Come Alive (Seth Rollins & Pa...

By ReignsAmbrose143

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*** "You shouldn't be getting involved with me Rollins" Paige Says As She Looks Into The Eyes Of The Two Tone... More

Shit Happens.
The Bullies
A Helping Hand.
Uh Oh.
I Love You
Drama Club
Rumors always get worse.
Why did you do it?
Fights and Plays
Unexpected Events
She can stay with me
Patience Is A Virtue.
Returning To School
What the Hell?
2 Months Later
Messed Up.
Payback's A Bitch
Making It Official
Showing True Colors
Having to ask Roman.
Staying Sane.
Two Tones Is Home
Another Attack
Calling For Help
The Big Brother
Two Weeks Later
Planning the trip.
Nothing is ever 'Perfect'.
Druken Mistakes.
Family sticks together.
Six Flags & Secrets Revealed
Dare Devil Dive.
Talking out the problems
Fixing whats broken.
Motusia (Broken.)
Getting Arrested
Double Arrest.
'Im Locked Up, They Won't Let Me Out'
Visiting Princess & Deano.
'If I Go Crazy, Will you still call me superman?'
Reliving reality in a dream.
Going Home.
Surprise Suprise
2 Months Later
Hospital Visits.
Back To Keeping Secrets
Finally Coming Face To Face
Jeff Comes Home

Getting Bailed Out.

266 8 5
By ReignsAmbrose143


The thing that sucks the most about being here is I'm not able to do what I want. I'm not used to that feeling. Dean got released two days ago, leaving me in here alone. Not so much as alone because I do have Jeff now, but it was nice having someone here that I knew outside of D.T.

"What's wrong beautiful? You don't look to hot." Jeff says.

I look up at him and give him a small smile "I'm good Jeff."

"Mail!" A guard yells, getting everyone's attention.

We wait around while everyone's names get called until "Bevis, come get your letter."

I look at the gaurd confused as I stand up and walk up to to her. I grab the letter and mumble a thank you before walking back to my seat.

I look at the envelope and see its a letter from Trish. I smile and open the letter.

"Jeffrey Hardy."

Jeff smiles wide and jumps up, walking quickly to get the letter.

I open the piece of paper and begin reading

Dear Paige,

I don't know if your still in there so I have no idea if your gonna get this, but I wanted you to have my address and phone number for when you get out. You better not forget about me! I already miss you and Nero soooo much. If you get this and get out soon, gimme a call. We need to help Nero get out of that hell hole. Love ya and miss ya girl!

-Trish ❤

I smile and fold the letter back up, sticking it in my pocket.

I glance over at Jeff to see him reading his letter, a huge smile on his face.

"Trish actually wrote me." He smiles.

I smile back "Told you."

When he's done reading it, he shoves the letter into his pocket, smiling.

"That made my day."

"Mine to."


I hear my cell door buzz, signalling that its unlocked. I rub my eyes and sit up, looking at the now open cell door. My gaurd is standing there, smiling.

She never smiles.

"Get your things Bevis, someone paid your bail."

I jump up quickly, smiling "No way."

"Yes way. Come on Kiddo."

I squeal out of excitement and grab all my things, putting them into the bag the gaurd is holding open for me.

I follow her out of the cell and threw the room.

"Your leaving beautiful?"

I turn around to see Jeff standing there, smiling.

I nod, smiling slightly.

He opens his arms and I quickly give him a tight hug "I'm gonna write you okay? I'll send you my number so you can call."

"Okay. We can hang out when I get out of here." He suggests.

"Defiantly. I'll come get you and be at all your court dates." I say.

He nods smiling brightly "That would be great. Be safe out there. I don't want you back in here."

I give him one last hug "I will. Bye Jeff."

"Bye beautiful."

I let go, letting the tears fall from my eyes.

"Go before they make you stay here." He says.

I nod and follow my gaurd out of the door, glancing back at Jeff one last time before it closes.

I sigh and walk down the hallway.

I wasn't expecting to be released so soon. I just talked to Roman last night and he said there close to 2,000 dollars, but not there yet. So, how did they magically come up with it? Either way it goes, I appreciate them doing that for me. For helping me when they have nothing to do with it.

"Paige? You need to change into your street clothes, unless you want to stay." My gaurd says, smirking.

