
By madfordbralik

373K 16.2K 11.2K

Sequel to "The Worst" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Don't be angry...
Chapter 58

Chapter 47

6.7K 283 172
By madfordbralik

*Have a fabulous Ramadan to those of you observing :) This chapter is quite explicit at some points, so I do apologize and completely understand if you don't read*

Zayn's POV

"I gotta go, Tal. Let me know about the meeting," I say, before hanging up, all the while eyeing my unwelcomed guest. "What the fuck do you want? I have nothing to say to you," I continue, once the line clicks.

"Can you not be a dick for one minute, and let me explain myself?"

"How'd you even get in here?"

"Your receptionist. She didn't question it, probably knowing who I am."

I'm gonna have to have a chat with Gina. Though really I should just give her a list of people I fucking hate, and we'll go from there.

I think about this, seeing why Gina probably let him in. "Well you are a client, but that still doesn't change how I feel about you- you should know this."

"You're fucking ruthless," Luke chuckles, sitting down across from me. I look over to Li, to make sure she's still coloring on the paper, but she's standing there watching Luke with curious eyes. I expect her to come over and cling to my leg any minute now while giving him attitude. "You must make a pretty good CEO."

"Look, cut the small talk. If you're here about what you said at the custody hearing...I'm not going to kiss your fucking feet just because you stood up for us." I lean back in my high-back leather chair.

"Nah, you don't have to thank me." He also leans back in his chair. "But I think I know something that would be of interest to you."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. When I was with my shrink, she asked me one time if I ever envisioned a future in which Luke and I could be friends again. Of course I said no, but after that I actually tossed the idea around, thinking maybe it's possible.

[And while Charlie doesn't push me to befriend him at all, she does tell me that I shouldn't have a heart full of hate. Hypocrite, I tell you. But I love her anyway.]

"What is it?" I ask, not completely interested in what he has to say.

He picks up a pen from my desk and twirls it around his fingers before looking up at me. "It involves one of your best mates...Louis."

My eyes snap up to meet his at this. What the fuck's he playing at? I search his blue eyes- deciding right then and there that all hell will freeze over before I become mates with him again. Granted I've known something's been up with Louis ever since he pushed to hire Genevieve, but I doubt Luke knows anything about it. Why would he? So you know what? I decide I'm calling him out on his shit as he goes back to twirling the pen. "You're bluffing."

"Yeah?" He stops his movements, looking me dead in the eye. "Maybe. But maybe not."

I cock my head to the side. "What do you want out of this?" I swear, this is about money. What the fuck else could he want?

"Your future wife."

I abruptly lunge right over the desk for him, but he quickly jumps out of the chair. "Leave Charlie out of this and get the fuck over it already! Why don't you get a fucking grip and stop pining after someone who doesn't give a fuck about you, you pathetic piece of -"

I'm about to go for him again, but I feel a slight tug on my leg. I look down and Li's standing there with her lips pouted. "Daddy, me. Up."

I sigh, allowing my shoulders to slouch. I pick up my baby girl and sit back down in my chair, plopping her right on my lap. She lays her head on my chest and winds her fingers in my dress shirt, all the while shooting daggers at Luke. I kiss the top of her head and smooth her hair back; she's way too smart. I swear if she could piece together her words, she'd have a couple of things to say to him. Like father, like daughter, I guess.

"Relax. I wouldn't mind giving Charlie and I another shot, but right now, my career is more important than some girl- which; I think you know where I'm going with that. You're smart enough."

Yeah, well keep fucking with me and I'll end your career before it even starts.

"Get the fuck outta my office." I'd like to add how much of a bitter prick he is to the end of that, but I don't because it's bad enough that I'm gonna have to have Gina smooth this over for me so I don't get fucking sued. I wouldn't put it past him to have been recording this whole exchange since he likes to record shit and create a living hell for me.

"Think abou-"

"Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Office."

"You'll want to know what I know sooner or later. And when you do, you know where to find me."


"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm good." I just smoked two blunts and two cigarettes before I came back into the house for the night, so I know she doesn't buy it. Not to mention, she's pretty good at deciphering me, so there's that.

"BS. You have so many fricking knots in your back and neck right now," Charlie says, chuckling as she continues with the firm circular motions into my skin. I lay shirtless, face down on the bed with my arms folded in front of me, tucked under my chin. I almost don't answer, but I'm not going to keep anything from her anymore. I promised myself and more importantly, I promised her.

And damn it, she's going to be my wife in January. Not to be a psycho or anything, but like, we've waited so long for this and I will not blow it.

