Holding Onto You (boyxboy)

Por ArmchairPhilosopher

2.4M 91.3K 66.9K

"So you're blind?" "Yes" "Well just so you know, I'm hot." Hunter has been blind since he was two and has be... Más

Holding Onto You (boyxboy)
Holding Onto You Chapter 1
Holding Onto You Chapter 2
Holding Onto You Chapter 3
Holding Onto You Chapter 4
Holding Onto You Chapter 5
Holding Onto You Chapter 6
Holding Onto You Chapter 7
Holding Onto You Chapter 8
Holding Onto You Chapter 9
Holding Onto You Chapter 11
Holding Onto You Chapter 12
Holding Onto You Chapter 13
Holding Onto You Chapter 14
Holding Onto You Chapter 15
Holding Onto You Chapter 16
Holding Onto You Chapter 17
Holding Onto You Chapter 18
Holding Onto You Chapter 19
Holding Onto You Chapter 20
Holding Onto You Chapter 21
Holding Onto You Chapter 22
Holding Onto You Chapter 23
Holding Onto You Chapter 24
Holding Onto You Chaper 25
Holding Onto You Chapter 26
Holding Onto You Chapter 27
Holding Onto You Chapter 28
Holding Onto You Chapter 29
Holding Onto You Chapter 30
Holding Onto You Chapter 31
Holding Onto You Chapter 32
Holding Onto You Chapter 33
Holding Onto You Chapter 34
Holding Onto You Chapter 35
Holding Onto You Chapter 36
Holding Onto You Chapter 37
Holding Onto You Chapter 38
Holding Onto You Chapter 39
Holding Onto You Chapter 40
Holding Onto You Chapter 41
Holding Onto You Chapter 42
Holding Onto You Chapter 43
Holding Onto You Chapter 44
Holding Onto You Chapter 45
Holding Onto You Chapter 46
Holding Onto You Chapter 47
Holding Onto You Chapter 48
Holding Onto You Chapter 49
Holding Onto You Chapter 50
Holding Onto You Chapter 51
Holding Onto You Chapter 52
Holding Onto You Chapter 53

Holding Onto You Chapter 10

91K 3.2K 3.6K
Por ArmchairPhilosopher

Vincent's pov

"It's not like I ran all over the place, I just walked down the hallway."

"Maybe you shouldn't have wandered off in the first place then."

"You could have warned me before letting me enter your home."

"How was I supposed to know that you're scared?"

"I'm blind, isn't it obvious?"

"He's harmless Hunter, and besides, if you can control your fears, You can do anything."

"Oh please Vincent no one can expect me to not be afraid of animals, especially dogs. They're so clingy and loud and they just so happen to be everywhere I go. I almost had a heart attack when I heard it bark and rub against my leg. I haven't had so much drama in my life than I've had today. Keep your dog away from me or I'm just going to fall down dead."

"Oh don't be so dramatic. But don't worry I let him out of the house so you're safe. Now can you get off me?" I tried to push Hunter off my lap but he tightened his grip around my shoulders and buried his face in my neck. He was still shaking like a leaf and his cheeks were once again stained with tears. Shit how could I let so many bad things happen to him in one day. First the panic attack from Alex and Mark's fight, then the fall when I rushed him to class and now he had to have a run in with my not so friendly dog Shaggydog who just so happened to go crazy when he saw Hunter. He didn't want to leave Hunter alone and I had to practically chase him out of the house. I knew Shaggy was my true best friend, we both go a little crazy when we're around Hunter. Since that happened twenty minutes ago, I've been trying to calm Hunter down but he still seems in complete shock. He hasn't stopped holding onto me since I came back from letting Shaggy out. Speaking of best friends, Finn was sitting on a nearby couch watching us in silence and not even offering Hunter one comforting word. In fact he was shooting Hunter daggers the whole time.

"No I'm not leaving you till you drop me back home and I'm safe in my bed." He said in a very baby voice. I couldn't help smiling at his childishness. "Now stop shifting and trying to push me off, I'm sleeping."