I shake my head quickly and grab the bag from her. I walk into the changing room and quickly change into the same clothes I got arrested in. My work clothes. Once I'm done I walk back out and toss the dirty jail clothes into the bin next to the door and shove my hands into my jesn pockets. It feels great to have on my clothes again.

The gaurd walks up to me and puts her hands on my shoulders. I look up at her, since she is a bit taller then me.

"Look, your a great kid. When that door opens, I don't ever want to see you here again unless your visiting. Understand?" She says.

I smile "Understood."

"Now go and don't come back."

The door buzzes open and I quickly open it and rush out. I look around until I spot the only face I recognize. I freeze and My smile drops.


He smiles warmly at me and motions for me to come over by him.

I slowly walk towards him.

Was he the one to pay my bail? Maybe I should turn around and tell them I don't want to be bailed out yet. Would it work that way?

"Come take a drive with me Paige." He says softly.

I look at him, confused, kinda scared. I don't day a word.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. If i wanted you hurt I would have left you with Naomi and Bubba." He says before Turning to walk towards the door.

I look around, silently asking for help, but no one even notices. I sigh and walk towards the door that Peter is holding open for me.
I look around, loving the feeling of being out of that hell hole finally.

But then I'm reminded that Peter is the one who bailed me out and I feel the worry come back.

I slowly follow him down the stairs and towards his car. When he opens the passenger side door for me, I don't move. I just stare at the inside of the car.

"Get in Paige, I'm not gonna kill you." He says.

And even though I kmownis shouldn't, I let my curiosity get the best of me and get in anyways. I want to know why he bailed me out. What he wants from me.

He closes the door and walks over to the drivers side opening the door and sliding in. He slmas the door shut and starts up the car.

"You want to get something to eat? You must be starving with the food they feed you." He says as he puts the car in drive and pulls off.

I shake my head.

He chuckles and continues to drive. Its silent for a few minutes before he speaks up.

"Your probably wondering why I bailed you out huh? Or how I know that you even had a bail?" He asks, not taking his eyes off the road.

I nod, still not saying a word to him.

"You can talk you know. I'm not gonna yell at you or hit you." He says.

I remain silent.

"Guess I'll do all the talking then." He mumbles "I bailed you out because I didn't want you to die in the hands of Naomi or Bubba. You still deserve to live and I know you didnt kill Sasha. When your dad heard you were locked up, he demanded I paid the bail. I would have done it either way."

How did my dad know I was locked up?

"I have one thing for you."

"And that is?" I mumble.

He reaches over and opens the globe Compartment, pulling out a envelope. He hands it to me. I hesitantly grab it and look it over.

"Open it."

I glance up at him before slowly ripping it open.

When I get it open I see a bunch of hundred dollar bills, stacked inside. My eyes go wide at the money in the envelope.

"There's a letter. Read it."

I pull out the folded piece of paper and slowly open it.

Dearest Daughter,

I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I put you threw. Sitting my time in there made me realize how bad i have treated you, your whole life. I'm a changed man and I would like it if you let Peter bring you to visit me. There's 5,000$ in this envelope. Its yours. I want nothing in return for it except a visit. One visit is all I'm asking for. Let me show you I'm a changed man Sweetheart. Use this money to make sure your set for your senior year and clothes and what ever else teenage girls need. Fix up your car. I know how much you wanted it fixed up. This is more then enough for the parts you'll need and more. Don't tell anyone you've heard from me. Make the decision yourself. Only Peter knows about this. Be safe and please stay out of jail sweetheart. Its no place for a girl as smart as you. You may not believe me, but I love you.

Love, Your Old Man.

"Consider it Kiddo." Peter says, stopping the car.

I look up at him and nod slowly.

"What do I say when they ask me who I got my bail paid?" I ask.

He shrugs "Tell em I did and then you walked home."

I nod and open the car door shoving the envelope in my pocket with Trish's letter.

Peter grabs my wrist gently, stopping me from getting out. I turn my head towards him.

"Don't say a word to them about your father. Make the decision on your own. You know where to find me if you choose to do this." He says.

I nod and get out of the car, closing the door behind me. He rolls down the window.

"Seth is asleep and has no idea your out of D.T. yet. Surprise your boyfriend and enjoy your time with him before you make your choice."

Just as I'm about to ask how he knew Seth was asleep, he pulls off quickly, leaving me confused and a bit scared.

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