I sigh. "So Luke paid me a visit today." She stiffens, but continues after a moment as she sits on my lower back, her hands now running down my bare sides. "Told me he had something to tell me about Lou or whatever. Just been thinkin' about it every now and then." I sigh once again. "Okay, lies. It's been bothering the shit out of me all day, but I won't let him know that."

"What was it?"

"He wouldn't tell me because he's a dickhead."

She snorts, moving towards the center of my back. "Well does he plan to tell you?"

"He's trying to blackmail me- some shit about his career. It's not happening though. If he thinks he's gonna fucking blackmail me using my own company, then those tight ass pants he wears are cutting off circulation to his brain."

"Um babe, I don't think that's possible," she laughs. "But that's okay, I get what you mean."

"Yeah, yeah. Now I've just got to find out what it is that he knows. Don't tell me I have to call Jack again." I groan into the pillow, completely over everything. I fucking thought I was done with the bullshit, but I should have known; Charlie and I can never live. "Mmm...yeah, right there."

She giggles, pushing her fingers harder into what I guess is a knot at the base of my neck. "Sure thing, boss man."

"Oo, kinky. Just don't know if I could get it up. You know, the term brings up unwanted memories of a certain assistant's assistant...and she doesn't exactly give me a boner."

"No filter," she says through a laugh, then pauses. "God, I hope they arrest her again. And I'm telling you now, Zee, if she comes after me in the meantime, I'm beating her ass. And I'm not holding anything back."

"I'll help. We can take her, babe."

"I know. Love you."

"You really love putting your tongue on me, don't you?" I ask when she licks my shoulder. I should have seen it coming. I laugh, unable to deny that I'm already feeling better. She's like some sort of remedy for my shit life.

"Hmm...maybe I do," she whispers, dangerously close to my ear. She's practically lying on my back now. "I think you love me putting my tongue on you, too."

"Nah it's actually really gross cause like, I don't know where your mouth has been."

I know exactly what face she's making without even having to look at her. "Keep it up and I know where my mouth won't be."

"Well played." I give her credit as I signal that I want to turn over. Normally, I'd just toss her around the bed, but since there's that tiny thing called a baby growing inside of her, I'll take it easy.

We end up spooning, her back to my front like it's not ten at night and we both don't have shit to do tomorrow. What? I know it's early for most people our age, but I like my sleep and plus, I need to be in the office for a conference call at 7:30 a.m. with Jawaad. 

"Did I ever tell you how much I love your tattoos?" I ask as my arm is draped over her. She plays with my rings, her favorite being this new bandaid-type one that I bought. It's one of the simpler ones, but maybe that's why she likes it so much.

"Hmm...maybe. But I'll be selfish and take your compliments," she responds.

"Yeah? Well you already know how I feel about the black heart." My hand teeters across her panty line. I stop and trace the area where her tattoo would be and I'm pretty sure I'm spot on. "Makes me unbelievably hard when you're laying there, sprawled out in front me wearing nothing but a little bit of ink..."

I know her cheeks are red because it's her. "I should expect you to say the things that you do at this point, but they always catch me off guard."

"I really do, though," I chuckle, moving away from her slightly and lifting the back of her shirt up. I run the tip of my finger up the center of her spine, right over the arrow tattoo. I remember this one; she got it just after she had Li- after all that shit that happened with Blake and Marley. She told me the meaning one day; the only way to launch an arrow is by drawing it back. So when life is pulling you back with difficulties, it means that it's just going to launch you into something great- which for her, was becoming a mum and continuing to build a family with the man that she loves. I'll tell ya, I almost shed a tear, y'all.

"And this one. I like this one." I continue running my finger up and down her spine as goosebumps erupt on the surface of her skin; it's kind of a sensitive area. Not sure who's ticklish on the center of their back, but she is (I learned that the fun way.) And she most definitely does some sort of ninja move as she involuntarily arches her back into me.

I grunt, since she arches a little too much. "Good thing it was your ass that hit me in the crotch and not your knee or something."

"Yeah, I would hate to injure the baby maker."

"Yeah, me too," I mumble, fixing us so we're spooning again. "And last but not least...the hummingbird behind your ear." I nuzzle into the space, my lips pressing down over the ink. "Know what I think?"

"Mhmm..." She closes her eyes.

"I think it's interesting that all your little tattoos are in places only I can find- or should be finding." She's trying with all her might not to moan, and I can't say I'm not doing this on purpose. My voice is low and sultry, and my words come out in a stronger accent than normal. "For the most part, anyway. And that they're all in spots that drive you nuts when I'm touching them...ace."

