to see her so that I could find some more clues about what's going on about us...or between us. The dream I just had definitely opens my curiosity even more, and there is no way that I'll stop searching for answers now...this wasn't a regular dream; I remember it as if it was an actual memory now...this is something.

"So...you say many weird things have been happening in your life lately?" I ask, now curious about what's coming.

"Yeah...I mean...I feel like if there is something wrong, something missing, you know what I mean? It's just...it's incomplete, and...first it was a bit more normal, but then...it changed from one day to the other. I was a normal girl living with my friends, and just suddenly from daylight to nighttime I was married. I mean—"

"Wai-wai-wai-wait," I interrupt in immediate shock. "You're married?!"

Amelie stares at me a little confused at my reaction, but nods her head, affirming. "I am. I mean, it's normal to me now...I've been living with it for several months already. Thankfully I managed to fall in love with my husband, Colin, once again, but I don't remember anything still."

"But...how? When?"

I am confused...I am just confused. There is no way she can be my wife or related to me if she's married. I feel sort of crushed in a way. She is beautiful, and such a nice girl. There is like this huge, empty hole in my chest right now. It's like if I really did want us to be something, but I don't know why...and even more...I don't know why I feel like what is going on is wrong, like if what she's saying is a lie, a lie she doesn't even know is a lie, and how Colin's name gives me this feeling of complete hatred even though I don't know the man, I hate him...and I don't know why.

"It's a long story, but to make it short...I was in a car crash a day after we got back from our honeymoon, and I forgot many things. All of the things I forgot were related to him, so instead of trying to force my mind to recall them, Colin decided to start from scratch, make me fall in love again, but I discovered something one day, and he had to tell me the truth...so now...I am married, and I have to say that I love my husband a lot."

I smile a smile that is fake, though I try my best to show joy in it. "I'm glad," I lie.

THIS JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!!! She has the other half of the heart necklace!!!! There is a piece in the puzzle that just doesn't fit here...and I have to keep searching.

"But still...there is like a hole in my life...something that isn't quite right yet. I thought finding out that I am married to a wonderful man would change things but...it didn't."

I can see some sort of pain in Amelie's face for a second. I notice that she's a little bit depressed, just like I was before I came to the conclusion that this unknown, beautiful lady has something to do with me. With this, I know that she doesn't know anything yet, she is blinded by this freaking guy Colin in some way...and this situation is just making more questions pop inside my head. Does Colin has anything to do with this? Does he know Karen? Is this the guy Karen has been talking with through the phone? Or am I just overthinking things waaaayyy too much?!

Amelie makes a sort of uncomfortable expression, and she closes her eyes for a second...making me wonder.

"Amelie...are you okay?" I ask, sincerely worried about her.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just...my head hurts a bit."

Amelie brings her hand up to her head, and I notice the large, blue, and magnificent piece of jewelry she is wearing. For some reason...I sort of recognize that ring, and it gives me a warm feeling on my chest, as well as a shot through my head...making me guess that it might be another stuck memory that wants to be freed. By other means...a headache?! Could this be because she's with me? The same way it happens to me when I'm with her? I've just come up with two new things happening here.

"But...when do these headaches happen? Do you know a moment in particular in which they do?"

I can see that she thinks about it for a second, but the emptiness in her eyes tells me that Colin IS indeed blinding her from what's real here.

"Not really...they just simply...happen, at random times I guess. I don't know, I'm not sure there's anything related to them."

There is something inside me shouting that I should try something crazy. This might be my only shot to actually find out about these things...and I just think I should try anything.

"Okay miss Jones, I am Dr. Parsons, and I need you to let me know if your head hurts when I say any of these words," I speak with a funny voice.

Amelie laughs sweetly, making me laugh with her as well, and making my heart feel warm and loving. "Okay."

I stare at her beautiful, green eyes for a moment, just hypnotized by her beauty, and allowing myself to feel something else for once. Call me desperate...but I might be falling in love with her already...so easily...so simple...and I dare to say that it might be because being in love with her is not new, but it something that has been going on and on since a very long time ago. It's like a barrier that is being broken between us...since the dream.

