Pink Lemonade ( TVD Klaus Fan...

By Daisy_Pierce

138K 3.2K 699

Love is power... Olivia was an ordinary human. She was just trying to stay alive in all the supernatural may... More

Pink Lemonade ( TVD Klaus Fan Fic )
Epic Prank Night Fail
I Am Not Bella Freaking Swan
Drunk Statements Are Just Sober Thoughts
Homecoming Horror
Coffin Mania
I fancy you
Family Business
Pink Champagne
A Side I Liked
Public Nudity
Not that ninja
Snapped Necks and Terrible Speeches
Do not go gentle

Evil Alaric

6.5K 213 25
By Daisy_Pierce

Alaric was hooked up to this massive portal looking thing, which apparently was a MRI machine. I still think its a portal to Narnia you know, minus the wardrobe.

"What are you looking for?" Elena broke the slightly unnerving silence. "I don't know. A tumor, vascular anomalies, anything physical that might explain his behavior. If it's medical, I can treat it" Meredith replied as we stood around many computer screens . English please.

"And if its not" Elena continued skeptically. "Well, then we'll deal with that too " Meredith assured mostly herself.

"When did you suspect him?" Elena questioned "That it was Alaric who was killing all of those people?" That was something I wanted to know

"It was after he told me about his ring. I remembered a story my grandmother had told me about Samantha Gilbert and her secret journal. I don't know if you know this, but we Fells are notorious busy-bodies"

God they really are, I remember Logan Fell god, what a douche.

"But then, why did you protect him?" I spoke up for the first time making Meredith and Elena glance at m.

She looked thoughtful for a moment "Because I'm a doctor, I don't like to see someone hurt by something they have no control over. And because when he and I first met I felt like I don't know, I- I just kind of want to help him"

I nodded in understanding while Alaric was pulled into the portal. He looked like he was panicking, Meredith leaned into a microphone "Everything alright in there ?"

It was a while until we got a answer and it was barely a whisper."Yeah, Yeah, everything's okay"

I decided to wait in the car because hospitals made my skin crawl. I saw Elena arguing with Damon. She got in the car huffing .

I raised my eyebrows, but thought it be best if I changed the subject "Whats going to happen now?" I asked.

She sighed "I have to talk to Bonnie now." I snorted "Good luck with that"

She gave me a disproving look then went on to lecture me that Bonnie was going through a hard time at the moment. I mean I get that but she doesn't need to shut me out.

We then headed to the boarding house to pick up a book on Elena's ancestor, Samantha Gilbert.

We found the book and where heading out of the giant library when Stefan showed up, holding a blood bag. Great.

" Hi " Elena said awkwardly, while I grunted in greeting. "Hey" He replied putting down the blood bag that was making my stomach lurch.

"I'm sorry, Damon told Alaric that there was no one home, otherwise I would have" Elena began. "I just got home" Stefan cut her of. A big part of me felt as if I should leave but nah.

"I just came by to pick up this book that you found, on my ancestor, Samantha." She explained.

"That's fine" God you could feel the tension linger .

Elena walked closer to him while I just stood there wishing the ground would swallow me "How are you doing? Damon said that you were"

Stefan once again cut her of "Yeah, I'm I'm okay. Did you get everything you need?"

"Yeah. Well, if there's anything I can do to help" Elena stated as she went to leave I turned around ready to leave too, But Stefan's voice make us turn back "You don't have to read that, you know"

"I can just tell you what happened" He continued "Samantha Gilbert was committed to an insane asylum, she tried to give herself a lobotomy with a knitting needle, and bled to death on the floor of her cell." I retched at the thought "If the same thing is happening to Alaric then there is nothing you can do"

Fuck you Stefan.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna let you get back to whatever it was you were doing" Elena snapped and walked out . I followed her but scowled at Stefan "You know, you may think that there's nothing we can do but we care about Alaric and he cares about us" I sneered at him "But I doubt you remember what that feels like since you pushed away the people that cared for you"

I don't know why I was being so testy today, but I felt like someone should say it. I turned on my heel and stalked out.

I was sitting at a table with Alaric and Elena as he wrote something, he pushed the paper towards her "Listen, I want you to have this. This is a list of my bank accounts, passwords, where to find my will, and how to contact my family, just in case this doesn't go my way." I winched slightly.

Elena shook her head  No, no, no. Don't even think like that"

" Elena" He used his teacher voice "I need to know that you and Jeremy are gonna be okay"

"We're all gonna be fine." Elena assured her phone rang and she went to answer it in the kitchen.

Rick and I sat there in a comfortable silence until Elena came back. "Good news? Bad news?" He asked when she had.

"Bonnie thinks that she can help you with a spell." She explained, I smiled knowing there was some hope.

"Well, it's worth a try" He stated. "But she needs something that you wore before you put on the ring. Something personal" Elena told him.

Meredith walked in, I decided I liked her "Well, there's uh there's my wedding ring. It's at the loft" He remarked sounding sheepish.