"Is- I..." she starts, unable to control her breathing when my large hand comes around and rests on her belly.

"Ask away, baby girl."

She rolls me over onto my back. "Take off your pants."

"What?" I chuckle, folding my hands behind my head. That's not what I thought was going to come out of her mouth. "You're crazy. I wanted to have a nice, relaxing evening in with you and here you are, tryna get some."

"No, I'm horny, and I want you to take off your pants before I do it for you."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?"

She glares at me, but grabs at my belt buckle anyway, and undoes it. Again, I'm not sure why she thinks I'm gonna lift a finger if she'll do it for me. "You've been depriving me for too long now, Malik."

"Just because I- fuck," I groan, when she slides down my pants and boxers and takes a hold of my dick, lazily stroking it. "I was...I was trying back off, You said space, sex..."

"Said no such a thing," she smirks as I bite my lip and flutter my eyelids closed. "I said I don't want you using sex, thinking it will keep me around when you get jealous or mess up. That doesn't mean I don't want it regularly because I do. Now consider this a nice gesture on a stressful day."

And with that, she's on her knees between my parted legs, taking me into her mouth. "Baby..." I moan, grabbing a handful of her new dark locks that are fucking hot. She doesn't do this for me often, so I'm damn sure going to take advantage.

She moans around me, taking me in as deep as she can. My one hand finds its way into the sheets as the one that's in her hair guides her down as far as she can go; I feel the back of her throat. Pure bliss. Pure fucking bliss. I can feel her hand massaging the boys now, and I'm not exactly sure what I've done in life to deserve this, but thank you.

"Fuck, Zee," she whispers as her lips come off with a pop and are replaced by her hand. She mouths at the tip, holding eye contact with me. I'm torn; I want to cum all over her face, but like, I want to be inside of her more, so.

She kitten-licks my balls and tugs at my dick some more and honestly, I can't even fucking breathe correctly because oh, that's new. I mean, not for me, but for her- for us. I swear I have stamina, but with her it's's like I'm a fucking virgin sometimes, about to finish with one touch. I'm trying to watch her, but the feelings get the best of me, so I collapse back on the bed with a thud. "B-babe- Charlie, I don't wanna..."

"Yeah?" She replaces her hand with her mouth, bobbing up and down at a torturous pace.

"Top. Get on top," I tell her because I don't think I could muster anything else if I tried.

"No, you get on top," she laughs, rolling over so that she lays next to me, putting me out of my misery-bliss. She slides off her panties and peels off her shirt before continuing to stroke me.

I do as she says, though, rolling over on top. "Condom?"

"Hi, I'm already pregnant, so no. And I doubt we have any, anyway. God, you're so funny when you're blissed out," she says, grabbing onto my shoulders as I slide in. "Fuck, it's been too long, Zee. Don't you ever deprive me again."

"Not happening," I hiss. Her hands slide down onto the bed as I bring one of her legs over my shoulder. "Fuck, baby girl." This angle is something else, and I doubt it's the most comfortable for her, but it's amazing.

"Oh God, yes," her eyes close, and damn it, she's absolutely beautiful.

I grab both of her hands and hold them in mine above her head. "I love you," I whimper, kissing the side of her face as I pick up the pace. "I love you, I love you."

She breaks one of her hands free, using it to graze my flushed cheek before she drops her leg and pulls the cover up over my ass. "Sorry, it just felt right," she confesses. Leave it to her.

I'm busying myself leaving love bites in the crook of her neck while she wraps a hand around my nape. "Zayn, please. Please," she begs. I move my face from the crook of her neck and grab her bottom lip between my teeth. She tries to kiss me, but it's not all that successful and turns sloppy and breathy more than anything. I focus on the sweat that causes the stray hairs in the front to stick to her forehead- I kiss her there; it's so warm under the covers, but this makes us closer, and I think that's what she meant by it feeling right.

I continuously go deep, loving the look that overtakes her face when I do. "Gonna cum Zee, need more."

Understanding exactly what she means, my body slightly falls into hers as I stop supporting my weight with one hand. We pretty much become one as I continue to hold our laced fingers above her head and quickly thrust into her. "You better cum for me- all for me," I growl into our shared breaths.

I know I'm really damn close, so I'm glad when I feel the tell-tale sign of her about to finish. She's full-on moaning into the space between our lips before throwing her head back. I hold her with my free hand at the point where her back arches- like she's a piece of priceless china as she shudders throughout her high.