I pulled him closer to me and got comfortable on the couch with him lying on top of me. I rubbed my fingers through his hair and kissed the top of his head. "I'm so sorry Hunt. I invited you to my house to hang out and you had to get so shaken up. I'm really sorry, for everything that happened today. I promise none of it will happen again." I told him as I ran my hands up and down his back comfortingly.

"It's not your fault Vincent, I was stupid enough to think that I can go to school and hang out with friends and have a normal life. I'm such a burden." He replied in his sleepy mousy voice, sounding defeated.

"Hunter for the hundredth time, you are not a burden. I wouldn't want anyone else to be by your side besides me. You are my friend and besides the series of unfortunate events that happened today, I think I'm doing an excellent job at being your guide and friend. I promise you Hunter from today I'll save you from whatever impediments you meet." I told him reassuringly.

"My aren't you just an expert in the art of guiding someone?" He joked and rested his head once again and he was fast asleep before I could even reply. I looked at Finn and he just shook his head frustratingly.

"Well, that wasn't very pleasant." He said, standing up and coming to sit next to me in the little space left on the couch. "I need to talk to you about something Vince." He told me once he was comfortable.

"Yeah you have some explaining to do Finn. Ever since the first day of school you've been acting pretty eccentric. Did something happen over the holidays?" I asked him, concerned.

"Actually yeah something did happen. I kind of discovered something. Something that was bothering me for quite a while. I finally figured it all out." He said, sounding quite happy. "And I was going to tell you when school started but you seemed occupied so I didn't bother." He looked at Hunter sleeping in my arms and I frowned.

"Finn, Hunter is only with me during school. We've hung out so many times these few weeks, you cannot tell me you didn't get a chance to talk to me. But today you're not leaving until you tell me what's been going on." He cannot blame Hunter for taking up all my time.

"I know, you just seemed so distant. I didn't know how to approach you with this." He paused for a moment and said, "I'm gay."

I looked at him completely astounded. He can't be serious. He just can't. What's going on here. Did some fairy come to town and sprinkle gay dust on every guy I know? I explain to Hunter what being gay means, he thinks he's gay. I tell Brian not to tell anyone I kissed Hunter, he tells me he's gay and in love with me. And now from all the things for Finn to tell me, surprise he tells me he's gay. What next, is Mr. Edwards my 'I'm such a tough man don't mess with me' coach going to actually turn out to be a woman?

"Let me guess, you love me. You're in love with me and you have been for quite a while." I told him, not bothering to hide my amusement. This is just unbelievable.

"Well actually, I'm not in love with you, but I really like you. I want to be in a relationship with you." He said sheepishly.

"Why Finn, why are you doing this?" Can't he just be my best friend.

"You act like you weren't expecting it." he shouted, throwing his hands in the air in frustration. He seemed to be doing that a lot.

"Not so loud, Hunter will wake up." I tried to block his mouth with my hand but he held it away.

"Don't bother putting your hand over my mouth to shut me up, I will lick you." He smiled, holding my hand in his.

"Obviously..." Hunter stirred in his sleep and I stopped talking until he was still again. "Obviously I wasn't expecting this Finn. I mean come on dude you're my best friend. And I'm not even gay. At least I don't think I am. It's already so complicated and you're confusing me even more. I can't handle all these confessions. I've had enough of all this gay drama for one day." I told him, sighing deeply. My head was starting to pain.

"Confessions? What are you talking about, who else told you what I just told you? Who else likes you Vince?" he asked, sounding worried and pissed.

"Look Finn it doesn't matter." I intercepted hoping he would just drop it.

"Fine. So what are the chances of us being together?" He probably already knew the answer but held onto the little hope he had.

"Highly improbable." I replied honestly.

"Well I guess it was quite foolish of me to believe that there was a chance of us being together. I just needed you to know how I feel, and I'm also going to apologize to Hunter. I've been an ass to him because of how close he is to you. He didn't even know what being gay means. He's so innocent and pure." He said. "Don't you feel like you becoming Hunter's guide signifies something?" He asked.