"Okay, yeah that's a good idea" Elena responded. Alaric went to stand up but Meredith pushed him back down "I think it's better if you stay here with me"

"Oh, you and your tranquilizers. It's in the dresser by the kitchen. It's in an aspirin bottle, probably covered in cobwebs."

"Ok" Elena practically ran out , I'll just stay here then.

I went upstairs to give Alaric and Meredith some privacy , but entered the kitchen to hear her say "No mustard , I hate mustard"

I beamed at her " Me too its so icky." She giggled slightly at me, but we both stopped smiling when Alaric spoke "Do you ever feel remorse?"

I gave her a What-The-hell look. "I'm sorry?" She asked confused.

"Well" He picked up a large knife making me tense up. "You are a council member. And the council was formed to protect the people of this town from vampires and yet, here you all are, just looking the other way, ignoring your responsibilities." He stalked menacingly towards us "Like you and your vampire blood. So I'm asking you, do you ever feel remorse? Because you should."

He lunged at her, slicing her side. She threw her coffee on him "Run Olivia" She screamed. We both ran to where the tranquilizers where to find them empty "Front door" I yelled, we ran towards it only for Rick to burst through the door. Meredith rushed up the stairs but he grabbed her pulling her towards him. She managed to kick the knife out of his hand and ran up there. He didn't follow her, He wouldn't go for me would he ?

I lunged for the knife picking it up as he turned around looking uncharacteristically smug "Olivia Morrison" He dragged out my last name and paced towards me, I held up the knife in front of me.

"You're a founding family, yet here you are hooking up with vampires"

I wanted to point out that I had never 'hooked up ' with a vamp but decided it wasn't the time, the hand holding the knife was shaking.

He smirked at me something the real Alaric would never do "You couldn't hurt a fly"

That was true "Alaric this isn't you" I tried hopelessly, My head was spinning I was holding a knife coated with Meredith's blood. He lunged for me, grabbing my wrist squeezing it. I think I heard something crack. I dropped the knife and panicked, jerking my knee up, he keeled over groaning.

I made a break for it running out the door not stopping as I headed down the street. I didn't know where I was headed its like everything was in slow motion, like a dream when you try to run but can't and all you feel is desperation.

It's like my mid went into auto pilot and then next thing I saw through my tear blurred vision was my shaking hand ring the door bell of a fancy house. Klaus's house why was I here.

The door opened and he stood there in his usual dark tops and random necklaces "Olivia what" he began as he caught site of my small frame shaking violently.

I couldn't take it anymore I threw my self at him wrapping my arms around his back as I shook and sobbed.

He didn't stumble I doubt I could knock him over but he was surprised, I honestly had no idea why I was here but I just was.

I felt his arms slowly wrap around my violently shaking body. I could almost feel his confusion from here. I felt him rub my back, Was he comforting me ?

I sat down in front of a roaring fire in his living room still shaking I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them.

He re-entered the room holding a mug of something "Now, love" he spoke in a soothing tone one I has never heard on Klaus before "Care to tell me what happened"

I sniffed and looked at up at him from where I was curled up in a ball on the floor "Alaric" my voice broke, he must think I'm so pathetic.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion "The teacher?"

I sighed and uncurled myself. I explained everything, from the ring to the evil side of Alaric.

He looked truly shocked by the end but let me stay the night at his. I reached my hand out only to winch at the pain in my wrist. He noticed and his expression changed "Its nothing" I quickly said. He moved over to me taking it in his hand. I hadn't noticed him biting into his own wrist until he offered it to me. I looked at him horrified, I couldn't drink that. Seeing my expression he rolled his eyes and shoved it in my mouth . I squirmed as the blood filled my mouth, I was forced to swallow the thick liquid. He pulled away as I glared at him. Not willing to admit I actually kind of liked it.

"Hey Klaus would you happen to have-" I asked while I wondered into his giant bedroom.

I cut myself of when I took in the sight he was standing facing me shirtless. Oh my god it was drool worthy. He had a tattoo on his shoulder that spread over to his chest, It was some birds flying. I loved it.

"I um" I stumbled over my words trying not to look any longer "Nice tattoo" I blurted out. He looked over at me smirking smugly. "Never mind" I hurried out of there worried that if I stayed I would of eye raped his chest for a lot longer.

I lay down on the bed alone the wind howled making me shudder and the windows banged making me jump. I felt like a child hiding under the sheets. Klaus is next door . My mind whispered to me.

I spent the next 5 minutes considering my next move. Fuck it

I threw the cover of me and padded bear foot towards Klaus's room. I opened the door and creeped in. I walked over to his bed, Creepy I know. His covers were off of him exposing his bare chest as it rose up and down. I slithered in next to him. He was so warm. I snuggled closer and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.


Ermagawd that might be a tad awkward for Livy when she wakes up.

Thank you to anyone who commented/voted/read you're all amazing !!!!!!  

-Daisy Pierce 


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