"Shit...Charlie," I groan as she places one hand on the side of my face and kisses me. It's hot as hell; our skin is sticky, there's sweat lining the both of our foreheads and we're both flushed beyond belief, but none of that matters as my stomach tightens- as well as everything else down there. I moan and whimper to the point that I have to break this kiss and rest my face in the crook of her neck, my harsh breaths releasing into the space as I cum, and hard.

I don't know what it was about tonight, but this was something seriously special.

"I'm sticky and gross," she whispers after a while, but I don't move.

"And full of little Zayn's," I chuckle breathlessly.

"Ugh, I take that back. You're gross," she says.

I peck her lips, finally able to move my head from the crook of her neck. "What? It's true."

"And this is why I keep getting pregnant."

"Psh, you like having my babies."

"I do," she hums. "And call it selfish, but I like being the only one."

"Couldn't tell," I say, kissing her nose. She giggles, so of course I continue to do it. She starts trying to push me off when I kiss all over her face, but the playfulness is broken up when my phone rings.

I groan, but reach my arm over on the night stand and fish around for it because who the hell is calling me this late without good reason? I look at the caller ID, recognizing the number, though it's not saved in my phone. I pick it up. "Hello?"

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm calling so late- I'm literally just leaving the office now. I wanted to see if you guys would like to meet up tomorrow to go over wedding details? Time's kind of of the essence at this point," she chuckles.

It takes me a minute to orient myself.

Oh, it's Talia. "Hey, um. Hold on," I say, looking at Charlie's furrowed brows. I show her the phone, though it means shit to her because she definitely doesn't know the number. So I put it on speaker and lay it down next to us. "Okay, what were you saying?"

"Yeah, so I think we need to meet up to go over wedding details, and I have some time tomorrow if you guys have some time," Talia says easily. I watch Charlie's face go from confused to 'oh yeah' in a matter of seconds.

"Talk to her," I murmur to Charlie while I nip at the skin covering her collarbone, slowly moving up to her neck. Charlie glares, but obliges.

"H-hey, it's me, Charlie," she says, and it comes out kind of weird because I'm currently decorating her neck with more love bites.

"Oh, hey Charlie. Yeah, I was just calling Zayn to see if you guys wanted to meet up tomorrow to go over some stuff for the wedding- if you have time. I know you both work and then there are the kids, so."

"I think we could do th..." Charlie starts to say, but stops when my lips meet the skin behind her ear lobe.

"Fuck, I could go for another round," I moan quietly into her ear. "Whad'ya say? Want more, babe?" I run my already hardening length over her opening and she moans. I almost slip back into her, but she slaps me away with wide eyes. I laugh of course.

" everything uh, okay?" Talia asks from the line.

"You jerk," Charlie mouths to me as I roll off of her and stand up from the bed. She pulls the cover over herself and takes the phone off of speaker. I'm damn near hysterical at this point, watching as she holds the phone up to her ear and mumbles an apology to Talia. 

I grab my stuff for a shower from the closet, doing my own version of twerking on my way to the bathroom. I know Charlie saw it, especially when I hear a gasp from the other side of the room, followed by yet another apology.



A meeting has been scheduled, for today... five fifteen in the evening to be exact. And I, Zayn Malik, am late.


I decided it would be fun to pick the kids up from camp and we'd stay out all afternoon, doing random shit. I texted Charlie, telling her that we're probably going to be late getting back and that her and Talia can start without me.

Listen, I would just rather leave the details to the two of them. My opinion doesn't matter because Charlie will just end up talking me into what she wants anyway.

But now, the kids are tired and cranky and I have no choice really, but to head back home. So off we go.

"Daddy we gonna go to sleep in da car?" Marley says mid yawn as Adrian tugs on my pants leg. He also yawns and holds up his arms, just as Li's light breaths can be felt against my neck. "Cause I really wanna go to sleep right now. We did not get a nap today because-because we went to all da places after school wid you."

"I know, buddy. We're almost at the car, and then you can go to sleep." I peek down at Adrian as he's pretty much dragging along on my pants leg. I need to get these kids home.

"Okay. And mummy gonna be dere too?"

"Yeah, mum's at home waiting for us." Charlie's pissed; I can tell just by the emojis she used in her last text.

I manage to get us to the car fairly quickly, but it's no surprise that they're all asleep in their seats before I even take the car out of park. Trying to get them all into the house is gonna be quite the task.

We get home even quicker, however, it would seem. But much to my dismay, Talia's still here. Don't tell anyone, but I may have also had another agenda by leaving the two of them together. They need to build some sort of relationship if we're going to be working together. I don't care if they never speak again after the wedding and I'm not saying they need to become best mates, but there's some tension and awkwardness that we can all feel. And you know, if involves me- who else.

