The Secret Of The Mystic Girl

By jaunty235

651 117 76

A delinquent man, named Andrew Milton Lavine studied in Newton State University, where he accidentally meet t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

16 1 0
By jaunty235

"Why do they need to hide? To avoid judgment? To be loved by their pretentious smile? That perception leads to misconception."

I just wonder why they need to conceal the truth.

How can they hold the tears in their eyes?

And why are they afraid of getting hurt?

Why they can't accept the fact that PAIN is part of our life and it makes us a better person?

Sitting in this bench, I and drew are waiting for Nathalie to come back here. Drew drowned by Candle's beauty. He's staring at her the whole time. Who would not love Becker? She's completely almost perfect, that was what most people think.

Looking at their direction, I saw this young man at her side, just nodding and smiling like a dog while Dean and Candle were busy sharing stories together. My spy antenna tells me that this guy is Becker's bestfriend. I don't know their full story. All I know is when I look at both of them, they look like perfect for each other and I can see at the guy's eyes that he is madly inlove with her. This sounds cliché but I am actually fond of bestfriend's relationship turns to a lover's relationship. I watched hundreds of movies that story went like that. To be honest, for me, it's the best relationship ever. Why? Because bestfriend for me is a friend who will always be there for you no matter what. Someone who knows almost everything about you. Someone who shares his/her laughter, joy and sorrow with you. Someone who knows the smell of your breath, your fart, or even your toes. Someone who cares for you and always there to be with you when you need a punching bag everytime you're angry or pissed, when you need a bear to hug everytime you feel lonely and when you need a singing buddy, even you're out of tune, everytime you're too happy . So, if someone will be your lover, you might be the luckiest guy.

"Undeniably, she's beautiful. I wonder if she's still beautiful even without her makeup." I muttered with a weak voice.

Andrew's attention is still on her. Maybe he didn't hear what I just said because he didn't even bother to look or say anything as a reaction. I look directly at him and find his eyebrows so manly and attractive. I look closer and I saw this little cute black thing near his left eyebrow which reminds me of a boy I met when I was five. It was summer back then, we went to the beach with my family. My parents were busy talking with their colleagues and Andrea, my sister was busy playing the doll my father gave to her. Well, she's too girly and she doesn't like to play with other stuff like I do. Most of the time, she locked herself in her six-cornered room just to play with that freaking doll who never response back when she's trying to talk to her. Poor little sissy, wish she can explore the world like I do. Wish she could see the world like a big arena where she can play more games with the elements of the Earth just like me. We seldom play with each other because we see things differently.

That day, I went near the shore to play sands. In the middle of building my own castle with the use of sands, I saw this boy scratching his eyes the whole time. I thought he's fine but after a moment, I heard him sobbing. Mumbling some words like "ouch, it hurts." And he tried to call her mom but he can't see her anywhere. I went to him and ask him if he's okay. The only answer I get from is, "Go away stupid girl, I'm fine." Well, fine, I gave him what he wanted, I walked back but after taking few steps I heard him calling me again. "Hey! Stupid girl!"

"I'm not stupid, you jerk." I answered irritatedly.

"Fine!" He raised his hands to surrender and then pleaded. "Can you please ... please help me?"

"Oh. That was nice of you to say please after calling me stupid." I used my sarcastic voice and it seems like he's getting pissed with it.

"Tss. Sorry. Now, you already get my sorry please blow my eyes. I felt a tiny object here. Please, it badly hurts. Please!" He pleaded like a little puppy with his eyes.

Well, he's lucky to have a good girl like me, so I blow his eyes and get the water in my sling bag and pour it to his eyes to cleansed it. After that, I saw a mole in his left eyebrow same as where Drew's mole located. I thought it was dirt so I scratch it and trying to get it away in his face then he arched his eyebrows and said this question, "What the hell are you doing?"

"There's a tiny black in there, trying to get rid of it."

He smiled back then. "It's my mole, you idiot."

He's so cute when he smiles. I don't get enough time to ask for his name because his mother already called her. She didn't even call him by his name, she just called him "SON".

"HEY! ... HEY! ... Stop looking at me like that. You're so creepy, idiot!" Not only has his mole looked similar to that boy, but also his attitude. Are they one?

