Who Is She?*On Hold*

By yourtruehighness

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IMPORTANT: I've made a new account brokeloser and that's probably where I'll rewrite 'Who is she?'-so sorry t... More



229 8 7
By yourtruehighness


Alexa quietly entered her parents bedroom. She peaked a glance outside the room's door to make sure her brothers weren't anywhere near it. She felt instant relief when she didn't see them. She closed the door, careful not to make any sound.

She didn't worry about her father walking in on her because he had left earlier today. There was some kind of emergency in the hospital he worked in so Alexa saw this as the perfect opportunity to commit the deed.

She wiped her sweaty hands against her t-shirt. I'm not stealing, I'm just borrowing without any one knowing. She kept telling herself to calm herself down but it wasn't helping. She kept sweating and felt dread.

She made her way towards the closet and slowly opened it. She glanced sideways then started looking for the box her mother had once told her about. Her brothers and father knew of it's existence but not it's residence. Her mother trusted her with the object even though Alexa didn't know how to use it.

Alexa had never imagined that she would need it someday. She thought as she started going through the stuff in the closet. But with the recent events going on and her using it accidentally earlier in the week, she decided that she really needed it.

Alexa frustratingly ran her hands through her hair when she couldn't find the box where it was kept. She was sure that her mother had told her it was in this closet but where was it?

Did her father throw it away unconsciously? Horrific thoughts started running through her mind. She started searching again, this time not caring whether the clothes were properly kept or not.

Again, she couldn't find anything. She started feeling furious and angry. Where was it? She looked over at the clock in her father's room and despair filled her. 1) It was time to get ready for school 2) She had missed a great opportunity.

Hastily, she fixed all the clothes then left the room without any trace that she had been here.


"So, you didn't tell me any details about the tuition class. Did you make any progress?" Alicia playfully nudged Alexa as they headed out from the girl's changing room.

"Well, nothing great happened." Alexa sadly sighed as she replied.

"What? It was such a good opportunity!" Alicia came to a halt and started scolding Alexa.

"Wait!!" Alexa exclaimed excitedly causing Alicia to shut up and look at her with anticipation.

"Tell me then. What are you waiting for?"

Alexa lightly blushed then started ranting. "He called me 'babygirl'. Like you in all those cliche novels, the hero says stuff like 'babydoll' and the girl isn't flattered by it, well, I pretended to, that counts and then-" Alexa stopped as Alicia raised her hand with a very uninterested look.
"Girl, you've got it all wrong. He calls almost every girl 'babygirl'. All you need to do is be a cutie and have a booty. You'd know that if you'd come to the cafeteria."

"Then what? I sit next to the dustbin?" Alexa retorted. She felt a lot disappointed. She was hoping that the 'babygirl' would be a sign for some kind of likeness but she could never have been more wrong.

"You can sit next to my group?" Alicia asked hopefully.

"No. They would never accept me. Hell, the outcasts won't even accept me." Then she thought for a moment then muttered. "Why do they even call them outcasts? They should be called random kids. Wow, our school is so stereotypical."

"Tell me about it." Alicia muttered back.

"I'm better off at the library only."

"Yeah, because all you worry is nobody accepts you except for the books and the librarian."

"No!" A very familiar person screamed from behind them, cheerily wrapped his arms around the two girls giving them a very nasty surprise.

"You scared me." Alexa commented as she glared at James who was in between her and her best friend.

"Yeah." Alicia agreed, rubbing her heaving chest from the scare.

"Don't try to change the topic, yo." James grinned ear to ear as he lead them towards the cafeteria.

"We weren't trying to change anything and where are you taking us?" Alexa asked worriedly and tried to get out of his arms but he held her more tightly.

"To the cafe, yo. You girls sitting with us." He answered.

"No! No! That isn't going to happen even in your wildest dreams." Alexa started thrashing in his hold but damn, he was strong.

"Cupcake, are you okay with spending lunch with me and my group?" He asked Alicia who nodded her head as reply.

He instantly let go of her and wrapped both his arms around Alexa, embracing her. Her thrashing also stopped.

"What are you doing?" She awkwardly asked.

"The thing is if you continue to be melodramatic, I'm going to hold you over my shoulder and take you to the cafetaria. So your choice. Walking or on my shoulder?" He looked at her with raised eye brows.

"Though I can completely understand why you would choose the latter. If I would be you, I wouldn't want to miss the perfect chance, yo." He smirked and winked at her when she didn't reply.

Slowly and with very wide eyes, Alexa pulled away from him and started walking towards the cafeteria.