"Mummy, her is your friend?" Marley asks, walking into the room in front of me since I can only hold two sleeping children at once. He walks over to Charlie and she picks him up and puts him on her lap. Talia looks on, offering Marley a wide smile. It's probably really weird for her to see him more grown up.

Charlie doesn't answer Marley, so I take it upon myself to do so. "Yeah, bud. That's mum's friend."

"Oh. Okay," he answers, yawning again and resting his head against her chest.

"Hey, how about daddy tucks you in baby?" Charlie tells him. I'm already heading for the stairs, hoping he'll follow behind me.

He nods before hopping off of her lap. "Okay. And den when I be awake, I gonna tell you mummy what we did at school today and what we did when we was wid daddy too."

"Okay," Charlie says, ruffling his hair. "I'll be here waiting."

He practically runs up the stairs, into his room and hops right into bed, but I make him change into his night clothes first. I tuck Adrian in, followed by Liyana. They're gonna wake up at like, nine o'clock wide awake and ready to play, but I know they're not able to hold off on sleep until later.

Deciding to procrastinate even more, I head to the bedroom and change into something more comfortable. Sweats and a t-shirt should do it. Maybe I should shower too...nah. Can't piss of shamu too much.

When I get back downstairs, they're still sitting there, talking while Talia's scribbling things down on a notepad. "Perfect," she says, looking up and tucking her long blonde hair behind her ear. "So, basically, we were just going over rough ideas. We've established that you have a venue already- excellent choice, by the way. We made a time and date to go look at some dresses and tuxes; I'll call and make sure they're ready, and we picked out possible color choices. Now. I want to get a rough idea about food from you and hear your opinion on the colors."


"No pork," I say, sitting down next to Charlie and slinging my arm around her shoulders. "Yeah, that's pretty much all I've got to add."

Talia chuckles, but writes it down, while Charlie just crosses her legs and playfully rolls her eyes. "And would you want traditional middle eastern food or more Americanized food?" Talia asks.

"Both, I think?" I look at Charlie and she nods. "Yeah, both. Most of my family will want traditional food."

"Okay, so I'll try to find a place that does both, but if not, I'll do separate. I'll schedule a tasting with some places and we'll all go and try out different options, sound good?" We both nod. "And speaking of separate, what's the budget you were thinking of sticking to?"

"There isn't one," I say without a thought.

"Zay-" Charlie starts, but I cut her off.

"Whatever you want, yeah? I told you I don't care how much it costs." She's not winning this one, so I turn to Tal. "There's no budget, so just ignore her."

"Okay...well that makes things easier," she laughs. "And colors, Zayn?"

"I don't care."

"Zayn!" They both say at the same time.

"What? I don't." When they both glare at me, I sigh. "Fine. What are the choices?"

"Well, there's white and cream, light pink and teal, dark blue and silver, red and white, gray, gold, rustic brown, dark purple and silver, mauve and white...the possibilities are endless," Talia explains. She so gets off on this shit.

I chuckle, not even knowing where to begin. "Ah, I like the uh, the cream and the white- that's elegant. Or the burgundy. Did you say that one?"

"No, but I can jot that one down. We'll go sample some colors as well!"

Charlie squeezes my thigh. "I like the burgundy too," she whispers. "See, great minds think alike. But we can look at different ones." I stick my tongue out at her, but she just grins.

Talia continues to talk about different things, and to be honest, I stopped paying attention when she started going over the differences amongst the flower types. I don't give two fucks about flowers, colors, if they're fresh or fake, where I'm getting a tux from; none of it. Like I've been saying all along, I just want to show up.

She ends up staying well past nine, and I think we're all exhausted by the time she packs things up and decides to call it a night. Her and Charlie would sit here all night if they could. I, on the other hand, just want to go heat up some leftovers and watch a little tv before going to sleep.

So I do exactly that- curl up on the couch with my food while Charlie's in the shower, turning on a Law and Order: SVU marathon because it's the shit. I'm about twenty minutes in when of course, three heads pop up in front of the tv.

Did I not call it?

And how Liyana got out of her crib, I won't even question right now.

"Daddy, come on! You gonna drawed me a picture and I gonna color it in cause you da best drawer!"

"Daddy, pee pee," Liyana says after Mar, pointing to the hallway. Yep, I see it. It's there. And it's not in the potty.

"Daddy, eat?" Adrian adds, climbing up on the couch by me.

And the annoying part is that I can't even be annoyed because they're my babies. So I push my shit to the side and prepare myself to be up all night long.   


I hope you do too, so please vote and comment and let me know your theories because I love reading them! 

And I will see you soon :)

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