I gave him a fake smile. He looked confused by the way he looks. He arched his eyebrows the way the boy in the beach arched his.

"Would you mind ..." I was about to ask him if he went to the beach when he's still young and if he have experience the same scenario like the boy has experience but he stop me by his words.

"Shut up! You're so annoying! Ask yourself." He spitted.

Urrghh. What's with this guy? He's always rude talking to me. Why can't he be as gentleman like Brad Pitt? Or as sweet as Jin Goo who played the role of Sao Dae-Young in the Descendants of the Sun.

I looked away trying to hide the tears slipping in my eyes. I felt disheartened by his words, I just don't know why. I was about to stand when Drew pulled my hands.

"Don't go anywhere else without me."

What those words mean? I don't want to look at him but I can't stop my head from turning. My eyes are unto him but his eyes are still glued on staring Candle. Okay, fine, I get it. I wish he can let go of my hand. I want to go somewhere. Somewhere surrounded by natural beauty.

"I also wonder if she really looks beautiful without her make up." Andrew whispered loudly.

I stand again for the second time.

Now, he's staring at me and I can't explain why my heart jumps so badly and I can't even utter a words. What the hell is happening to me? I am like a statue looking directly to a perfect toned man in front of me. Now, I am ice statue starting to melt because this guy is so damn hot. Why I am describing him that way? Hey, Brianna, wake up! You might be dreaming.

I felt someone is squeezing my hands. "Hey! Brianna, are you okay? You look so pale."

"Yeah. I'm okay Drew." I pulled my hands out his hands.

"Where are you going? We need to stay here. Nathalie might look for us when she comes back." Drew's irritated voice comes out.

"I need to pee." I lied. This uneasiness I feel, I can't understand it. This is the first time I feel this way. "Just stay here so you can pick Nathalie up."

"How 'bout you?" His tone sounds concern but I don't want to assume.

"I can manage." I give him a quick answer and started to walk.

Before going to somewhere, which I have no idea where to go, I went to where Candle standing and tell her that Drew want to tell her "Hi" and "She's beautiful". Candle smiled and looks at the direction of Drew and waves her right hand and smiles like a beauty pageant contestant.


The sky is bright and the clouds are like soft, fluffy, puffy, white cotton candy in the bright blue sky. Staring blankly to this beautiful painting made by our dearest Lord, I feel relax and calm watching those foamy clouds moving. Just wondering if I am the one moving or it is the cloud moving or the Earth just revolving?

"Hey Andrew, where's my bestfriend?" Nathalie soft voice asks me where her crazy bestfriend is. Brianna told me that she was going to pee but why it took her too long?

"I dunno." I answered while pinching the bridge of my nose. It's my mannerism when I tried to focus or to figure out something. Where the heck she is? And why I am so concern 'bout her?

"Hey Andrew, where's my bestfriend?" Nathalie soft voice asked me where her crazy bestfriend is. Brianna told me that she was going to pee but why she took her too long?

"I dunno." I answered while pinching the bridge of my nose. It's my mannerism when I tried to focus or to figure out something. Where the heck she is? And why I am so concern 'bout her?

"Let's go!" I gripped Nathalie's hand and walk briskly. Nathalie didn't utter any words and just go with me. We passed by where Dean, Candle and her bestfriend were standing and I guess that Dean noticed us like we're in hurry.

"Hey, dude! What's up?" He runs toward us. "What's happening? Seems like you're in hurry?" He asks continuously while walking, following us.

"Do you see Brianna?" Nathalie asked.

"I saw her 30 minutes ago I guess. Where did she go Drew? Did she tell you?" Dean asked with his concerned voice.

"She told me she's going to pee. Why it took her so long?" I answered while whirling around. Maybe she's just hiding somewhere.

"Maybe, she just trying to release all the ... you know, the shit." The silence has been cracked by Dean's joke but there's no time for that.

"Tss. You're not helping dude, she might be in trouble. Let's find her." My cracked and concerned voice was raging.

"Calm down Drew. I know my bestfriend can protect herself if that happens." I know Nathalie was also worried about Brianna but she tried to be calm.

"No! How can a girl like her protect herself? She's to ..." I don't know what to say. Maybe, it's my fault. Maybe, she's mad at me. "I'm sorry. I guess it was all my fault. I shouldn't tell her that she's annoying and I think I make her feel small."