"You're right Finny it signifies something. I also think so, but I don't know what. I'll figure that out and get back to you." I said, puzzled.

"Don't call me Finny you know I hate it." He punched my arm trying to sound angry but his growing smile gave him away.

"Oh I know you love it when I call you Finny, just like how you love me." I joked, punching him back.

"Ahh humour based on my pain, you don't have any pills to cure my heartbreak do you?" He said, trying to sound like he was joking but I knew he was genuinely hurting. And it's not just from today. How could I not notice?

I shifted Hunter so he was sleeping next to me and pulled Finn in my arms. "I'm so sorry Finn. Right now there is only one thing I can give you." I already kissed Hunter and Brian, I might as well. I pulled him close and kissed him. It was a slow soft almost fragile kiss. We moved our lips together and pulled away after a minute or so.

"Are you gay Vince?" Finn asked cautiously.

"I don't know Finn, I just want someone who completes me." I told him truthfully.

"In other words not me." he said, looking away.

"Maybe, maybe not. I don't know, you could be what I want or not it's all so confusing. I know I'm being selfish but I'm sorry Finn, I just don't know what I want." My head was throbbing thinking of all these crazy things.

"You're everything that I want. But I understand how confusing this is for you. It took me so long to figure it all out. It's cool don't worry." He told me resting his head on my shoulder.

"So you'll give me time to figure all this out."

"Yeah." he said.

"Then we're going to be just fine." I told him smiling.

It was 9:30 and I was driving Hunter home. After Finn and I chatted for a while we both fell asleep and only woke up at six to the sound of my parents coming home and finding the three of us sprawled out on the couch. We had dinner and I tried to save Hunter from my crazy parents but had no such luck. My dad questioned him about everything from what his dad does for a living to what his favourite ice cream is - apparently it's Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie, who knew we would like the same ice cream of all things- and my mum gushed with delight at his good manners and sweet words. He really impressed them and they hinted that his kindness has had an influence on me in the slightest, although I feel that he certainly has made a big impact on my life. How this happened is beyond all reason. I had just dropped Finn of with a promise to pick him up again tomorrow for school.

"Is it difficult to drive?" Hunter asked as I stopped at a signal. I knew where he lived because Heather always had parties. The reason I never saw him at any of the parties was because she always made him sit in his room and not leave until the party was over which usually only ended the next morning.

"Not at all, it's quite easy. I could show you." I replied, turning to face him.

"No way I wouldn't dare. My mum will kill me if she knows I went behind the wheel. And I would never want to drive. After what happened my parents were lucky they even got me in a car." His eyes widened when he realized he might have given out more information then necessary. The signal turned green and I continued to drive.

I wanted to ask him if a car accident caused his blindness but I could see he didn't want to talk about it so I left it and changed the subject. "Hey you were supposed to tell me about the guy that you're gay for." I reminded him, trying to lighten the mood.

He blushed tomato red and looked down with a shy smile. "You said that you were going to make it up to me for causing me to fall earlier today right?" He asked me, a glint in his eyes that said he was up to something.

"Yeah I did, what do you have in mind?" I asked him, skeptical.

"You're going to help me get hold of Henry." He answered excitedly.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Who's Henry."

"Henry is who I like, obviously." He answered in annoyance. "Get with the program Vince. Look, he lives in England. I met him a few months ago at a grocery store. He was here with his sister on vacation. He's a doctor and he is such a great guy." He went on to tell me exactly how he met him and what happened when he met him.

"So basically he is waiting for your mum to tell him when you're ready for a relationship? What if he finds someone else?" It's impossible to forget about someone like Hunter but he cannot wait so long either.

"That's why I need to call him as soon as possible." He said in an urgent voice.

"And he's going to come all the way to California? Well I guess it would be worth it if you're the reason I mean come on you're ..." Shit why did I say that.

"I'm what?" He asked, knowing that I was hoping he would just drop it.