"Paris," I start, staring directly into her eyes. "Wonderful, sapphire." I can see Amelie twitching her face in pain, and I want to say one word, one more word to be sure, and it flows out of my mouth with a bit of hesitation and a lower volume...I am scared. "Jim," I finally manage to say after a pause.

Amelie brings her eyes up immediately to me in some sort of confusion and thunderbolt, as she was looking down at the floor in pain. "Yes," she whispers, still in dubiety. "It hurt when you said all of those words, and...your name..."

I sigh, and look down at the ground.

"...But why?"

Amelie places her hands on top of mine, and I look up to her, as her touch is so...warm, so...familiar. She has a pair of eyes full of hope. I know what she's feeling, it is a horrible pain that is shoot through your head, and that look in her eyes just shows how much she wants an answer to this unexplainable feeling.

"A-Amelie," I start, now actually taking both of her hands on mine. "I have no idea."

I can see how she looks a little disappointed, and she leans back on her chair, as our hands let go.

"I'm sorry," I say, sounding a little depressed.

"Ohh...ohh no no no," she says with a sudden giggle. "Please don't apologize, Jim. I didn't really expect you to know, it's just that...I don't know...I thought maybe you could since you amazingly know the words that make me feel like this, so...How did you know the words?"

"I didn't. I just said random things. It was just a coincidence, I was fooling around."

But of course I am lying, and the reason for this is because I don't have enough information yet to prove and build a strong, credible statement about something as crazy as 'there is something going on between us'. I am just still shocked about all of this. I believe it more and more...Karen is hiding something, there is something in the house that has to do, not just with me, but with Amelie too, I just have to keep finding more and more things to be one hundred percent sure that what I'm thinking is right...and after I'm sure then...I'll start wandering why the heck I don't remember her...or anything, and what exactly happened between us.

"But anyways," I continue. "I see you have a beautiful piece of jewelry on your finger. Is that your engagement ring?"

"Yeah, it is," she answers, taking a quick glance at it.

"Woah, that looks expensive. May I see it?"

"Of course."

Amelie removes the beautiful sapphire off her finger, and hands it to me. As I fix my eyes on it, there is pain rushing through my head as usual...yes...now I know this ring has something to do with me, and the way I'll find out is by...

It is there...there are no doubts now, written delicately on the inside of the ring. 'Ma chérie, December 23rd'. The wedding band that I have has the date 'December 23rd' written delicately on the inside as well, and I know what this means. The pain in my head is gone, and is substituted by an immediate feeling of warmth and tears that start dominating my eyes. Amelie is not married to Colin...she is married to me. The reason why he told her what he did is unknown, and is the thing that I must find out next, but for now...I can't do anything else but let this feeling in, its got me paralyzed, and my mind can't think about anything else other than how much I LOVE the girl sitting in front of me, even though I don't even know her or remember her...crazy to think that she's most probably my wife.

A tear falls from my eye and falls on the table. I can listen to Amelie's voice in the background, and it takes me back to the real world.

"Jim...are you okay?" says Amelie, gently placing a hand on top of mine, and staring at me somewhat confused.

I am speechless, nervous, and definitely a complete mess. The poor woman must be freaking out, since she has no clue of what's going on.

"Excuse me," I say, immediately wiping the tear away, and standing up from the chair.

I leave the ring on top of the table, and open the door of the men's bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror, and letting a long breath out.

Amelie, I can't understand why I don't remember you, I don't know what happened between us, and I certainly don't know why you have been blinded the way you have been. I don't know who Colin is, though I can easily say that I hate him...But there is one thing that I can say with much confidence...and that is that I love you, even though I can't really explain this love I feel towards you yet...the only thing I can say is this: since I woke up a while ago, there's been a phrase stuck to my head, the only thing I actually remember between us that is out of the times I dreamed about, since in those dreams we were just friends still. It is a phrase that I feel was very important to me in that 'past life', we could say, and...I love you...I love you way too much...and I can't wait until you say that you love me too...because I certainly can't wait for the moment when I can reply...

"And I love you...even more," I whisper, as a warm feeling spreads inside my body.

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