Alexa mentally thanked God as she sat down next to James at the table. At this table the entire superhunter squad was sitting not any other popular kids which would have made it uncomfortable for her.

She bought lunch and they started talking normally. Thankfully they weren't talking about Super girl which they usually did when sitting together.

"Oi!" Drew threw a fry Alexa, calling for her attention.

"What?" Alexa snapped at him, putting her pizza down.

"Tuition cancelled. I talked to Mrs. Trooper about it. She's fine with it."

"Thank God. But why?" Alexa couldn't help but ask.

"Practise." He replied. "But don't worry. James and I meet you after practise. I'll be visiting your house."

"For a superhunter meeting?" Alicia timidly asked.

"No, for hanging out." He concentrated back at his fries but then looked up at Alexa as if he remembered something important.

"You told her?" He whispered loudly.

"What?" Alexa replied without care.

"You broke the law!!" He whispered loudly again. "Omerta!!!"

"Oh, yeah. No need to worry, she can join too." Alexa replied uninterestedly.

"What?! Not everyone can join us!!" Drew spoke in his normal voice then he looked carefully at Alicia. "I don't think she's edible." He whispered loudly with wide eyes.

"I can hear you." Alicia said.

"That's because you were meant to." Drew gave her a smile which appeared real but was fake.

"Enough!" Alexa snapped at him. "She's my best friend. If I tell you that James's a donkey with baboon eyes and gorilla hair and he's a yoyo and is really tiny. How would you feel?"

"Hey!" All the boys said in unison.

"I'm none of that, yo. And the other girls tell me really different things." James checked himself for reassurance.

"Yeah and anyways, the position for annoying and humiliates-you-every-time's position has already been taken by us." He pointed at himself and rest of the boys who nodded in agreement.

"Get the feeling? Now just accept her."

"What about her original group?" Cole asked. "Will they be okay?"

Alicia nodded her head.

"That sums it all up, yo!" James clapped his hands. "We're no more with the populars. We're the Super hunters squad!"

"Will you keep it down?" Drew hushed James up. "We're keeping it a secret. Do you want Super girl to know about us? Like how you clearly announced we were going to stalk her?" Drew glared at James.

"You never tell the person you're stalking that you're stalking them." Alex said.

"Never." Alec repeated shaking his head in disapproval.

James opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted.

"Hi!" Said a overly sweet and fake voice.

Alexa turned to look at Natalie and her minions.

Minions. She mentally said the word. These evil girls were similar and different from the animated minions in a way. Both worked under evil people but these human minions were pure evil, fake and totally mean girls but the animated minions were adorable and loved bananas.

"Look what we've got here." Natalie gave Alexa a piercing glare causing Alexa to instinctively look down at the table. The reason she never stepped a foot into the cafeteria was her. They didn't have a good past. Even 'worse' would be an understatement for what they had before.

"Any problem?" Alex glared at Natalie who returned it to him. Alexa's brothers and Alicia were the only ones aware of the bullying. Her mother had informed them so that they could protect her but little did she know her little girl was braver than she showed.

"I just stopped by to say hello then noticed that your class is dropping, Drew." She informed Drew as she gave the Juan siblings and Alicia judging looks.

"Your opinions are not required here. I'll inform you when I need them?" Drew gave her a fake smile which she returned with a scoff.
"This table will soon turn to outcasts." Natalie remarked.

"Well I'll better be with an outcast than a china product. And tell me, how will we be outcasts when we will have each other?" Drew asked her with raised eyebrows.

"China product?" Natalie huffed. "I use the best makeup around."

Drew just rolled his eyes.

"I just came here to warn you to stay away from losers but your choice. Whatever." Natalie shrugged and strutted away with her minions at her heels.

Alexa waited for the clicking of their heels to fade away then she looked up. Everyone looked a lot more relaxed.

"I wish I was Natalie." Drew sighed and said.

"Why?" Almost everyone asked together.

"I wonder what she did to make this one," he nodded towards Alexa. "Keep quiet. I mean, she's so snappy and fierce with us and she didn't even look at Natalie as if she's Lord Voldemort."

"Shut up." Alexa muttered as she got up and left the cafeteria.

"Asshole." Alicia said to Drew and followed Alexa out of the cafeteria.


"Are we prepared?" Alexa asked Alicia as she looked out her room's window.

"Yes but are you sure?" Alicia asked with concern.

"I'm perfectly sure. You'll be taking the first shot." Alexa looked at all the things. She was waiting for her brothers, Drew and James to come to take revenge.

"Why are we doing this?" Alicia worriedly sat on Alexa's bed.