We had reached his house and I parked in the driveway turning the car off. "You're great." I settled with, deciding to leave out handsome, caring and hot. I guess when the fairy dusted all that gay dust on everyone, I got a speck on me.

"You think I'm great? Wow, uh you're great as well. You have no idea how great you are Vincent." He said honestly.

I was looking in his beautiful eyes and I couldn't look away. There was something about his searching questioning eyes that just captivated me. I leaned forward and lifted my hand to caress his cheek and bring him close when he spoke again, clueless about how close we were.

"Tomorrow we can call him and speak to him." He said, not knowing what I was about to do.

I pulled back in shock at the realization that I was about to kiss him. He was saying something about how excited he is to call Henry but I couldn't concentrate. What's wrong with me? Am I gay? Is it just Hunter? But what about Brian, why did I let him kiss me? He told me he loves me, am I just going to ignore it. Do I want to be with him? Do I want to be with Hunter? What about this Henry guy, Mr 'I'm a doctor from England and I saved Hunter from a little puppy and charmed the knickers off of him so now he belongs to me.' I'll be the judge of that. I won't let Hunter just date anyone. This guy must have one hell of a personality to have Hunter remember him after only one meeting. And according to Hunter, this guy is an angel so why would he want to date me. I'm not sweet and caring and charming and I let my dog scare the life out of him. I don't deserve Hunter, or even Brian. He told me he loves me and I punched him. I left him heartbroken and I didn't even once look back. I go around hurting everyone and I don't feel any remorse. I'm so selfish and stupid and relentless and...

"Protecting." I heard Hunter say, interrupting my scrambled thoughts.

"Huh." Came my very intelligent reply causing him to frown.

"You didn't hear a word I said am I right?" I nodded and only after realized he won't be able to see it. "I said I love how protective you are of me but once Henry comes here please don't be so protecting." He continued talking not even waiting for my verbal reply.

"I'm your friend and I'm concerned about you." I told him gently.

"And I'm your friend and I love you for that." He said back just as gentle.

I chuckled as I opened my door and went around to get Hunter out. "You have a completely different perspective on love Hunter."

"Well I guess so but that was before you gave me a whole new perspective on love." He replied as I got him out of the car and locked it. I held his hand and led him to the front door.

"Was that before or after my tongue was in your mouth?" I joked and he blushed.

"Probably sometime in between." He replied as we reached the front door.

"Oh what have I done to your innocence, you mother is surely going to kill me." I said in a feigned worried voice.

Just then Hunter's front door opened and his mum stood with an expression on her face that made me rethink only pretending to worry.

"Hunter Sebastian Haynes." She said in a stern voice.

"Mum why are you still up?" Hunter asked, obviously not able to see the worry on his mother's face as we entered the house.

"Hunter have you any idea how worried I've been? I tried calling you but it went to your voice mail. How many times must I tell you to charge your phone when you don't hear the keypad sound?" Mrs. Haynes scolded Hunter.

"Mum I know that you worry about me every time I'm out of your sight and I love it but I was with Vincent and I'm safe with him. If I was hanging out with anyone else then your anger would be justified but I was with Vince and when I'm with him I'm not even worried about myself. Vincent's the best, mum. He won't give you any reason to worry." Hunter told his mother and sent a smile in my direction.

"Okay." She replied sending me a questioning look. I just shrugged and turned to admire the beautiful painting on the wall. "Well I guess if you trust Vincent and you're comfortable with him then I'll stop being such a nag but you cannot expect me to stop worrying. I am your mother and worrying is my job. Your mother worries about you as well right Vincent?"

I snapped my eyes back to Hunter's mum and nodded my head. "Yeah she does Mrs. Haynes. But it's just for me, she gave up on my older brothers when both of them never called her for her birthday since they left for college three years ago." I replied and earned a chuckle from Hunter and a scowl from his mum.

"Oh dear. I hope they at least come home for the holidays." She looked horrified. I guess she's used to having her kids close to her.