Nathalie hit my head with her umbrella. "Why did you do that?" She hit me again but at my shoulder this time. "Do you know that she's too emotional?" Then she hit my butt this time. "You jerk, you're so inconsiderate of what are the feelings of the people around you."

"Yeah dude! You should treat a beautiful lady like her like a princess." Dean suddenly holds my hand and tries to kiss it to show a demo of showing a respect to a girl.

I kicked his, you know, before his lips landed on my hands.


We heard a loud scream from somewhere not too far from us. We urgently headed to the place where the scream came from.

We were shocked of what we saw in front of us – a guy and a girl lying on the ground. Brianna, badly hurt, was on the top of this stranger who took advantage on her being at his top. He was hugging Brianna while his eyes close.

I hurriedly grabbed Brianna from him. I heard Brianna moan in pain. "Are you okay?" I asked while holding her face and checking her arms if they have wounds. And finally, I hugged her. I'm so worried about her. I saw this guy standing, I looked directly at him with my glared eyes then without a second thought I punched his face.

"DREEEW! NO!" I heard Brianna shout trying to stop me but it was too late. My fist just landed on his right cheeks that threw him just a few meters away.

I snatched Brianna's hand then walk. "Nathalie, Dean, let's go out of here."

"Why did you do that?" Brianna asked angrily. I don't answer her. I just continue walking and hauling her hands.

We're here in the hallway where my locker is. I gave Nathalie money to buy food for the four of us and I commanded Dean to go with her and make her safe.

"We need to talk." Brianna dragged her hands. I didn't response.

I opened my locker, got my jacket and gave it to her. "Use it." I said emotionless.

"I said we need to talk." She repeated.

I got the jacket from her hands and wear it to her. She gave me a confused look.

"Why did you do that?" She asked the question again.

"Do what?" I answered her with a question trying to look like I did nothing.

"Why did you punch him?"

I was a bit angry at her for being foolish. "Cause he's taking advantage of you? And wait, what the hell are you doing there? What happened? You told me you will just pee and how the fucking hell did you end like that? Tell me, is it the new way of peeing?"

"Geez, why are you always so rude talking to me? I don't know what goes of your mind. Just a while ago, you're being rushed talking to me, you just told that I am annoying so I went somewhere so no one will annoy you, and you must be thankful for that." I was looking at her while explaining things. Should I be sorry for her for what I've said before? And should I really need to thank her for trying not to annoy me? But I loved being annoyed by her. I really do. "Then when you saw me there, you checked me like I am your precious and fragile wine glass, you seem like you worried a lot and really concerned about me, but actually you're not." She continued.

I am sincerely worried about her. I didn't know what I should feel, or what should I do when I saw her. My entire body is trembling when I heard her scream. I ran as fastest as I can do just to find her. I hugged her because I want to secure her with my arms. I hugged her because that is the only thing I can do to make her feel that I care. I hugged her because I feel weak.

"Then afterwards, you just grabbed my hand like I am your luggage bag – a burden ha."

That's not true. I grabbed her because I hate seeing her with someone else. I just don't know why. Well, maybe because that guy is not trustworthy.

"Then just a minute ago, you gave me this jacket and now you're raising your voice again just to ask me what happened and trying to say a false accusation. You're such a bipolar."

I really don't know what's happening to me. Why I act this way. I don't know why I felt this way.

"And now you're crying?" I heard Brianna asking me that question. I didn't realize that there are tears running through my eyes.

"Hey, are you really crying?" She was confused, so am I.

I walked closer to her then I hugged her tight. We stay just like that for a couple of minutes without uttering any words. I hugged her tighter until the words, "I'm sorry," slipped my mouth. "I'm really worried about you. Don't do that again. Don't go anywhere without me, okay? Don't make me feel worried again? I don't want to ... you."


A/N: So, how's this chapter? I need your criticism. Good or bad criticism will do. Saw any typo and wrong-grammars? Please inform me. Please vote if you like this chapter. Please comment if you have opinions that you want to share. Please also spread this guys if you think your friend will also love this story. Love you guys ... Love lots :*

Guess who? Who is that guy on the top? Real name and his character in this story. I will shoutout those who will guess it correctly. And I will add you guys on facebook :)

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