"Drew: for acting rudely with you and teasing me. James: for being his friend. Alex: for being his friend. Alec: for being his friend." Alexa answered staring out the window.

"Go light on James." Alicia said in a small voice.

Alexa rolled her eyes. "Tell me again why you have a crush on that yoyo?"

"He called me cupcake. No one ever has called me that."

Alexa rolled her eyes. "Your choice but these boys are getting us nowhere. My crush is officially over on Drew."

"Officially? Are-" Alicia was interrupted by a car's engine sound.

"They're here!!" Alicia squealed.

Alexa handed her an egg and gave her a thumbs up. "Take the perfect aim. Just imagine that Drew is a dog and he ate your homework."

Alicia closed her eyes, opened them and nodded at her.

Both the girls stood at each corner of the window and peaked out and saw the boys playfully pushing each other and laughing.

Alexa nodded at Alicia. Without wasting any time Alicia threw the egg and it landed on James who shrieked. "My million dollar hair!! My face too!!"

Alexa and Alicia hastily took the eggs and started throwing them. Alexa's eggs landed perfectly on Drew but Alicia's eggs would sometimes fall on the car or the ground or when lucky, the boys.

"It's raining eggs!!" Alec yelled excitedly.

"No, it's them!" Alex pointed at the girls who were no longer hiding.

"My baby!!" Alec cried out loud and pointed at his car.

"Why are you doing this?" Drew screamed.

"For fun?!" Alexa laughed throwing another egg at Drew which he unsuccessfully tried to dodge.

"We're out of eggs." Alicia informed Alexa who smiled evilly.

"Okay! We're out of eggs!! You can come inside now!!" Alexa waved her arm.

"You're lying." James said as he smelt himself and made a disgusted face.

"Why would I? If I will want to throw eggs, I can throw them from here."

The boys looked at each other and hastily entered the house. While they were doing that the girls quickly ran downstairs with the stuff they needed.

Drew was the first one to enter the house but in his haste, he didn't notice the string and fell down and the others who were also in a haste also fell over.

"I never thought that all of you would fall over. But doing work in haste never does you any good." Alexa remarked as she and Alicia threw flour on the boys who were groaning.

The boys couldn't muster up any strength because they were dying of the smell which Alexa took as an opportunity and quickly tied them together from a rope.

"Put butter on any skin available." Alexa told Alicia, who nodded and started humming.

They put butter on their face and hands then covered it with sprinkles while the boys could only beg and cry.

"All done!" Alexa exclaimed as she examined her handiwork.

The girls high fived each other, happy that their revenge was a success.

"Umm..Alexa. Are you trying tp kidnap us, the sparkling fairies?" Drew said full of irritation, directing at his tied hands.

"Sorry!" Alexa apologized but didn't mean it and untied their hands.

The boys started to clean their faces but only got more butter and sprinkles on.

"Run, red riding hoods cause the big, bad wolves are free!!" Drew managed to say and laugh evilly in the end.

"Ow!" He cried out as James smacked his head. "What was that for?" He asked rubbing his head.

"For stealing my line."

"I didn't exactly-"

"Guys, they're running away!!" Alex yelled at them. "Stop acting like girls and let's catch them."

Drew and James nodded at each other and they ran after the girls.

Alexa and Alicia had ran into the backyard for escape but it hit them hard that they were going to lose. There wasn't anyway out.

"Caught you, yo!" James smirked at them as they all circled the girls.

"Alexa looks like you're in need of a hug." Drew smirked at her as he spread his arms.

"You too, Alicia." Alex half smiled at her.

Without any further thought, Drew hugged Alexa who screamed loudly and kicked him in the guts but screamed again. "My left leg, it hurts!! What are you made of?!"

Drew let go of her, stunned by her screaming. As soon as he let go, Alexa ran back into the kitchen which was connected to the backyard.

Alicia also started screaming bloody mary and ran away, following Alexa.

"They surely do scream a lot." Alec remarked as they all shook their ears.

Then they followed the girls into the kitchen where they were ready like warriors. Sieves were on their heads, ketchup and mayonnaise bottle in their hands.

"Really?" Drew smirked as he started stepping towards the fridge.

"One more step and I'll shoot you with ketchup and mayonnaise." Alexa threatened.

"No, you will not, young lady." Her father entered the kitchen, startling them all.

"What the hell is going on?" Then he looked around and looked around at the four unidentifiable boys.

"Are you also the members of that hunters squad?"

The boys looked at each other then obediently nodded their heads trying to look like good kids.

"I just talked to Chief Harriet, he's a friend of mine. He told me about the Saturday night events. Really cool you think you are? Well, you're all in deep trouble."

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