"Only for my mum's chocolate chip cookies and cheesecake." I told her honestly.

"Hunter if you ever forget to call me on my birthday and only come home for the holidays for my food once you leave for college you better wish you were never born." His mother warned him quite seriously.

"I already wish that." He said under his breath so his mum wouldn't hear but he didn't realize that I was standing close to him and I heard what he said. Why would he wish that? "Mum I'm really tired can I go to bed?"

"Of course dear. I'm off to bed as well. Say your goodbyes to Vincent and sleep tight. Goodnight you two." She greeted.

"Goodnight Mrs. Haynes." I replied at the same time Hunter said goodnight mum. She went up the stairs and disappeared down the hallway. I heard her bedroom door close before turning to Hunter who had a saddened look on his face. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked him as I pulled him upstairs.

"Nothing I'm just tired. Will you stay until I fall asleep please?"

"You bet! Come on let's get you to bed." I told him.

If I didn't know better I would never guess that he is blind. He made his way up the stairs and down the hall to his room like it was no big deal. He knew his way around his room and he didn't bump into anything at all. I switched the light on as I entered and it didn't affect him one bit. He went to his bathroom to brush his teeth before coming back to the room and pulling open his sheets getting in his bed and getting comfortable sighing in relief once his head hit his pillow.

With his eyes closed he spoke. "Are you just going to stand there all night and stare at me or are you going to at least sit."

I shut the door and switched the light back off and went over to his bed, sitting down. His room was really spacious. The crisp linen on his huge bed and the moonlight filtering from his large window gave you a feeling of complete relaxation. The walls were a light cream and the ceiling and closet door was painted white. He had an enormous wool rug under his bed and a desk next to his window which I noticed didn't have a laptop for obvious reasons just like how his dresser across his bed did not have a mirror. His bedside tables on either side of his bed did not have lamps but only an alarm clock on his side and an ornament on the side I sat by.

"You have a beautiful home Hunter." I told him as I kicked my shoes off and got in bed next to him. It would have been weird if I was sleeping next to another guy in bed but with Hunter it seemed okay.

"Thanks, I guess." He laughed slightly but I could hear that it was forced. Something had upset him and I had a feeling it had something to do with me mentioning my older brothers. And why would he say he wished he was never born? He may be blind but he has so much to live for. His loving mum and great dad, from what he's told me, I haven't met his dad yet. He's made really great friends in school. Tyler may be a glittery slightly bonkers fashionista but he Alex and Sarah are the best friends he could ever ask for. And he is friends with Mark who under all that footballness of his has a heart of gold. Being blind is very hard, I cannot even imagine not being able to see but it can't be a reason not to want to live.

"Your house is warm and welcoming and even a blind man can see the beauty in that." I told him and he just nodded, his eyes remaining closed. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I asked him.

He shook his head and turned slightly to his right facing the window.

"So you admit that there is something wrong. And since you told your mum that you trust me, you cannot keep what's troubling you from me because that would mean you're a liar." I told him, hoping he would talk to me. When he didn't say anything I continued. "You want to know a secret?" He turned toward me and nodded. "Just like my brothers, I also forget to wish my mum on her birthday every year." On telling him this he started laughing and this time it seemed genuine.

"Really and what does she do to you?" He asked, chuckling.

"My dad and I have to wash dishes for a month." Came my guilty reply.

"Your dad as well, every year? My mum would surely kill my dad. My dad takes my mum out for dinner every year and Heather and I stay at home and..." He stopped mid sentence and that look of sadness took over his amused features. "We sit in our own rooms and I listen to music while she does whatever it is she does." He continued, his tone free of any emotion.

A tear rolled down his cheek and he didn't bother wiping it away as more tears begun to fall.

I moved closer to him and pulled him in my arms. He sobbed as I held him, whispering comforting words to him. He cried and cried for more then thirty minutes before falling asleep. There was no way I was leaving him like this so I kicked off my jeans and pulled him closer to me leaving no space between us and got comfortable falling asleep to the sound of his light breathing.

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